Dear America,
How and when can we even begin to understand what we have done? When will the reality of our grossly misbegotten erroneous choices and actions be thoroughly internalized? When will we acknowledge that we have taken too often the low road, especially of late, truly beginning its malevolent appearances when we got involved in Vietnam, a war that should never have been, when the divisions within this nation took on deeper meanings and importance.
With some moments of hope, too often dashed too quickly, since then we have gone downhill. We have enraged allies, cozied up to enemies, and simply made choices on the wrong side of right and too often lacking content of humanitarian concern. Arrogantly, we pursued that course and initiated a growth industry of panning America, placing all in a negative light. The American shine began to tarnish, in places even to rust. And yet stubbornly we continued on. We began to wallow in the. filth of the ditches, blundered into dangerous and inhospitable arenas, became lost, and let us and the world down.
We doubled down on our errors and now the bill is due. No more delay. Unfortunately, we chose the wrong credit card with which to pay the bill. The leaders of the nation dwindled in stature and honesty, morality not to be seen. Filthy souls were covered over with false fronts. Both religious and secular leaders disappointed and wounded us deeply.
More important, most important, we began to cannibalize ourselves, eating away at the unity of the nation, breaking the nation into tribal areas and tribal concerns. With cynicism, anger, and hopelessness on the rise, people began to arm themselves to an absurd degree and formed militias of their own, which inevitably morphed into the revolutionary treasonous behavior of January 6th and so much worse in the resultant soulless administration now in place, perhaps the last one democratically elected within a once upon a time America. All ranks of the nation began to kowtow to a man who used fear and promises of wealth and power, and our industrialists, our legislators, our judges, deserted us. Those who opposed took themselves out of harm's way. We, the people, were left mostly abandoned and defenseless or even buying into the program.
When what should not, could not ever be, became. a horrocious reality. When the president needs to be reminded that he is not a king, that he must obey the law, and he games the game, we are in trouble. When that President and his supporters feel he can govern by Executive Order, ignoring the legislative and judicial branches of this nation, shredding the Constitution, we are in grave trouble indeed. When too many of the electorate fall prey to the flow of his treacherous snakelike words, we are in deep trouble.
When news articles warning of his monarchist ambitions, his dangerous plans and foolish deranged statements, even from media who had supported him, when one sees articles of the following topics, well. worry, my friends. Worry indeed. He welcomes legal battles so as to have his domesticated Supreme Court collude with him and approve his violations of the law.
He talks of immigrants as something other than human and allows, no, even encourages behavior worthy of an award from Hitler. A group of 88 Brazilian deportees, handcuffed, shackled, with children aboard roasted in the hot sun of the Amazon. for hours, refused permission to get off; to at least open the door to get air. It took the Brazilian federal police to force their release. Anyone who has ever waited on a plane in the heat knows the brutality of this. To subject children to this as well! What is the matter with us? What is the matter with the people we have allowed to take power in this nation?
When the president, in the midst of his constant barrage of cutting costs, plans to redevelop Guantanamo Bay and use it to "house” 30,000+ deported immigrants, at a cost ever ongoing, of trillions of dollars and guess who will be paying that tab.... anyone with any remnant of a soul within should be screaming to the heavens, to the people in charge. Protesting this plan. This is not a housing situation. This is the beginning of the new growth industry here in America. The American version of a concentration camp.
A shout out to my fellow Jews. You should be shaking in your shoes. You should be feeling chills of fright running down your spine. You should be overwhelmed with nausea. When hate rises to this level, when people can discuss calmly, approvingly, of plans to imprison a designated group of people, cast aside, set aside, the feeling of Deja Vue should overwhelm you with horror. Your mouths, your minds, your hearts, your souls, should be opposing this. Any decent person should oppose.
Why can we not turn our fertile minds to solving this issue rather than punishing it, treating the symptoms rather than the cause and results and do so in humanitarian manner. With soul front and center.
When a 99-year-old survivor of Auschwitz speaks at a commemoration of the liberation of Auschwitz, that obscene Hell on Earth, and his speech cries out against the rising hatred of this world, there is something very wrong. When he speaks about the anti-democratic movements and their role and responsibility in this phenomenon, preaching, as they do, of "hostility and hatred toward others.... (and define) racism, antisemitism and homophobia. as virtues", well, folks, time to wake up and acknowledge our errors. And fix them.
My dear fellow Americans, we need to delve deeply within ourselves. Find our souls. Clean them up and put them firmly where they belong. In active combat and opposition to the filth of hate. Stop trying to disguise it. Bare the falsehoods being told, the claims of false religion and false patriotism. If hate and racism and violence directed at one group is not fought against and destroyed at its point of origin, then the inevitable will take place. That hate will grow and swallow up all before it. And those to the side and then turn around and go at those behind. Its appetite is insatiable and there is no escape. There is no one not a potential victim.
America. Find yourself. Please. Before it is too late. Freshen the drawers of your mind. Be a true American. Be a good person. Be a kind person. The alternative is unthinkable.
On the morrow of the morrow.