So here we go again. This time it is Lanny who tries to explain what a wonderful world it will be if only we agree to pay the exorbitant fees that would be called for under David Israel's Wi Fi plan. First we add $2.50 so that brings us up to $12 increase and all that while not figuring out how to keep funding the reserve shortfall so that we are able to pay bills as they come in. But that's not all folks. Wait, there's more (can't help using that line as there is always more from this group!). WE NEED TO START DOING SOMETHING ABOUT THE MILLENNIUM AGREEMENT. It is running out before you know it and you can bet your bippy that Mark Levy and his lawyers are planning how to screw us again with the next agreement. So what have we done so far? NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING.
But wait. Did not David Israel say he was going to start a committee? Yup, but as usual it is all talk and no action as he sinks deeper and deeper into the morass of the Wi Fi debacle awaiting us. We need to save money to pay for our lawyers and we need to get rid of Tennyson which, as usual, David Israel said he was going to do, years ago, but guess what - he is still here, still getting paid and still telling David Israel whatever he wants to hear.
So, my brilliant financier Lanny - how much more will we have to add in to pay for the new real lawyers? How much will it cost us and the more we wait, the larger the amount. Wow, we seem to be heading for the stratosphere with our payment needs. And let me remind you, once a payment goes in it rarely, if ever, is taken off. So what should we do - call it an even $20 or $25 increase. Wow, the residents here will love that!. We get a bargain of an administration that never does anything except talk and waste money and no progress or future planning PLUS the constant excuse of "it is not David's fault. Oh, no, it is all the people before him." But of course, leave out Bob Marshall and Ed Black," the wicked Treasurer who started all our problems with the money by shifting it around without approval and by following Ponzi scheme accounting principles.
This is what I mean by an incompetent administration. No One has any experience in management, in planning, in financial acumen. Now Howie O'Brien is there but how long do you think it will be till David Israel tries to by pass him? Not long, folks, based on prior history of behavior of David Israel.
And as for you, Peter Cruz, of Sheffield, otherwise known as Petey Boy, you should try to take a bit of pride in yourself and stop making ridiculous comments on David Israel's private blog, and by just stopping the annoying childish and obscene comments you send to me. True, they give me a daily laugh or two or three, depending how often you and the others send something through, but dumb is dumb.
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
The case is very sad with Elaine Brown. I give her credit for trying, but she obviously cannot make it thru the effort and in the end, what she writes makes no sense at all.
The latest entry? She writes how previous administrations neglected infrastructure and how many associations that are shambles have basically non functioning boards. Mind you, I am not disagreeing with her statement about non functioning boards but evidently David Israel has not clued her in that those boards were what got him elected as he brought in these near fossils to vote for him. However, for four and a half years David Israel has been president and surely there was enough time for him to address the "shambles". Personally I have not seen these shambles but then again, I have not seen every building. BUT - the shambles that were the roads - Ahh, how well David Israel took care of that!. Elaine Brown says we have to spend money. Now! Right Now! That is what David Israel did and that is why we have a shortfall and THAT IS WHY WE DO NOT HAVE ALL THAT MONEY TO SPEND, ELAINE. Finally, how would spending millions on Wi Fi do anything for the associations that you say are "shambles"? So if the paint is peeling and the roof is leaking and the gutters are falling off and the balustrades are cracked and ready to tip over - the prospective buyer will hurry to buy because there is Wi Fi??? Are you out of your mind!!!
Now we come to the second part of the posting, an excerpt from Anitra's article re Wi Fi, whereof she talks out of , well, never mind the location. However, it does seem to fit the bill for Elaine's plan to spend, and spend, and spend, and spend and spend ad infinitum. However, the statements that Anitra makes are ill founded and fallacious. Go to MYVILLAGE blog and you will see the answers to her article or read some of my earlier recent postings where I explain the situation.
Now if somebody could explain to me what the heck spending wasteful dollars on Wi Fi that is an unnecessary expense and that can be done in a more efficient manner using Comcast's business setup , just what this has to do with "the shambles" of associations, then they deserve a medal. Elaine, for your own sake, quit the writing or get someone else to proofread or do writing therapy but certainly do not continue this at your present level.
Now for Anitra. Here is this woman, a renter, and she is on most of the committees one way or the other, is heavy into the IT along with Ed Black, writes article after article for The Reporter, David Israel' s rag, and SHE is going to determine the future of our Village? People, you have got to see through the fog of David Israel. See what this man has perpetrated on us here with his breaking of all rules and regulations, treating the by laws as junk, unless it suits him to say, "If you ignore the bylaws you are on a slippery slope." Well, you are skiing right off your slope, Mr. President!
Finally, many people were interested in the OPT OUT papers that were available Sunday. They are still available on MYVILLAGE and will be available on this blog sometime tomorrow. There will be instructions about where to send them. These OPT OUT papers MUST be in before the delegate assembly on October 3rd. If they are not, then you are co-opted in - in to David Israel's plans and all that money being spent. If you OPT OUT, you can do nothing with the Wi Fi in your building or do something. The decision is yours, but the share of David Israel's expenses will not be yours to pay. Again - they will not be yours to pay. It has been months and months that UCO has been trying to get permits for one fence by Southampton and it is still not gotten and most probably not going to be available ever! Yes, ever! How in the name of all that's holy do they ever expect to get a permit for all the infrastructure that would be necessary for this project. Like the big towers and the antennae and the wiring messes and on and on. You think there will be a savings here? Well, do I have a bridge for you!
If you decide to go for the Comcast program and need help understanding it or where the extenders would go and how easy it is to install, email the two blogs, mine and MYVILLAGE, send a comment and we will get back to you with advice and help. It is not complicated. Believe me, if I can understand it and explain it (see earlier article - TECHIE TALK) then so can you.
The latest entry? She writes how previous administrations neglected infrastructure and how many associations that are shambles have basically non functioning boards. Mind you, I am not disagreeing with her statement about non functioning boards but evidently David Israel has not clued her in that those boards were what got him elected as he brought in these near fossils to vote for him. However, for four and a half years David Israel has been president and surely there was enough time for him to address the "shambles". Personally I have not seen these shambles but then again, I have not seen every building. BUT - the shambles that were the roads - Ahh, how well David Israel took care of that!. Elaine Brown says we have to spend money. Now! Right Now! That is what David Israel did and that is why we have a shortfall and THAT IS WHY WE DO NOT HAVE ALL THAT MONEY TO SPEND, ELAINE. Finally, how would spending millions on Wi Fi do anything for the associations that you say are "shambles"? So if the paint is peeling and the roof is leaking and the gutters are falling off and the balustrades are cracked and ready to tip over - the prospective buyer will hurry to buy because there is Wi Fi??? Are you out of your mind!!!
Now we come to the second part of the posting, an excerpt from Anitra's article re Wi Fi, whereof she talks out of , well, never mind the location. However, it does seem to fit the bill for Elaine's plan to spend, and spend, and spend, and spend and spend ad infinitum. However, the statements that Anitra makes are ill founded and fallacious. Go to MYVILLAGE blog and you will see the answers to her article or read some of my earlier recent postings where I explain the situation.
Now if somebody could explain to me what the heck spending wasteful dollars on Wi Fi that is an unnecessary expense and that can be done in a more efficient manner using Comcast's business setup , just what this has to do with "the shambles" of associations, then they deserve a medal. Elaine, for your own sake, quit the writing or get someone else to proofread or do writing therapy but certainly do not continue this at your present level.
Now for Anitra. Here is this woman, a renter, and she is on most of the committees one way or the other, is heavy into the IT along with Ed Black, writes article after article for The Reporter, David Israel' s rag, and SHE is going to determine the future of our Village? People, you have got to see through the fog of David Israel. See what this man has perpetrated on us here with his breaking of all rules and regulations, treating the by laws as junk, unless it suits him to say, "If you ignore the bylaws you are on a slippery slope." Well, you are skiing right off your slope, Mr. President!
Finally, many people were interested in the OPT OUT papers that were available Sunday. They are still available on MYVILLAGE and will be available on this blog sometime tomorrow. There will be instructions about where to send them. These OPT OUT papers MUST be in before the delegate assembly on October 3rd. If they are not, then you are co-opted in - in to David Israel's plans and all that money being spent. If you OPT OUT, you can do nothing with the Wi Fi in your building or do something. The decision is yours, but the share of David Israel's expenses will not be yours to pay. Again - they will not be yours to pay. It has been months and months that UCO has been trying to get permits for one fence by Southampton and it is still not gotten and most probably not going to be available ever! Yes, ever! How in the name of all that's holy do they ever expect to get a permit for all the infrastructure that would be necessary for this project. Like the big towers and the antennae and the wiring messes and on and on. You think there will be a savings here? Well, do I have a bridge for you!
If you decide to go for the Comcast program and need help understanding it or where the extenders would go and how easy it is to install, email the two blogs, mine and MYVILLAGE, send a comment and we will get back to you with advice and help. It is not complicated. Believe me, if I can understand it and explain it (see earlier article - TECHIE TALK) then so can you.
Hold the press! Emerging news! Petey Boy does not like me or "my entourage". I love it when people seem to think that I have this group that walks lockstep and listens to my every word. You must be thinking of the time when I was teacher and principal! Seriously, the only Svengali here is your lord and master, David Israel, and his lord and master, Ed Black. And what the hell are you talking about with the "gagging" of a former Southhampton president. I have no clue as to what you are talking about so evidently I guess I do not have an "entourage" or else they would clear every word and deed with me. You are truly an amazing doofus!
Now let us go back to the Wi Fi and the ridiculous statements on David Israel's blog where only the few and select are allowed to kiss his ass.
1. What the hell is No fi? Just another moronic term from David Israel. Wi Fi is already installed in several buildings of the Village and working beautifully, be they big or small, wood or CBS buildings. A fact is a fact is a fact and no amount of obfuscation from that master of lies, David Israel, can make it other than what it is.
2. It is encrypted - up to 128 bit encryption and it is secure with individual access codes and passwords for individual users and units.
3. It has the speed of the Comcast system which is the fastest speed of any system and certainly faster than whatever David Israel is planning. For more speed from his system you will have to pay more money!!!! There go your supposed savings. Want to save? Use this system.
4. Talking of savings. Next fool heard from. Don Ho Ho says he will save money paying as little as $20 a month. Really? Well, let's see about that. That will possibly be for the basic and even then it could be more. Then you will need to pay more to upgrade your system. Then, when you so blithely walk around the "campus" - and you idiots, this is NOT a college campus; this is a town, a Village. Grow up. Anyway when you so blithely walk around and then go outside to hook onto someone else's hookup, well, how much will you pay for stupidly going on an unsecured account and inputting your personal data for some lovely hacker to pick up. Hmmm....wonder how much that will cost per month as you try to straighten out your life!
5. Newsflash! There are many people in the Village who do not have computers or do not have the gazillion systems that David Israel insists we all have. These people and others , many others, are not interested in paying thru the nose for years to come for another financial fiasco and a system that will be outdated before it is fully and finally in use and there we will be - paying for it. Sounds kinda' like how we are paying thru the nose for the $5 million paving job where we might as well have flushed it down the toilet and had more fun.
6.Let's see; what else? Oh, Petey Boy mentions lawyers and suits? Whoa, Davey Boy! I thought you just hated that word - lawsuit - but in any case, before your little minions march on, be sure to remind them of the physical threat to my life, of the accusation of a felony - nice libel case, that! And please continue with the obscene and misogynistic remarks sent daily, many times daily, and the accelerating pace and verbal violence and language - nice stalking case, that.
7. Oh, how could I forget to add this. You know the great savings we will all be "getting"? Well, remember it not, folks. Just add on the additional $2 per month per unit, added to the $9.45 increase that Howie O'Brien was able to get it down to, plus the additional fees as UCO costs go up and WPRF adds their many two cents additions on, and then your own association and silly me, THE ADDITIONAL COST FOR YEARS THAT WE WILL BE PAYING FOR THIS UNNECESSASRY SYSTEM FROM DAVID ISRAEL!! Oh, and do not forget the damage when your antennae and building are struck by lightning and/or the antennae is ripped off the roof taking a piece with it during a hurricane or storm and then watch the water damage costs soar!
