And no, it is not okay. Not at all. Not by the least scintilla and, in fact, is the very opposite of ok? In fact, it is an intolerable mess. Moreover, untangling this mess demands the finding of the ends with which to begin to untie it. They are, however, hidden from sight, deep within the mess. This unbelievably challenging knot has no arm, no sword, strong enough, valiant enough, courageous enough to wield it and cut through to the very heart. Exposé the truth of the knot and its originators and sever the spell, render it powerless, destroy its power to mesmerize and frighten all those who venture too close. Portray the false self-proclaimed emperor and his manifestly greedy ambitious co-ruler, as the true dangerous madmen they are and the imminent danger they pose to this nation. DEFCON - NOW!!!
This once proud united nation is now in the throes of a state of destruction almost beyond any attempt, any true reality of success, to halt its trajectory straight to perdition and return it to a possibility of recalling its past, remembering without distortion the words and documents of the Founding Fathers and temper their acts, motivations and goals accordingly. Actually, a long walk over the border, any which one. Hell, send them first class! never to return.
No muss, no fuss, the best ending. After that we could, must, roll up the proverbial sleeves and get down to serious work, return sense and sensibility to the people, reconnect with allies and shed the shameful partnerships with enemies. We must stave off the imminent collapse of this nation as a democracy, an example and inspiration to the world. We must support those within authoritarian and fascistic nations who fight for the end of those regimes and the establishment of democracy within those nations, to be free of threats of harm and even end of life. To build lives with possibilities.
At present we are growing by leaps and bounds in the growth of our reputation and practice as an anti-democratic nation. We now have a self-declared king who rules with an unelected co ruler who is actually. the power behind the throne, as the self-crowned king is naught but a dangerous fool. These two and their emasculated cohorts, are very busy feeding this nation into the shredder, its teeth biting deep and permanently. Once the shredding is done, very soon at the present pace, there will be no reprieve. Certainly not an easy one. Certainly, at great cost of blood and life and infrastructure.
At present, all these sniveling suck ups, all the bewitched and hoodwinked, all those desperately hanging on by their fingernails, all those reluctant to admit their error in supporting this man and his ideas, all those desperate that he does the right thing in the right way with Israel - are all very busy. Knowingly and unknowingly, they are negating our Constitution, denying the Declaration of Independence. Perverting its inner soul. Denying the national ethos. Ignoring our history, changing. and denying our history. As for Israel, my other nation, I worry. Thís man changes his mind without that proverbial dime. The determining factor is his benefit. All else are of little, if any, importance. He abandons his supporters as he deems necessary and beneficial for his goals.
This convicted felon, a fraudster, a man with no morals, is buoyed by his cabinet of equally morally challenged beings, toadies of the first degree, ceding their souls to the two rulers of our present nation. The guiding principle of government is now "all hail to the king" and "all obey his puppet master". Incompetence is now a desirable trait. In fact, it is apparently a requirement.
Overall, the nefarious illegal and immoral plans of the administration to create havoc and unemployment in the ranks of federal employees was absolutely correct in the statement of the judge who called for a halt - It is. a mess. and it is not OK.
It is not OK to violate those regulations which have long been set in place decades ago so as to avoid crooked, corrupt, incompetent workers in a crooked incompetent corrupt administration. The clear and ultimate goal of this administration is to turn civil service at every level of this nation into a reward for loyalty to the man. Not the nation, not the people, to the man, to the man only.
It is not OK when this ignorant man who barely knows how to read and certainly knows no rules of writing, takes upon himself a new crown. Crown of the Chairman of the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Any day now, I expect him to rename it for himself. Yes, he is an actor. Quite skilled or practiced at it. He has the innate natural falseness, the ability to be a chameleon, so valuable to any actor.
It is not OK that he dismisses any and all who do not bow in obeisance to him. Who do not negate their selves. and replace their souls with his and adopt his blackened heart as their own.
It is not OK when he turns on our allies and instead befriends and openly admires our enemies.
It is not OK when he interferes in education, which obviously did not take on him. Nor is it okay for him to censor books and thoughts. His lack of ability to think properly and sensibly does not mean the rest of us have to be the same.
It is not OK for a convicted felon to be president of this country when felons in some states are barred from voting, so how is it that a convicted felon, unrepentant at that, is now at the head of this nation?
It is not OK that he demands to impose his thoughts and beliefs on others in their health plans. Not for transgender care. Not for women and abortion. Not for anyone. Whether one approves or not is not the determining factor.
Nor is it ok for him to rename geographic entities simply because his ego demands it.
Nor is it ok for him to decide that he can unilaterally take on Panama, Canada, Mexico, Gaza, and Greenland as adjuncts of this nation nor to make Israel a puppet natron as he makes decisions for her.
No, this nation is not OK. Not by a longshot. Unless we stand together as one and deny his attempts to trash democracy, consistently, and search high and low for some GOP legislators with some honesty within, well. suffice it to say that not okay will be the greatest understatement ever. The tainted snowball gathers momentum and adherents daily. Time is short. Will we even last till 2028? There are serious doubts.
Perhaps we can effect change, resist the harm to this nation?
Perhaps -
On the morrow.
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