Finally got around to reading this past Sunday's NY Times business section, and, as usual, found the weekly interview with a business executive or head of an organization both incisive and informative. One can learn from these articles, and, indeed, I incorporated some appropriate advice from these articles during my working years. I believed they helped.
This week's article had the question, "What are some early lessons you learned as a manager?" She said that she learned that her personality had to be adapted to the work arena, not to be bossy or autocratic, to have a balance between a strong personality who could solve problems yet allow air for others to function. She said that it took time to learn. Amen to that!
A further posed question concerned the evolution of a leadership style to which she replied that simply being a mother and learning that the world did not revolve around oneself helped greatly. It was not all about "me", not at home and not at the workplace. One has to nurture one's work companions and subordinates, to encourage them and set goals, achievable goals.
Well, there ya' go. These qualities are missing in our esteemed (sic) leader of UCO. Having few deep relationships as far as anyone can tell, David Israel never had to learn that there were others that were important. The me, me, me toddler years never seemed to be outgrown and thus we now have a president of UCO who maintains that attitude. It is all about his desires, his projects, his dreams, his needs rather than those of the residents and the Village.
And as far as character and temperament, well, just look at the situation. People are frightened by him, threatened and intimidated. What will he look for on the Internet about them - and he does tell people he can find out anything he wants. Now while that is quite an exaggeration, people are taken aback and back off. People are yelled at , called some nasty names - in public - lose their computers as they suddenly "shut down" and the workplace becomes a place of subordination rather than cooperation.
I have maintained all along that even while allowing that perhaps he had the best of intentions when he began his UCO career, (see A Modern Fairy Tale) David Israel never had any management experience, never learned about budget and priorities, about future planning and never had a learning curve that succeeded here in UCO. Hence we have the poor working environment, the limited amount of people he can or will work with, and a very shaky financial foundation. If one listened to the Officer Committee meeting the other day, one could become quite confused. The numbers were unclear and uncertain. Even our Treasurer had no idea as to final numbers so how, tell me and tell all the others, can we possibly talk about increasing the UCO fees or "decreasing" them (now that is a wild one!) when we have three sets of numbers running around. The wise thing to do is hold off, avert disaster and prioritize. Keep what we must, cut where we can and make sure these cuts are humane and put huge new projects on hold till we clear up our issues now. Where is the money for redoing all the areas that are real crap on our streets and walkways? In fact, where are the finishing touches for ANY project that has been spoken about over the past four and a half years?
Where is the fence or any finality about Southhampton?
Where are the details about the new by laws that Gorodetzer seems to be writing all by herself - lovely thought, that!
Where is the new attorney that David Israel agreed so long ago that we needed to replace?
Where are the concrete plans and proposals, the working committee composed of ALL segments of the Village population that will deal with life after the Millennium Agreement is over?
Where is the entry system - oh, right, the bar codes are working yet Bob Marshall is still talking about the lightning strike. And those cameras..... One out of so many - and more that can be mentioned.
People, we need new leadership here in the Village. Look around and find good people, urge them to commit and run for various offices. Volunteering is almost useless at this point as you will be ignored, told there is no room - unless you are a DI groupie. So run for Executive Board. Run for VP. Run for Secretary. Run for President. Support those who want to see a positive change and a positive environment here in the Village. Speak up. Do something.
People have told me that I am spitting into the wind, that the situation is useless and hopeless, that David Israel has a huge machine that will keep him in office till the day he dies. I cannot believe that. I wrote yesterday of the courage others have and the courage we need, the desire to right a wrong situation. Huge corrupt Tammany Hall political machines and politics worthy of Chicago politics have no place here in the Village. Think about it and act.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Monday, September 29, 2014
Just watched and listened to a telecast about Hong Kong and have been following the events there with great interest. The students there are of the same quality as those who stood in Tiannemen Square and stopped the tanks all those years ago. Now they are standing up against the forces of mainland China with great courage and what is more, have inspired others as well - from tiny storekeepers to bank managers and everything in between. These people have the courage to stand up to a huge force, a repressive force and are doing it under forceful sprays of pepper spray, of enveloping clouds of tear gas, so much so that one can barely make out the people encased within and even are facing down bullets. This is the moment of pride in the human race, of hope..
And what is the moment of shame? Here, us, CV. Why do we not have the courage to stand up for our beliefs, for our needs, for democracy here in our Village, here in the home of the world's foremost democratic nation? But no, we tremble in fear of a megalomaniac who still conducts himself as if he were a toddler with the world centered only around him. Read my prior blog, On the Precipice and understand better what I mean.
We have no tear gas here. No pepper spray and mostly, no guns! so why do thinking people keep refusing to act? Because some are allowing themselves to be deluded by David Israel and Ed Black, are given a small sinecure of authority in the form of a committee chair or a little group they wanted to form and thus - they are bought. Others have major power here, such as Ed Black, an non elected person to UCO, and thus our finances are in a perilous situation. Others are just apathetic and others are the pathetic hanger ons that all dictators, petty or not, always have by their side.
Let us have our moments of courage and vote the way we need to. No on village wide Wi Fi, yes on term limits and start turfing out the David Israel clones in the upcoming March election. The Tree of Liberty and all that, but people, if we do not step up to the plate - the Tree dies - and so does our dream of a Village as well.
Pride or shame? Despair or hope? The choice is yours.
And what is the moment of shame? Here, us, CV. Why do we not have the courage to stand up for our beliefs, for our needs, for democracy here in our Village, here in the home of the world's foremost democratic nation? But no, we tremble in fear of a megalomaniac who still conducts himself as if he were a toddler with the world centered only around him. Read my prior blog, On the Precipice and understand better what I mean.
We have no tear gas here. No pepper spray and mostly, no guns! so why do thinking people keep refusing to act? Because some are allowing themselves to be deluded by David Israel and Ed Black, are given a small sinecure of authority in the form of a committee chair or a little group they wanted to form and thus - they are bought. Others have major power here, such as Ed Black, an non elected person to UCO, and thus our finances are in a perilous situation. Others are just apathetic and others are the pathetic hanger ons that all dictators, petty or not, always have by their side.
Let us have our moments of courage and vote the way we need to. No on village wide Wi Fi, yes on term limits and start turfing out the David Israel clones in the upcoming March election. The Tree of Liberty and all that, but people, if we do not step up to the plate - the Tree dies - and so does our dream of a Village as well.