8. Petey Boy states that whatever I have written or talked about has had no impact. Really? David Israel ran scared during the election and insured his victory through chicanery and defiance of Freedom of Information Act. David Israel is still running scared.The Messenger Club meeting was packed on Sunday and there is a lot of interest and action on the suggestions put forth there, so people are hearing me and others and reading other blogs. And as for lies about our financial situation - again, a fact is a fact and telling lies do not change that fact. We have a shortfall of over $1.3 million dollars and every time there is another meeting, it seems to go up. Facts, Petey Boy, Don Ho Ho, David Israel and facts are facts. Deal with it!
9.People, we put out the truth here and some people do not like that. This type of people who hate truth are called fascists, dictators, tyrants (pretty good show by the way), selfish individuals and on and on. Lovely company our own homegrown people here keep - just think of the names throughout history who used and are still using this technique. (Oooh, guess when you accused me of working for Goebbels, you ass, it seems to have backfired on you).
So people, read the truth, hear the truth, save your wallets before these pickpockets here take them from you and empty them out. Man up! Woman up! Face David Israel and his gang down and stand up for the truth. Stand up for your own benefit. Put down the Kool-Aid and have some tea or soda or water or coffee or whatever you want, but not David Israel's Kool Aid. The Reverend Jones killed his followers when they listened to him blindly. Stop your same figurative fate if you continue on this path with David Israel and crew. Bring our Village back and up to what it can and should be - a bastion of beauty, of honest and fair administration, one with fiscal responsibility, one with knowledge of management, one with people skills, one with a leader who knows how to go out and talk and laugh with people rather than one who sits 24/7 in room 101 tap, tap, tapping away. Only a person with a life can understand the needs of life in other people. That is NOT what we have now.
resign! resign! resign!
Now let us go back to the Wi Fi and the ridiculous statements on David Israel's blog where only the few and select are allowed to kiss his ass.
1. What the hell is No fi? Just another moronic term from David Israel. Wi Fi is already installed in several buildings of the Village and working beautifully, be they big or small, wood or CBS buildings. A fact is a fact is a fact and no amount of obfuscation from that master of lies, David Israel, can make it other than what it is.
2. It is encrypted - up to 128 bit encryption and it is secure with individual access codes and passwords for individual users and units.
3. It has the speed of the Comcast system which is the fastest speed of any system and certainly faster than whatever David Israel is planning. For more speed from his system you will have to pay more money!!!! There go your supposed savings. Want to save? Use this system.
4. Talking of savings. Next fool heard from. Don Ho Ho says he will save money paying as little as $20 a month. Really? Well, let's see about that. That will possibly be for the basic and even then it could be more. Then you will need to pay more to upgrade your system. Then, when you so blithely walk around the "campus" - and you idiots, this is NOT a college campus; this is a town, a Village. Grow up. Anyway when you so blithely walk around and then go outside to hook onto someone else's hookup, well, how much will you pay for stupidly going on an unsecured account and inputting your personal data for some lovely hacker to pick up. Hmmm....wonder how much that will cost per month as you try to straighten out your life!
5. Newsflash! There are many people in the Village who do not have computers or do not have the gazillion systems that David Israel insists we all have. These people and others , many others, are not interested in paying thru the nose for years to come for another financial fiasco and a system that will be outdated before it is fully and finally in use and there we will be - paying for it. Sounds kinda' like how we are paying thru the nose for the $5 million paving job where we might as well have flushed it down the toilet and had more fun.
6.Let's see; what else? Oh, Petey Boy mentions lawyers and suits? Whoa, Davey Boy! I thought you just hated that word - lawsuit - but in any case, before your little minions march on, be sure to remind them of the physical threat to my life, of the accusation of a felony - nice libel case, that! And please continue with the obscene and misogynistic remarks sent daily, many times daily, and the accelerating pace and verbal violence and language - nice stalking case, that.
7. Oh, how could I forget to add this. You know the great savings we will all be "getting"? Well, remember it not, folks. Just add on the additional $2 per month per unit, added to the $9.45 increase that Howie O'Brien was able to get it down to, plus the additional fees as UCO costs go up and WPRF adds their many two cents additions on, and then your own association and silly me, THE ADDITIONAL COST FOR YEARS THAT WE WILL BE PAYING FOR THIS UNNECESSASRY SYSTEM FROM DAVID ISRAEL!! Oh, and do not forget the damage when your antennae and building are struck by lightning and/or the antennae is ripped off the roof taking a piece with it during a hurricane or storm and then watch the water damage costs soar!
8. Petey Boy states that whatever I have written or talked about has had no impact. Really? David Israel ran scared during the election and insured his victory through chicanery and defiance of Freedom of Information Act. David Israel is still running scared.The Messenger Club meeting was packed on Sunday and there is a lot of interest and action on the suggestions put forth there, so people are hearing me and others and reading other blogs. And as for lies about our financial situation - again, a fact is a fact and telling lies do not change that fact. We have a shortfall of over $1.3 million dollars and every time there is another meeting, it seems to go up. Facts, Petey Boy, Don Ho Ho, David Israel and facts are facts. Deal with it!
9.People, we put out the truth here and some people do not like that. This type of people who hate truth are called fascists, dictators, tyrants (pretty good show by the way), selfish individuals and on and on. Lovely company our own homegrown people here keep - just think of the names throughout history who used and are still using this technique. (Oooh, guess when you accused me of working for Goebbels, you ass, it seems to have backfired on you).
So people, read the truth, hear the truth, save your wallets before these pickpockets here take them from you and empty them out. Man up! Woman up! Face David Israel and his gang down and stand up for the truth. Stand up for your own benefit. Put down the Kool-Aid and have some tea or soda or water or coffee or whatever you want, but not David Israel's Kool Aid. The Reverend Jones killed his followers when they listened to him blindly. Stop your same figurative fate if you continue on this path with David Israel and crew. Bring our Village back and up to what it can and should be - a bastion of beauty, of honest and fair administration, one with fiscal responsibility, one with knowledge of management, one with people skills, one with a leader who knows how to go out and talk and laugh with people rather than one who sits 24/7 in room 101 tap, tap, tapping away. Only a person with a life can understand the needs of life in other people. That is NOT what we have now.
resign! resign! resign!
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
From David Israel's own mouth - I will ask the delegate assembly to vote to transfer the Wi Fi reserve account to the other reserve accounts.
When asked what about the $2 that is still to be collected, the answer was that it too would go into making up the shortfall.
Then paranoid David Israel realized that what the "malcontents" had been saying all along was right and the Know Nothing Do Nothing party was in the wrong and his ego could not take this. So what did he do? Read this - "It will require a Delegate Assembly vote to re-insert the Wi-Fi funding, which in the draft Budget has been transferred to the General Reserves line.
If the Delegates reaffirm their commitment to Village wide Wi-Fi,
it will go forward. "
Well, there we are. The liar goes forward again and his tiny brain can see no further than his own inflated ego. He calls the opposition the No Fi people. Really? Then what the hell is all that information that we have put forward on the blogs, thru meetings - all about Wi Fi or are you so brain dead that you cannot see what is right in front of you.! And how dare you say that it won't work - it already does. Are you blind?. You cannot deny what is already fact, hard though you may try. And sending more obscene remarks via your computer and those of your shills will not stop me from hitting hard with the truth, whether you like it or not.
This is the same system that businesses use and I believe they have a need for a great deal of power and connection and any other term you want to add in. It is working in large and smaller associations here and more and more are going to opt in for this system and opt out from your ridiculous financial disaster just waiting to burst upon us in as bad a manner as your crappy paving and drainage job.
Again, the truth is the truth, David Israel, and all your lies, big and small, will not hide that. Can you get your mothball fleet here to vote for your desires? Yes, as they have done for far too long, but remember, even zombies take on different forms and who knows, their brains might just work and their ears might just hear and understand what you are trying to pull - AGAIN! And waiting just down the road are angry residents and the rest of the delegates who will be back in a few months and who will take you to task and shut you down. "Ask not for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee" David Israel. Your time has come and gone.
When asked what about the $2 that is still to be collected, the answer was that it too would go into making up the shortfall.
Then paranoid David Israel realized that what the "malcontents" had been saying all along was right and the Know Nothing Do Nothing party was in the wrong and his ego could not take this. So what did he do? Read this - "It will require a Delegate Assembly vote to re-insert the Wi-Fi funding, which in the draft Budget has been transferred to the General Reserves line.
If the Delegates reaffirm their commitment to Village wide Wi-Fi,
it will go forward. "
Well, there we are. The liar goes forward again and his tiny brain can see no further than his own inflated ego. He calls the opposition the No Fi people. Really? Then what the hell is all that information that we have put forward on the blogs, thru meetings - all about Wi Fi or are you so brain dead that you cannot see what is right in front of you.! And how dare you say that it won't work - it already does. Are you blind?. You cannot deny what is already fact, hard though you may try. And sending more obscene remarks via your computer and those of your shills will not stop me from hitting hard with the truth, whether you like it or not.
This is the same system that businesses use and I believe they have a need for a great deal of power and connection and any other term you want to add in. It is working in large and smaller associations here and more and more are going to opt in for this system and opt out from your ridiculous financial disaster just waiting to burst upon us in as bad a manner as your crappy paving and drainage job.
Again, the truth is the truth, David Israel, and all your lies, big and small, will not hide that. Can you get your mothball fleet here to vote for your desires? Yes, as they have done for far too long, but remember, even zombies take on different forms and who knows, their brains might just work and their ears might just hear and understand what you are trying to pull - AGAIN! And waiting just down the road are angry residents and the rest of the delegates who will be back in a few months and who will take you to task and shut you down. "Ask not for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee" David Israel. Your time has come and gone.
Sitting at the meeting on Sunday and seeing all the interest and yet confusion over how to wire up, I decided to do a little bit of research myself. Now if there is anything I hate to do, pretty high on that list would be to research something techie and/or have to read a manual. But I figured if I can find out the info necessary, then anyone can do it. So research I did and found it relatively easy in this case.
My premise was that I do not have to understand the how of it working, just that it does and if it would be appropriate to our associations here. I went looking for extenders, which is what would be needed after Comcast or At&T would put in the original device in the common area (i.e. laundry room, storage room, office, whatever the building has).I quickly found the RE6500 from Linksys, called officially the Linksys Range Extender Max. It extends the range of the existing WIRELESS (no muss, no fuss) router 10,000 feet and creates a strong Wi Fi signal that all your devices can pick up. In a large building such as Wellington I believe that an extender on both ends of the building would do the trick and perhaps in buildings such as Dover, perhaps three. THE COST - $99.99 per each extender. Cost of installation - either zero, if you have a person in the building who knows how to set it up (my live in techie says it is not difficult) or pay someone and it will not be a costly payment as there is no drilling, no wires, no antennae, nothing but installing the extender using the quick installation guide. The minimum it needs for a range extender setup is a wireless router (check), or access point along with a Wi Fi enabled computer that has an Ethernet port and runs on fairly common systems. (check)
Each user in the building, I repeat, each user in the building, could get its own access code and own password and the security is fine. That would allow you to do your banking or whatever on line, hoping, of course, that your bank hasn't been hacked! Remember, even the Pentagon has been hacked.The system supports up to 128 bit encryption and has a Wi Fi Protected Setup button. It is a quick and easy installation setup (provided you use the manual).
And there you go, wireless, secured and fast Wi Fi in your building for way less than it would cost via Village wide installation and NO EXTERIOR STRUCTURES TO BREAK OR GET HIT BY LIGHTNING OR DAMAGE THE ROOF WHEN BLOWN OVER IN A HURRICANE.
This is my estimate for total cost, but of course it can vary with a different extender, how many needed, etc., but this is a good ballpark figure or estimate.
Cost - Comcast installation charge - anywhere from $49.99 to $99.99 depending on length of contract - 2 or 3 years.
Add in the cost of the extenders, depending on how many are needed (if any, in the smaller buildings) at $99.99 apiece using the one in this article).
Payment to installer of extenders - from Zero to $100, estimated, depending if you have to actually pay someone.
A router for each individual user, which is their cost - buy their own, rent thru Comcast, whatever they choose.
