Friday, January 3, 2025


  Well, folks, getting to sleep at 2:45AM this morning is not conducive of writing a thought piece. In fact, is the earth still standing? In fact, with all the festivities and preparation necessary, not too sure of a functioning brain and ability to think in a deep and consistent manner-let alone write. I will try, but fair warning, it will be short. 

Evidently, the usual stupidity continued, well on track for more errors and plans designed to fail. Quelle surprise! The hostage deal has collapsed once again as Hamas continues to demand a continuing source of blackmail - hostages alive, certainly not well, and who knows the truth of those still surviving and for how long. Their crazed demand of masses of murderers to be released for bodies of those Hamas murdered while in their bloody hands!

Nor do their outrageous demands negate the fault of those who should have known better and should have kept their mouths shut. sealed tight! Persisting in making statements of incitement meant to rile Hamas and deepen the condemnations of Israel were, to say the least, not very helpful and in fact, generated more doomed to fail scenarios. Above all else, all the while, our loved ones, hostages,   reamin in awful limbo. How many, if any, will return alive? Grows more doubtful by the second.

And a nation will descend even further into chaos and infighting, benefitting Hamas and the detractors and haters of Israel and world Jewry, ever so generous in their hatred and ever so willing to take advantage of our errors. Why does the topic mesh with my journey, further to be examined, is that it arises from the same damned hubris of our presumed leaders. We voted them into office and enabled their negativity to suffuse all within its miasma, gave them room to generate trouble.   

The same duplicity, identical harm, the deliberate greedy grasping for wealth, for power, for influence, so disappointing and soul rending. Same difference. Same disappointment. Same causative factor to reexamine and reshape.

On the morrow of the morrow.

Thursday, January 2, 2025


    ...for good reason. Today is a family wedding so no time to breathe let alone write in cogent manner. Most probably there will be a posting some time a bit later in the morning. Thank you for your understanding. See you then.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025


Full confession. I hate being frustrated by things or situations which should not be, yet are, and by people who should know better and act better, yet   do not. Are they aware of their foolishness or thoughtlessness or are they deliberately being so dense for dastardly purpose?  Is there a quirk in their reasoning process which necessitates this frustrational aspect or trait? Whatever the answer is, it makes no never mind to me bottom line.

 I am not quite sure whether the cure is to bang my head on the wall or   theirs, but I do so wish with all my might, with all my heart, that someone, somewhere comes up with an operational cure. In the meanwhile, all I, we, can do is bear up under it but it is damn frustrating!

Okay. Back to sanity or at least an approximation of such. There are people who know how to reap a toxic crop and see it successfully delivered throughout the nation or whatever size community is relevant to the matter. They are so adroit in this skill that people actually support now all that which is so clearly inimical to them, to their happiness, to their prosperity, to all of lasting value and buy into the momentary and doomed to failure or never come into existence. All promises are negated, never having been meant to actualize in the first place!!!It was all "sound and fury signifying nothing". Nothing but harm; nothing but danger. Nothing.

Yapping mouths. Ears open to hear what comes forth. Too often what does, stinks of hate and deliberate bias with evil afoot, in all that incurs deliberate or simply stubborn stupidity. Or a combination of both? But why is it that people cannot stop themselves from spitting out vocal corrosive acid and others swallowing it whole, bathing in its temporary liberation of the nastiest traits of humanity?

Worse yet is when deliberate attacks on the better aspects of humanity are justified in the name of religion. That idea meant to give strength and courage, structure and a sense of protection, a touch of humility and place within the scheme of things, is perverted and twisted to the point of nonrecognition of its origin. Its benefit becomes lost, and recognition and recall of a better more positive religion becomes lost in the dust of history, the vagueness of the future, even as the present is uncertain and threatening. 

Throughout history, time and time again, as we never do learn the lessons of history, or understand them in the negative, there are those who take advantage of the dire straits and concerns of humankind. They begin to shift and twist and change. All the precepts and rules, the guts of religion, its softer, comforting positive aspects, its kindness and ability to include so many under the shade of protection of the wings of a more powerful Being - minimized. 

That Being, that enormous entity of ultimate power, with major traits of kindness and caring, understanding and patience re the foibles of humanity shifts in coloration. Positive traits remain but are now heavily overcoated with a patina of fear and dread, inducing a panicked form of begging for forgiveness and mercy, as the forgiving side fades into the background and into the forefront comes a fear and fright and the next step. 

The fear becomes overwhelming and approach to    that Being threatening. Might they get burnt? Or denied forgiveness for improper approach? Into that uncertainty comes an intermediate layer. Those within that layer begin to act as the new connection factor to enable the connection between man and his G-d. There are many within this layer who actually mean well, who are humble, kind. understanding and desirous of being a good, faithful, successful connector who can help man make that connection.  

 Unfortunately, people being people, there are those who began to see other aspects contained within this new layer. In the name of helping those desirous, needful to approach the Lord, for whatever reason, to bring God closer, a more integral part of life for that person, that need is used as a steppingstone for the 'connector'.  

The twisted ones of this layer begin to amass power, great personal power in the guise of helping people, bringing them closer to God. Perhaps that actually occurs, but what is beneath that return? Is it out of love or fear? Is it out of relief that someone else made the hard decisions and bared a path for the penitent? But who chose that path and why? Is it not better for one to own his way to the Lord, to feel it within the heart rather than in the fear and dread center, know and return in a positive manner rather than one of negativity? Yes, there must be fear in some manner but certainly G-d is not so petty that He needs and values your fear and terror over your love and the emulation of His kindness and compassion. 

Unfortunately, power, the possibility of Power, amassing of Power, especially in the name of good and God, is tempting even to good people who meant no harm initially. But Power corrupts, does it not? It eats away at the soul of a person, difficult to resist in possibilities. Unfortunately, with no exceptions, religions fell prey to some of these negative personalities. 

Judaism did not escape such abomination in the actuality of corrupt usage of religion to empower, enrich and elevate themselves above others. Even as it helped some, it was also seen as a means of making a prosperous living, to be respected and feared, to rule over lives of many, and an inheritance for children. In actuality if one thinks about it to assume the role and status of demi-god, the true method to understand what G-d wants from us. 

This is not to say that all people of this layer were possessed by ambitions of selfishness or were not able to combine the Godly and the temporal, the mundane and actually help those in need, particularly during times of danger and terror. But all the while under the temptation of the worldly benefits this role accessed, a callousness grew within.  It led to shameful infighting, even physically, and terrible verbal accusations, shaming the nation, shaming Judaism, shaming and disrespecting G-d. Hungry, ungodly, selfish fights over control of family and adherents and the wealth which ensued from that power and position. They lost their humility which is probably the best way with which to approach God. No two ways about it. What originally was meant as a good revision, segued into negative territory where too often it has remained unto these very days. 

 People like to be on top of things, to be the boss, the determining factor as to how people live life. To exercise that power, to bless or to curse, to advise even when truly ignorant of that asked of them.    To play with the lives of people, to live in wealth and comfort even as many adherents do not. And so harmful to those of this layer who are doing it right, taking on a hard journey through life, giving of themselves, aiding those who seek an improved pathway to their G-d. 

I apologize if I have offended any via this posting.  But then again, this a journey to be undertaken in honesty. Even ruthless as needs be.  

On the morrow.