Sunday, February 9, 2025


And as for third base and beyond, well, I don't know. Nor will I know today or tomorrow or certainly, or because or why, and indeed all the rest of the most famous baseball team ever as per the well-known Abbott and Costello comedy routine. However, as troubling as some of the names are, and the hearty laughs garnered by this most glaring miscommunication, the one most troubling to me, most pertinent to the atmosphere of this nation today, is I Don't Give A Damn or the more succinct I Don't Care, perhaps the most dangerous name of all.

This routine, so successfully funny and appealing is not so funny when taken as a piece of social commentary as meant to be. A nation at that time was troubled just as the nation of today. However, there was no doubt then that the nation would survive, a bit battered, a bit torn, but survive it would in good. shape. Unfortunately, today, our nation stands on a crumbling cliff 's edge and for sure there is no certainty as to its survival. Certainly not in its structure as a democratic state.  

In fact, reading of the contents of the activities of the President et al of this nation over the past 47 days has seen us fall, as the cliff was unable to bear the weight, and the never-ending blows rained down upon it by the very ones who were meant to be its guardians. "Et tu Brute, the unkindest blows of all, to paraphrase a famous political commentator of his time. 

The nation has now become fearful, frightened by a demonic madman and his chief honcho. Too paralyzed to act in its defense, our future as a democratic nation, a leader of the free world, is almost at the point of no return.    

Our rather challenged baseball team, so aptly named, are seeking amongst themselves for the proper questions and answers, not knowing to whom to turn, until finally all gather round the shortstop, perilously close to home base and adopt his attitude of "I don't care. I don't give a damn". And here we are today. A writer to an editor has phrased it quite well, certainly for me and for those who see and acknowledge the truth as it is - not as we paint it.  

 She writes "I am angry, but even more so I am deeply fearful of the path our country is currently walking down.”  So too am I and so are more and more people, recognizing, understanding our state of being, the perils present and growing in magnitude. Accepting that we all must share, accept and acknowledge our responsibilities, to shift from audience to participants. To emulate the skill and the confidence. of a nation of many a Bob the Builder, emulate his confidence and skills and rehab this nation until it is once more the show model of and for the world.

We must prepare to take this nation back. To gather our courage to the sticking point. To use all that we have and turn this nation around, back into a positive, confident democracy, using all the tools at hand, a properly functioning three branch government, guided by the Constitution with true interpretation. With a strong moral nonpartisan unbribed judiciary. With an executive branch who recognizes boundaries and limits. With a legislative branch strong enough to do the right thing, to face fear and defeat it. To stand up and be the heroes we need, not the craven sniveling kowtowing corrupt    cowards they are at present. 

Who's on first? What's on second?  Pertinent   questions for third base of I Don't Know is our true state of being at present. Who in fact is on first, the base of the President? Second base should be for advisors. Unfortunately, today we have a situation in reverse. In fact, this nation is now being governed, run and undermined by a man who has usurped the role of president, stolen first base. He has become the puppet master of the president and the ruling hitman. He is the initiator of abominable acts of destruction of the nation's ethos, its entire structure. Frankly, so anti-democratic, so anti moral is this misbegotten power hungry being, that only a trial and sentencing to a lifetime in prison, a traitor to this nation would suffice. Even then, I am not sure it would be sufficient, so egregious are his actions and intentions re this nation and its future.     And we can throw in the homegrown Red Guards busy playing the flying monkeys of the evil Wizard.  

Invading the files of every department of this government. violating the privacy of every member of this nation-that includes you, for no one and nothing is sacrosanct.  

The Department of Education is emasculated. Its new head given the job of dismantling it.  School curriculums are censored, limited and falsified as deemed necessary by the flunkeys in charge. 

The Department of Defense meant to serve and defend this nation is to be used against its residents. It is to be shredded and reformatted. An armed force of only straight white men is the goal. All else to be dissed, vilified, categorized as useless or worse. To be used as shock troops of this nation, replete with bigotry, callous, and aiding and abetting the immoral so wrong raids upon homes and schools, places of work and worship, taking away those deemed unworthy of this nation though they have contributed much already. 

On the topic, let me bust your bubble. Immigrants are not to be seen as disease ridden criminal types only anxious to inflict harm and trouble upon all else. They are people, even as we are. They are people as our ancestors are, as they too immigrated to this nation. The same kind of immigrants we have had throughout our entire nation's history, looking for a better place, a better future, a place of hope and possibility.  

