Wednesday, January 31, 2018


     Wondering if I have lost all my spelling ability? Well, wonder no longer. The word is Yiddish and means all dirty and yes, it could mean a kid who comes in after playing in the mud, but it also means a person or thing or event that is also covered in dirt of another kind, one that reeks of smelly mud!
     Trump, the man and his behavior, the man and his words are faschmutzed. Midas had the touch of gold and this man has the touch of dross, turning all good into bad or suspect items. Last nite, a speech that put me to sleep three times, so dense was it and so boring was his delivery, so monotone, so flat an affect, actually said nothing at all in over an hour. Immigration. The same hate filled words, stressed over and over again and while it was an interesting idea to intersperse words with his 'show and tell' pony show, to parade two grieving couples in front of the nation - for what? To enhance prejudice? Does it mean that all immigrants are from gangs? Were there no gangs before them? Hey, there were even Jewish gangs back in the day!! Gangs are not good, but it is not a Salvadorian unique trait nor does it touch upon all immigrants.
     While we can do a dog and pony show of the immigrants who made successes of their lives here - including someone's grandfather - what is the point? This is America, the country that welcomes new blood, new thinking, new culture mixes, new people who add to the mix.
     What we do not welcome is a 'self made billionaire' who is not!! His multi million dollar stake came from his papa and the rest was made on the backs of those he robbed by non payment, by fake bankruptcies, by false advertising, by false hopes of a university. Self made? I think not.
     And while he supposedly stated he wants unity, he does not. Pelosi's face was a classic as he spoke of that. Not when all his prior deeds and statements were exactly the opposite. Not when he says one thing and then does another. Not when he is one of the nastiest people around, preferring to insult rather than charm. Who the hell knows what he will do today to subvert his own words. Just because he stayed on script does not make his presidential either. Even a monkey would, so they say, write a Shakespearian play given enough time. That does not make him Shakespeare!
     And yet the elephant in the room, the huge one, the one that had GOP written on it, was ignored. The elephant of the 'Russian thing", the one that will out  our Mr. Trump as a no goodnik, a liar, a traitor, an incompetent, a collusionist, just an all around baddie. Even his newly appointed Wray as Director of the FBI has asked him to not release the supposed memo for danger of classified information. But he cares not, only keeps trying desperate measures to avoid the truth coming out. And of course, he said he would interview, love to interview and yesterday he said uh uh. But all this was left on the back of the invisible but highly smelly elephant in the middle of the House floor!
     Yet there is hope. A new generation of Kennedys has spoken up and what a young man he is!! He spoke of the true meaning of America, of our country. He spoke of the need to remember civil rights and that all are worthy of it and of protection, not select people. We are not an autocracy but a democracy We need to remember that.
     Schmutz! Dirt!! Smelly, contaminated dirt. All versus the enthusiasm of youth, the freshness of youth, a change from the ancient old men running the country, the same men who allowed sexual harassment to exist, even using taxpayer money - yours and mine -  to pay off the victim and insist on non disclosure. A return to the values of our Founding Fathers and the values strengthened over the centuries of our existence. This man would not display the names of donors on a streaming version of the speech but that man, that Trump, so crass, so nyculturny, would do so, seeing all around only in terms of his bottom line.
     So yich, people, nix the smelly dude covered in mud, reeking of all that is no good, of lies, of selfishness, of hate, of disrespect even for his own wife and indeed, the rest of us. Watch what happens today and over the next few days as his new words and actions belie the words of his speech. Yich!!

Tuesday, January 30, 2018


     While in my own personal life I am feeling the lift, the buoyancy of love and encouragement, in my shall we say, public life, as a citizen of the United States of America, I am in the dumps, bewildered, torn, and worried beyond words.
     No mincing words today. Today we have a man who is going to make a speech that should try to unite the country, that should make amends for this year's sins, that should give us a hope for the future. But it will not.
     Even if that man stays on script, and repeats the words written for him by a staff trying to maintain a semblance of order, the words will mean nothing. Even if he were to promise a DACA reform tomorrow, he would deny it as fake news and media fooling around with the tapes. The man is unstable and not one single word of his can be trusted or relied upon.
     Yes, it appears I am an armchair psychiatrist and here is my take on this overgrown infant, indulged by his family, had his path bought for him by his family, and he has found his way to a position which allows him to vent his tantrums in a majestic manner. 
    We are in the midst of a constitutional crisis. We have a Congress which has given up, ceded its powers and checks and balances over to Trump. We have a judiciary that has been co-opted more and more by the Executive branch, more specifically, the White House Oval Office and the man sitting therein at the desk or most probably somewhere else watching TV and tweeting his limited brains out. We have a Justice Department that has lost its constitutional independence and ceded its powers to Trump, allowing him to use the powers of his threats, the power of his influence, the powers of the fear of some about losing their own 'power' to introduce fear as a major factor in his administration. He rails against the 'lack of loyalty' within Justice though it is not supposed to have loyalty to him but rather to the people of the country.
     Even Spicer regrets his stupidity while working for Trump. Trump's own wife is angry at him and who can  blame her and perhaps she should act more proactively and show some emotion on that stiff model's face. She has not become part of the non partisan group of First Wives, just left standing alone. Why? You answer that.
     So McCabe leaves, Nadler is calling upon his constitutional expertise, Trump is reeling down the halls of his responsibility and people' fingers are crossed that he remain on script tonite but again, what does it matter? The fantasies he and his dream up, the careless way in which they handle state secrets and endanger others, the excuses Trump makes for Putin and Russia, the awfully shady dealings with Russia re the campaign and even Trump's personal business - where does it end - or does it? And why the rabid fight against answering questions and being transparent as others did before? It stinks!!
     I am at a loss as to how to define and explain how we reached this point, a severely divided country, one reeling with hatred, with the ugliness of the soul being bared for others to see and what is worse, the pride that some take in this whole mess. We are in a time when there is no loyalty to the country, but rather to the Party, particularly among the Republicans. The Democrats are going to have to agree to disagree within themselves and just get together as a group and oust all these dangerous and deluded people who long to turn the gold of our country, our democracy, into the lead of a dictatorship. How to explain the selfishness of people who turn a blind eye to a planet writhing in the agonies of climate and environmental change? How to explain all this.
     I have words. Yes, they are there, but are there any words that can adequately say it all and wake people up? To this question all I see is the answer in proverbial dark clouds. 

Monday, January 29, 2018


     There are lines in life. There are lines on the palms of one's hands. There are red lines we draw and lines in the sand but I think we are all forgetting other lines. These are the lines which connect us to one another, lines that can be drawn in either hate or love, or even in neutrality, if that is truly possible, but the bottom line is that we must pay more attention to them.
     I normally never watch the awards shows having more appetizing and useful things to do, but this year it was another story, another line of emphasis that I had to see, that I had to draw in my own life and psyche.
      It was one thing to see the determined line that was drawn by the women who dressed in black at one show, but it was a line of another color at last night's Grammys. White roses for some, but mainly the drawing of the line using music, that which seeks to soothe the souls but was used here instead as a prod, an accusing finger and yet also a line that leads into the future with hope, with passion, with tears and with strength.
     So while the political world was covered with jagged lines of hate, of accusation, of lies, of despair, of so much desperation by people seeking to deny truth and hide truth, in this world there were lines that were drawn beneath points to be made, but also lines which appealed to the better part of ourselves.
     Among so many great and moving moments here are two that truly impacted upon me. One was the lines spoken and one were the lines sung, a particularly touching and powerful piece.
     There has been an increasing trend of women singing songs of defiance, of triumph, of being stronger, better, surviving despite all that a man and the world has tried to do to them. Kesha's song, Praying, especially as sung last nite with a performance bolstered by so many famous singers, was so powerful that it is almost beyond words. Do your self a favor and You Tube it, Google it, whatever, but watch it. Feel it. Take it within your soul. Say those words and feel those statements of strength.
     And then remember these words."Black is beautiful. Hate is ugly. Women are as precious as they are stronger than any other man than I have met," Logic said at the end of the song. "And up to them I say stand tall and crush all predators under the weight of your heart that is full of the love they will never take away from you. Be not scared to use your voice, especially in instances like these when you have the opportunity. Stand and fight for those who are not weak, but have yet to discover the strength that the evil of this world has done its best to conceal. "To all the beautiful countries filled with culture and diversity and thousands of years of history, you are not s---hole countries. And lastly, on the behalf of those who fight for equality in a world that is not equal, not just and not ready for the change, we are here to bring, I say, up to you bring us your tired, your poor and any immigrant that seeks refuge, for together we can build not just a better country, but a word that is destined to be united."