Pride or shame? Despair or hope? The choice is yours.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
It seems that the paranoia that resides in the mind of David Israel and in the minds(?) of his groupies has finally taken deep root. They truly believe that anyone who disagrees with them has got evil in mind. These opponents are demonized, made subhuman, are called trolls, witches, old hags (I think the guys think that is funny), spewers of hate and poison and far worse and why? Simply because they dare to disagree with the program and goals of David Israel and Ed Black. Paranoia full blown!
Believe me when I tell you that we do not care who proposes what program. The criteria for support or opposition is one simple precept - is it good for the Village? The source of the idea or suggestion carries no weight, only that precept. Because paranoia has become full blown in these small minds, they have reverted to the time worn and dishonorable practice of Fascism. Yes, right here in our Village.
How, you might ask? Simple - just read the following:
- Opposition is banned from HIS blog
- Opposition is banned from the newspaper and TV channel
- Opposition is dehumanized and demonized
- Opposition is given a group name, thus making a group where there is none, only individuals
- Opposition is represented as harmful to the residents, no matter what the issue
- Opposition is blocked from participating in the administration of the Village wherever and whenever possible
- Opposition is subject to crooked and tainted election procedures
- Opposition is demeaned simply because they point out the corruption in UCO
Illegal money maneuvering
Disrespect for the financial stability of the Village
Primary placement of pet projects of officers of UCO - and even for people who are non-elected to UCO!
Because they point out the incompetence and worse of UCO, the lack of process and procedure, the lack of true management ability and principles.
It does not matter who is the president or who are the officers or even who are the non elected "officials" and renters that David Israel has as primary functionaries in his administration. It only matters, that, to put it bluntly, we, the residents of CV are getting screwed! Royally! By a bunch of fascistic and paranoid individuals who do not have our best interests at heart.
Ladies and gentlemen, fellow residents of CV, this is neither hate nor venom. This is called democracy in action and thus the fascistic rulers of CV are adamant in opposing it. How many of you out there fought in WWII, Korea, Vietnam or have sons and daughters in the armed services right now? Is not one of the very reasons we fought and are fighting and will be fighting in the future is to insure the rights that our Founding Fathers wished for us to have? For which , over the centuries of our existence, other patriots have fought and even expanded?
Eva and David and Ed - an evil triumvirate - who have decided that we are doddering old fools, incapable of deciding or even knowing what is best for us - and even if there is an error - it is of OUR choosing. I did not sign any form when I moved in giving others control over my very life and my rights. Neither have any of you. So speak up, talk to delegates, get rid of dead wood and put in place thinking delegates. Insist that your delegates vote as the association wants, not as they want. Ed Black heads four, yes, four important committees and he is NOT elected to anything, as well as controlling our esteemed president and our lightning swift VP, Bob Marshall.
Anitra, a renter, is now poking her nose and her fingers into areas where she does not belong - again! She got her law degree where? So why does she think that her interpretations or stresses of condo law are correct. I beg to differ and feel that if one wants to know what is what - consult a lawyer who knows condo law and even then, watch the differing opinions. And we should give Anitra more power as we give her our personal health information if there is an issue with AMR! Really! I believe we are capable of doing this ourselves - it takes a phone call and even if one were unfortunately not capable of the phone call and had no one else to do it - NOT Anitra, a renter with NO Business in UCO if by laws were followed.
And there you have another issue with the Fascistic government of UCO. They feel that by laws as written are not for them, or rather only if they find it useful. Thus money transfers take place under Ed Black and David Israel, term limits are overturned in a three time effort and done so in the summer months - hmmm, half the officers NEVER have anything to report and truly, nothing ever gets done unless it benefits you know who.
Come join those who would fight for your rights, for our own UCO run as it should be, not as the paranoid Fascists want it to be and not as they plan it to be as they write up new bylaws benefitting THEM and NOT the Village!
Believe me when I tell you that we do not care who proposes what program. The criteria for support or opposition is one simple precept - is it good for the Village? The source of the idea or suggestion carries no weight, only that precept. Because paranoia has become full blown in these small minds, they have reverted to the time worn and dishonorable practice of Fascism. Yes, right here in our Village.
How, you might ask? Simple - just read the following:
- Opposition is banned from HIS blog
- Opposition is banned from the newspaper and TV channel
- Opposition is dehumanized and demonized
- Opposition is given a group name, thus making a group where there is none, only individuals
- Opposition is represented as harmful to the residents, no matter what the issue
- Opposition is blocked from participating in the administration of the Village wherever and whenever possible
- Opposition is subject to crooked and tainted election procedures
- Opposition is demeaned simply because they point out the corruption in UCO
Illegal money maneuvering
Disrespect for the financial stability of the Village
Primary placement of pet projects of officers of UCO - and even for people who are non-elected to UCO!
Because they point out the incompetence and worse of UCO, the lack of process and procedure, the lack of true management ability and principles.
It does not matter who is the president or who are the officers or even who are the non elected "officials" and renters that David Israel has as primary functionaries in his administration. It only matters, that, to put it bluntly, we, the residents of CV are getting screwed! Royally! By a bunch of fascistic and paranoid individuals who do not have our best interests at heart.
Ladies and gentlemen, fellow residents of CV, this is neither hate nor venom. This is called democracy in action and thus the fascistic rulers of CV are adamant in opposing it. How many of you out there fought in WWII, Korea, Vietnam or have sons and daughters in the armed services right now? Is not one of the very reasons we fought and are fighting and will be fighting in the future is to insure the rights that our Founding Fathers wished for us to have? For which , over the centuries of our existence, other patriots have fought and even expanded?
Eva and David and Ed - an evil triumvirate - who have decided that we are doddering old fools, incapable of deciding or even knowing what is best for us - and even if there is an error - it is of OUR choosing. I did not sign any form when I moved in giving others control over my very life and my rights. Neither have any of you. So speak up, talk to delegates, get rid of dead wood and put in place thinking delegates. Insist that your delegates vote as the association wants, not as they want. Ed Black heads four, yes, four important committees and he is NOT elected to anything, as well as controlling our esteemed president and our lightning swift VP, Bob Marshall.
Anitra, a renter, is now poking her nose and her fingers into areas where she does not belong - again! She got her law degree where? So why does she think that her interpretations or stresses of condo law are correct. I beg to differ and feel that if one wants to know what is what - consult a lawyer who knows condo law and even then, watch the differing opinions. And we should give Anitra more power as we give her our personal health information if there is an issue with AMR! Really! I believe we are capable of doing this ourselves - it takes a phone call and even if one were unfortunately not capable of the phone call and had no one else to do it - NOT Anitra, a renter with NO Business in UCO if by laws were followed.
