Sunday, October 4, 2015


     Take a look around you, at the world at large and here inside our gates. We need to ask ourselves what is going on, why so much is going wrong? Half the world is at war with the other half, the arms industry is booming while people are starving and being killed, being raped, sold or kidnapped into slavery - yes, slavery in the 21st century! Countries are signing hypocritical treaties even as they already are violating the new terms or planning to.
     The rights that are inherently part and parcel of being a human being are flagrantly violated and denied. While we have made some progress here for LGBT, there are countries that are still throwing them off roofs, hanging them, killing them and as for the rights - the very survival of women in many areas - well, rend your clothes on that one. The filth that is justified by religion, or supposedly so, and so much in the extremist Islamic countries and areas of war, just boggles the mind and worse.
      Countries are denied their nationhood while Big Brothers step on them and invade them under cover of justification of rescues of ethnic buddies.
Jews are being killed again for being guilty of being Jewish and the latest "in" thing to do appears to be to shoot parents of little ones, kill them and leave the horror engraved on the memories of these kids. And Israel is asked to "restrain" itself? How? Why? There is no way to contain the anger, the determination of the citizens to not allow this to happen again, especially not in their own land. And then other awful things happen. Is there no end to these horrific cycles?
     A person once said that we need to "knock hard, life is deaf." This is a sad statement. But a true one. If we allow this deafness to continue, then WE are at fault. But remember, it is not only the world at large that suffers from evil - from disease.
     No, I do not mean the latest flu strain or the newest epidemic striking somewhere. I mean the disease that affects us all, the disease of meism, that shouts for power, for control, for dictatorship, for violation of human rights, for cheating and chicanery, for financial misdeeds and manipulations, for imposition of one's views on others, and the list goes on.
     A  famous physician once said that when things are going bad and one cannot see the end or the answer, then one has to ask, "Ubi est morbus? Where is the disease?" and when that can be answered, then the cure can be found.
     Well, the disease appears to be selfishness, uncaring, hatred, lack of thought and concern for others and this virus grows even more powerful. It grows so much that sometimes its evil is personified in the person of a being. How many terrorist chieftains can we easily see as personification of this disease? And the answer would be many, but right here in good old CVWPB we also have the disease and its personification can be found in 2102, the UCO building.
     This disease has become so rooted here that others are infected beyond hope of repair and it is time to look beyond them and find the way to cure the disease, to dig out its roots and throw it away.
Read the following and then think.
   "One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” – Carl Sagan.
     This is our present situation here in CV. People have become zombies under the influence of the disease. They have lost their sense of self, will cheer when things are pointed out, but then will, zombie-like - vote for the Lord of the Disease. The charlatan will win out as long as others allow it to be so.
     So ubi est morbus? Where is the disease? I think that the disease is actually us. We refuse to stand up to the source and we allow it to infect us. If one is a fan of science fiction, one can just about see the aliens out there discussing their disappointment in the citizens of Earth and especially those living in CVWPB. Perhaps, they are saying, it is time for the experiment to end.
     People, we now have a great opportunity to turn the situation around. We can rid ourselves of a lunatic who throws tantrums, who shouts of cigar boxes and paper clips, who does not believe in democracy, who perhaps has imbibed too much at the fountain of control and dictatorship from his alleged years at NSA. We need a grown up who does not wear the same clothes day in, day out, be they a jacket and pants or a logo t-shirt and black shorts. Clothes do not necessarily make the man but they do say a lot about him and about his attitude towards life and those he is supposed to be serving and representing. Not changing clothing, throwing tantrums, showing paranoia are all signs of a deteriorating mind. Is that the charlatan we want in charge? Is that the charlatan we allow to be in charge by our own inaction?
     Where is the disease? It is within us and we need to remove it, uproot it and perhaps if we set an example, who knows, perhaps the winds of change will waft through the world and we will extinguish the power of the disease worldwide. It is a hope on which to pin the future, for if not, then the world and us, here in CV, will have no future. And that time of no future is fast approaching here in CV. Listen to the video made by Phyllis Richland. Hear her hopes for a new day, for fresh air, for participatory administration, for all that we do not have now but once did.
     Throw out David Israel and his crew and bring in those who will work the right way and keep those who are willing to clear their eyes, rid their minds of the disease and work for the people. Disease or good health - the choice is yours.

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