My premise was that I do not have to understand the how of it working, just that it does and if it would be appropriate to our associations here. I went looking for extenders, which is what would be needed after Comcast or At&T would put in the original device in the common area (i.e. laundry room, storage room, office, whatever the building has).I quickly found the RE6500 from Linksys, called officially the Linksys Range Extender Max. It extends the range of the existing WIRELESS (no muss, no fuss) router 10,000 feet and creates a strong Wi Fi signal that all your devices can pick up. In a large building such as Wellington I believe that an extender on both ends of the building would do the trick and perhaps in buildings such as Dover, perhaps three. THE COST - $99.99 per each extender. Cost of installation - either zero, if you have a person in the building who knows how to set it up (my live in techie says it is not difficult) or pay someone and it will not be a costly payment as there is no drilling, no wires, no antennae, nothing but installing the extender using the quick installation guide. The minimum it needs for a range extender setup is a wireless router (check), or access point along with a Wi Fi enabled computer that has an Ethernet port and runs on fairly common systems. (check)
Each user in the building, I repeat, each user in the building, could get its own access code and own password and the security is fine. That would allow you to do your banking or whatever on line, hoping, of course, that your bank hasn't been hacked! Remember, even the Pentagon has been hacked.The system supports up to 128 bit encryption and has a Wi Fi Protected Setup button. It is a quick and easy installation setup (provided you use the manual).
And there you go, wireless, secured and fast Wi Fi in your building for way less than it would cost via Village wide installation and NO EXTERIOR STRUCTURES TO BREAK OR GET HIT BY LIGHTNING OR DAMAGE THE ROOF WHEN BLOWN OVER IN A HURRICANE.
This is my estimate for total cost, but of course it can vary with a different extender, how many needed, etc., but this is a good ballpark figure or estimate.
Cost - Comcast installation charge - anywhere from $49.99 to $99.99 depending on length of contract - 2 or 3 years.
Add in the cost of the extenders, depending on how many are needed (if any, in the smaller buildings) at $99.99 apiece using the one in this article).
Payment to installer of extenders - from Zero to $100, estimated, depending if you have to actually pay someone.
A router for each individual user, which is their cost - buy their own, rent thru Comcast, whatever they choose.
Monday, July 28, 2014
Here are words of truth, of a heartrending and brave plea. Here is the truth, not a lie that Israel bombed al shefa hospital. The idiots hit it with their own failed shell, not unusual for them. Here is the truth - the numbers they give are unsubstantiated, exaggerated and fail to mention that of these "innocents" hundreds are Hamas gunmen.
Here is what we are afraid awaits us -
“We are potentially looking at the beginning of another Holocaust now. These events [violent demonstrations and expressions of anti-Semitism] will only grow in scale across Europe,” he asserted.
Here are words of truth, of a heartrending and brave plea. Here is the truth, not a lie that Israel bombed al shefa hospital. The idiots hit it with their own failed shell, not unusual for them. Here is the truth - the numbers they give are unsubstantiated, exaggerated and fail to mention that of these "innocents" hundreds are Hamas gunmen.
Here is what we are afraid awaits us -
“We are potentially looking at the beginning of another Holocaust now. These events [violent demonstrations and expressions of anti-Semitism] will only grow in scale across Europe,” he asserted.
And .. More tears
IDF Staff Sgt. Shachar Dauber, a 20 year old paratrooper, was killed by Hamas terrorists in Gaza this week. Before he went to fight, he left this letter behind for loved ones. Read and share his letter to grant his last wish - that he be remembered.
Translation below.
My name is Shachar Dauber and I would like to tell you a few things.
First of all, I am very excited, I feel like I am doing something for my country.
The pressure that rises in me is not only fear, it is the excitement of getting in there.
I want to tell you that I left something behind, something that will help people remember me as I was.
I miss my family, mom and dad and my older brother, and of course, my cat Kizi.
I love you all, I am sorry for the hard times I put you through and hope you remember me as I am.
I have one thing to ask and that is for you to remember me.
Shachar Dauber See More
Translation below.
My name is Shachar Dauber and I would like to tell you a few things.
First of all, I am very excited, I feel like I am doing something for my country.
The pressure that rises in me is not only fear, it is the excitement of getting in there.
I want to tell you that I left something behind, something that will help people remember me as I was.
I miss my family, mom and dad and my older brother, and of course, my cat Kizi.
I love you all, I am sorry for the hard times I put you through and hope you remember me as I am.
I have one thing to ask and that is for you to remember me.
Shachar Dauber See More
Sunday, July 27, 2014
In the world today there are many ongoing conflicts. In Tripoli the American embassy has been evacuated. In Syria over 170,000 people have been killed and hundreds of thousands more wounded and that includes men, woman and children, fighters and civilians. In Africa it seems as if almost every country has at least one or two militias (current name for terrorist groups) fighting against the official government, which, in turn, might be as corrupt as those it is fighting. In Central America thousands of kids, little kids, are being threatened if they do not join a criminal gang and so they are fleeing the country. I think we all need to sing Bette Midler's "From a Distance" to gain some balance!
So why am I writing all this depressing news. Simple. To remind the world and its politicians that there are far more complex and widespread conflicts going on that desperately need solutions than the conflict now in Gaza and yet it seems not so to the world's media. The NY Times reports every additional Israeli soldier killed. Why? Do you think we do not know the facts? Do you think we do not cry and bleed with every one of them? Does the world not realize how many of us actually know these boys who were pulled from their lives and sent to war? We do not need to know the exact count just as we do not need to read all the "weeping and crying" articles about the poor victimized Palestinians. Yes, there are innocents amongst them, not Hamas, and suffering BECAUSE Hamas located their armaments and command centers, tunnels, arsenals, etc. near their homes, in their homes, schools, mosques and hospitals and under their orchards, bathtubs, in their baby's room, in the backyard - and these people are NOT innocent. One cannot claim they did not see people lifting their bathtub and going in and out with cement and digging tools and supplies and Israeli uniforms and anything else they felt was needed to carry out terror attacks on the civilian population of Israel, in particular the kibbutzim that are just over the border.
Why does a conflict that has 1000 dead, if the Hamas numbers can be believed, rate so much attention over ones where the number is 1000's more? Why do the world's leaders all state the same nonsensical refrain, "We understand Israel's right to defend itself but it must protect the civilian population." Well, that is exactly what Israel is doing, on both sides of the border as best it can in the face of a dirty playing enemy and exactly the opposite of what Hamas is doing.
Not only is this aggravating, but what is even more disconcerting and downright scary, is the fact of all the closet anti Semitism coming out, openly and viciously. Synagogues are burnt, stores are smashed, Jewish young men are hunted down via Facebook in France and then beaten along with the threat that they will be kidnapped, tortured and killed as they did to another young Jewish man, Ilan Halimi.
In Germany madly screaming crowds are shouting, "Jews to the gas!". In Germany yet! Israeli athletic teams are being kicked and trampled and just the other day Anatoly Sharansky, a man who kept himself sane for years in solitary confinement in the Gulag and cells of the USSR because he wanted to be Jewish, wanted to go to Israel, said that he sees that this is the end to Jews and Jewish history in Europe. It is as if 1933-1945 has returned again, even more vile than before. Yes, anti - Zionism is simply another name for anti - Semitism, a name that people hide behind as they try to kill the only Jewish state in the world and, in fact, Jews all over the world.. Why is it okay for there to be 27 or more Muslim, declared Muslim , states, along with a declared Caliphate, while it is not okay for one little Jewish state to be in existence, even though it is democratic, even though it is the USA's only true ally in the region.
Personally, in my opinion, Kerry needs to stay home. He is not wanted, a laughingstock at this point, an embarrassment to the United States at a time when Obama has done enough to lower our prestige and the power of our word and promises. In fact, I believe Obama's innate anti - Semitism has come to the fore during this whole crisis. Let the tunnels be destroyed. Let the arms be dismantled and then, when the borders are open again, and the new shipments of steel rebar and concrete come in, perhaps they will be used for houses, rather than for tunnels and the UNRWA food will be distributed rather than stockpiled in the tunnels for terrorists.
And finally - screw the UN!!!
So why am I writing all this depressing news. Simple. To remind the world and its politicians that there are far more complex and widespread conflicts going on that desperately need solutions than the conflict now in Gaza and yet it seems not so to the world's media. The NY Times reports every additional Israeli soldier killed. Why? Do you think we do not know the facts? Do you think we do not cry and bleed with every one of them? Does the world not realize how many of us actually know these boys who were pulled from their lives and sent to war? We do not need to know the exact count just as we do not need to read all the "weeping and crying" articles about the poor victimized Palestinians. Yes, there are innocents amongst them, not Hamas, and suffering BECAUSE Hamas located their armaments and command centers, tunnels, arsenals, etc. near their homes, in their homes, schools, mosques and hospitals and under their orchards, bathtubs, in their baby's room, in the backyard - and these people are NOT innocent. One cannot claim they did not see people lifting their bathtub and going in and out with cement and digging tools and supplies and Israeli uniforms and anything else they felt was needed to carry out terror attacks on the civilian population of Israel, in particular the kibbutzim that are just over the border.
Why does a conflict that has 1000 dead, if the Hamas numbers can be believed, rate so much attention over ones where the number is 1000's more? Why do the world's leaders all state the same nonsensical refrain, "We understand Israel's right to defend itself but it must protect the civilian population." Well, that is exactly what Israel is doing, on both sides of the border as best it can in the face of a dirty playing enemy and exactly the opposite of what Hamas is doing.
Not only is this aggravating, but what is even more disconcerting and downright scary, is the fact of all the closet anti Semitism coming out, openly and viciously. Synagogues are burnt, stores are smashed, Jewish young men are hunted down via Facebook in France and then beaten along with the threat that they will be kidnapped, tortured and killed as they did to another young Jewish man, Ilan Halimi.
In Germany madly screaming crowds are shouting, "Jews to the gas!". In Germany yet! Israeli athletic teams are being kicked and trampled and just the other day Anatoly Sharansky, a man who kept himself sane for years in solitary confinement in the Gulag and cells of the USSR because he wanted to be Jewish, wanted to go to Israel, said that he sees that this is the end to Jews and Jewish history in Europe. It is as if 1933-1945 has returned again, even more vile than before. Yes, anti - Zionism is simply another name for anti - Semitism, a name that people hide behind as they try to kill the only Jewish state in the world and, in fact, Jews all over the world.. Why is it okay for there to be 27 or more Muslim, declared Muslim , states, along with a declared Caliphate, while it is not okay for one little Jewish state to be in existence, even though it is democratic, even though it is the USA's only true ally in the region.
Personally, in my opinion, Kerry needs to stay home. He is not wanted, a laughingstock at this point, an embarrassment to the United States at a time when Obama has done enough to lower our prestige and the power of our word and promises. In fact, I believe Obama's innate anti - Semitism has come to the fore during this whole crisis. Let the tunnels be destroyed. Let the arms be dismantled and then, when the borders are open again, and the new shipments of steel rebar and concrete come in, perhaps they will be used for houses, rather than for tunnels and the UNRWA food will be distributed rather than stockpiled in the tunnels for terrorists.
And finally - screw the UN!!!
Saturday, July 26, 2014
It has been said, quite often, and in many cases very true, that we get the leaders we deserve. Well, folks, I do not believe we have the leader we deserve and there are many residents who agree, but our backward and antiquated and undemocratic method of electing a president allows fear, intimidation, chicanery, Kool - Aid politics all to influence and elect OUR president. So now, for all our sins, what we have is a man who is seriously off his rocker!
When a person cannot remember from one day to the next what he has said - there is trouble on the hoof.
When a person thinks he can say diametrically opposed statements from one day to the next, from one forum to another - there, too, is trouble on the hoof.
When a person in an office thinks that anyone who does not walk in lockstep with him is out to get him - that is paranoia, a sign of encroaching Alzheimer's or other forms of dementia.
When a person denigrates an American tradition of raising questions, seeking for better ways - he calls them malcontents, a proud and honored American tradition. Boo to you and shame on you!
When a person thinks he needs to hire - using our money - two armed guards for a delegate assembly and makes a threat at a committee meeting that it would be a good idea to hire them for ALL meetings of UCO - there is a seriously mentally ill person.
When a letter was sent to PBSO and then a conversation held with Capt. Bruckner, regarding the duties and powers of these armed hired deputies, guess what? They can DO NOTHING UNLESS THERE IS A SITUATION OF SAFETY. That is it! They cannot and will not remove a person at the mike, force someone to shut up and sit down. In fact, they will do nothing except frighten some elderly people and make that physical and moral coward, David Israel, safe from the elderly citizens of CV who evidently have nothing better to do than charge up there with canes, limps, scooters and wheelchairs, heart conditions, lung conditions, knee and hip problems and everything else you can think of - all to get David Israel! C'mon, you infant, fess up that you are simply a coward and a dictator who thinks that force and implied threats are the way to go.