     Now on a personal note. Yesterday I placed my blog entry re Parkinson's on my Facebook page, having the courage to put it out there where I knew my personal world would see it, read it and hopefully feel it. I was hoping that new lines could be drawn, lines of compassion and lines of strength. Lines of connection, rather than lines of separation and challenge in a negative manner. And I was rewarded far beyond any expectations. A world of love came  back to me, a world of encouragement, a world of voices old and new, a world where my strengths were recalled, words which urged me to remember who and what I was and am - a fighter who never gives up.
     So here are my lines:
     I will not give up, not with the world of PD nor with the world. As far as my puny influence can be made to pay off in drawing or redrawing the lines we now have in this world - I will continue to do so. May not frighten off any baddies, but it makes me feel better!!
     I draw a line of gratitude to all those who sent me words that buoyed me up. I thank those who drew lines of love, of acceptance, of caring.
     May we all know these lines far more frequently than the lines of hatred and bias, of threats and of impending danger, the lines that seem at times to overwhelm our modern world. Let us choose our lines with care and with thought.

Sunday, January 28, 2018


     No. I have not lost my marbles. Just a musing question after reading several provocative lines. One is from Einstein and goes this way: "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." Another states that the future is set, sure; it is the past that is always changing.
     Now think of several terms that have been made up in the past two years or so, words that have oxymoronic meanings and in fact, should not even exist. Examples? Fake news. Alternative reality (in our dimension, thank you, not a parallel universe!). Modern Newspeak where lies become truths. And from whence their derivation? Guess who?
     Seriously, does not the first line meet the basic necessities of Trumpian life? Without actually changing anything, except perceptions, reality is flipped, twisted, and becomes something other than it truly is. In fact, it appears there is no truth to be seen or heard- at least not in any permanent manner - so reality is as the people in charge make it out to be. We have seen that in the novel 1984, which, although is predated from our days, is probably truer than at any other time in our history. Yes, we had yellow journalism, but most of that was in the translation of the facts, the stress, and omissions, rather than additions or made up stories altogether. And yes, stories were made up about the criminality of some warring nations, but after WWII I think one can believe anything and indeed have seen terrible examples of this in modern days as well.
     So how do we know what is real? Is it "I think, therefore I am" that will lead the way? I do not believe so, for even the evil think, even the power hungry think, even those who would change reality think, so the question is - why the hell are we even doing any thinking? Now that does not sound right at all so there has to be another way.
     That way, I think, is to realize that hopefully, unless humankind truly goes way off the beaten path, that we will have a future. What that future will be is set from the past, influenced by past actions, past reactions, and past plans for the future. So one would think that the past is set and the future fluid. But nope. We have seen how the past is always changing according to who is in charge and their take on it. Did something really happen or did it not? What are the true details, the realities of it? But if someone said it was fake news, then how do we know it really was? How do we trust our history books which relate the past to us- but is dependent upon the needs of those for whom the books are written. Find old history books and compare them to newer versions. Yes, the same history of mankind, but a major difference according to time, place, reigning theories and straight out nerve!!!!
     So if we change the past, are we not changing that assured future? How do we know that someone else will not come along - in fact, most probably will - and change those "facts" and interpretations again? What happens to that future that once seemed so sure, so set on its path?
     Whew!!! Gets complicated and intricate. It is way above my paygrade to solve this conundrum, but hopefully someone can - and soon. I would like to know that the future, a good one, is at least on track for the next few generations and so do most people. Yet there are those far advanced thinkers who know that we must plan even further and there are those who ignore reality, find the 'fake news' aspect of it, even if imaginary, and keep on walking selfishly in the paths they have chosen and screw the world.
     So what to do? Well, the first thing is to learn to think for oneself, to discern the difference between true reality and alternative reality. We must , need to, learn that our leaders are not always to be trusted, that they do not always have our best interests at heart, but rather their own and the needs of their Party with a capital P and the country's needs come way, way back behind them.
     We need to demand much from our leaders. We need to demand better leaders. We need to demand more from ourselves. We need to remove inertia and apathy, hopelessness and shrugging it off from our dictionaries. We need to shout to the heavens re lies and lies and denials of truth from our supposed leaders. And we need to have hope.
     In his Essays, Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote the following:
     "Every sweet hath its sour;
       Every evil its good."

     We do not always understand why bad things happen but often there is good, learning, that derives from those evil occurrences and thinking. There is also the chance that too much 'goodness' is really not all that helpful and hopeful. Think of the supposed goodness from the strict movements of religion in old England or other countries, of old and modern times, where religion is the cause of war, vicious war, and has results ranging from burnings to maimings, to destruction of the very land and its population in the name of goodness.
    So we must think and choose very carefully. Choose the true truth. Choose the right path. Even if that path be more difficult than the other ones available. Sager advice I cannot give. Easier advice there is none. Life is hard work and if we truly want a good future then we must make sure the past is not so fluid and that we choose our present time actions very carefully with real good in mind and in reality. "I think, therefore I am." Maybe. Possibly. But only with freedom to think freely.
    Think about this.


Friday, January 26, 2018


      The oldies but goodies. Those songs which sang and rang of pure love, when society knew about expectations, when the President of the times was respected and his golf games were accepted in a sweet kind of way. Yes, Eisenhower was the last president who seems to have had the respect of the electorate. Even Kennedy had some, but seems to be a target for those who delight in ripping people apart. But every one after that has had problems, disrespect and disappointment.
     But this one, this Trump, this charlatan, this liar, this sociopath - there is no hope for this one and no hope for the country unless we pull up our pants, take a deep breath and go out and face the facts and make the hard decisions.
     First and foremost is the fact that this man has no morals. He obeys no rules of society and cares naught for anyone unless it is in terms of how important or not they are to him, how they enhance his image or not. He runs thru wives at a fast clip, disrespects them egregiously, and I am now wondering if even Melania has had it, running off to Florida now instead of Davos, not celebrating their anniversary nor taking a significant international journey with her husband. Hmmmm......
     The man runs thru aides quicker than a hot knife thru butter. He cannot tolerate nor abide by any corrections or seeming control of his behavior and his perpetually lying mouth. He does not recognize truth as any kind of reality and lies thru his teeth without a second thought - without even a first thought.
      No, he never thought of firing Mueller, interfering with the Justice Department. Oops, he forgot, yes he did, several times but no matter - "I never did." He has no thoughts or feelings for anyone unless it is in the shopworn and usually late condolences sent to victims and their relatives. And for the most part, these condolences or comments re attacks and violent acts are remarked upon and condemned only as they appear to be "terrorist" related, nothing done by a local, by a white dude. Guess it matters how or by whom one is murdered!!!
     The man is dumb, dumb as a post. He claims to be a player, but he is only that thanks to his Ph.D - Papa has dough - and he was given that dough, bailed out with that dough and he learned a lesson. If one is to lose money, better to lose other people's money and so he did - stiffing contractors, using immigrants for labor, stealing the hope for the future from those poor deluded people who signed up for Trump University, believing his hype. He took money from casinos, using the sucker odds that pull for the house. He even wanted to borrow a Van Gogh for his private quarters and was denied it, but offered an 18k gold toilet. Says something, does it not!! Love it! Kudos to the one who had the guts to do this.
     Now we hear that he was into menage a trois, into money laundering and here is the best one. Remember those violent anti Muslim videos from Britain that he tweeted Well, listen to this - and I quote. "I know nothing about them. I don't want to be involved with these people but you're telling me about these people because I know nothing about these people."
     I kid you not. and this run on sentence basically outlines the whole Trump Presidency. He knows nothing, cares to know nothing, ignores the fact that he knows nothing, is replete with malice aforethought and has no care nor connection to others save how they revolve around and serve him. Period.
     He needs to go. He needs to testify just as Nixon did, just as Clinton did, just as any citizen of this country has to do. No one should be above the law. No one should receive a license to lie, to cheat, to rob, to destroy our democracy,  and to take the future away from the next generation.