And there you have another issue with the Fascistic government of UCO. They feel that by laws as written are not for them, or rather only if they find it useful. Thus money transfers take place under Ed Black and David Israel, term limits are overturned in a three time effort and done so in the summer months - hmmm, half the officers NEVER have anything to report and truly, nothing ever gets done unless it benefits you know who.
Come join those who would fight for your rights, for our own UCO run as it should be, not as the paranoid Fascists want it to be and not as they plan it to be as they write up new bylaws benefitting THEM and NOT the Village!
Saturday, September 27, 2014
"Draw your chair up close to the edge of the precipice
and I'll tell you a story." (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
Just about a year ago, I wrote an article for The Reporter entitled "I Too Have a Dream." I wrote it because I saw my dream retirement home deteriorating into a tinpot dictatorship, a financially unstable one at that. I wrote it before I had decided to take up the urging of people and run for office and it was published after I threw my hat into the ring. Now we are at the edge of that precipice.
That dream seems even further away now than a year ago. The separation has become wider, the edges sharper, and the nastiness and brutality, the verbal brutality on the part of the minions of David Israel have become worse and worse as time goes on. I have no doubt in my mind that the orders and the mannerisms encouraged flow from the top down, just as the misbehavior at UCO stems and flows from the top down. Not wanting to hear this, to accept the facts as they are, has pushed these people into ever darker depths. Nathaniel Hawthorne, in The House of Seven Gables" says it much better than I ever could.
"For, what other dungeon is so dark as one's own heart! What jailer so inexorable as one's self!"
The heart of David Israel is dark indeed and all one had to do was read this issue of The Reporter and see for oneself.
How dark is his heart when he lies through his teeth that there is a "lack of any indication of "opting out" in our (sic) concept of a Condominium Community. Really then, how does he explain the ability to opt out of the insurance program that the Village has or even in this paper, the option of opting out of a Village plan for hurricane repair - and by the way, John, hurricane season is not over at the end of September: in fact October is more dangerous for Florida than any other month of the season. So the man lies through his teeth and his dark heart is made merry. The same dark heart encourages others to write and say ridiculous things such as the delegates wanted a cheap job and voted to have the worst job possible. Puh - leese! If we had a contract that was a contract, we would have had no problems for lousy workmanship would have been corrected as a matter of fact.
Like all megalomaniacs, David Israel thinks that the world is all about HIM, just like a toddler who has not yet grown up. Well, the world is NOT about you but about us, all the residents and the sooner you realize that, the better off we will all be. The opposition has now become the "antis" and why - because, as David Israel says, we are against Village wide Wi Fi only because it is his idea. Give me a break. We are against it because it is foolish, financially irresponsible and physically unnecessary as the alternatives are there and better. Proof of the pudding - how many have already opted out and the realization that any associations that will not opt out will then have to split the cost of this foolish and expensive - and how expensive no one yet knows - amongst themselves, becoming quite costly.
David Israel has become his own jailer and sucks in others as he ambles along in his plan to bankrupt the Village and leave it a physical shambles. The only one to "poison your own well" is the man he sees in the mirror.
Now he says that the time has come to redo the bylaws. Yes, it is well past time as he does not listen to them anyway, but the problem is that he has his same twisted cronies on the by law committee and that is not good, not good at all for us who live here and do not want his tinpot dictatorship to continue.
Finally, David Israel, enough already with the previous election for if you stress that, let us delve a bit deeper, to two elections prior. You won by 2 votes. TWO, and only because you spread malicious rumors and dirt about your opponent. Now let us look at the next election. You were a minority winner. Two candidates ran against you and together they had far more votes than you, but because they split the vote, you won. That is not a great mandate. Now let us look at the most recent election, the first one to not have debates, to not have open media, to not have meetings allowed - an election that was rife with corruption and suspicion in the balloting and counting process and for which you REFUSED to show originals - a bit illegal there(?) and you ran against one who came with no name or face recognition and still, you won only by a swing vote of about 36. Only that number, even with all your advantages and dirty tricks, so, no, David Israel, you have no great mandate and by all rights should not have even been allowed to run as term limits were up. Talk about having to have new bylaws!!!!
So, before you talk again, go talk to yourself, go think before your mouth opens and garbage and lies come out. Try to work well with others, allow people in who do not lick your toes. Henry VIII you are not!
and I'll tell you a story." (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
Just about a year ago, I wrote an article for The Reporter entitled "I Too Have a Dream." I wrote it because I saw my dream retirement home deteriorating into a tinpot dictatorship, a financially unstable one at that. I wrote it before I had decided to take up the urging of people and run for office and it was published after I threw my hat into the ring. Now we are at the edge of that precipice.
That dream seems even further away now than a year ago. The separation has become wider, the edges sharper, and the nastiness and brutality, the verbal brutality on the part of the minions of David Israel have become worse and worse as time goes on. I have no doubt in my mind that the orders and the mannerisms encouraged flow from the top down, just as the misbehavior at UCO stems and flows from the top down. Not wanting to hear this, to accept the facts as they are, has pushed these people into ever darker depths. Nathaniel Hawthorne, in The House of Seven Gables" says it much better than I ever could.
"For, what other dungeon is so dark as one's own heart! What jailer so inexorable as one's self!"
The heart of David Israel is dark indeed and all one had to do was read this issue of The Reporter and see for oneself.
How dark is his heart when he lies through his teeth that there is a "lack of any indication of "opting out" in our (sic) concept of a Condominium Community. Really then, how does he explain the ability to opt out of the insurance program that the Village has or even in this paper, the option of opting out of a Village plan for hurricane repair - and by the way, John, hurricane season is not over at the end of September: in fact October is more dangerous for Florida than any other month of the season. So the man lies through his teeth and his dark heart is made merry. The same dark heart encourages others to write and say ridiculous things such as the delegates wanted a cheap job and voted to have the worst job possible. Puh - leese! If we had a contract that was a contract, we would have had no problems for lousy workmanship would have been corrected as a matter of fact.
Like all megalomaniacs, David Israel thinks that the world is all about HIM, just like a toddler who has not yet grown up. Well, the world is NOT about you but about us, all the residents and the sooner you realize that, the better off we will all be. The opposition has now become the "antis" and why - because, as David Israel says, we are against Village wide Wi Fi only because it is his idea. Give me a break. We are against it because it is foolish, financially irresponsible and physically unnecessary as the alternatives are there and better. Proof of the pudding - how many have already opted out and the realization that any associations that will not opt out will then have to split the cost of this foolish and expensive - and how expensive no one yet knows - amongst themselves, becoming quite costly.