Even more serious, is the issue of the funds to lessen the impact of the reserve shortfall we now have and have had for a number of years - and oh, my! under David Israel's aegis!
The suggestion, made by many people and recommended by our Treasurer, Howie O'Brien, is to use the unwanted and unnecessary Wi Fi accumulated funds and pay down some of the shortfall, including using the $2 fee that is in the budget. This will help reduce the anticipated increase for JUST THIS ISSUE from $17 to $9.45. It is still substantial, especially considering that there most probably will be other increases, but it is certainly a step in the right direction.
Now this incompetent paranoid cowardly man says he is going to have the delegates vote in Wi Fi funding in the budget. Really? I could swear I was at the meeting where he said he is going to ask the delegates to vote to transfer the fund and incoming dollars for it over to the shortfall. The man does not remember a thing and/or has pure contempt for everyone here in the Village.
All this comes about because we have as head of UCO a man with NO, NONE, NARY A BIT of experience in making a budget, in anticipating needs, in prioritizing budget and entity needs. I know he saved us all after 9/11 (just ask him if you don't believe me) but staring into a computer screen for years at the now embattled NSA is not good experience at all for budgeting skills and knowledge. And yet, here we have the mothball fleet who voted him in yet again as they left their unit entombments to come out and vote as their Svengali ordered.
Finally, as far as Wi Fi is concerned, come tomorrow and hear what Comcast has to say. Anitra is David Israel' s shill, a renter with her fingers in more pies here in the Village than anyone else I know, aside form Ed Black. She writes that she can only use her computer from 2 units away. That is interesting because we live in a large building and there are several apartments quite a distance away who could use our connection if we allowed it and why not ask Comcast. I believe they have a solution anyway and why not ask Jean Dowling as she has done her building and is quite pleased. Just because lies are stated with such fervor does not mean that they are true and by the way, I don't know what her connection is, but we run quite a number of devices off our connection and they all work just fine. And as far as security, as has been pointed out by many, the Village was being assigned ONE access code - wow, what increased security! No matter whose system you use, for a better security you have to have your own router and access code. Again - whatever service is used.
So - welcome to our sad sad sad sad world and why not think about a way to make it a happy one.
When a person cannot remember from one day to the next what he has said - there is trouble on the hoof.
When a person thinks he can say diametrically opposed statements from one day to the next, from one forum to another - there, too, is trouble on the hoof.
When a person in an office thinks that anyone who does not walk in lockstep with him is out to get him - that is paranoia, a sign of encroaching Alzheimer's or other forms of dementia.
When a person denigrates an American tradition of raising questions, seeking for better ways - he calls them malcontents, a proud and honored American tradition. Boo to you and shame on you!
When a person thinks he needs to hire - using our money - two armed guards for a delegate assembly and makes a threat at a committee meeting that it would be a good idea to hire them for ALL meetings of UCO - there is a seriously mentally ill person.
When a letter was sent to PBSO and then a conversation held with Capt. Bruckner, regarding the duties and powers of these armed hired deputies, guess what? They can DO NOTHING UNLESS THERE IS A SITUATION OF SAFETY. That is it! They cannot and will not remove a person at the mike, force someone to shut up and sit down. In fact, they will do nothing except frighten some elderly people and make that physical and moral coward, David Israel, safe from the elderly citizens of CV who evidently have nothing better to do than charge up there with canes, limps, scooters and wheelchairs, heart conditions, lung conditions, knee and hip problems and everything else you can think of - all to get David Israel! C'mon, you infant, fess up that you are simply a coward and a dictator who thinks that force and implied threats are the way to go.
Even more serious, is the issue of the funds to lessen the impact of the reserve shortfall we now have and have had for a number of years - and oh, my! under David Israel's aegis!
The suggestion, made by many people and recommended by our Treasurer, Howie O'Brien, is to use the unwanted and unnecessary Wi Fi accumulated funds and pay down some of the shortfall, including using the $2 fee that is in the budget. This will help reduce the anticipated increase for JUST THIS ISSUE from $17 to $9.45. It is still substantial, especially considering that there most probably will be other increases, but it is certainly a step in the right direction.
Now this incompetent paranoid cowardly man says he is going to have the delegates vote in Wi Fi funding in the budget. Really? I could swear I was at the meeting where he said he is going to ask the delegates to vote to transfer the fund and incoming dollars for it over to the shortfall. The man does not remember a thing and/or has pure contempt for everyone here in the Village.
All this comes about because we have as head of UCO a man with NO, NONE, NARY A BIT of experience in making a budget, in anticipating needs, in prioritizing budget and entity needs. I know he saved us all after 9/11 (just ask him if you don't believe me) but staring into a computer screen for years at the now embattled NSA is not good experience at all for budgeting skills and knowledge. And yet, here we have the mothball fleet who voted him in yet again as they left their unit entombments to come out and vote as their Svengali ordered.
Finally, as far as Wi Fi is concerned, come tomorrow and hear what Comcast has to say. Anitra is David Israel' s shill, a renter with her fingers in more pies here in the Village than anyone else I know, aside form Ed Black. She writes that she can only use her computer from 2 units away. That is interesting because we live in a large building and there are several apartments quite a distance away who could use our connection if we allowed it and why not ask Comcast. I believe they have a solution anyway and why not ask Jean Dowling as she has done her building and is quite pleased. Just because lies are stated with such fervor does not mean that they are true and by the way, I don't know what her connection is, but we run quite a number of devices off our connection and they all work just fine. And as far as security, as has been pointed out by many, the Village was being assigned ONE access code - wow, what increased security! No matter whose system you use, for a better security you have to have your own router and access code. Again - whatever service is used.
So - welcome to our sad sad sad sad world and why not think about a way to make it a happy one.
Friday, July 25, 2014
This is a notice that I received today in my E-mail Box and would like others to know not to open but to do the following as required by the Sunpass office of the Turnpike.
The Message reads as follows:
This message is here because your junk email Filter is set to exclusive.
Wait it's safe / I'm not sure. Let me check.
Service Center
Dear Customer,
You have not paid for driving on a toll road. This invoice is sent repeatedly, please service your debt in the shortest possible time.
The invoice can be downloaded here. (Here is underlined in blue.)
The above is the E-Mail that I received.
Here is a number for the Sunpass people that you can call to check on this message: 1-888-865-5352 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
1-888-865-5352 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting.
The Sunpass people (Elvis- #3860) informed me that this is a Scam . What you have to do is to make a copy of the E-mail that you have received and then go to : and fill out this report. This is the FBI and they are asking for people to let them know exactly what has happened.
This form tells you exactly what info they need.
I would like to inform the people in Century Village what is going on and don't get caught and send/spend unnecessary monies.
The e-mail address from this company is support@
Make sure you do no open this e-ZPass Customer Service Center.
This is a notice that I received today in my E-mail Box and would like others to know not to open but to do the following as required by the Sunpass office of the Turnpike.
The Message reads as follows:
This message is here because your junk email Filter is set to exclusive.
Wait it's safe / I'm not sure. Let me check.
Service Center
Dear Customer,
You have not paid for driving on a toll road. This invoice is sent repeatedly, please service your debt in the shortest possible time.
The invoice can be downloaded here. (Here is underlined in blue.)
The above is the E-Mail that I received.
Here is a number for the Sunpass people that you can call to check on this message: 1-888-865-5352 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting

The Sunpass people (Elvis- #3860) informed me that this is a Scam . What you have to do is to make a copy of the E-mail that you have received and then go to : and fill out this report. This is the FBI and they are asking for people to let them know exactly what has happened.
This form tells you exactly what info they need.
I would like to inform the people in Century Village what is going on and don't get caught and send/spend unnecessary monies.
The e-mail address from this company is support@
Make sure you do no open this e-ZPass Customer Service Center.
OK, folks. There is definitely something wrong with David Israel. His mind certainly is going the way of all living things and quite frankly, he MUST resign. Yesterday, at the committee meeting, one of the first things he stated was about the new use of the collected and to be collected Wi Fi money and the need to get approval from the delegates. Wish he would have remembered before he took the money out of the reserve funds WITHOUT delegate approval for the crappy paving job.
Now, not even 24 hours later, he is stating that this won't happen, Wi Fi charges on, it will live on, etc., etc., etc. He is like Alfred E. Neumann with the "What? Me worry?" Yes, David Israel, you need to worry. Your ridiculous posturing which I was willing to overlook in the name of harmony, where you threw your arms wide and opened your mouth so wide (pretty ugly, that was) and you looked like the middle school boys I had who would use that same fake I am
"innocent" pose to deny their guilt. Needless to say, it did not work then and it does not work here, not even in DavidIsraeLand.
You lie and accuse people of disruptive behavior when in reality there really was none. You see, no one is going to sit there waiting for your instructions. All the people in the Village are not part and parcel of the mothball fleet. If anything could be termed disruptive it was your posturing and interference with someone speaking, goading him.
It is a sad thing when one's mind deteriorates as can be seen in your statements and behavior. But we need someone at the top of their game, not an Alfred E. Neumann and not a Know Nothing Do Nothing party whose head cannot remember from one day to the next what he said. And I certainly hope, David Israel, that you do not try to fool the mothball fleet into denying this request or approving it and then approving another $2 fee for the Wi Fi. There is enough going on in the Village without your ridiculous grandiose plans and future debacle that would happen if your way was chosen.
Now, not even 24 hours later, he is stating that this won't happen, Wi Fi charges on, it will live on, etc., etc., etc. He is like Alfred E. Neumann with the "What? Me worry?" Yes, David Israel, you need to worry. Your ridiculous posturing which I was willing to overlook in the name of harmony, where you threw your arms wide and opened your mouth so wide (pretty ugly, that was) and you looked like the middle school boys I had who would use that same fake I am
"innocent" pose to deny their guilt. Needless to say, it did not work then and it does not work here, not even in DavidIsraeLand.
You lie and accuse people of disruptive behavior when in reality there really was none. You see, no one is going to sit there waiting for your instructions. All the people in the Village are not part and parcel of the mothball fleet. If anything could be termed disruptive it was your posturing and interference with someone speaking, goading him.
It is a sad thing when one's mind deteriorates as can be seen in your statements and behavior. But we need someone at the top of their game, not an Alfred E. Neumann and not a Know Nothing Do Nothing party whose head cannot remember from one day to the next what he said. And I certainly hope, David Israel, that you do not try to fool the mothball fleet into denying this request or approving it and then approving another $2 fee for the Wi Fi. There is enough going on in the Village without your ridiculous grandiose plans and future debacle that would happen if your way was chosen.
Evidently David Israel and I attended different meetings though we were in the same room in the Clubhouse. Once again he rants on about "malcontents" disrupting the meeting. Really? When and exactly how? Let's see. Did they clap when they felt a speaker earned it? Yes, AND SO DID OTHERS and that is allowed. So, on to the next. Did they wait their turn to speak and then speak politely with no shouting, yes, except for one person who raised a voice and there appeared to be tension between the speaker and David Israel. David Israel, in turn, while the speaker spoke, made ridiculous physical and bodily gestures which, in turn, inflamed the situation, but the speaker sat down in a timely manner, no one else got involved and the matter was over, two minutes and no disruption. Nothing to term disruptive on either side but if we are going to insist on using that term, as David Israel wishes to do, then understand, my dear fellow, that you tar yourself with the same brush!
Did everyone agree with each other? No, but no one shouted or booed. So what the hell is this man hallucinating about? Perhaps he, too, found something to smoke!! He must have, for on he rages again how Wi Fi is going to be voted back into the budget. He is NUTS! Here we are trying to make up a shortfall, better prepare ourselves for the future needs and meet our current needs, our reserve fund of Wi Fi which should never have been there anyway, is now going to be transferred to the shortfall in reserves once the delegates vote, as will the $2 fee we have been paying to amass more money for an unwanted and unnecessary project, except in the hallucinatory and paranoid mind of David Israel and his crew and he states confidently that Wi Fi will be back in the budget. Does he think that the delegates, even these half asleep and cowed delegates will vote for an increase of $9.45 and then start adding more like the Wi Fi and then more UCO fees for new contracts, and then WPRF additional costs, and then their associations and on and on? If they were to do that, we might as well shut up shop for there will be more than a few who cannot pay these increases.