Thursday, January 25, 2018


     Where did we end off? Right - with hope, with that hope for a good future pushing me and others to work hard, to put so much of our lives into fighting PD. And along the way a funny thing is happening. Suddenly, at my stage in life, with all the issues, I am now curling my arms and admiring my growing muscles!!
     Yup! There they are, and what's more, so are the muscles in my legs now present. I can power up, lift that kettle weight or ball, whatever the name is! I can even begin to snap those heavy ropes, something I always saw people do in gyms but I could not. Hey, now I can!!
     But here are the two best things ever with this regimen. Women, you will appreciate this - the wings are slowly disappearing!! Guess the arm muscles are taking up the slack, right? And here is the second, my 'one pack' is growing tighter, tauter, harder and can I, dare I, will I, think of the possibility of working for the two pack and all the way to the six pack??? I actually am giggling at even getting close to it. And my giggles even have more power behind them as I work on swallowing, voice projection and breathing with a lovely and wonderful speech therapist. Yes, this PD takes over, all over, but it can be fought and will allow for some silver streaks, not total linings, but streaks within its clouds.
  So let's segue to life in general. Sometimes we get not lemons, but the whole damn orchard. This can happen in every aspect of that life but we can prepare for consequences and fight those lemons with all we've got. Right now we have the biggest lemon of all sitting in the Oval Office. He appoints incompetents, rapacious administrators, and now we hear of a 24 year old with a false resume who was appointed to head a drug office. Yet another liar in a liar's administration. Shock!!
     What are we to do? Simple. Wipe out the liar's influence on our lives. True, that is difficult, given his position, but if we reject those lies, not give them space, they might actually die a quick death and finally the truth will be forced out of his and his buddies lying mouths.
     Now Trump says that oh yes, he welcomes the chance to speak and under oath too!! Sure, and we can believe that the same way he was going to release his taxes, undergo a proper and transparent complete health exam, feel compassion for the Dreamers, and make this country great. HA!!!!
     What we have had instead is a country sinking into the morass of its own self destruction at the hands of Trump and his appointees. What we have is a country driven by a chaotic and dangerously childish President and legislative bodies. What we have is a Supreme Court that is so politicized that the outcome of cases before them need not even waste time with hearings, just announce the expected decision.
    We have a President who is willing to engage in slavery again, call it by any name you wish. Sell the Dreamers to a country that needs them for 25 billion dollars for his paranoid and useless  and needless wall. Back up candidates who speak longingly of the days of slavery. Support and take support from  those bigots and hater who would empty this country of all but those who resemble them in face, color, political and religious belief.
     And the world? Our 'great' country has lost its respect, lost its position. Thanks to the man's filthy mouth, the countries are planning a walkout at the Davos conference when Trump speaks. France and other European countries, Asian powers, are stepping into the void and none of it bodes well for the future of America. The man places tariffs on solar panels, not thinking that these panels go into frames and on bases made right here in our country so guess what - he has now laid off workers!!! Great indeed!!
    We have allowed and perhaps even solicited aid and interference with Russia during the election and now they are running yet another media blitz over another pair of invisible clothing, a supposed memo over 'spying' by the FBI. Never before has a country denigrated its main and chief law enforcement entity as we have, thanks to Trump, his misdeeds and the actions, solicited or not, by Russia. 
     So what six pack are we working for here? What hope are we allowing here? Now we even stop buses looking for 'terrible' people, like a grandmother back from seeing her granddaughter for the first time and her visa expired, so off she was taken and our country is safe again!!!! Are we truly doing that which all authoritarian countries do - stop and ask people for papers??!! Papieren, bitte!!! And what if an "American" does not have "papers" with him or her. How many times have I gone out with nothing, just walking, or just some money to quickly buy some minor item. Does that make me an alien, a dangerous one at that? Will I be deported? Hmmm, silver lining or streak - a vacation trip?
     The point is that life has different pathways. We need to choose carefully. We need to be open to realizing that we will often meet up with unexpected stops and starts, events, pitfalls, and barriers, but there is always hope, there are always chances to grow those muscles, to work for that six pack - or at least the two pack.
     Our choice. Your choice. My choice.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


     So it is time to come out of the closet. Gasp!!! No, not that closet. I am not a member of the LGBT community though I vehemently support it. This is a closet of yet another color, another issue and often not recognized as such, as a closet.
     Decades ago Michael J. Fox announced that he had PD, Parkinson's Disease. He was determined to be there in public, in the open, giving courage to so many who hid away with this, ashamed at some of the symptoms, afraid to let people know. But this man came out of this particular closet and gave his all to research for it, for help for those afflicted by or with it. He stood as an example for so many and his foundation continues its magnificent work, working on possible genetic links among other avenues.
     Yesterday, Neil Diamond, an icon of the music world, announced his retirement from the touring part of his life. It was a  shock to so many of us who are his fans, but he too came out in the open, determined to not hide, to help by being an example to and for others.
     It truly matters not which form of PD they have. What matters is what they do with the knowledge and the situation. I know. I am living it right now.
     I have long suspected that I had PD. There were too many little things that added up to it, but mostly when I brought it up I was poo-pooed, told not to be silly, not to be 'Dr. Google'. Finally came a crisis of what we thought was something else and in checking that, a neurologist was consulted. I was right. There it was in the definitive test. I had PD.
     I wanted to die. Right there and then. Where was a future in this? Would I end up frozen as that woman who haunted my nightmares from 40 years ago. Or would I end up a jittering person who could not walk, not talk, not truly function? Worst of all, would I lose my mind, that by which I defined myself, the being of me. How long did I have? Would I live to see my grandchildren marry and have children of their own, giving me a great grand baby to hold? And what about Gerry? We were coming up on our 50th and were planning a big shebang - was this my last hoorah? Why bother? Why indeed?
     The diagnosis was devastating. Depressed did not begin to cover the topic. The feeling. The emotion. But with a wonderful support team of family, friends and medical personnel, I was brought around to thinking that perhaps it is not the sentence of doom of yesteryear. Perhaps there was hope to live a normal and natural life. After all, how many more years does one have anyway at my age and older? Just a bit of my dark humor!!!
     I opened up to a theory of movement, big open moves, challenges to one's physical state of being, paid attention to how I walked, talked, swallowed, lifted, moved in general. I took a movement class every week. A pounding class - fun and great exercise for everyone. I heard the stories of people who told me that a year ago they could not walk or talk, barely, and look at them now. It was amazing. And I heard the unvoiced pleas of my kids, of Gerry, to please, listen, please open up, please have a positive outlook, an optimistic one for that is so important to dealing with this disease.
     And there I was, welcomed into a new family, where I spent so much time now. They took me, a depressed, weepy not really optimistic person, took me into their hearts, determined to 'fix' me, to encourage me and these kids are great!! Beyond words.
     So now I laugh. Now I am back at enjoying life again. I have truly learned not to sweat the little things and even have repackaged some once larger things into smaller containers. Life is precious. But we do not ever know what will happen. It is no use thinking or wondering why and how, why me? It just is. And it does not take away from the fact that life can still be great.
     So sympathy, yes, but pity, no. We PD people need to come out, open up, show the world and others, show PD afflicted people that there is a way, there are meds, there are methods, there are new things every day. The Michael J. Fox Foundation and the National Parkinson Foundation are doing wonderful things in both research and in helping people to understand PD, how to live with it, how to overcome it, how to live life with continued joy and with hope. They are worthy of your donations.
     So Michael, Neil and I and Ali and all the football players with PD and all the regular everyday people - we are and will be okay. We will not be in closets hiding this anymore for there is nothing to hide. Yes, life has changed some of the focus, but it is still a good life. 

Tuesday, January 23, 2018


   Title sounds a tad boring, does it not? Getting on the damn scale every morning or weighing one's produce purchases. Measuring the ingredients in a recipe. But there is more to these terms than that.
     One also has to measure and weigh oneself. Not the physical side, though it is interesting that sometimes one's inner weights and measurements do affect the outside, our own version of the portrait of Dorian Gray. Seriously, we need to often stop and take stock of our actions and decisions, our choices and see where they have led, what we have allowed or enabled.
     So people did not like Hillary. So what? Does one need to be in love with a politician to vote for them? Does not one have to choose based on experience, capability, morals? But for some reason, probably because she is a woman, she was judged by standards to which men are not held.  No one likes Trump. Even his best buds will tell you of his volatility, so bad for a leader of a country, of his arrogance, of his flip flop behavior. So why did people allow themselves to vote for him? Because they voted as children. They are weighed and found wanting, choosing the president of the Student Council because the winner gave out chocolate bars, or was a glib speaker, or was a "popular" kid, or was intimidating. In other words, with nothing of the measures that a good head of Council should have.
     Put one's votes on the scales and see if it weighs in properly. In this case, it did not for many people, certainly not the majority of the population. It weighs wrongly in the moral turpitude division. It weighs wrongly in the liar division. It weighs wrongly in the poor moral values division. It weighs wrongly in the poorly adjusted division. In other words, it weighs wrongly in all the divisions that should have a light and pure weight, one with clear vision, one with no fat  or impurities to destroy it.
     There has never been another President, to my perhaps limited knowledge, that is so sued, litigated against and morally challenged as this one. He cannot keep it in his pants nor keep his mouth shut. He engages in bouts of potty mouth and behaves as a spoiled infant. And why again did one vote for this man? Because Hillary was strong in her behavior? Because she said it the way it was just as he supposedly did, only she spoke out of knowledge and he spoke out of another portion of his anatomy, but she is a woman, hence judged otherwise.
     Well, today and at least for the next three years we have another chance to redeem ourselves, to find an honest scale, to find the proper ingredients for our recipe for our lives, for our choice for leader. Not the one who cheats on a wife with his newborn babe, but for a woman who finds the inner strength to keep her marriage going in the face of shameful behavior by her husband, and why? For the sake of the stability of the country.
     We have to understand that during the next three years there are going to be strong women weighing in with their own recipes for leadership, for the future of the country, for a way to redeem ourselves and our mental, moral and physical environments. We need to weigh better, truer. We need to look within ourselves for the scales of truth, not the scales of infancy with an oh yeah, I'll show you attitude. In fact, let us show the world what America can be again, that we have not lost our way, that we have stopped deporting people with green cards, people who are productive members of society because they were born in another country. We need to stop this tearing apart of families.
     We need to put an end to the reign of one who accuses his opponents of dastardly crimes. The press becomes the enemy of the people?!! The Democrats become complicit in murder? What the hell is going on? We are losing our connection to democracy and allowing a nasty creeping autocracy with Trump as King Donald I.
     People have been told throughout history that they have been weighed and found wanting. Let us open our eyes, tell the truth, damn the liars and forge ahead in a proper manner. Let us weigh in properly, measure properly. Uh, chocolate - no weight gain there, folks, so not to worry!!!