David Israel has become his own jailer and sucks in others as he ambles along in his plan to bankrupt the Village and leave it a physical shambles. The only one to "poison your own well" is the man he sees in the mirror.
Now he says that the time has come to redo the bylaws. Yes, it is well past time as he does not listen to them anyway, but the problem is that he has his same twisted cronies on the by law committee and that is not good, not good at all for us who live here and do not want his tinpot dictatorship to continue.
Finally, David Israel, enough already with the previous election for if you stress that, let us delve a bit deeper, to two elections prior. You won by 2 votes. TWO, and only because you spread malicious rumors and dirt about your opponent. Now let us look at the next election. You were a minority winner. Two candidates ran against you and together they had far more votes than you, but because they split the vote, you won. That is not a great mandate. Now let us look at the most recent election, the first one to not have debates, to not have open media, to not have meetings allowed - an election that was rife with corruption and suspicion in the balloting and counting process and for which you REFUSED to show originals - a bit illegal there(?) and you ran against one who came with no name or face recognition and still, you won only by a swing vote of about 36. Only that number, even with all your advantages and dirty tricks, so, no, David Israel, you have no great mandate and by all rights should not have even been allowed to run as term limits were up. Talk about having to have new bylaws!!!!
So, before you talk again, go talk to yourself, go think before your mouth opens and garbage and lies come out. Try to work well with others, allow people in who do not lick your toes. Henry VIII you are not!
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Due to the holiday, I will not be posting anything new until Saturday night. You are more than welcome to read those postings you might have missed in the meanwhile. Have a wonderful holiday, enjoy the food - but do not forget the serious side of Rosh Hashanah - the New Year.
Due to the holiday, I will not be posting anything new until Saturday night. You are more than welcome to read those postings you might have missed in the meanwhile. Have a wonderful holiday, enjoy the food - but do not forget the serious side of Rosh Hashanah - the New Year.
It is a well known statement that we all know, that if one does not learn from the past, from history, then we are condemned to repeat it. How many times did we in our own lives either repeat the same destructive habits or see others do the same and question why. We here in CV are at a crossroads and either we see the value of that oft repeated caution or we see it and ignore it and proceed to repeat our errors.
How many times have we elected presidents of UCO, officers of UCO, who have not had one bit of experience in management, in making decisions, in knowing the value of process and procedure, in knowing the LEGAL importance of having a set form for RFPs, for knowing the importance of having LIVE and with it attorneys reputable and knowledgeable in the area, to read and review contracts, to follow the rules, to be honest and careful as one uses other people's money. How many more times will we continue to do this? And what is worse, we all know that there have been presidents and others who have taken gifts, even solicited gifts, and it was accepted as well, why not, or everyone does it, or I am afraid so I had better do it. What started at the head continued down the fish all the way to the tail. We all know associations that were and are run as petty dictatorships. Please note that I am not mentioning names here. Those who know, know and those who do not - well, you figure it out.
So now we are in a bind. Due to several of the qualities listed above - no management experience, no process, no procedure, contracts signed basically giving carte blanche to the contractor, ridiculous RFPs and on and on, we are in a major shortfall and as far as I know there are no angels out there raining money down on us. We have to solve that shortfall. One way is to take money that is available elsewhere and LEGALLY vote to transfer it to the general reserve shortfall and continue funding the repayment with the money originally designated for this no longer necessary reserve area. That and a small increase might work out. It is very difficult to get full disclosure here in the Village due to errors of the past and improper behavior, but we must do our best.
Now what is this unnecessary fund that exists? The Wi Fi exploratory fund reserve. Well, we have explored enough and know that it is unnecessary and even profligate in its waste. I have heard talk that over 80 associations or close to it have OPTED OUT already, either wiring up their building or keeping it status quo. It has been found that the new modems are stronger, contain routers, and thus the equipment need is less and the quality and bandwidth excellent. More associations are calling for information and Comcast Business is more than happy to help. Please see the documents at the end of this posting for info as to how to proceed. Remember, the cost of the other proposal will then have to be carried by those associations left, making it a much more costly proposition for them. And trust me, Wi Fi is NOT one of the areas of common elements that UCO handles for all associations; in the same way and manner that many associations opted out of the insurance, it is possible to do it here and no, no one is G-d and no one can cut off your access to Comcast and TV. Please!
So, where do we go from here. Do we start to assert our rights, our concerns, our best interests or do we continue to be apathetic or frightened or whatever it is that moves - or doesn't move - you? Cracking codes, rehabbing apartments, stringing electricity or whatever does not give one the skills of government. Nor does it seem that the years in office have filled their cups with wisdom and humanity. One can learn from experience, but one must be willing to learn and adapt. The New Year approaches. The choice is ours. The pockets are ours. The Village is ours. The life we choose to lead is ours. All we must do is step up to the plate, speak up, run for office, do what must be done in order to insure a better and more financially sound Village.
Please read the letter and the form carefully. Reprint it for yourself or call the number given and be sure to tell your management company and your treasurer to include or rather to not include the payment as of your January UCO fees. Again, any concern, call, email, and we will help.
WIFI your building's cheaper, it's better. Don't get tied into expensive infrastructure and long term debt by a village-wide system
From: (Association Name)
West Palm Beach, Fl. 33417
By a vote of the Board of Directors of,_______________
Condo Association on (date), 2014, it was resolved that this association has opted out of a village wide WIFI service.
Article 2. Community Services on page 1 of the UCO Association Bi-Lateral Agreement does not contain WIFI services on a village-wide basis. Article 7. General, Entire Agreement on page 9, "This agreement shall constitute the entire agreement between contracting parties, and no variance or modification thereof shall be valid or enforceable except by supplemental agreement in writing, executed and approved in the same manner as this agreement". Therefore, any monthly charge or debt of any kind will not be honored by this association and will be effective in the 2015 budget starting January 1, 2015
(Signature) (Signature)
President, Board of Directors Vice-President, Board
(Association Seal)
How many times have we elected presidents of UCO, officers of UCO, who have not had one bit of experience in management, in making decisions, in knowing the value of process and procedure, in knowing the LEGAL importance of having a set form for RFPs, for knowing the importance of having LIVE and with it attorneys reputable and knowledgeable in the area, to read and review contracts, to follow the rules, to be honest and careful as one uses other people's money. How many more times will we continue to do this? And what is worse, we all know that there have been presidents and others who have taken gifts, even solicited gifts, and it was accepted as well, why not, or everyone does it, or I am afraid so I had better do it. What started at the head continued down the fish all the way to the tail. We all know associations that were and are run as petty dictatorships. Please note that I am not mentioning names here. Those who know, know and those who do not - well, you figure it out.