Finally, if anyone understands what Elaine Brown is saying on her blog, please clue me in. Is she in favor of a cross the board percentage cut or not? It appears to me she is and while a percentage would have to be figured out, it might be an answer. Yes, it would be difficult but we would survive. That is called an austerity budget and while the Village would be kept up, some projects would have to dial down a bit or wait a year or so until we are straightened out. Only necessary work and maintenance would take place. Now David Israel keep stating that we are a Village, so let us act like one, one where budget necessities and financial holes demand attention in a stricter way. Hey, he brought this upon us and no one is accusing him of theft, just incompetence, fiduciary irresponsibility, ignoring our own by laws, poor behavior in his tantrums and insistence on his petty selfish wishes, and poor writing skills! By the way, unfeasible is the proper way to state what you wanted to say, not infeasible. That offer of tutoring is still there.
Now there is a period of time when Howie O'Brien, our Treasurer, is willing to take submissions of new ideas and budget proposals and seriously evaluate. Percentage cutting might be discussed and might be feasible or not, but it is simply one thought to be evaluated along with others. I do not think we should rule anything out before discussion and evaluation.There will be another finance committee meeting. All this is for the benefit of our home, our Village. We can ALL tighten our belts a bit, both residents and UCO committees in their wish lists, as well as WPRF with their wish list. A year or two of tightening belts, of eliminating unnecessary expenditures, of leaving Wi Fi to the wishes and needs of the individual associations will not kill us and in fact, will help us.
Did everyone agree with each other? No, but no one shouted or booed. So what the hell is this man hallucinating about? Perhaps he, too, found something to smoke!! He must have, for on he rages again how Wi Fi is going to be voted back into the budget. He is NUTS! Here we are trying to make up a shortfall, better prepare ourselves for the future needs and meet our current needs, our reserve fund of Wi Fi which should never have been there anyway, is now going to be transferred to the shortfall in reserves once the delegates vote, as will the $2 fee we have been paying to amass more money for an unwanted and unnecessary project, except in the hallucinatory and paranoid mind of David Israel and his crew and he states confidently that Wi Fi will be back in the budget. Does he think that the delegates, even these half asleep and cowed delegates will vote for an increase of $9.45 and then start adding more like the Wi Fi and then more UCO fees for new contracts, and then WPRF additional costs, and then their associations and on and on? If they were to do that, we might as well shut up shop for there will be more than a few who cannot pay these increases.
Finally, if anyone understands what Elaine Brown is saying on her blog, please clue me in. Is she in favor of a cross the board percentage cut or not? It appears to me she is and while a percentage would have to be figured out, it might be an answer. Yes, it would be difficult but we would survive. That is called an austerity budget and while the Village would be kept up, some projects would have to dial down a bit or wait a year or so until we are straightened out. Only necessary work and maintenance would take place. Now David Israel keep stating that we are a Village, so let us act like one, one where budget necessities and financial holes demand attention in a stricter way. Hey, he brought this upon us and no one is accusing him of theft, just incompetence, fiduciary irresponsibility, ignoring our own by laws, poor behavior in his tantrums and insistence on his petty selfish wishes, and poor writing skills! By the way, unfeasible is the proper way to state what you wanted to say, not infeasible. That offer of tutoring is still there.
Now there is a period of time when Howie O'Brien, our Treasurer, is willing to take submissions of new ideas and budget proposals and seriously evaluate. Percentage cutting might be discussed and might be feasible or not, but it is simply one thought to be evaluated along with others. I do not think we should rule anything out before discussion and evaluation.There will be another finance committee meeting. All this is for the benefit of our home, our Village. We can ALL tighten our belts a bit, both residents and UCO committees in their wish lists, as well as WPRF with their wish list. A year or two of tightening belts, of eliminating unnecessary expenditures, of leaving Wi Fi to the wishes and needs of the individual associations will not kill us and in fact, will help us.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Yet another pleasant surprise. Went to the combined finance and officers meeting today at the Clubhouse. There was a nice turnout, but really should have been more. Pretty much everyone kept hold of their tempers and no one seemed to throw insults, though one woman who did not announce herself scolded everyone on just that topic.
The main topic, of course, was the budget what with the shortfall in reserves. Wonder of wonder, miracle of miracles, David Israel publicly admitted that there was a shortfall and that he will ask the delegate assembly to vote to transfer the accumulated Wi Fi money plus the money collected next year into the reserve accounts. Wow!!! It was a "malcontents" super dream come true!. Everything that we had stated, a shortfall, the need for the Wi Fi money to be transferred and properly handled, all that David Israel had fought and denied these long months - and now here it was. In public, yet!
We clapped and David Israel oh, so modestly grinned and said, ""Thank you." Well, David, I hate to burst your bubble, but the clapping, for the most part, was that of the "malcontents" who were vindicated and validated. The Know Nothing Do Nothing party had capitulated and rightfully so.
There was some back and forth, concern over the cost of the increase for some of our elderly, long term residents and what to do, and finally it was agreed that there be another finance meeting and Howie invited all interested, to submit in writing, their idea(s) for a budget that could cut costs even more. Howie O'Brien deserves a huge kudos for his part in today's meeting He calmly explained the budget, answered questions, and remained open to ideas with no ego issues.
Now here comes the funny part. At the end, David asked the officers present if they had anything they wanted to add. I told Olga, "Watch. Bob Marshall will tell everyone to get the bar codes because one lightning strike and the transponder will be dead (may it rest in peace already)."
Guess what? And so he did. It seems Bob Marshall has three duties to perform in our UCO - the transponder and the lightning bolt, the assigned job of motioning for a meeting adjournment, and the buying of snacks and drinks for the UCO building.
Not done yet. I added that two other officers, Phyllis and Pat, will say they had nothing to say and sure enough they did exactly that with one of them saying "As usual, nothing." I did not hear what Joy Vestal had to say, if anything, but generally she states, "Well, the paper will be coming out------(choose a date)" and that is it. Such hard working officers, it is a true relief to know that all is going so well that they have nothing to do, no ills to address, no residents to help, no calls to make, nothing, nothing, nothing. Inspiring, is it not? Greatly reassuring. Oh, well, at least I had a good laugh. Know Nothings - 0 "Malcontents - 5.
But wait. There's more. (Sorry, had to get that in). Jackie Karlin actually agreed with my previous statement as she repeated the viewpoint. Ya' think Hell is freezing over?!!
The main topic, of course, was the budget what with the shortfall in reserves. Wonder of wonder, miracle of miracles, David Israel publicly admitted that there was a shortfall and that he will ask the delegate assembly to vote to transfer the accumulated Wi Fi money plus the money collected next year into the reserve accounts. Wow!!! It was a "malcontents" super dream come true!. Everything that we had stated, a shortfall, the need for the Wi Fi money to be transferred and properly handled, all that David Israel had fought and denied these long months - and now here it was. In public, yet!
We clapped and David Israel oh, so modestly grinned and said, ""Thank you." Well, David, I hate to burst your bubble, but the clapping, for the most part, was that of the "malcontents" who were vindicated and validated. The Know Nothing Do Nothing party had capitulated and rightfully so.
There was some back and forth, concern over the cost of the increase for some of our elderly, long term residents and what to do, and finally it was agreed that there be another finance meeting and Howie invited all interested, to submit in writing, their idea(s) for a budget that could cut costs even more. Howie O'Brien deserves a huge kudos for his part in today's meeting He calmly explained the budget, answered questions, and remained open to ideas with no ego issues.
Now here comes the funny part. At the end, David asked the officers present if they had anything they wanted to add. I told Olga, "Watch. Bob Marshall will tell everyone to get the bar codes because one lightning strike and the transponder will be dead (may it rest in peace already)."
Guess what? And so he did. It seems Bob Marshall has three duties to perform in our UCO - the transponder and the lightning bolt, the assigned job of motioning for a meeting adjournment, and the buying of snacks and drinks for the UCO building.
Not done yet. I added that two other officers, Phyllis and Pat, will say they had nothing to say and sure enough they did exactly that with one of them saying "As usual, nothing." I did not hear what Joy Vestal had to say, if anything, but generally she states, "Well, the paper will be coming out------(choose a date)" and that is it. Such hard working officers, it is a true relief to know that all is going so well that they have nothing to do, no ills to address, no residents to help, no calls to make, nothing, nothing, nothing. Inspiring, is it not? Greatly reassuring. Oh, well, at least I had a good laugh. Know Nothings - 0 "Malcontents - 5.
But wait. There's more. (Sorry, had to get that in). Jackie Karlin actually agreed with my previous statement as she repeated the viewpoint. Ya' think Hell is freezing over?!!
Read the following and then see if you understand why I have written it. Understand the contrast, unspoken though it may be for most of the article.
I was actually pleasantly surprised yesterday as I sat thru yet another election class. However, since Susan Bucher, in her continued attempts to modernize and streamline her office, has introduced the use of souped up specialized mini ipads into our elections, much of the material was new and even the way to reach old conclusions was different. Unfortunately the videos were the same old same old but bearable.
So what does this have to do with us here in CV? Well, first of all, we vote. But actually, primarily, because it was a lesson in how to run a fair election where no questionable tactics are allowed. And how does Susan make sure of this? Easy. She introduces classes, rules, oversight, warnings, policies, etc. At no time, ever, except when in the hands of the voter, is the ballot held in the hands of a partisan worker. Any procedure out of the ordinary must include workers from at least two parties. Even reinserting a ballot must be overseen if there is any hint of an issue.
From the onset, fair play is in place. Poll workers are from ALL parties, not just one. Ballots are counted by members of all parties. Ballots are emptied from the scanner storage box by members of all parties. Questions are addressed by members of all parties. At no time EVER is there one person alone with the ballots. Observers can be there from set up to close down.
Now, in case you need a little assistance in making the connection to CV, here it is. Our elections are the complete opposite. First, the very committee is partisan, totally. The workers are partisans and no opposition workers were called except for two at the very last minute after a fuss was being made. NO OBSERVERS were allowed in the voting room at all. Who can say for sure what happened with the ballots, especially when a good third or more of the delegates had no clue as to what was flying! People were allowed to vote EARLY and guess whose side they took? No challenge there, not with Gorodetzer running the show with able assistance from Ed Black.
Ballot boxes were carried up by.... Ed Black. Wow, that was impartial, right? NOT!!!! This same individual then went around telling people not to count the ballots at their individual tables as "they" would tabulate the results. That certainly reeks of something, not very pleasant at that. We know for sure that there were shenanigans going on with alternate delegates coming in early and voting as THEY wished, not as the residents of their association had voted and how the delegates were instructed to vote. We note that contrary to all rules of governance and the Freedom of Information Act, NO ORIGINAL papers were turned over though several requests were made and in return got heaps of abuse. Finally, they xeroxed the papers ALONE and would not allow the originals to be seen. Really now. And who knows what the hell was done to those originals.
So, the election here at CV was an exercise in futility, an example of crooked politics at its best, clumsy though their machinations were, and what is worse is that unless things are changed, the next election will be the same as King David Israel goes on in his quest as Dictator for Life as the life of the Village is squeezed out.
We need to insure that this situation changes. Storm the barricades if you must, but make your wishes clear - that things need to change and perhaps we can even approach Susan Bucher at an off time and ask for her help in setting up a fair and honest election. I dare you, David Israel. I dare you, Ed Black. I dare you, Marilyn Gorodetzer.
I was actually pleasantly surprised yesterday as I sat thru yet another election class. However, since Susan Bucher, in her continued attempts to modernize and streamline her office, has introduced the use of souped up specialized mini ipads into our elections, much of the material was new and even the way to reach old conclusions was different. Unfortunately the videos were the same old same old but bearable.
So what does this have to do with us here in CV? Well, first of all, we vote. But actually, primarily, because it was a lesson in how to run a fair election where no questionable tactics are allowed. And how does Susan make sure of this? Easy. She introduces classes, rules, oversight, warnings, policies, etc. At no time, ever, except when in the hands of the voter, is the ballot held in the hands of a partisan worker. Any procedure out of the ordinary must include workers from at least two parties. Even reinserting a ballot must be overseen if there is any hint of an issue.
From the onset, fair play is in place. Poll workers are from ALL parties, not just one. Ballots are counted by members of all parties. Ballots are emptied from the scanner storage box by members of all parties. Questions are addressed by members of all parties. At no time EVER is there one person alone with the ballots. Observers can be there from set up to close down.
