Friday, September 3, 2021


  Well, humming that lovely tune can maybe bring 'magic' into a  relationship, but the situation of the country - not really. Yet we insist on chasing the magic cure, the panacea that will stop all COVID dead in its tracks, save the country from the Big Lie advocates re the Election of 2020, and perform 'magic' just about everywhere. On demand.

How wrong and dangerously foolish we can be. There is no magic cure for the virus. There is, however, a stock of vaccines, with new ones on the way. Using them properly - how quaint an idea that is - and refusing pseudo science of highly touted crazy drugs by know nothings - will produce the magic effect we are seeking. Really. We know that for a fact and if we would only give the proper drug, the process, a chance, well, we could work magic.

Now we have people dying because the 'magic' they sought failed them. A drug for animals is not the answer. Nor are 'secret vaxxers'. Oh, yes, people who have pushed no vaccine, no masks, COVID a hoax - after seeing a slew of their kind die from COVID, they vaccinate - in secret. Proper magic will work for them; apparently they are deserving of that whilst the rest of their followers, well, they can go hang, for all they care. Not so skeptical any longer, though they refuse to admit their buy in to vaccination to their followers. How nasty. How selfish. How life threatening.

And on it continues. Republican after Republican seems to feel that being anti-mask, antivaccine  - at least for others - is the way to go. Never mind common sense. Never mind that the majority of thinking people with functioning brains want mask mandates. Never mind that employer after employer is now presenting a clear choice to workers - vaccinate or no job. Finally. It is clear and no magic about it. If we all vaccinate. If we all follow regulations for our safety in this matter, there will come a day when it will be reduced, along with its variants, to the status of the flu, possibly deadly, but most often not. Magic? Most emphatically not. Only the magic of cooperation and common sense. 

Lest you believe that this 'magic' so sought after by the GOP is limited to COVID, think again. Apparently, these people are stuck in the magical world of infants and toddlers who use magic to explain the game of hide and seek, the miraculous reappearance of loved ones when they open their eyes or remove their hands from over their eyes. What a wonderful miracle for these little ones. But we need no miraculous magic in the world of presumed adults. Only common sense and an understanding of the need for unity. Simple enough.

What new magic are they touting now? It seems that every single one of the refugees we rescued from Afghanistan, every single one, is a terrorist in disguise, only awaiting his/her chance to do dastardly things to Americans. On the other hand, every single one of those unfortunately left behind, caught in a most untenable situation, is not a terrorist. 100% achievement. Just how does the GOP know this 'fact'? Magic! How could we have gotten it so wrong? How could the GOP  so quickly forgotten who signed the treaty with the Taliban, who agreed to the withdrawal. Hint: strange dude with nefarious goals in mind. Considered dangerous to America's survival. May appear as demented - because he is. 

Is it magic that so many GOP residing in the Capitol and official buildings of the government are openly Fascist, openly opposed to a functioning democracy, anti voting rights, anti women's rights - still, in 2021. Time already. Time for Americans to realize that we are fostering a nest of vipers in our midst. Immediate extirpation necessary.

There is an old Irish proverb which states:

"There's always the look of an angel on the Devil's face."

How true. So unfortunately true. Either we are not recognizing the devil and his imps in our midst, or we are, and let it go by, continue on. Which is worse? They both stink! They both demand immediate correction.

Are you afraid yet? Are you realizing yet, that we are in real danger, at real peril, of losing this country of ours. This beautiful, bright, and fumbling country. This country who makes substantial errors but also has some wonderful achievements. That country stands on the edge of destruction. Think about that. No magic here, folks.

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