So now we are in a bind. Due to several of the qualities listed above - no management experience, no process, no procedure, contracts signed basically giving carte blanche to the contractor, ridiculous RFPs and on and on, we are in a major shortfall and as far as I know there are no angels out there raining money down on us. We have to solve that shortfall. One way is to take money that is available elsewhere and LEGALLY vote to transfer it to the general reserve shortfall and continue funding the repayment with the money originally designated for this no longer necessary reserve area. That and a small increase might work out. It is very difficult to get full disclosure here in the Village due to errors of the past and improper behavior, but we must do our best.
Now what is this unnecessary fund that exists? The Wi Fi exploratory fund reserve. Well, we have explored enough and know that it is unnecessary and even profligate in its waste. I have heard talk that over 80 associations or close to it have OPTED OUT already, either wiring up their building or keeping it status quo. It has been found that the new modems are stronger, contain routers, and thus the equipment need is less and the quality and bandwidth excellent. More associations are calling for information and Comcast Business is more than happy to help. Please see the documents at the end of this posting for info as to how to proceed. Remember, the cost of the other proposal will then have to be carried by those associations left, making it a much more costly proposition for them. And trust me, Wi Fi is NOT one of the areas of common elements that UCO handles for all associations; in the same way and manner that many associations opted out of the insurance, it is possible to do it here and no, no one is G-d and no one can cut off your access to Comcast and TV. Please!
So, where do we go from here. Do we start to assert our rights, our concerns, our best interests or do we continue to be apathetic or frightened or whatever it is that moves - or doesn't move - you? Cracking codes, rehabbing apartments, stringing electricity or whatever does not give one the skills of government. Nor does it seem that the years in office have filled their cups with wisdom and humanity. One can learn from experience, but one must be willing to learn and adapt. The New Year approaches. The choice is ours. The pockets are ours. The Village is ours. The life we choose to lead is ours. All we must do is step up to the plate, speak up, run for office, do what must be done in order to insure a better and more financially sound Village.
Please read the letter and the form carefully. Reprint it for yourself or call the number given and be sure to tell your management company and your treasurer to include or rather to not include the payment as of your January UCO fees. Again, any concern, call, email, and we will help.
WIFI your building's cheaper, it's better. Don't get tied into expensive infrastructure and long term debt by a village-wide system
- Each building will need a modem and service from Comcast Business. Comcast will install a business modem/router in your laundry room. Call Fred King from Comcast, at 561-221-9718 for this.
- You will then need two routers installed in the low rise associations . You can install it yourself or for information or installation, call John at 1-480-232-3936. He has successfully wired other buildings in the village and they are working well. The usual cost for low rise buildings is between $900-$1200 including labor and equipment. This is a one time cost. The monthly cost from Comcast is $120 for the building. In a 24 unit building that amounts to $5.00 per unit. Mentioning the Messenger Club to Comcast will save you the first month's fee from Comcast.
- If you make it a common expense and put it in the budget, it can be paid with your maintenance payment.
- High rise buildings will be at a higher installation fee and John can advise you after inspection of your building.
- If you need to talk to someone that has a successful building WIFI, call John and he can refer you to "happy customers".
- If you decide to go this route, you will need to "Opt out" of the Village wide system and your letter needs to be sent to UCO before the budget for 2015 begins in January.
- Don't listen to those who do not want you to do this. Buildings that have completed their WIFI are getting good service and like what they have and will not be part of a huge debt for infrastructure for a village-wide system.
- You can still opt out of UCO's WIFI even if you do not want any WIFI for your building.
From: (Association Name)
West Palm Beach, Fl. 33417
By a vote of the Board of Directors of,_______________
Condo Association on (date), 2014, it was resolved that this association has opted out of a village wide WIFI service.
Article 2. Community Services on page 1 of the UCO Association Bi-Lateral Agreement does not contain WIFI services on a village-wide basis. Article 7. General, Entire Agreement on page 9, "This agreement shall constitute the entire agreement between contracting parties, and no variance or modification thereof shall be valid or enforceable except by supplemental agreement in writing, executed and approved in the same manner as this agreement". Therefore, any monthly charge or debt of any kind will not be honored by this association and will be effective in the 2015 budget starting January 1, 2015
(Signature) (Signature)
President, Board of Directors Vice-President, Board
(Association Seal)



So I am taking this opportunity to publicly wish my high school sweetheart, my live in techie, my best friend and my lifetime love a happy 47th anniversary and may we share man, many more, G-d willing. Love ya', Ge! - Me
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Justice, there is JUSTICE. There has to be or humanity will be tarnished. And, when I think of Justice, I think of Century Village. Will there be justice for those who have committed immoral and criminal acts? Think of Paving.
I’m going to lighten up a bit and tell you something comical about “Justice” that I heard recently.
Ah, Justice . . .
A defendant in a lawsuit involving large sum of money was talking to his lawyer. “If I lose this case, I’ll be ruined.”
“It’s in the judge’s hands now,” said the lawyer.
“Would it help if I sent the judge a box of cigars?”
“Oh no! This judge is a stickler for ethical behavior. A stunt like that would prejudice him against you. He might even hold you in contempt of court. In fact, you shouldn’t even smile at the judge.”
Within the course of time, the judge rendered a decision in favor of the defendant. As the defendant left the courthouse, he said to his lawyer, “Thanks for the tip about the cigars. It worked!”
“I’m sure we would have lost the case if you’d sent them,” responded the lawyer.
“But, I did send them.”
“What? You did?” said the lawyer, incredulously.
“Yes. That’s how we won the case.”
“I don’t understand,” said the lawyer.
“It’s easy. I sent the cigars to the judge, but enclosed the plaintiff’s business card.”
I’m going to lighten up a bit and tell you something comical about “Justice” that I heard recently.
Ah, Justice . . .
A defendant in a lawsuit involving large sum of money was talking to his lawyer. “If I lose this case, I’ll be ruined.”
“It’s in the judge’s hands now,” said the lawyer.
“Would it help if I sent the judge a box of cigars?”