Now, in case you need a little assistance in making the connection to CV, here it is. Our elections are the complete opposite. First, the very committee is partisan, totally. The workers are partisans and no opposition workers were called except for two at the very last minute after a fuss was being made. NO OBSERVERS were allowed in the voting room at all. Who can say for sure what happened with the ballots, especially when a good third or more of the delegates had no clue as to what was flying! People were allowed to vote EARLY and guess whose side they took? No challenge there, not with Gorodetzer running the show with able assistance from Ed Black.
Ballot boxes were carried up by.... Ed Black. Wow, that was impartial, right? NOT!!!! This same individual then went around telling people not to count the ballots at their individual tables as "they" would tabulate the results. That certainly reeks of something, not very pleasant at that. We know for sure that there were shenanigans going on with alternate delegates coming in early and voting as THEY wished, not as the residents of their association had voted and how the delegates were instructed to vote. We note that contrary to all rules of governance and the Freedom of Information Act, NO ORIGINAL papers were turned over though several requests were made and in return got heaps of abuse. Finally, they xeroxed the papers ALONE and would not allow the originals to be seen. Really now. And who knows what the hell was done to those originals.
So, the election here at CV was an exercise in futility, an example of crooked politics at its best, clumsy though their machinations were, and what is worse is that unless things are changed, the next election will be the same as King David Israel goes on in his quest as Dictator for Life as the life of the Village is squeezed out.
We need to insure that this situation changes. Storm the barricades if you must, but make your wishes clear - that things need to change and perhaps we can even approach Susan Bucher at an off time and ask for her help in setting up a fair and honest election. I dare you, David Israel. I dare you, Ed Black. I dare you, Marilyn Gorodetzer.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Four and a half years of David Israel and we are in debt to the tune of over $1.3 million dollars. The numbers just keep getting better and better. And we have David Israel, Ed Black, and Bob Marshall (when he had a brain) for all this lovely news.
And along comes Elaine Brown who must think that the new marijuana laws are just fine or else she is smoking something else. For sure, she is getting a concussion every time she sits. I quote from her own posting.
"All the Delegates have fiduciary duty which is the highest standard of care at either equity or law. A fiduciary is expected to be extremely loyal to the person to whom he owes the duty. AND RESPONSIBLE UCO is leading the way with fiduciary responsibility, good business practices, and prudent planning."
And along comes Elaine Brown who must think that the new marijuana laws are just fine or else she is smoking something else. For sure, she is getting a concussion every time she sits. I quote from her own posting.
"All the Delegates have fiduciary duty which is the highest standard of care at either equity or law. A fiduciary is expected to be extremely loyal to the person to whom he owes the duty. AND RESPONSIBLE UCO is leading the way with fiduciary responsibility, good business practices, and prudent planning."
Good grief, says Charlie Brown because that is what this "logic" deserves, and actually, that is maligning Charlie Brown and friends. The delegates have fiduciary duty...expected to be extremely loyal to the person to whom he owes the duty" REALLY!!!! That you dare to say this out loud. Here we have a full confession that the mothball fleet that shows up at the assembly feel they owe loyalty to DAVID ISRAEL AND NOT TO THE RESIDENTS WHOM THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO REPRESENT. They are being negligent in their duties and should all be removed for cause.
But Elaine is not finished, poor cow, and continues with the stupidest statement ever, that UCO has been behaving "with fiduciary responsibility, good business practices, and prudent planning." There is that concussion working for her. When does getting the Village in debt to the tune of $1.3 million manage to be termed responsibility, good business practice and prudent. Are we in La La land? Or have we gone down the hole with Alice in Wonderland and met the Mad Hatter?
Think before you write and Elaine, how the hell do you brownnose a man and his pals who think that all women are good for is kitchen, INSULTS and mah jong - their words. Have you no pride that you allow yourself to be so used and so deluded. Truly, you and Not So Amazing Grace and the rest of your cronies need a good shakeup and dusting out of your heads. Have some self pride. Or have you given all that you are to this man with the inflated ego in an inflated body and left nothing over for yourself. What a pity.
Please note that there are two new postings after this public service announcement.
Just scroll down to its end.
Just scroll down to its end.
Century Village Messenger
Sunday. July 27 - 3:00 PM
Room C - Clubhouse
We are planning on having two Informational Guests from Comcast to
explain their latest Business Class Router and how it can affect your
Association’s Wi-Fi Endeavors and costs.
Account Administrator
Tech Expert.
Learn how you can Opt-out of UCO’s Wi-Fi and how
you can Opt-in to your own Wi-Fi for
your building for a monthly charge of no more than $120, that’s right $120 per
month, per association building.
Get your first month
The club's basic purpose
will be to focus on topical issues in relation
to the betterment of Century Village.
These issues will include, but not be limited to, financial, transportation, communication, beautification and any other subjects that involve the entire village. We will have lively discussions and will seek opinions and review those items which will focus on the betterment of the Village
for everyone.
It’s Time to Take over our
Village and do what is good for the Residents
Ever notice how repetitive the songs children sing are? Now notice how repetitive the statements and tactics of the Know Nothing Do Nothing party are as well. Hmmm....what does that say about the childishness of their behavior and thinking? Once more we have the shill Petey Boy presenting the same tired old reversion to the past. Now it is the fault of George that we are in this mess. Really? Seems to me we did not have a $1.2 million shortfall until someone took a million dollars out of reserves and shifted them , mostly without delegate approval and/or proper explanation, to the crappy road and drainage job. This money grab left us broke with $21,000 left in reserves - and I mean ALL reserves,'s all folks! It also left us with a multiyear shortfall which is going to eat up spending money from the residents and left us with another debt for we are going to need to redo the job pretty damned soon and in the meanwhile we live with roads disintegrating, cracking, and lots of lovely new ponds and lakes for more fishing hole availability!
So for 4 1/2 years it appears that David Israel and Co. have been rotating on their thumbs, doing nothing (actually doing lots of harm) except getting us into a deep hole with really no out. Well, guess what you damned fools? If YOU are the administration then YOU are responsible for what happens during your term in office. So for four and a half years we got nothing but trouble, incompetence, tantrums, whining, a course in gavel banging, corrupt elections, threats, an ever increasing mothball fleet, and the beat goes on! Stop trying to blame all the past UCO administrations except for Bob Marshall.
Now that a solution has been partially found, to use money that is already there to try to reduce the heavy debt load, David Israel surfaces again with his plaint that oh, we can save WI Fi. For what? For whom? Nobody cares any more. It is a dead horse. Those who want to have it now or in the future can wire up themselves. And by the way, for the umpteenth time, this is a Village, not a campus. Maybe you need to go back to school, but the rest of us all live in our various condos, not dorm rooms!
So these poor deluded fools are stuttering and stumbling trying to say that while reserves are not mandated by law for 617s, it is a prudent idea to have a reserve. Really! Is that something you just figured out? So David Israel takes one step forward, finally, and then takes ten steps back - AGAIN. Back with the Wi Fi, back with the backtracking as if it is new when we have been advocating this forever, back with the dangerous refusal to accept responsibility for his awful and dangerous stewardship of CV and back with the refusal to move forward in a positive, proper and helpful manner. May the good Lord help us for David Israel certainly will not. So... solution?
So for 4 1/2 years it appears that David Israel and Co. have been rotating on their thumbs, doing nothing (actually doing lots of harm) except getting us into a deep hole with really no out. Well, guess what you damned fools? If YOU are the administration then YOU are responsible for what happens during your term in office. So for four and a half years we got nothing but trouble, incompetence, tantrums, whining, a course in gavel banging, corrupt elections, threats, an ever increasing mothball fleet, and the beat goes on! Stop trying to blame all the past UCO administrations except for Bob Marshall.
Now that a solution has been partially found, to use money that is already there to try to reduce the heavy debt load, David Israel surfaces again with his plaint that oh, we can save WI Fi. For what? For whom? Nobody cares any more. It is a dead horse. Those who want to have it now or in the future can wire up themselves. And by the way, for the umpteenth time, this is a Village, not a campus. Maybe you need to go back to school, but the rest of us all live in our various condos, not dorm rooms!
So these poor deluded fools are stuttering and stumbling trying to say that while reserves are not mandated by law for 617s, it is a prudent idea to have a reserve. Really! Is that something you just figured out? So David Israel takes one step forward, finally, and then takes ten steps back - AGAIN. Back with the Wi Fi, back with the backtracking as if it is new when we have been advocating this forever, back with the dangerous refusal to accept responsibility for his awful and dangerous stewardship of CV and back with the refusal to move forward in a positive, proper and helpful manner. May the good Lord help us for David Israel certainly will not. So... solution?
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Read DonHOHo's comment on the other blog and then realize how they are falling over their own feet, stumbling over their own words as they try to cover over what they have said all along. For the longest time David Israel and his shills and dupes have been ranting and raving like lunatics that there is no shortfall. That is only what the "malcontents" say, they said. We have all the money we need, they stated and whoa!! suddenly we find that lo and behold! There is a shortfall, a major one. Over $1.2 million dollars, but that is okay because they will simply rack up the UCO fees and never mind the fact that people cannot eat that increase.
So along comes a treasurer who knows how to find what they have tried so hard to hide, their own slate member so they cannot run him over as they did a prior Treasurer who called them on their fiscal stupidity and malfeasance. He knows that we have to do something and I do not know if it was he who convinced David Israel or David Israel looking in the mirror and realizing that if he did not do something, burning effigies were in his future! Suddenly the holy grail of grails, the reserve fund set aside for the unnecessary and unwanted Wi Fi, was going to be needed to transfer over to the reserve debt. What a turnaround!
But wait! There's more! (Ah, there's that damned knife commercial again!). Suddenly after spouting off like timed geysers that there is no need for a reserve, for money set aside, and no legal requirement, after getting a spanking in public over that stupidity, suddenly they are falling all over themselves to say oh, there is no legal requirement as such but it behooves responsible people to follow fiduciary responsibility and have a reserve. Wow!!!! Can you imagine that!
In all this, methinks I hear an echo. I hear an echo of myself, of Olga, of Ed G. and Ed R., of Dorothy, of Gary, of Marcia, of Phyllis, of John, of George and Herb and Jack and everyone else who has tried to watch the careless spending these jerks had planned for our Village. All battles could not be won - hence the road and drainage fiasco that is still biting us in the rear - but the stupidity of the lift, and yes, it was a lift, not an elevator, being installed for an exorbitant price in Hastings, was stopped dead in its tracks.
So you see, David Israel, now you are spouting our party line with your shill using the word consensus! Lucky I was sitting when I read that! Oh, and now that you are beginning to spout OUR lines, does that make the Know Nothing Do Nothing party applicants for the "malcontents" party? Hmmm... Interesting thought that, yes? Maybe we can gin up an application form and give it our immediate attention, as immediate as the attention you have given to my applications for seats on committees.
So along comes a treasurer who knows how to find what they have tried so hard to hide, their own slate member so they cannot run him over as they did a prior Treasurer who called them on their fiscal stupidity and malfeasance. He knows that we have to do something and I do not know if it was he who convinced David Israel or David Israel looking in the mirror and realizing that if he did not do something, burning effigies were in his future! Suddenly the holy grail of grails, the reserve fund set aside for the unnecessary and unwanted Wi Fi, was going to be needed to transfer over to the reserve debt. What a turnaround!
But wait! There's more! (Ah, there's that damned knife commercial again!). Suddenly after spouting off like timed geysers that there is no need for a reserve, for money set aside, and no legal requirement, after getting a spanking in public over that stupidity, suddenly they are falling all over themselves to say oh, there is no legal requirement as such but it behooves responsible people to follow fiduciary responsibility and have a reserve. Wow!!!! Can you imagine that!
In all this, methinks I hear an echo. I hear an echo of myself, of Olga, of Ed G. and Ed R., of Dorothy, of Gary, of Marcia, of Phyllis, of John, of George and Herb and Jack and everyone else who has tried to watch the careless spending these jerks had planned for our Village. All battles could not be won - hence the road and drainage fiasco that is still biting us in the rear - but the stupidity of the lift, and yes, it was a lift, not an elevator, being installed for an exorbitant price in Hastings, was stopped dead in its tracks.
So you see, David Israel, now you are spouting our party line with your shill using the word consensus! Lucky I was sitting when I read that! Oh, and now that you are beginning to spout OUR lines, does that make the Know Nothing Do Nothing party applicants for the "malcontents" party? Hmmm... Interesting thought that, yes? Maybe we can gin up an application form and give it our immediate attention, as immediate as the attention you have given to my applications for seats on committees.