Monday, January 22, 2018


     There it is. Look closely, ever so closely and it can be seen. Yup. That little tiny bud that speaks of hope, that speaks of possibilities. Yes, though today and for days, weeks, months and even years, there might still remain that ugliness, that modern day portrayal of Trump's version of the Ugly American, there is still that bud.
     Yet another book from the inside telling of the chaos that reigns inside the White House, that House with the adult infant at the helm ,if we can say that there is even a helm to begin with. He runs amok with lightning changes of minds, ueys that leave a country reeling, that leaves his aides holding the bag, that leaves the world wondering why and how a new Ugly American has grown into place.
     This time that American does not stalk the world with arrogance, or overweening pride, but with an arrogance born of hatred and prejudice, of an ugliness that stains the soul. It is an American who tells the world that it can go to hell and yes, even those Americans who disagree with him can go to hell as well.
     It is an American who decides that he and his have the right, no less the power, to destroy other Americans, to see them go hungry in the night and all day as well. To tell Americans that they are not Americans and must hide in fear as they are not wanted by the haters. It is an America where the House Speaker takes 500 thousand dollars days after passing a tax bill that greatly benefits his benefactor, the Kochs. Sniff, sniff anyone?
     The Supreme Leader has made it clear that it is okay to refresh one's bottom line at a cost to the people for never mind them. Government is no longer for them .Democracy must be curtailed for them. Executive orders and rants online will do for them. Bring the legislators in for praise sessions for their Leader, but no agreements, not from them nor Congress.
     And yet, there it is, that tiny green bud. There it is receiving nourishment from Kristen Bell who calls for "empathy and diligence." There it is gathering food for its future growth, soon, we hope, from the hundreds of thousands who marched over the weekend, from  the signs urging voting, from the power of women to make a statement and to influence the elections even as the Republicans cling to their crooked gerrymandering ways.
     Hope there is and hope there will be. We just have to nourish it. We have to feed it, shelter it, give it water and give it hope. For how much hope it does provide to us. 
     So today, a bit of a change from WE THE PEOPLE.

Yes, it is the people but today I borrow the old but resurgent theme of the marches.


Sunday, January 21, 2018


     I think that one and all will never forget the plaintive voice of ET wanting to phone home. Alone in an alien world, surrounded by strange critters, he just wanted to go home. And thru it all, he and his supporters were chased by the bad guys of the government who seemed to have lost their, ironically, humanity.
      Today we are all ET. We are all trying to phone home, to find our home in the midst of what one person has called "the sunken place", a place of bad things, of denials of rights, of bias and hatred, of little or no hope. Thankfully, I believe that many and more every day are beginning to phone home, using different communication systems, but are indeed phoning home.
     Notice they are not phoning it in, an expression for laziness and non caring; they are instead phoning home, trying to locate the best route to getting there and refusing to give up. Yes, we the people are beginning to shout, to make themselves heard, to increase the static on those who oppose them, on those who approve the creeping autocracy of Trump and followers.
     So when an idiot writes that he is concerned about Larry Nassar who has had a tough day, well, Aly Raisman's mother gave it to him but good. Read Aly's victim impact speech and be proud of our younger generation and their strength in the face of adversity. Review the weekend events, those marches that have taken place and the events scheduled for today. Get a look at the numbers of women running for office. Just look at the growing activism of women, their insistence on being heard and no vulgar mouthed ET chasing government dolt is going to stop them. Hundreds of thousands in NY. Marches overseas. Marches in small towns and large cities. We the people - YES!!!
     So yes, we are phoning home and we are going to make sure that the aliens among us, the ones with orange hair and their backers, the ones who see green as the color of it all, the ones who could care less about doing their job of serving the people  - that all of these people get their dues!!
     Those who are confused and are phoning it in, well, they had better wake up. Since when does a party that controls all three branches of government whine when they cannot get their 'right' to destroy our country? When does Congress forget that executive and legislative are two separate branches and one does not worry what the President will do or sign. Just vote and give it to him - sign or not and let the blame rest where it will. Since when are people so afraid of a mentally deficient person , so much so, that they cower before him and his ever changing statements, conflicts and all.
     So choose - phone home or phone it in. Big difference and strangely enough it was an 'alien" who taught us that. Wonder what all the 'alien' Americans that Trump is so much in a hurry to throw away might teach us today. How might they help our country - their country.
     So phone home, people, phone home. Phone your reps and tell them to man or woman up. Tell them to vote for the people and not their pockets or from their fear. Phone your Democratic Party offices and help. Phone your Republican Party offices and ask what the hell happened to the party of Lincoln?
     WE the People are beginning to make ourselves heard. WE the People are phoning home. WE THE PEOPLE.
    PHONE HOME!!!!

Friday, January 19, 2018


     Wow!!!! That is not a term that the president should have as a sobriquet. Agent of chaos. Should it not be rather the agent of unity? The agent of compassion? The agent of humanity? The agent of universality? Yes, it should, but this man certainly is not to be fitted with any of those positive terms at all.
     Every day there is yet another blow to what should be. One can disagree with another's stance or beliefs, but in America, for the President to be an agent of not only chaos but of what would ensue is most problematic indeed. Personally, I would call the man the agent of overthrow, the agent of authoritarianism in our country, the agent who might actually destroy democracy within our country.
     He drives his administration with autocratic executive orders, thereby bypassing the machinery of checks and balances that has stood well for our country lo these many years. It disallows for self checks, for self corrections, for only he has made the rule. 
     And in so doing he has isolated and persecuted certain segments of our society. He has demonized them. He has threatened them. He has deemed them unworthy of protection and only worthy of expulsion. He has over many numerous choices chose those who are tainted before they even begin with him, people of hate, people who do not like any other than the white male who believes in the "proper" set of beliefs.
     Bannon. Gorka, running away from a weapons warrant in Hungary where he belonged to a racist political party. Miller. Incompetents like his press secretaries. People who mimic his every words and see truth where lies glow in the dark. And now we find out that the very person he appointed to liaise with NGOs, with community organizations, aid them, help them - this man has now been uncovered to be one of the many disgusting people Trump so dearly seems to love, David Duke included!! The 'fine people' from Charlottesville.
     So who is this man? Carl Higbie. A birther. An anti LGBT. A filthy mouthed racist. A misogynist. An advocate of 'Americans" to go shoot immigrants at the border. Supports the idea of removing voting rights from those getting governmental aid, thereby espousing the rich only vote theory. Thought we had given that up many, many moons ago. Well, he is now gone, resigned, but the fact of the matter is - how and why were these creeps appointed to these positions and why oh why can people not see the man Trump for the creep he is, for the supporter of hate that he is?
     Now that Trump has created chaos in DC, pitting the two parties against each other, he is going on golf vacation again to Mar a Lago. What he has left behind is a government facing shutdown. A whole slew of people who will be #$%*** out of luck for money as they are 'furloughed". And why this crisis? Because that creep has decided to push dissension rather than compromise. Because he changes his statements on policy quicker than the human eye. So what does he care if people will be living hand to mouth without that check coming in. What does he care about bills going unpaid. What does he care if the economy tanks, as it did yesterday. What does he care about the kids who will go without medical care as the CHIP program is dismissed. What does he care about the 800,000 Americans we are throwing out of the country and by the way, thinking ahead, what we are doing is creating literally millions of enemies to the country as  the bitterness mounts, as the separations mount and then someone will say WHY?
     Nope. All this man and his henchmen care about is trying to throw blame on the Democrats but the fact of the matter is that the blame rests squarely on the above creeps who care naught for us, the Americans they are supposed to serve.
     So go, Trump. Go play golf. Go ignore your country. I am sure you have a plan in mind to benefit your bottom line, for as your own son said two days ago, you only see green, no other color. I would amend that to include some colors you do openly detest but it is not worth it right now.
     So go, and perhaps someone will finally wake up and realize that you are not competent, sane enough to run this country, unless one wants to destroy it. 25th Amendment anyone? Resignation, anyone? Something, anyone?