“Oh no! This judge is a stickler for ethical behavior. A stunt like that would prejudice him against you. He might even hold you in contempt of court. In fact, you shouldn’t even smile at the judge.”
Within the course of time, the judge rendered a decision in favor of the defendant. As the defendant left the courthouse, he said to his lawyer, “Thanks for the tip about the cigars. It worked!”
“I’m sure we would have lost the case if you’d sent them,” responded the lawyer.
“But, I did send them.”
“What? You did?” said the lawyer, incredulously.
“Yes. That’s how we won the case.”
“I don’t understand,” said the lawyer.
“It’s easy. I sent the cigars to the judge, but enclosed the plaintiff’s business card.”
As the New Year approaches, it behooves one to take stock of the past year and then look towards the new one. Should we do things differently? If so, then how and why? Do we regret any of our actions, physical or verbal? Have we tried our best to live in G-d's image and His wishes?
For most people, if they are honest and truly look deeply into the self reflecting mirror, the answers will be obvious. There is always room and reason for change for no one is perfect. That is why G-d has allowed for the idea of repentance, a kind of do over, if you will.
But one must also look at the world around us and think as to how that could be changed, improved, become a better place. That is called Tikkun Olam - the repair or fixing of the world and is a big motivator of any Jewish person, whether one realizes it or not. The world out there is ugly in so many ways. The same old garbage of anti Semitism is being strewn and spewed all over the world, people, haters, jumping on the bandwagon. A British medical journal, Lancet, published a letter from three doctors who openly espouse their hatred of Jews and anything connected to them. They control everything, these haters say and here we go again. Hamas openly admits that they threatened journalists and UNWRA personnel , held them at gunpoint and warned them not to say anything about rockets being fired from schools and hospitals and the world screamed at the "inhumanity", at the "war crimes" - of Israelis. It is often a moment of deep despair when one thinks of this hatred, this eternal hatred that led to slaughter and an attempt to annihilate an entire people and make no bones about it - it did not matter if you had hidden your ancestry, had converted or did not even know that one had Jewish ancestors - these hateful murderers would dig deep.
How much can one do in this case? I really do not know, only know that we must stand up against it, for hatred does not stop at one people or one idea. Hatred hates all that thinks, that loves, that looks to make this world a better place, a fairer place, a place with humanity, of care for fellow citizens of this planet. It is not easy; in fact, it is often messy, hard and a hard slog up a rock strewn path, but try one must.
And that brings us to our more local world, the world of the Village. Is there much I would like to see changed here? Yes and no. I would love to see more care and concern for our residents. I would like to see a UCO team of officers who realize that their job is to serve the residents, not rule them. Their job is to be honest and careful with the money of the residents and with the physical plant of the Village. Their job is hard, yes, but let's not kid ourselves, people also get self satisfaction out of serving in the administration and that is okay - as long as one realizes that pet projects and personal desires are not - should not be -the generating energies of UCO.
I wish that the opposing sides were kinder to each other and so help me G-d, I try, but there are moments when I and others are pushed to the brink what with nasty and threatening emails and comments, threats to the physical safety of the person, and that does not count the lies and innuendoes that are slung around by them. It is frustrating when FACTS are tossed aside in the Big Lie theory of government, that lieing will overcome the truth, will hide it and that one can always fool or threaten enough people, gather enough unthinking for themselves people who follow the perceived power brokers.
So I will try not to despair of the macrocosmic world and choose my candidates wisely, I hope, during elections, write letters and speak up where I can. And I will try, difficult as it may be, to be kinder to those who cannot or will not see and hear the truth, to the pushers of lies but make no oaths on this as I know, well in advance, that their responses even to this piece will be nasty and crude. Never have they taken up the offer of reaching out and trying to work together for the sake of the Village. Never - and that says it all. It is time they, too, looked into that self reflecting mirror.
In the meanwhile, I wish all out there a Happy and Healthy New Year blessed with prosperity, love and peace.
May sorrow not find its way into our lives and may we thank G-d for all that He has given us.
Shanah Tova to all.
For most people, if they are honest and truly look deeply into the self reflecting mirror, the answers will be obvious. There is always room and reason for change for no one is perfect. That is why G-d has allowed for the idea of repentance, a kind of do over, if you will.
But one must also look at the world around us and think as to how that could be changed, improved, become a better place. That is called Tikkun Olam - the repair or fixing of the world and is a big motivator of any Jewish person, whether one realizes it or not. The world out there is ugly in so many ways. The same old garbage of anti Semitism is being strewn and spewed all over the world, people, haters, jumping on the bandwagon. A British medical journal, Lancet, published a letter from three doctors who openly espouse their hatred of Jews and anything connected to them. They control everything, these haters say and here we go again. Hamas openly admits that they threatened journalists and UNWRA personnel , held them at gunpoint and warned them not to say anything about rockets being fired from schools and hospitals and the world screamed at the "inhumanity", at the "war crimes" - of Israelis. It is often a moment of deep despair when one thinks of this hatred, this eternal hatred that led to slaughter and an attempt to annihilate an entire people and make no bones about it - it did not matter if you had hidden your ancestry, had converted or did not even know that one had Jewish ancestors - these hateful murderers would dig deep.
How much can one do in this case? I really do not know, only know that we must stand up against it, for hatred does not stop at one people or one idea. Hatred hates all that thinks, that loves, that looks to make this world a better place, a fairer place, a place with humanity, of care for fellow citizens of this planet. It is not easy; in fact, it is often messy, hard and a hard slog up a rock strewn path, but try one must.
And that brings us to our more local world, the world of the Village. Is there much I would like to see changed here? Yes and no. I would love to see more care and concern for our residents. I would like to see a UCO team of officers who realize that their job is to serve the residents, not rule them. Their job is to be honest and careful with the money of the residents and with the physical plant of the Village. Their job is hard, yes, but let's not kid ourselves, people also get self satisfaction out of serving in the administration and that is okay - as long as one realizes that pet projects and personal desires are not - should not be -the generating energies of UCO.
I wish that the opposing sides were kinder to each other and so help me G-d, I try, but there are moments when I and others are pushed to the brink what with nasty and threatening emails and comments, threats to the physical safety of the person, and that does not count the lies and innuendoes that are slung around by them. It is frustrating when FACTS are tossed aside in the Big Lie theory of government, that lieing will overcome the truth, will hide it and that one can always fool or threaten enough people, gather enough unthinking for themselves people who follow the perceived power brokers.