First, let me apologize to my early readers. We were on tenterhooks here, waiting to hear about my great nephew in the Israeli army and finally this morning heard that he had texted his wife and he is ok, tired, and cannot wait to get back home. May he remain so until he is safely back home along with the rest of our boys.
So with gratitude, maybe I will be a little softer this morning, but truly, thru the grapevine, from several disparate sources, I have heard that maybe David Israel is coming to at least a bit of reality recognition. It seems that he has heard the suggestion to and/ or seen the dire necessity of LEGALLY transferring the Wi Fi money over towards the shortfall and thus lessening the burden on the residents, cutting the new increase scheduled by a goodly amount. I believe that Howie O' Brien had a hand in this as he seems the only one there attached to reality and does not believe in blind denials of fact. Be that as it may, it is at least a step in the right direction, the first, hopefully, of many.
Now I predict that David Israel will pass this off as his brilliant thinking due to his concern for the residents of the Village. Personally, I do not care if he does that, for the majority know that we have been telling the Know Nothings to do this for the longest time. Now if only we can get him to listen more - like to the suggestion that he RESIGN! But again, it is a first step. The meeting on Thursday should be an interesting one and I suggest that if you can possibly be there, do so. It will be in the Clubhouse this Thursday July 24 at 10.
There are many more things that need to be corrected here in the Village, like freedom of speech, the right to assembly, the access to media such as the newspaper where we are verboten!, the right to be placed on committees of UCO, and the list goes on. We have not even mentioned here specific harmful policies that are being carried out in UCO but all in its time. One righting of a wrong does not make all rosy and fine. Fiscal policy, planning, etc. all have a ways to go, much to reform, if we are to remain viable, and our by laws must be revised with input by all, not just by Marilyn Gorodetzer; we must plan for the end of the Millennium Agreement and for once and for all, put Tennyson out to pasture. Oh, and by the way, drove in thru Haverhill yesterday and those bushes with the red flowers actually have grown quite a bit and look very pretty, so kudos to Marcia for standing her ground. Nice job.
So with gratitude, maybe I will be a little softer this morning, but truly, thru the grapevine, from several disparate sources, I have heard that maybe David Israel is coming to at least a bit of reality recognition. It seems that he has heard the suggestion to and/ or seen the dire necessity of LEGALLY transferring the Wi Fi money over towards the shortfall and thus lessening the burden on the residents, cutting the new increase scheduled by a goodly amount. I believe that Howie O' Brien had a hand in this as he seems the only one there attached to reality and does not believe in blind denials of fact. Be that as it may, it is at least a step in the right direction, the first, hopefully, of many.
Now I predict that David Israel will pass this off as his brilliant thinking due to his concern for the residents of the Village. Personally, I do not care if he does that, for the majority know that we have been telling the Know Nothings to do this for the longest time. Now if only we can get him to listen more - like to the suggestion that he RESIGN! But again, it is a first step. The meeting on Thursday should be an interesting one and I suggest that if you can possibly be there, do so. It will be in the Clubhouse this Thursday July 24 at 10.
There are many more things that need to be corrected here in the Village, like freedom of speech, the right to assembly, the access to media such as the newspaper where we are verboten!, the right to be placed on committees of UCO, and the list goes on. We have not even mentioned here specific harmful policies that are being carried out in UCO but all in its time. One righting of a wrong does not make all rosy and fine. Fiscal policy, planning, etc. all have a ways to go, much to reform, if we are to remain viable, and our by laws must be revised with input by all, not just by Marilyn Gorodetzer; we must plan for the end of the Millennium Agreement and for once and for all, put Tennyson out to pasture. Oh, and by the way, drove in thru Haverhill yesterday and those bushes with the red flowers actually have grown quite a bit and look very pretty, so kudos to Marcia for standing her ground. Nice job.
Monday, July 21, 2014
So now the Know Nothings are trying a new tactic. Guess lieing ain't doing so hot but since they know nothing, they are going with more lies and evasions. Now the tactic is to go into the long ago past and blame everyone else other than David Israel. Only problem in doing that is its stupidity and they seem to have left out Bob Marshall and he was just plain awful and not so straight when he was president of UCO. Now he just sits there like a pumpkin at the meetings.
David Israel has ordered his shills, Don and a person who lives in Sheffield, to write questions that will allow David Israel to answer with his own inimitable style of falsehoods, evasions, and lies.
If we are to venture into the past, let's see what we have and know. Well, first of all, we should blame those who were living at the time when they did not set up a master association instead of the 309 we have now. Then we have to blame the shortsighted residents who did not buy the Clubhouse and the golf course when offered the opportunity. They are the direct ancestors of the shortsighted people of the Know Nothing Do Nothing party who cannot see more than a month in advance. Finally, we have the past presidents, I guess all of whom are to blame, according to the Know Nothings, that is, all but Bob Marshall and of course, David Israel.
None of the past presidents were perfect. No man is. (Woman maybe!) Kurt Weiss screwed us royal with the signing of the Millennium Agreement and we are still suffering from it for another few years. Some presidents were better than others, but the worst, for the residents' benefit, was Bob Marshall. George built the UCO building, getting us out of another dependency on Mark Levy and I believe that is a good thing.
But wait! Someone is missing. Now who could it be? Hmmmm.....Aha! Got It! David Israel, the Know Nothing leader, who in four and a half years has accomplished ZERO in the positive attainment and oh good grief, deeply negative in the screw the residents up for the near future and beyond. In four and a half years he had brought upon us one debacle after another and wants to bring another upon us with the budget and Wi Fi, a dead issue. He now acknowledges a shortfall but puts the blame squarely on the shoulders of the delegates who vote directly as he orders so yes, they share in the blame, but he is president so there you go. The buck stops there.
Now he is trying to gloss over the need for a higher UCO fee by sending in his shills who know not of what they speak. He wastes his time on this nonsense instead of working to find a better way, a more humane way for our residents, particularly our elderly ones.
David Israel, for once in your life, man up and accept blame when it belongs to you. Then take a deep breath and ask for help, not brownnosing. If you cannot do that, then you should not be president (actually that is true no matter what), certainly not when we are in crisis, so get the hell out of office.
David Israel has ordered his shills, Don and a person who lives in Sheffield, to write questions that will allow David Israel to answer with his own inimitable style of falsehoods, evasions, and lies.
If we are to venture into the past, let's see what we have and know. Well, first of all, we should blame those who were living at the time when they did not set up a master association instead of the 309 we have now. Then we have to blame the shortsighted residents who did not buy the Clubhouse and the golf course when offered the opportunity. They are the direct ancestors of the shortsighted people of the Know Nothing Do Nothing party who cannot see more than a month in advance. Finally, we have the past presidents, I guess all of whom are to blame, according to the Know Nothings, that is, all but Bob Marshall and of course, David Israel.
None of the past presidents were perfect. No man is. (Woman maybe!) Kurt Weiss screwed us royal with the signing of the Millennium Agreement and we are still suffering from it for another few years. Some presidents were better than others, but the worst, for the residents' benefit, was Bob Marshall. George built the UCO building, getting us out of another dependency on Mark Levy and I believe that is a good thing.
But wait! Someone is missing. Now who could it be? Hmmmm.....Aha! Got It! David Israel, the Know Nothing leader, who in four and a half years has accomplished ZERO in the positive attainment and oh good grief, deeply negative in the screw the residents up for the near future and beyond. In four and a half years he had brought upon us one debacle after another and wants to bring another upon us with the budget and Wi Fi, a dead issue. He now acknowledges a shortfall but puts the blame squarely on the shoulders of the delegates who vote directly as he orders so yes, they share in the blame, but he is president so there you go. The buck stops there.
Now he is trying to gloss over the need for a higher UCO fee by sending in his shills who know not of what they speak. He wastes his time on this nonsense instead of working to find a better way, a more humane way for our residents, particularly our elderly ones.
David Israel, for once in your life, man up and accept blame when it belongs to you. Then take a deep breath and ask for help, not brownnosing. If you cannot do that, then you should not be president (actually that is true no matter what), certainly not when we are in crisis, so get the hell out of office.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
So, was going to shut down the computer for the nite and decided to see what garbage might be found anew on David Israel's blog and there it was. Don HoHo asked one of his leading oh, so innocent, questions in order to give David Israel a platform and there it was. It was a question of reserves and their requirement or not for 617's. David Israel then went on to rant and rave, typical foaming at the mouth rhetoric about people who interrupt assemblies, who spew bile, and on and on. David Israel, please see a recent blog I wrote about how boring you are getting, constantly ranting the same crap.
Whether there is a legal requirement or not, is not the crux of the issue and do not be fooled by the rest of David Israel's blather. The crux is that there was a surplus, a reserve, until he and Ed Black put their filthy little greedy hands on it and blew it - a million dollars of our money. That is the crux of the matter.
Now let us see what else he rants on about. He talks of the needs of the Village, that the infrastructure is over 40 years old and needs to be kept up. Exactly, and that is why reserves must be made and kept, so that we do have the money and now to add insult to injury - he mentions the roads and drainage!!!!!!!! Really!!!! Even for you, David Israel, that is really some gall. The roads? The drainage? Is that not what we just spent five million dollars on - and all for naught as it turns out. YOU blew our reserves, misspent it and all for nothing. The roads are garbage; the drainage is garbage; the walkways are falling apart and just waiting for someone to fall, get hurt and then sue UCO. What will you say to that suit, David Israel??
You mention non-stressful budgeting - there is none if we are to make up this shortfall and do so before the roads collapse again on us. We need to make up the shortfall if we are to be able to fix myriad other items in the Village. And give it up already on Wi Fi. The only thing that fund is good for now is to be used to alleviate some of the shortfall and thus ease some of the onerous increase that will have to be put in place. People are already wi fi'ing all on their own and no one needs towers, or trenches, or infrastructure or spend outrageous amounts of money on it. No one needs to indulge you in your ridiculous pipe dreams and your seemingly incurable habit of spending millions of other people's money. Wonder if there is rehab for that?
When one makes a budget for a family, one always builds in a savings account, a reserve account, if you will. There is no law for this but it is principle 101 in sane budgeting and financial planning. You seem to have not learned that lesson. Perhaps it is because you never had a family to fend for. Or perhaps it is because you never had to make a budget for your job. But whatever the reason, you are woefully ignorant of the right way to do things and we have suffered for it.
Your reasoning is circular, your logic non-existent. You cannot keep a story straight - there is no shortfall; oh, there is a shortfall but it is the fault of the delegates; no need for a reserve but it is a good idea; we will need more money but we will just make it appear somehow since your plans are seemingly nonsensical or nonexistent. You like your new Emperor's new clothes, David Israel? Keep it up and soon everyone around here will understand exactly what all your blather really is - the Emperor's new clothes, really not there at all.
Whether there is a legal requirement or not, is not the crux of the issue and do not be fooled by the rest of David Israel's blather. The crux is that there was a surplus, a reserve, until he and Ed Black put their filthy little greedy hands on it and blew it - a million dollars of our money. That is the crux of the matter.
Now let us see what else he rants on about. He talks of the needs of the Village, that the infrastructure is over 40 years old and needs to be kept up. Exactly, and that is why reserves must be made and kept, so that we do have the money and now to add insult to injury - he mentions the roads and drainage!!!!!!!! Really!!!! Even for you, David Israel, that is really some gall. The roads? The drainage? Is that not what we just spent five million dollars on - and all for naught as it turns out. YOU blew our reserves, misspent it and all for nothing. The roads are garbage; the drainage is garbage; the walkways are falling apart and just waiting for someone to fall, get hurt and then sue UCO. What will you say to that suit, David Israel??
You mention non-stressful budgeting - there is none if we are to make up this shortfall and do so before the roads collapse again on us. We need to make up the shortfall if we are to be able to fix myriad other items in the Village. And give it up already on Wi Fi. The only thing that fund is good for now is to be used to alleviate some of the shortfall and thus ease some of the onerous increase that will have to be put in place. People are already wi fi'ing all on their own and no one needs towers, or trenches, or infrastructure or spend outrageous amounts of money on it. No one needs to indulge you in your ridiculous pipe dreams and your seemingly incurable habit of spending millions of other people's money. Wonder if there is rehab for that?