Thursday, January 18, 2018


     "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." And so the first paragraph of Tale of Two Cities continued, one of the greatest novels of Charles Dickens. It was a time of contradictions, of hope and despair and so similar to the times and atmosphere of today.
     Obama has stated that the Trump presidency has created an "unusual time" and how right he is. But looking beneath those somewhat bland words, we see a time of fear, of division, of chasms so deep they could split a nation. We see a wholesale rejection of the truth as truth, as  an attack on journalists that is beyond the pale. We see a president who is most unpresidential, whose bizarre behavior, whose erratic and dangerously childish behavior gives sanction to the outrageous behavior of dictators around the world. 
     You know the saying 'I told you so'? It is most aggravating to hear it and at the same time a statement one wishes to remain unsaid and yet, I told you so!! I was told I was going to the extremes, worried about our survival as a democracy, yet go read the magnificent speech by Sen. Flake and hold your head up in pride for one Republican who has the courage to stand up and tell the truth. Yes, the emperor is naked even as the people shout about the beauty of his new clothes.
     The latest gimmick of Fake News Awards is put to shame under the umbrella of truth about journalists and their profession. The numbers of journalists killed and wounded as they perform their jobs, the number arrested, condemned throughout the world, with their jailers citing the same garbage of fake news that spews forth from the mouth of the Great Liar.
     Fake News is nothing but lies. It is the Newspeak of the day that allows a president to behave so shamelessly, still mouth off about the numbers at his Inauguration, about his statements, bizarre and hurtful, about his racist, biased, misogynistic remarks and behavior. And yet, his Republican controlled government cannot get their act together and I can only hope that is because at least under the skin enough of them are ashamed of themselves, of their Party. This is a shambles of a government, with a supposed leader at the head who interferes with investigations, who has called the shots on the statements of witnesses at Congressional probes of the campaign and the Russian interference and alleged collusion.
     There is just too much shouting here and too little truth. There is too much viciousness  as Border Police go chasing after illegal immigrants mostly at the lower end of the scale, those who man the counters at 7-11, or crew the construction jobs and climb on hot roofs and clear the mass of destruction left behind after the storms and fires, who pick the fruit and vegetables for our tables and just wait till the prices soar because there will be a scarcity of them with no workers to take them off the vine, the tree, the fields. And kudos to the Northern Californians who will use the recently passed sanctuary bill of theirs and refuse-REFUSE to work with ICE to chase these people down, with quotas of how many are to be 'captured'. What is the matter with these people!!! Can they not see the ugliness of doing their supposed job?
     And last nite I attended a packed show of the Mystics, a 50's group that continues to sing and harmonize and please audiences, that incorporates lots of audience singing into their program. And sing the audience certainly does, as they remember a simpler time, an easier time, a calmer time, a time when one could be proud of being American. Not a perfect time, but better than now for at least there was an American Dream still shining in truth and glory. And today? ?????????????
     I will reiterate. This man does have physical issues glossed over by the report and  his so called mental evaluation was from a simple test downloadable on line, nice and ready for pre study and so simple that it points out very little. "face, velvet, church, daisy, red" These are the words to remember. Memorize them and be found "okay". Not so, and certainly not so for a man who is supposed to be a leader of men. This man is a nothing who manages to be dangerous to the survival of the world, physically and morally.
     We the people have got to get up and do something. Pressure your reps. Get out there and march, protest. Get out there and work on campaigns for righteous Americans who value our history, our principles. But if we the people do not do this---well, ask yourself in what type of America will our kids and grandchildren be living?
      It is on us.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


     We are at a point of no return. We have to decide if we are going to be a truly democratic nation, with all that it entails, or are we going to give up in the midst of chaos and turn our collective backs on history, past, present and future. Where are we going?
    The government has shut down before but never as scary as this time. There is such an animus between people, between individuals, that I despair at seeing these breaches healed. We have a Freedom Caucus- pardon the misnomer - who seem only ready to savage any and  all agreements that will keep the country up and running, any deal, bi partisan or not, that will show some compassion for the Americans we are planning to throw out of the country.
     And at the head of it all is a miserable human being, dare I use that term for him - who has only hate within his veins, who has brought out the worst of us ever since he threw his stupid hat into the ring. An agreement at 10 turns into disaster and denial at 12 garnished with foul language that displays a prejudice dating back to slavery and Jim Crow days. And then, as usual, the man denies the truth, lies through his teeth and finds moral cowards to back him up.
     The filth that spews from this man, the disgusting background of his lack of morals, his immoral behavior, from cheating contractors, declaring bankruptcy numerous times to avoid what is right, his payments to prostitutes on long lived relationships even as he was married once more to yet another foreigner and even had a new baby. See, I guess immigrants has a role to serve - at least for him. He spoke disgustingly about how to behave with women and how, in fact, he himself behaved and used more scatological language to make his point.
     Our government that has served us so well since inception way back, our government that worked with creaks and groans, yes, but worked enough to progress and even restore some humanity into our governmental programs, - this government is on its way out, Now yet another Federal Advisory Board has resigned en masse as they are ignored, in violation of the law, and Trump's creeps are ever freer to destroy our environment, our country, our rights, our people.
     But wait - the worst is yet to come. There are individuals, thank G-d, who have the spine, the knowledge of what is truly moral and right, who know the difference between legal and  moral, who defy federal law on the rapacious rending of families with this insane chasing and deporting. Every time I think of it I think of all the deportations throughout history, the expulsions of Jews, the herding of Armenians by Turkey, the Rwanda disaster, the Rohingya, and now the Department of Justice is threatening to arrest - yes, ARREST - those individuals of the sanctuary cities and states! What the hell are we????What have we become? Are we now one of the world's tinpot dictatorships, spouting how democratic we are even as we arrest and then what? Then what? Do we start going after our citizens, not officials, just human beings who disagree with the immoral, unjust policies and actions of the President and his henchmen?
     Will we have to satisfy our desire for news with the stories of the man's huge appetite for food, for double scoops where all else get one? Will we have a pronouncement that McDonald's is the official food service of the country? Will we continuously have to listen to lies re the man's supposed health and his denials of his mental and emotional deterioration?
    And will we have to adjust our ears and minds to the display of hatred, vicious prejudice once more, the new fashion of the day? So a well known DIY show allows its 'star' to talk of "Jew it down", a disgusting canard of the past?! Will we all be reassigned to "shithole" countries according to our presumed nationalities, with America being reserved for pure WASPs if there is such a thing anymore.
    We are a nation of Heinz ketchup people - 57 varieties and we should be proud of that. We have a wonderful and rich mix of cultures and we should be proud of that. We have a melding of minds, of great minds and we should be proud of that. We have a record of at least trying to do the right thing and when we have not, of trying to undo the harm, fix our mistakes, care for people.
    That is who we the people are and that man in the Oval Office who talks of big buttons and small hands and other parts of his anatomy, who behaves as an infant with his ridiculous names that he assigns to others, who has no loyalty to anyone other than himself and possibly Ivanka - he is most emphatically not my president and most emphatically does not speak for most of we the people. Time to roar that at him and the world - that is, if we exist in the near future.
     WE THE PEOPLE!!!!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


