Wednesday, April 29, 2015


     Here is the question of the day. Why are so many incidents that involve the PBSO and activities inside the Village kept quiet, hushed up, swept under the carpet?
Why were there SWAT teams in CV? Why was an entire area near Borden blocked off with several police or sheriff 's cars participating in this blockade? And what the heck does Kent Security do other than building up lines at the gates?
     And why does the Village not know that there allegedly have been multiple, yes, multiple robberies in Waltham I, in that same area. It seems that there are undesirables living in the area in a Norwich building and I guess they have decided upon a profitable and cozy career choice - not much commuting and multiple opportunities. Guess it was a green choice - no use of fossil fuels for getaway cars!Too bad there are people that suffer for this decision.
     What is even worse is when a resident went to UCO to complain, guess to whom that resident was referred. Uh huh, Ed Black and guess what he allegedly told this poor resident fraught with anxiety and looking for help - "What do you want me to do? Call the police?"
     Wow! That was indeed helpful, was it not?
     Because we do not hear of anything or things are swept under the rug, rumors abound. Is this story of the robberies another such rumor as the one about rape or is it real? Who knows since there is not trust anymore about truth and lies, about reality and not. The boy who cried wolf is clearly applicable here. For too many times we have heard lie after lie coming out of UCO, be it on money moving or half truths or the quality and necessity of a contractor and on and on. There must be a better way than to hear items and then guess.
     But we never hear of these things at the DA. There we get a fairy tale report from a representative of the PBSO and we continue to slumber in our false dreams. Does anyone know the real story behind the shooting in the Village? CVWPB is no longer the Village of old. Too many associations have been lax in their standards of acceptances of residents as they are worried about fees and payments, but how many more units will go empty because people do not move into crime ridden areas.
     It is still pretty safe here to walk around and go to activities, but I am not so sure I would walk around late at nite anymore. Who the hell knows who is here anymore as criminal background checks are either not done, sloppily done or ignored. Why are there sexual perverts with records allowed in? Why are people with criminal records allowed in? And make no mistake about this. It has nothing to do with race, creed, color, religion, etc. It is simply about the wrong elements allowed in due to poor association thinking and poor advise from UCO, if any. Why do we allow so many rentals?
     Where are the VPs of UCO? Certainly not at the meetings, Two were away last week along with another officer. Why are they not making phone calls to the presidents and vice presidents of the associations in their assigned areas? Why are they not finding out what is going on and getting help for beleaguered buildings? For that matter, why not have a Town Hall meeting where PBSO will come and give advice how to beef up security in the associations - solid can do ideas that will not cost a fortune for already hard pressed ones. There are clauses that can be added into the bylaws of an association that can help protect it so why isn't UCO getting out there and speaking up, being proactive, rather than chasing after what has already happened.
     After I made a suggestion at a DA that we have a Town Hall meeting for real security advice about identity theft, David Israel arranged one, without mentioning my name of course, as I do not exist. But that is okay if it helped people so David, go ahead and run with this idea as well. Get help for our besieged associations. Get the hell out of your damn office and away from your infernal computer and go see the people who make up this Village. Move your rear end out of your chair and get out into the real world of CV. There are people who need help and if you will not see to it then I guess we will have to arrange another meeting in Classroom C that will be packed with people who are seeking advice. I will suggest that to the President of the club who arranged that meeting. It seems that he has the welfare of the Villagers at heart.
     Let us help our great CV before it tilts too far. I love it here, as do most others, and one of the reasons is because of its atmosphere of safety, of a freedom to walk around whenever, to leave doors unlocked, unlike many areas where we lived in our previous lives, or still live in the summer. Hiding one's head in the sand, or in the computer, or walking around UCO as if one knows everything yet truly knows nothing helpful, will not alleviate the situation. Only real, down to earth suggestions and ideas will help and a tighter investigatory process with associations accepting residents carefully after checking them out.
     No one needs sex offenders here. No one needs petty thieves here. No one needs auto thieves here. No one needs white collar financial thieves here. No one needs to be set up as a patsy. And for sure, no one needs an association to be used as a motel, full of transients from who knows where, with what motives and with no concern for our home.
     And by the way, anyone notice how much large stuff has been dumped in recent days by dumpsters that are easily accessible? There seems to be a white pickup truck with a metal cover for the bed of the truck and I believe two women, who go around dumping unwanted furniture, toilets, boxes, shelves and what not? They leave these things all around and even fill up the cans that are there for the use of the residents of the building. If you see them, you can yell at them or just get their license number and call UCO or PBSO. There must be a law against unlawful dumping or something similar.
     Only by keeping our eyes open and our heads straight and INSISTING that UCO DO SOMETHING, never mind their constant excuse of oh, that is not our job or we cannot or do not have legal power over the associations. All the people are asking is for advice, a shoulder, a referral source, to show that one cares, not just worries if their snacks will be there for them!
     Speak up at the DA. Demand that UCO function properly and usefully. I will be in Chicago at a family event so cannot do it at this DA but there are many who can and MUST speak up and speak out. It is our home. Let us keep it safe and welcoming.

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