So I will try not to despair of the macrocosmic world and choose my candidates wisely, I hope, during elections, write letters and speak up where I can. And I will try, difficult as it may be, to be kinder to those who cannot or will not see and hear the truth, to the pushers of lies but make no oaths on this as I know, well in advance, that their responses even to this piece will be nasty and crude. Never have they taken up the offer of reaching out and trying to work together for the sake of the Village. Never - and that says it all. It is time they, too, looked into that self reflecting mirror.
In the meanwhile, I wish all out there a Happy and Healthy New Year blessed with prosperity, love and peace.
May sorrow not find its way into our lives and may we thank G-d for all that He has given us.
Shanah Tova to all.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Just last week I found out that Rabbi Korman, a kind and gentle man, the Rabbi of Anshe Shalom here by the Vilalge,was quite ill. While our synagogue, Aitz Chaim, will try to help as we can, be it with phone calls or food, it behooves all of us to include him in our prayers and wish for G-d to grant him refuah shelamah (a healing) and at least more painfree days. All who knew him from work were quite upset when they heard the news.
May the New Year bring him a cure and a year of peace and health.
May the New Year bring him a cure and a year of peace and health.
I just took a look at Gary's blog and read a post which first made me laugh and then actually made me think how sad a situation and raises questions and facts that we have been pointing out all along.
Just who the hell IS Ed Black? Oh, I know who he is but exactly what is his function, his legal, elected function at UCO. He is not an elected official who should be in charge of important functions and yet, and yet, - who is in charge of IT? Who is head of the security committee? Who is the one who often meets and greets new people or residents coming in with questions? Who opens his big and nasty mouth to those who disagree with him? Oh, yes, he is a "great treasure" and the power behind the throne of David Israel. One just sits there in his room tap tap tapping away, even all day Sunday - and what the hell does he do there? He just comes out to yell at people, or to take away their computer usage as he "punishes" them. The other tells him what to do and how to do it and can put on oh, such a sweet face if he wishes to - just as David Israel can. Our own pair of Jekyll and Hydes.
But it is sad, that this is the impression a newcomer gets from his visit to UCO and sad that this is accepted, a situation that has gone on for more than four years with the only change being the time when Ed Black was Treasurer and we all know what happened during that time!!!
So let us make another literary allusion. Are we mice or men (women)? Why do we allow this strange duo to control everything, appointing those they wish to chairs and committees, isolating and ignoring others, the majority of the residents actually, and playing games with our money and our future. The only answer is to vote very simply on certain issues.
Yes on term limits.
Yes for recall or resignation.
Yes to transfer the collected and incoming Wi Fi exploratory funds over to the general reserves.
No to future Wi Fi fees and present proposals.
Yes to OPT OUT.
Say NO to David Israel, Ed Black and their gang and YES to our future.
Just who the hell IS Ed Black? Oh, I know who he is but exactly what is his function, his legal, elected function at UCO. He is not an elected official who should be in charge of important functions and yet, and yet, - who is in charge of IT? Who is head of the security committee? Who is the one who often meets and greets new people or residents coming in with questions? Who opens his big and nasty mouth to those who disagree with him? Oh, yes, he is a "great treasure" and the power behind the throne of David Israel. One just sits there in his room tap tap tapping away, even all day Sunday - and what the hell does he do there? He just comes out to yell at people, or to take away their computer usage as he "punishes" them. The other tells him what to do and how to do it and can put on oh, such a sweet face if he wishes to - just as David Israel can. Our own pair of Jekyll and Hydes.
But it is sad, that this is the impression a newcomer gets from his visit to UCO and sad that this is accepted, a situation that has gone on for more than four years with the only change being the time when Ed Black was Treasurer and we all know what happened during that time!!!
So let us make another literary allusion. Are we mice or men (women)? Why do we allow this strange duo to control everything, appointing those they wish to chairs and committees, isolating and ignoring others, the majority of the residents actually, and playing games with our money and our future. The only answer is to vote very simply on certain issues.
Yes on term limits.
Yes for recall or resignation.
Yes to transfer the collected and incoming Wi Fi exploratory funds over to the general reserves.
No to future Wi Fi fees and present proposals.
Yes to OPT OUT.
Say NO to David Israel, Ed Black and their gang and YES to our future.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
There comes a time , several times, in a person's life when one realizes that it is time to make a change. Time to change jobs or go for that promotion. Time to stick with a company or go out on one's own. Time to retire at the top instead of when one has fallen deep into an abyss of incompetence.
I do not know what the past jobs were of all the people currently in the UCO/ David Israel cheering squad and workers there who either actually think or rather delude themselves into thinking that all is well, but what I do know is that for many of them, they are well past their sell by dates and their talents, such as they are, would be better used in other positions, yes, as volunteers, still within UCO, and then perhaps we could get a grip on our Village and straighten out the mess we are in at present. See, we do not believe in throwing out people, but in proper placement where their skills are magnified, rather than minimized and even misused. They refuse to openly admit that the facts so carefully and skillfully laid out by Dorothy, by Eduardo in his Scandals series, by Gary, by so many people, are just that - FACTS - and they aren't going away.
The tragedy is such that these people are hanging on by their toenails, refusing to see the writing on the walls, many walls, and think that threatening and spewing filth and lies at those who oppose them, trying to intimidate them, is the way to go. They refuse to work with others and remember that category on the old report cards we used to get - ":works well with others" - well, they get a U for unsatisfactory.
Today's world calls for committee work, for sharing, for openness, for transparency, for soliciting the advice and ideas of others - for consensus. However, the sad part is that these remainders of the Stone Age are just that - stuck there, refusing to change, ever refusing to grasp a hand sent out to shake, to offers to have them join in a new and better UCO. NO and further insults is all we get.
No, we will not work with you.
No, we will not change and adapt.
No, we will not open our records to the public.
No, we will not admit to mistakes in the past.
No, we will not change things and processes for the future (thus serious errors will continue).
No, we will not cooperate.
No, we will continue to try to lie our way out of the mess of our own creation.
No, we will continue to try to intimidate and insert ourselves into every activity our opponents have, be it with or without UCO.
No, and no, and no and no. Sounds to me just like the terrible twos - and they never grew up.
We are lucky in that there have been people in the Village who have been willing to stand up and face the abuse, the insults, that are flung at them day and night. And why? so that we can improve our Village. Some have been at it longer than others and more and more are joining in. Now is the time for you to stand up and join in the call for straight talk and straight government, for freedom of speech and assembly - and I still cannot believe that here, in America, we have to fight for that in our Village.