     America. The symbol of progressive thinking, of political openness, of democracy. An example to the world, a country whose treasured monument held up a lamp to guide the way in for new immigrants seeking a better world.
      Like Camelot, this dream of such a country, or a country that was trying to live up to this dream, this image, is in danger of fading into the past and emerging as yet another lying 'republic' or 'democratic' republic. Once nations begin inserting such words into their titles then one knows the end has come.
     I, nor many other people, brighter and more attuned to it all than I, are cringing at what we have become, how far down the road we have gone, almost to the point of no return. We are no longer easing down that road, but tumbling in haste, in viciousness, in nastiness, in greed, headlong into another country where principles are those of hatred and dictatorship, where journalists will be hounded, prosecuted and persecuted, where the voice of truth will be stomped upon, its voice box savagely cut.
     The NY Times has a program called the Truth wherein they speak of the power of truth, its voice. Well, when a President of the country speaks of the press as the 'enemy of the people", echoing one of the worst mass murderers, Stalin, then we are in trouble, our democracy is in trouble. If not for the press, from the trial of Peter Zenger till now, the needs of the people, the progress of our country would have been forestalled or indeed never have happened. The truth indeed.
     How can we have a logical and working government, democracy, when the truth shifts from day to day. It 'evolves' as the facts are painted as never having happened, never been said, and substituted 'facts' are inserted. What do we do when we are now being warned in strident and hoarse, concerned voices that our democracy is going down the tubes, losing its power, allowing the rest of the world to drop its reforms and shift back to repressive, hateful and hurtful governments.
     Why do we stand around and allow tragedies to take place now on a daily basis. We are deporting people who have lived here for years, brought here as children, grew up in our system, speak our language, were educated, are in positions which aid our society, productive jobs, are, for all intents and purposes Americans but our bigoted and hateful 'leader' shouts they must go, out, out, he shouts. When agreements are made he turns on that dime of his and changes the facts all over again. So yesterday we had the awful sight of a man of 39, grasping desperately his American born wife, his American born children, and after 30 years in this country, a tax paying member of society, a father, a husband, is being deported. To a country which he has not seen since he was 10.
     When and why have we allowed this awful and disgraceful motif to return to our country, When we have pushed it down, stomped on it, educated against it, enacted laws against it- why is it suddenly the trope of the day? Why have all the roaches crawled out of the woodwork and taken over the kitchen of our nation?
     Despair is in the air. A black president and now a racist one. A man who sits there with a tired who cares look on his face when prison reform is discussed. Why? Because he could care less about this, his mind being on his bottom line, on the fact that 64 organizations, trade groups, foreign countries and Republican groups have made dinners at his Trump hotel in DC. His bottom line is looking good there! Never mind the fact that he should have divested. Never mind the fact that he is suffering from dementia of one cause or another, that he is erratic to the nth degree, that he is attacking the underpinnings of our nation, going at it with a heavy hand and a huge ax.
     As democracy is attacked, despair grows. Yes, there are some people brave enough to speak out. There are people willing to stand and protest, but let us be honest, As this man and his cohorts change the rules, as they attack our judiciary and its independence, as they attack free press, as they mix religion with government - the despair grows and grows and grows.
     So what do we do? Well, we yell, we protest, we challenge, we sue, we refuse to obey these hatful and hate filled laws. We refuse to allow our Constitution to be ripped out from under us. And who is WE? It is we the people, not just the ever weakening voices of the well known, but also and in fact, mainly, it should be the voices of us, of we, the people. We the people. We who must admit that we are all smeared, tarred with this disgrace for either voting for this terrible person, or not voting, or still even following him as he wallows in a dark pool of slime. We the people must fight against him and his plans, the plans of the lowest dregs of our society and no, their money does not raise them to a higher plane. In fact, it often weighs them down.

Monday, January 15, 2018


     Shakespeare had it right. When the world of nature is going bonkers, look around and check the world of man. What is going on? When the comments are made in Julius Caesar about the weird events of Nature, the comets, the crazy storms, the explanation is given which states that this is a clue, a reflection, to the disorder, the unnatural events in the world of man. This motif runs throughout the plays of Shakespeare.
     Now skip thru the centuries and stop when the dial hits 2018. Take a look around. Look at the past few years, the past few decades. Compare the events of Nature with the events and deeds of man. A tad scary, I believe.
      When man no longer is careful with the resources of nature, when he believes that he can rampage thru it without a care, then we are looking at a world of nature that will backfire, and so we have it. Just look around and see us tear up the world, allow a Canadian company to ravage the lands of The Bears Ears Monument as Zinke drastically shrinks it. Watch how uranium threats to the nature and the people of the area grow and overwhelm us. Watch how we threaten the coastline of the country in the name of oil. Promises, promises that nothing will go wrong and uh, what was that about Deepwater Horizon and Exxon Valdez?
    The world of Man has lost its way, lost the directions and pathways to the right way of life, the thoughtful and kind way of life. We rip each other apart. We have plans for a last resort of war with Korea!!! Plans that just went thru an active assessment at that. Russia has nuclear drones in the ocean. We have revived hatreds of old that never really were lost, only buried. We have allowed them to bloom with their poisonous seeds and flowers.
     We have returned to the god of money as the head god, the one we worship, sacrifice to, obey above all others. No matter who or what is in the way, we rush forward. In this mad and insane rush to accumulate mega bucks, insane fortunes, we trample over others. We trample on the rules of Nature. We trample on the rules of Man.
     We have allowed insanity to take over and the world of Nature has responded. We have the mudslides of a back area of a Central American country, only this one happened in the wealthy enclave of Montecito in California. We have constant floods, storms of the century which are coming every year. We have induced earthquakes into otherwise safe and stable areas due to fracking. Our cities are flooding and the nations of the world are facing the same dilemmas that we are. Island nations are disappearing yet we just keep on going, oblivious to what is happening and then what? Will we choose one of the apocalyptic movies as our guide on survival in this new world that we create? Will it be Mad Max or Snowpiercer? 
     What are we doing? What have we done and what more are we planning. The parallel worlds are imploding. Look around and see the tired faces of mankind. Look at the bewilderment as disasters overtake them time and time again.
     As for myself, I am fatigued, physically, emotionally, mentally. What is the use of trying to think, of planning, of hoping when the world appears to be run by the lunatics, truly the time when the inmates are running the asylum. And the world of Nature confirms my feelings as Mother Nature grows ever more challenged and fatigued as she tries to hold it together.
     So who will win? Who will retain that much more energy and come up with either the solution or the truly damning end of the world? All I know is in my own parallel worlds I am tired, so very tired. What about you?

Sunday, January 14, 2018


     When our little ones first repeat some off color word they heard from us, we correct them, we tell them not a good word, find a better one, and we certainly hope that by the time they are adults they have found more mature and meaningful ways to express themselves. They have learned that a filter is necessary if we are to live in a civilized world. We hope.
     Yet when the President evidently has no filter, wants no filter and says whatever garbage is cluttering up his tiny and deranged mind, that is not good. He claims that he is a genius, a stable one at that, knows what he is doing. I beg to differ. How many more bankruptcies of his must be noted? How many times has he been sued for poor business dealings, for stiffing people? And how many times must we have to listen to pathetic excuses of human beings try to excuse the pathetic mouthings of this man. 
     Yes, it is funny when the word "shithole" is somehow displayed on his hotel and poop emojis are there as well. But why are we engaging in this schoolyard garbage? Why have we allowed all of us to sink to his level? 
     At present the United States is a laughingstock to the world. They believe that we have all swallowed the Kool - Aid, that Trump is the current Reverend Jones.  Ugh!! Unfortunately they are right to an extent for there are the haters, the worms crawling out of the woodwork, the slimy critters who exist in swamps of minds, all these twisted beings who love this man for his hatred allows them to come out into the light, the sunshine and thereby dim the prospects of all of us. Sickening and embarrassing.
     I believe that there are people out there who voted for Trump thinking, mistakenly, that it would be kind of a lesson to America if he were in office, a good practical joke. But it was not such a good idea as we see the consequences, as we realize that so many allowed their baser instincts to take over, to rule their minds. And now, they are ashamed at themselves, allowed themselves to be the fools and now, now what? Do we need a Pied Piper to lead the rats out of Hamlin or do we fear that the Piper is already leading the children out? Are we beyond the point of no return.
     Based on a show of last night, where Capitol Steps spent practically the entire time of their presentation poking fun at Trump and administration, with a few moments left over for Hillary and Congress, it seems that there are enough people out there who realize the truth. The audience roared, knowing the truth behind it all but now what do we do? 
     Do we allow this broken figure of a man whose mind has gone somewhere deep and dark, do we allow him to destroy us over the next three years? Or do we allow things to take their course and then....a coup? Rioting in the streets? A sanctioning of us by the nations of the world? A steady deterioration into a Third World country with our citizens being banned all over? Or do we separate into Bantustans, no longer the United States but the divided states, worse than the Civil War secessions.
     All I know is that I am sickened, disheartened, and almost hopeless. Yes, it seems that life goes on but will it continue to do so as the world, as the country, begins to feel the  accumulated consequences of this man's insane behavior and statements. As for hope from his party to realize what they have done - do not hold your breath. To excuse his words of hatred, to wimp out by saying they do not recall these words emanating from his mouth, to ask for 'clarification" - dear Lord in Heaven. Have we come to this? Shame on all of us that we have allowed this to happen, that we have accepted the fact that our government is a farce, our administration is both incompetent and dangerous as we stand by and make excuses why this or that cannot be done. We stand around with our thumb up a portion of our anatomy and do nothing, nothing!!!
     WE the people have allowed our country to sink to this level. WE have allowed the worst elements of our country, of our population to rise to the top, to make decisions. WE have allowed selfish Fat Cats who care for naught other than the bottom line to run and ruin us. To destroy the future of our children.
     WE must speak up. WE must make demands. WE must assume the responsibility for those who are charged with that duty and do not. fulfill it. WE must know that if we do not, we the people are doomed. Think about that.