In fact, if one is looking for criminals why not look to where we know they are for sure? Look to the present administration. Look to its heads. Look to Musk as he violates this nation. Looking for convicted felons? Seek no further than the Oval Office. Looking for sexual perverts? Simply take a look at most of the appointees. No, we have a plethora of criminals. We need not look for them where they are not. And if they are there, those are deserving of deportation.   

The shredding of the IRS and the sanctity of its records. And yes, I hate filing taxes just as much as anyone else. However, think of a government without revenue. What then?  

Tampering with all research., medical and every aspect of research - societal, political. All limited and censored. New findings, new medicines, all have become verboten. Judged only by political. loyalty.  Our own replica of a Mao book of rules. So proud we must be. 

Bias allowed, particularly when well disguised, though increasingly out in the open, more brazen than ever.

Women to be forced back into kitchen, church and children, all rights abrogated, cancelled, annulled, shredded to smithereens.

Homosexuality to be criminalized again. Marriages annulled. Arrests to be made again, and restrictions and employability questioned. Once again, the government in our bedrooms. Missionary position only. 

 Increasing pace of destruction of sites and papers meant to be available to the people of this nation and to serious researchers and governmental figures.

The layoffs and firing of federal workers and appointees, to be replaced with loyalists - not to the nation, but to Trump and Musk.   

The hiring principle that the more ignorant the person is, the more likely to be appointed to a most unfitting office, to be dedicated to destroying that department rather than improving it. Confirmed they are by the worthless Congress.   

 An increasingly negatively differentiated world between the Haves of the capital H and the have nots, with little hope for advancement and positive change.     

Broad out of control unlimited censorship with disastrous results and inadequately prepared citizens of a future world. Burn the offending books? Burn the offending people?  

Roundups of people deemed Untermensch. Ominous revival of frightening terms. Once again - Deportation. Resettlement. New jobs. Pack little as we will provide for all.  

Concentration camps. By any name still stinking, reeking of evil, death and inhumanity. Ghostly echoes of Hitler resounding ever stronger ever more prominent.   

Destroying the three-branch system. Corrupting the judiciary, emasculating the legislative, and disregarding the boundaries of the exective. 

 Trashing entire departments meant to aid people. The EPA, US Aids. Government funding for research, for schools, for infrastructure, for health. Throwing out all of the babies with those bath waters. Disregarding the continued value of those babies and the remaining heat of those bath waters.  

Censorship of media in all manifestations, via funding or office space denial, particularly those who do not swear loyalty to Trump and Musk, the puppet master and skillful hitman. 

 Censorship of all data deemed dangerous to the administration. Never mind the danger that denial poses to the electorate.

 There is more, so much more. But there are also the morrows. Many deficiencies remain. Many perils remain and grow anew. If we continue to disassociate ourselves from this evil reformatting of our government, we will reap what we sow. We will be fed the weeds we refused to pull out. We will pay for our pride.

There is yet time remaining to offset this flood of evil and negativity. But action must happen soon. Reality must be seen through clear glasses. These words of mine along with the words of so many, along with the growing dissatisfaction and disillusionment of those who voted for Trump, who now are dismayed by his wild directives and the emerging damage - well, is that enough to nudge you off the dime? Let us join together to right the wrongs, do we what we can, what we must if we are to thwart the evil intentions of Trump and Musk, puppet master extraordinaire. We can negate him with the laws of our nation, but quickly before they vanish. 

We need to insist on courage and loyalty to nation and electorate from our judiciary and legislative branches. Only with them, by them, can the citizenry of this nation take it back again. Before it is too late. We have the legal weapons to put this in place, if only we will it so and act accordingly, to make it so.  

Hello? Are we there yet? Are you there yet? Have you seen the reality through clear lenses?

Perhaps on the morrow? Hopefully -

On the morrow. 

 For our hostages freed and those still remaining in concentration camp environment with concentration camp results and deaths, pray for them. Pray at the same time for the eyes and the hearts, the souls of the world to awaken. To see and know what they have done wrong. What they have once again allowed. How to atone. To know the immediacy of proper action, so long delayed.

Mene, mene, tekel oohpharsim. Your actions have been seen, judged and weighed. Payment is due and will be made. 

From the Bible so many profess to follow.


On the morrow is likely to be too late. 


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