Tuesday, March 3, 2015


     Dear David,
             Honey, I have been given to understand that you have a somewhat sensitive nature and cannot absorb all the blows that have hammered you lately, so I am going to try to soften them a bit for you. Isn't that a good idea, sweetie pie?
            You see, the issue is that all that you have done in the past has backfired on you and indeed, even what you have done very recently has done the same. People seem to be tired of your non answers and your only responses limited to name calling without answering the questions or rising to the challenge. This appears to be turning off the electorate, dear man and I do not know how to break it to you except to simply say it - your future ain't looking that good! Whether you manage to maintain control of the numbers thru manipulation of people, the writing is on the wall and certainly by next election your star will have faded beyond repair.
             I know this is hard for you to assimilate into your head, but please  do try, dear boy. It is for your benefit. Certainly one of the first things that you can do to try to remedy the situation is to apologize to those you have harmed or thrown under the bus. Certainly, you can tell your shills to tone it down and not give that Esther, that terrible thorn in your side, the opportunity or reason to write back addressing all their sins, for then yours come to the fore as well. Bad strategy, that, my fellow.
           Let's see....what else? Aha! Bob Rivera came out with an endorsement of a kind for Esther - "the only one I would like to see on the board is Esther." I believe he thought Esther modeled herself after Obama, but I believe that if she thought that others felt that way she would break out in a rash! She worked unofficially with her board as husband and wife were not allowed by Florida law but actually her LIFE experience prepared her very well for life at UCO in any position. Please do  not lose your temper again and throw Bob under the bus for he really is a sweet man.
      Finally, I heard that you threw a spanner into the works of something else and you really must stop doing that. It seems that Esther, Len,Dorothy and Marilyn G had a good conversation about election process and even had Dorothy agree to work together to set up the ballots and pen system on the day of voting. Marilyn was actually amenable to working with your opposition and then today I hear that you shouted, in a very ugly tone, no less, that "No way will that woman (Dorothy) work with Marilyn and nohow nowhere will she get in the building! " Really now, Davie, sweetie.
You do know that Dorothy does own an apartment here and is entitled to enter any building she so desires as is her right. 
     This is what I mean when I tell you to take some anger management courses, change your mannerisms and style, choose some advisers that are actually elected and liked by other people. There are many things that you can do, but it must be quickly. I do understand that Esther has often said she would help you. Why not take advantage of that offer ---oh, shhhh, dear boy, calm down. You don't have to, but it really might be a good idea to seek her help - if she will agree to it anymore. I kind of doubt it.
                                   Your concerned friend

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