Friday, January 12, 2018


     I remember how someone would always go up to the piano in camp, be joined by some random other, and then play Heart and Soul. It was like a camp ritual. Why? No clue, but we all remember it whenever we reminisce.
     But today's heart and soul is different. Frankly, I am so tired that I thought I would excuse myself today and write a bit later on, but after checking the news, here came the heart and soul. I wrote about the Beast yesterday and here it is back again chewing away at my heart and soul, at the heart and soul of all of us, as individuals, as people of a nation, of a world. And I am so tired of this, so tired of this man who opens his mouth and spews forth garbage, words of hate, lies and more lies. He is a never ending source of horror and I am so tired of him and all he means and represents. I am so tired of those Republicans who cannot even get themselves to state firmly and clearly that NO!!! it is not fitting and proper that a President of the United States of America call Haiti and African countries shithole countries and why should we allow the people in. We should take people from Norway better!!!!!
     And the soulless and spineless and heartless and cruel and cowardly Republicans cannot find it within themselves to condemn this remark!!! They want clarification!! I am so tired of this, so physically and emotionally tired of this and cannot understand why someone, anyone, in the powers that be does not find a pathway to chuck this guy out of office. His gross prejudice is disgusting to the nth degree and the next one who states that it is not proper to compare him to Hitler is an idiot!!
      He says Bannon betrayed him. Why? Because for once in his life he spoke the truth? He has backers like that piece of human filth, Arpaio, and all the enablers who refuse to admit their blindness when it came to voting and all those Republicans in Congress who have not a miniscule piece of honest soul and heart within them.
     Trump is stuck in  a mire he has created for himself  and blames it on everyone else. It is Hillary's fault or now  Obama's fault that he cancelled his London trip. Perhaps he can realize that no one wants him.
     And now he is trying to wiggle out of talking to Mueller. Bill Clinton had to and so does he. NO ONE is above the law. NO ONE. He must take responsibility for all the crap, all the collusion, all the intended or unintended treason. All the hatred he has spurred, all the prejudiced individuals who are creeping out of the wood work. He and us - we must all accept responsibility for this situation.
     I am tired. Physically, it was a very busy week and age is reminding me of just that. It has been an emotionally fraught week with roller coaster shocks and crazy rides. It has been tiring to realize that we are still stuck with that man and his haters and could it actually be not until 2018 elections that we can muzzle him?? Lord help us if it is so, but in any case, we, the people, must get out that vote. We must insist on no more gerrymandering by the Republicans. We must insist on honesty and acceptance of truth. We must do something - remembering - we are the authors of our own fate.

Thursday, January 11, 2018


     Aha!! Bet you think you know who I think the Beast is. but you are wrong. I KNOW who the Beast is but the one you think it is, is only a manifestation of that Beast. The actual Beast is the one that we have allowed to ravage our souls, contaminate our minds and skew our thinking. It is the Beast that has allowed us to turn our backs on our country, forget its roots, its meaning, its principles and turned us into ravening beasts chomping thru the countryside destroying all that we and our forefathers and mothers have built.
     The Beast? Hatred and selfishness. It causes us to forgo thinking in our plans. It encourages us to ignore realities that bother us and instead create new realities that actually do not exist. It allows us to invite a deranged person into public office, the highest office in the land. It has broken the back of our system of government, putting it into a dangerous situation and quite frankly, I believe the country is on a dangerous precipice and we have to choose if we are going to back away from this Beast, turn towards our fellow countrymen and other citizens of the world, or are we going to allow this Beast to continue its destructive journey thru our souls and finally cause us to fall off that precipice?
     Manifestations of that Beast? The actions of yesterday, with ICE raiding 7-11s all over the country, 'capturing' such dangerous people who worked the counters and the cleaning crews of the stores, threatening to punish the owners who hired them, threatening the cities who gave shelter and sanctuary to these immigrants, here to build a life for themselves and their families and willing to work low paying jobs, menial jobs, as a way to build that new life.
    Trump and ICE and the Republicans are crazy focused on blaming these 'terrible' people for unemployment. Meanwhile, they are the backbone of much of the construction industry, of agriculture, have built small businesses of their own, bought homes,raised American citizens who now stand before a Draconian choice - be separated from their parents or be sent to a country of poverty, of danger, a country which is foreign to them for these are American kids we are destroying with our actions with that Beast of hate egging us on.
     In many cases they are filling positions to which no 'American"  aspires. They have built a layer or strata of the economy that contributes. They are the immigrants who are the present day replications of our parents and grandparents and I could care less if one's ancestors came over on the Mayflower!! We are all immigrants, one and all, and we have allowed hatred to grow into that huge Beast destroying our country.
    This same Beast allows us to allow dangerously foolish statements from dangerously foolish people. Constantly saying he knows the answer, but he won't tell, not yet, is that oaf, Trump. He knows the answer to the opioid crisis, or so he says. But he also says he is not ready to tell us, so guess, I suppose. He knows the answer to the whole DACA mess he has singlehandedly created even as he bleeds crocodile tears for them and insists on Draconian measures to be installed all over the country. Now we have a system wherein if one has a Hispanic name, expect to be stopped and questioned at the border. You might be a 'bad hombre!!'
     Cruel people are found to fill these new border positions and how nasty and cruel so many are, willing to rip hearts apart with the rending of families, all claiming to be simply doing their jobs and are not responsible for any harm done to people. Well, we have all heard that before, many times, and believe me, it does not lead into positive things. But after all, this stable genius is actually a geni-ass!!
     And now the Beast is threatening our very foundations what with people now trying to either destroy our judicial branch or make it impotent, a tool of the Beast. We have threatened to overturn the First Amendment, shouting Fake News - which is not a reality, folks, it is a made up term from the Beast and representatives. We   threaten libel suits and I, for one, think that would be great for in those suits witnesses have to be called and truth needs to be stated. Perjury is not a good idea. But the Republicans, now the party of the Beast, will continue its ugly attempts to ignore the wrongdoing and only go after those who called attention to the wrongdoing. It is nauseating.
    So for time off from the Beast I spent a wonderful few hours listening to an 82 year old man on stage, still sing with full voice, able to make high notes and wow!!! he actually reached out to the audience, not a man known for his charisma, only his talent and his gentleness and his loyalty to his friends and long term employees.
The entire theater at Kravis, sold out, was filled with admirers, loyal fans, of this man and applauded wholeheartedly and gave him several standing ovations from individuals throughout as each song touched some in special ways. The entire theater rose to its feet in full throated roar at the end. And I thought to myself, what a beautiful way to live a life, making music, providing surety for others, his huge orchestra, to also live life making music. And so the Beast was kept at bay for a time. Thank you, Johnny Mathis, for so many years of music that touches the heart.