When one makes a budget for a family, one always builds in a savings account, a reserve account, if you will. There is no law for this but it is principle 101 in sane budgeting and financial planning. You seem to have not learned that lesson. Perhaps it is because you never had a family to fend for. Or perhaps it is because you never had to make a budget for your job. But whatever the reason, you are woefully ignorant of the right way to do things and we have suffered for it.
Your reasoning is circular, your logic non-existent. You cannot keep a story straight - there is no shortfall; oh, there is a shortfall but it is the fault of the delegates; no need for a reserve but it is a good idea; we will need more money but we will just make it appear somehow since your plans are seemingly nonsensical or nonexistent. You like your new Emperor's new clothes, David Israel? Keep it up and soon everyone around here will understand exactly what all your blather really is - the Emperor's new clothes, really not there at all.
No, this is not about the situation here in the Village, though these terms can be applied to it. What it is referring to is the situation in the Middle East, war again, and frustration that once more the world is blind, ignoring the truth in front of its own eyes. Once more it appears that Israel is to be held to a standard that is not applied to any other country in the world.
The best opinion piece I have read about the war is that of Charles Krauthammer who wrote a brilliant essay entitled "Moral Clarity in Gaza". It explains the situation as it is, states the truth of the matter and sheds no tears for the fake cries of massacre by the terrorists, Hamas.
There is no other country in the world that sends text messages, phone messages, thousands of leaflets, TV statements, "knocks" on the roof before shooting. There is no other country in the world that sets up a HOSPITAL for the enemy wounded, including a maternity center. Israel is known for the quality of its field care and when there are tsunamis or earthquakes or any other natural disaster, Israel is there, usually the first to set up, whether it be in Haiti or in Moslem countries. It has even sent aid to the civilians in Syria, taken wounded into northern Israeli hospitals. It has begged the civilians in Gaza to move, go, not to listen to Hamas which wants to shield itself with them, use them as a human shield. Then the world cries shame on Israel when there is nothing left but to go in and do the job necessary to keep Israeli civilians throughout the country safe.
Why are there no pictures of the horrible amount of physical damage to Israeli property? Why is there no coverage of the shells and rockets that have hit homes, schools, synagogues, and yes, people. Why is there no coverage of an entire country forced to live in shelters and then being cursed as murderers because they do not die? Israel takes care of its civilians. Would more Israeli deaths make the world feel better? Hamas does not care for its civilians except as propaganda tools and shields.
Why has Hamas used all the concrete that came in to Gaza to build mammoth tunnels rather than to build homes? Why have they spent billions on arms rather than on health, schooling, economy building projects? Why? Because they cannot tolerate the existence of the State of Israel, not as it is, not as it ever will be. Territory is NOT the issue; the issue is existential. Just look at its supporters in various countries who have held violent rallies, beating Jews, burning synagogues. It is anti Semitism at its worse, worse than anything since the time of the Nazis.
Tunnels. Can it be that we have so easily and so soon forgotten the tunnels of Vietnam and how many of our soldiers we lost in them, to them? The tunnels here are even worse, stronger, more fortified, enormous underworld cities with multi shafts, multi exits and all with one goal in mind - to kill Israelis. If the present tunnels had not been found there would have been a horror such that we have never seen before. Many years ago terrorists entered a school in Ma' a lot, in northern Israel and killed so many kids. Here, these animals were planning a massive attack on three kibbutzim on Israeli soil, none of this fake excuse of occupation, an attack to kill, to maim and to kidnap, armed with guns, explosives, handcuffs and tranquilizers. Would the world have cried with us? I doubt it and even if so, they would have been crocodile tears and they would have offered no help, just the standard, "We understand Israel's right to defend itself but oh, be so careful with civilians."
170,000 dead in Syria. Bombs in Iraq and Afghanistan that daily blow up tens and hundreds of people. The Janjaweed are on the ride again in Sudan killing thousands and maiming more, and the list goes on and on and on. Does the world do something? No, for it has more pressing concerns. What? The annoyance that Israel has the ability and determination to defend itself and Jews all over the world, be they French, Burmese, Ethiopian, American, British, Spanish, Hidden Jews from centuries past and the list goes on. But the world cries more about 400 Palestinians who are killed DIRECTLY due to the fact that Hamas builds IN their homes, UNDER their homes, STUFFS children into ambulances carrying armed terrorists, in mosques, and all their cowardly leaders are HIDING under Shifa Hospital. Why is this?
Collateral damage can be heartbreaking, but Israel is the only country in the world - and that includes the USA - who does so much to minimize it. The only way to cut it more is for Israel to stand there and say, "Yes, world, we will once again allow you to kill us. We will be martyrs once more. One and a half million children were not enough for you, so here is more. Six million needs to be drenched with more blood, so here is ours." But this will never happen. Let Israel do what it must and there will be fewer deaths and injury all around. And remember, Israel accepted three ceasefires - Hamas did not, or violated them almost immediately. Such is the enemy.
The best opinion piece I have read about the war is that of Charles Krauthammer who wrote a brilliant essay entitled "Moral Clarity in Gaza". It explains the situation as it is, states the truth of the matter and sheds no tears for the fake cries of massacre by the terrorists, Hamas.
There is no other country in the world that sends text messages, phone messages, thousands of leaflets, TV statements, "knocks" on the roof before shooting. There is no other country in the world that sets up a HOSPITAL for the enemy wounded, including a maternity center. Israel is known for the quality of its field care and when there are tsunamis or earthquakes or any other natural disaster, Israel is there, usually the first to set up, whether it be in Haiti or in Moslem countries. It has even sent aid to the civilians in Syria, taken wounded into northern Israeli hospitals. It has begged the civilians in Gaza to move, go, not to listen to Hamas which wants to shield itself with them, use them as a human shield. Then the world cries shame on Israel when there is nothing left but to go in and do the job necessary to keep Israeli civilians throughout the country safe.
Why are there no pictures of the horrible amount of physical damage to Israeli property? Why is there no coverage of the shells and rockets that have hit homes, schools, synagogues, and yes, people. Why is there no coverage of an entire country forced to live in shelters and then being cursed as murderers because they do not die? Israel takes care of its civilians. Would more Israeli deaths make the world feel better? Hamas does not care for its civilians except as propaganda tools and shields.
Why has Hamas used all the concrete that came in to Gaza to build mammoth tunnels rather than to build homes? Why have they spent billions on arms rather than on health, schooling, economy building projects? Why? Because they cannot tolerate the existence of the State of Israel, not as it is, not as it ever will be. Territory is NOT the issue; the issue is existential. Just look at its supporters in various countries who have held violent rallies, beating Jews, burning synagogues. It is anti Semitism at its worse, worse than anything since the time of the Nazis.
Tunnels. Can it be that we have so easily and so soon forgotten the tunnels of Vietnam and how many of our soldiers we lost in them, to them? The tunnels here are even worse, stronger, more fortified, enormous underworld cities with multi shafts, multi exits and all with one goal in mind - to kill Israelis. If the present tunnels had not been found there would have been a horror such that we have never seen before. Many years ago terrorists entered a school in Ma' a lot, in northern Israel and killed so many kids. Here, these animals were planning a massive attack on three kibbutzim on Israeli soil, none of this fake excuse of occupation, an attack to kill, to maim and to kidnap, armed with guns, explosives, handcuffs and tranquilizers. Would the world have cried with us? I doubt it and even if so, they would have been crocodile tears and they would have offered no help, just the standard, "We understand Israel's right to defend itself but oh, be so careful with civilians."
170,000 dead in Syria. Bombs in Iraq and Afghanistan that daily blow up tens and hundreds of people. The Janjaweed are on the ride again in Sudan killing thousands and maiming more, and the list goes on and on and on. Does the world do something? No, for it has more pressing concerns. What? The annoyance that Israel has the ability and determination to defend itself and Jews all over the world, be they French, Burmese, Ethiopian, American, British, Spanish, Hidden Jews from centuries past and the list goes on. But the world cries more about 400 Palestinians who are killed DIRECTLY due to the fact that Hamas builds IN their homes, UNDER their homes, STUFFS children into ambulances carrying armed terrorists, in mosques, and all their cowardly leaders are HIDING under Shifa Hospital. Why is this?
Collateral damage can be heartbreaking, but Israel is the only country in the world - and that includes the USA - who does so much to minimize it. The only way to cut it more is for Israel to stand there and say, "Yes, world, we will once again allow you to kill us. We will be martyrs once more. One and a half million children were not enough for you, so here is more. Six million needs to be drenched with more blood, so here is ours." But this will never happen. Let Israel do what it must and there will be fewer deaths and injury all around. And remember, Israel accepted three ceasefires - Hamas did not, or violated them almost immediately. Such is the enemy.
Saturday, July 19, 2014
So Mike puts forth a dumb, but very telling remark or suggestion, that David Israel be installed as dictator - oops, president, for life, here in the Village. While this sounds very dumb and they fall all over themselves trying to say it is a joke, one of their own, Bob Rivera, takes it seriously. David Israel can deny it all he wants, but in his chicanery and tactics used to get term limits overthrown is to found exactly his plan and idea. He wants to stay in office until he is carried out.
And by the way, this nonsense of calling your opposition the term "malcontents" as if it is an insult, is just dumb, as dumb as it gets. We are proud to dissent, to disagree , with your program of cheating the Village, David Israel, of being an incompetent president, a disastrous president. We are proud to carry on an American tradition. We are proud to uphold the spirit of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America. What the hell are you upholding? The Communist Manifesto? Mao's Little Red Book? A fascistic platform? Oh, or is it the spy on Americans doctrine of the NSA?
It is getting a tad boring fighting with the mentally handicapped who cannot answer questions posed to them and who keep relying on denial. Well, you cannot have it both ways as you think you can in this budget shortfall. First you say it is not really there, like the Emperor's new clothes, and then when you realize that you are indeed naked, (perish the thought), you say and anyway, the delegates did it; they voted for it. So there you go again, refusing the responsibility of your own misdeeds and those of Ed Black. Boorrinngg! ZZZZZZZZZ
How are we going to make up this shortfall? How are we going to have the money placed in reserve funds so it is there to pay the bills when they come due? When are you going to stop beating a dead horse with this Wi Fi already and put the funds collected to better use - with delegate approval (yeah, remember that little step?) When are you going to realize that the residents of the Village have had it with you and hence the OPT OUT movement.When is this administration going to finally do something that it promises to do? Why did it take months to finally figure out that the Southhampton fence is NEVER going up. First you strung everyone along with oh, it needs this, oh it needs that, oh it needs something else, and on and on and now finally, you admit, but not so publicly that it will never happen. That is the story of the do nothing administration except harm that is in place here in CV for the past four and a half years and AHA!!! GOT IT! GOT YOUR NAME. THE KNOW NOTHING DO NOTHING PARTY. PERFECT!!!!!
And by the way, this nonsense of calling your opposition the term "malcontents" as if it is an insult, is just dumb, as dumb as it gets. We are proud to dissent, to disagree , with your program of cheating the Village, David Israel, of being an incompetent president, a disastrous president. We are proud to carry on an American tradition. We are proud to uphold the spirit of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America. What the hell are you upholding? The Communist Manifesto? Mao's Little Red Book? A fascistic platform? Oh, or is it the spy on Americans doctrine of the NSA?
It is getting a tad boring fighting with the mentally handicapped who cannot answer questions posed to them and who keep relying on denial. Well, you cannot have it both ways as you think you can in this budget shortfall. First you say it is not really there, like the Emperor's new clothes, and then when you realize that you are indeed naked, (perish the thought), you say and anyway, the delegates did it; they voted for it. So there you go again, refusing the responsibility of your own misdeeds and those of Ed Black. Boorrinngg! ZZZZZZZZZ
How are we going to make up this shortfall? How are we going to have the money placed in reserve funds so it is there to pay the bills when they come due? When are you going to stop beating a dead horse with this Wi Fi already and put the funds collected to better use - with delegate approval (yeah, remember that little step?) When are you going to realize that the residents of the Village have had it with you and hence the OPT OUT movement.When is this administration going to finally do something that it promises to do? Why did it take months to finally figure out that the Southhampton fence is NEVER going up. First you strung everyone along with oh, it needs this, oh it needs that, oh it needs something else, and on and on and now finally, you admit, but not so publicly that it will never happen. That is the story of the do nothing administration except harm that is in place here in CV for the past four and a half years and AHA!!! GOT IT! GOT YOUR NAME. THE KNOW NOTHING DO NOTHING PARTY. PERFECT!!!!!
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