Beasts no more. Please! Let us search within an chase it and its henchmen out, clear and clean our souls and refresh our hearts lest all be lost before too long.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


     Well, we are still in the land of the bizarre. People act in opposition to their own stated principles or to the manner in which they should comport themselves. I am not sure sometimes whether we are in the natural world of 2018 or in some mishmash of an Alice in Wonderland Newspeak land of 1984 and following the dictates of the traitor Arnold Benedict. Whatever it is, it is confusing and not very encouraging either.
     Every day things come out. Some appear to be not true but then the amazing true facts come out and here we are back in Bizzaro land. Here is one. Trump goes around shouting how he is planning to make America Great even as he takes away all that does make it great. Error 1. But wait, there's more. He who shouts and parades his so called patriotism in front of his deluded base is now exposed as willing to remove American troops from Europe all to please and delight Putin. Such patriotism we can do without.
     Another? He who is going to make us great by apparently killing us all or at least polluting the earth beyond redemption, now has new and even worse plans. Beyond despoiling the air, the land, the waters, the natural beauty of our land, he is now planning to loosen the controls and reasons to use nuclear weapons and is planning on developing low yield nuclear Trident missiles. Wow!! Such reassurance. Preppers - on your mark!!! 
     Okay, another puzzle. According to all public photos and discussions or meetings, all of his staffers, his administration members are all ready to bobble their heads and grin like the Cheshire Cat when asked how wonderful is their boss, how much they love him. It is sickening to see the toadying of these presumed to be independent adults. Yet there it is!!! And yet here is another side when we hear of the struggle of Trump to fill in the empty seats of his administration as he has bled people all year, destroyed people, and now more are planning to leave second year, not even staying for the 2018 elections which, will, with G-d willing, turn into a deep rejection of him and his. Despite apparently becoming bobbleheads around him, they do have a modicum of independent thinking and  survival instincts. What is frightening is that these people who are leaving or been asked to leave are not first rate in the first place!! Now what will we get? Scary!!!
     The Stable Genius Act - a proposition put forth by a Democrat in the House, named in "honor" of Trump's statement that he is just that, calling for a complete and transparent medical exam of a president or candidate, including mental status. Oh yes!!! What a wonderful thing that would be and no wonder someone does not want this. Guess who?
     In the meanwhile we must do what we can till he is gone from the picture. A judge has stopped the rescinding of the DACA program for the moment. His daughter is getting hell for her hypocritical statement. Jared is getting bombarded as well and perhaps we will make America great again when we rid ourselves of these incompetent and venial people. 
     And yet, there are those who still support him, believe him. An otherwise intelligent woman told me that Fire and Fury is all lies. I give up!!! Maybe when Mueller brings this Russian and other related investigations to a conclusion, people will hear and believe the truth. At worst, Trump is a traitor and deserves to be prosecuted for that. At best, he is a fool who allowed people to run him, to have him allow treasonous decisions, to make poor decisions for the future or lack thereof of our country, a person who decided he would enlarge and grow his bottom line while in the president's seat and sees only genius about that. He will be found guilty of overreaching his rights and obstruction of justice. But may it happen soon enough for in the meanwhile our country is losing its grip, on the way to becoming tribal and establishing its own Bantustans. Not good.
    So you know by now who has to shoulder this responsibility and see it all the way thru. Yup - you got it.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018


     When. The word is echoing in my head, going round and round. When. When is this mess going to be resolved. And when it is resolved, if it is ever resolved, what will be the outcome? When will we know the truth based upon incontrovertible proof and then, when that time arrives, if it ever does, what will be the outcome?
    When is probably the most important four letter word in our vocabulary today. When will Trump et al answer questions with straight answers? When will the truth be disclosed re his business interests and their intermingling with his presidential side as the money mixes together? When will we see his tax reports? When will he get a full and transparent medical exam from head to toe and the head had better be opened carefully and truthfully.
     When will Trump begin telling the truth, beginning perhaps, with the full truth about how many hours he spends a day watching TV, responding to it, particularly as Fox gives him nonsense. When will he finally settle down to work as opposed to his constant and frenetic round of golf days, day after day, weekend after weekend and all at our expense!!
     When will Ivanka realize that she cannot speak up re sexual harassment and molestation with a  straight face and expect people to accept it. Not when her father is chief molester in office and there are suits against him. He is her father, yes, but truth is truth, and full disclosure is just that. When will this administration and family begin to realize that truth will out, no matter what, no matter how many lies are told, no matter how much truth is denied and no matter how many staged shows with all around him bobbing their heads up and down and grinning at this "like very smart" man in a game of monkey do as ordered!!
     When will the powers that be recognize the fact that the country cannot be run indefinitely in a chaotic atmosphere and manner. No, the excuse that it is "orchestrated" and actually genius, is not acceptable. In fact, when will the members of this administration do the right thing, the patriotic thing, the honest thing, and fess up to the truth about how our government is functioning or not.
     There are so many when questions to be answered and so many when questions that are being avoided. But we all know that one can run and hide only so long. Eventually one cannot keep up with the lies and the newspeak we have around here, denying the truth, the open truth, the actual actions, the true events - well, perhaps history will organize all this but the question is - can we survive until that "when" time comes around?
     Now here is a when question that needs to be answered after we all look deeply into our inner souls and fess up to the truth. No one is listening but our own selves so think about it. When the rumors and talk began after Oprah's beautiful and powerful speech, what did you think? Did you question the sanity of those who said she should run for office? Did you who voted for Trump then say she cannot do that because she has no experience in the political arena? Ahem, ahem!! Did any of you out there realize that she is truly the self made person, coming out of a troubled start to life and ending up where she is, among her accomplishments being the establishment and funding of a girls school in Africa? As for Trump's charity? Uh, thinking, thinking....Nope, his fake university which blood sucked the money from these defrauded students does not qualify and nor does the fact that the truth is that he got his start from daddy, had his nuts saved by daddy, and has gone bankrupt so any times, defrauded and not paid his contractors and we can go on and on.
     So why will those who voted for him rail against the thought of Oprah running? Well, look deep inside and see that though the balance sheet comes out on her side there is one thing that weighs against her in those deep and dark minds and that is the color of her skin and her gender. Admit it, folks. Now I am not saying she should run. I did not believe Trump should have run. But look deep inside folks, deep, deep.
     WE the people need to do a lot of soul searching, a whole bunch. We the people need to be honest and then and only then can we answer the when questions and answer with the proper responses. WE the people have much to do but if we do not, then who will?

Monday, January 8, 2018


     Last nite Oprah Winfrey spoke of a tectonic shift, talking of the outing of the sexual harassment of women not only in Hollywood and the entertainment and news media but also in every field. The truth will be a powerful tool for the betterment and improvement of the world - and not only in this area but in all areas of the world. This message was carried through via the black dresses and gowns of the women and even the men, with their black tuxedos and many black shirts as well as wearing the pin stating #Timesup
     We are, at present, in the midst of the worst record for truth telling ever. Never before have we had a president who is so enmeshed in telling lies, in denying and avoiding the truth. Never before has a president been tracked for the enormous amount of lies he has told. Never before has a president said he is going to give out awards for Fake News, etc. It is just appalling.
     Never before have we had such planned interviews where the interviewee has been handed a strategy by the administration to lie, to focus attention on accusations of "fake News", to not answer the question asked but to instead, attack the interviewer. It got so bad yesterday, that finally Tapper lost patience and  closed out the interview and still, Miller refused to leave the studio until escorted out by security. 
     This is no way to run a country. This is no way to gain the confidence of the electorate nor that of the world. So  now we have the CDC planning a lecture on how to survive a nuclear attack, for Heaven's sake. Preppers are planning their strategies and shelters and the stocking of all sorts of supplies is ramping up. Trump and his childish counterpart trade threats and I do not know which one is the sicker one!!
     We find out that the 'games' of war that Russia played in September was indeed a rehearsal for a full scale attack on the West. I feel we are going backwards, right back into the heat of the Cold War, in its uncertainty, in its threats to life as we know it, in its unthinkable consequences.
     But people are waking up. People are finally realizing the danger that this man poses to us all. Farmers, who supported Trump, who put up big signs on the highways, now realize that whoa!!! his trade policies, his isolationism, are putting them at even greater risk of poor sales, of lower incomes and of higher taxes on that income, of high tariffs imposed on American produce due to Trump and his terrible policies.
     What is even more shocking, more concerning, is the total collapse of the Republican Party. They only seem to have woken up in dealing with the marijuana issue with Republicans whose state has more liberal policies suddenly screaming about the plans of Trump. Well, where the hell were they when he was perpetrating the rape of America? And suddenly they have become environmentalists when the permission to drill for oil on the coasts is being given. Suddenly this is the only violation of the environment that they speak of and why? Because their state's tourism trade and dollars will be threatened.
     Well, wake up, Republicans. Wake up. Trumpism is the destruction of all that we hold dear. I have been shouting this for months and months, pointing out the disasters he has perpetrated, the insulting behavior, the big and stupid mouth, his constant insults and the very real issue of his dementia and derangement. Now people are speaking up but where were they all these months? Where were they while our fabric as a nation was being destroyed, eaten away by Trumpism? And where were the moral ethics, the moral backbone of these Republicans? Where? Not anywhere to be seen, none at all, as they all caved and fawned over Trump, or gave in to fear of his mouth.
     So it is truly up to us, we the people of the country, to speak up, to demand that our representatives in politics learn or rather remember what their primary responsibility is - to run and administer government according to the Constitution, to watch and protect our free press, to better the lot of our citizens and to remember that we are all immigrants, be it of this time or two generations ago or five. It does not matter. We all came here with the intention of starting over, of having a hope for a better future for our children, to be able to worship as one believed, to have the ability to become educated, to better oneself.
     And if our representatives, including the President, cannot remember this, cannot put aside their selfish desires, their lack of moral spine, then out they must go. And who decides that - we the people.