Insist that David Israel and Ed Black stop trying to push their agenda and actually start to listen to the residents. You know that on YouTube there is the funniest video of a little boy trying to convince his mother not to punish him. He throws everyone under the bus to achieve his goal - even his grandma! But the funniest line is when he appeals to his mother with the words, "Linda, honey, listen!" It has become a punch line, a line to use when someone is maintaining their point and goal, so "David, honey, listen!" We are not going away. We are staying right here, despite the threats and "invitations" to move elsewhere. We have our goals, our aims, and they will be achieved, with or without your cooperation. The choice is yours.
Hold on or move along? The choice is truly clear.
I do not know what the past jobs were of all the people currently in the UCO/ David Israel cheering squad and workers there who either actually think or rather delude themselves into thinking that all is well, but what I do know is that for many of them, they are well past their sell by dates and their talents, such as they are, would be better used in other positions, yes, as volunteers, still within UCO, and then perhaps we could get a grip on our Village and straighten out the mess we are in at present. See, we do not believe in throwing out people, but in proper placement where their skills are magnified, rather than minimized and even misused. They refuse to openly admit that the facts so carefully and skillfully laid out by Dorothy, by Eduardo in his Scandals series, by Gary, by so many people, are just that - FACTS - and they aren't going away.
The tragedy is such that these people are hanging on by their toenails, refusing to see the writing on the walls, many walls, and think that threatening and spewing filth and lies at those who oppose them, trying to intimidate them, is the way to go. They refuse to work with others and remember that category on the old report cards we used to get - ":works well with others" - well, they get a U for unsatisfactory.
Today's world calls for committee work, for sharing, for openness, for transparency, for soliciting the advice and ideas of others - for consensus. However, the sad part is that these remainders of the Stone Age are just that - stuck there, refusing to change, ever refusing to grasp a hand sent out to shake, to offers to have them join in a new and better UCO. NO and further insults is all we get.
No, we will not work with you.
No, we will not change and adapt.
No, we will not open our records to the public.
No, we will not admit to mistakes in the past.
No, we will not change things and processes for the future (thus serious errors will continue).
No, we will not cooperate.
No, we will continue to try to lie our way out of the mess of our own creation.
No, we will continue to try to intimidate and insert ourselves into every activity our opponents have, be it with or without UCO.
No, and no, and no and no. Sounds to me just like the terrible twos - and they never grew up.
We are lucky in that there have been people in the Village who have been willing to stand up and face the abuse, the insults, that are flung at them day and night. And why? so that we can improve our Village. Some have been at it longer than others and more and more are joining in. Now is the time for you to stand up and join in the call for straight talk and straight government, for freedom of speech and assembly - and I still cannot believe that here, in America, we have to fight for that in our Village.
Insist that David Israel and Ed Black stop trying to push their agenda and actually start to listen to the residents. You know that on YouTube there is the funniest video of a little boy trying to convince his mother not to punish him. He throws everyone under the bus to achieve his goal - even his grandma! But the funniest line is when he appeals to his mother with the words, "Linda, honey, listen!" It has become a punch line, a line to use when someone is maintaining their point and goal, so "David, honey, listen!" We are not going away. We are staying right here, despite the threats and "invitations" to move elsewhere. We have our goals, our aims, and they will be achieved, with or without your cooperation. The choice is yours.
Hold on or move along? The choice is truly clear.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
This was sent to me to be posted. Written by Eduardo, it poses serious questions that must be asked and answered. If an elected official does not do his or her job, or worse, then that official must reap the consequences of the irresponsibility, incompetence or more. Please read carefully. Go back and read the posting READ AND SEE THE TRUTH and then the posting CAN IT BE EXPLAINED? there ARE MANY POSTINGS WHICH BACK THIS PIECE WRITTEN BY Eduardo and all we get in return are curses and insults, never a public response, never a true public forum wherein the questions can be raised and answered, if possible, never a public airing of the issues as David Israel and cohorts are afraid to do so, incapable of answering and collude with WPRF to deny us a room, an forum wherein we can speak. So please, read and think and join in the growing movement to repair and return our Village to the way it should be - a fair and transparent UCO, a responsible and competent UCO, with a balanced fiscal plan and a careful planning for the future and prioritizing needs and necessities along with listening to the voices of the residents.
The matter of “Recall” has surfaced many times. That’s basically what Israel did re “Term Limits”; did it again and again, until he got his way.
What a sparked group of people who are looking for an “honest” government and a true caring for the people need for a “recall” is legitimate charges. These charges must be factual and must be able to be substantially proven. They must be such that they violate the UCO By-Laws and/or violate statutes, whether City, Town, County or State. Regarding the latter, the Israel acts must be unlawful in nature, not necessarily reckless disregard by the making of mistakes. In that regard, I believe criminal action is surely something that should be explored.
Israel has violated several By-Law requirements, AND, he may have committed felonious acts, all in reference to the paving job, and other matters beyond the pavings “Deals.”
Since we know, practically to the penny, all of the monies UCO has paid to M&M Paving, with the exception of the Hastings area, a whistle-blower could go to the Criminal Investigations Division of the IRS. That could very well break things wide open in discovering who got what for doing what.
Single page contracts for five million dollars’ worth of work!!! All of it very secretly handled by Israel and Black. Everything on the up and up, right?? How friggin’ dumb does one have to be to accept what most certainly appears to be a private, back-room scheme that defies common sense and legitimate understanding of fraudulent dealings. You don’t have to have the brains of Charlie Chan to figure this one out.
If you have a one-page contract for a $100,000 contract, -- that is suspicious enough and raises red flags everywhere. BUT, three out of four one-page contracts with separate signature pages and no witness signatures on any of the four!! And let’s not forget the Triton “contracts” Israel signed as “Owner” for drainage repairs! Altogether, over five million dollars’ worth of work goes way beyond sensibility.
Then, bring in Carver, who volunteered to take over everything in the Village involving paving and who did nothing. He was in full control and reported to nobody, not even providing daily or weekly reports. And, it gets worse.
You have two vice-presidents, Guarnagia and Cornish who managed to have a 312 page Preliminary Punch List suddenly disappear and reduced to about 8 pages. Funny thing, -- there are no copies of the original list. And, the paving company – M&M – was paid in full no matter what was wrong with the paving work. Who suffers? – We do!
Look at the Watergate affair. Just think about that for a moment. Criminal acts were committed by President Nixon, but nothing would have come to light but for one man who spilled his guts and the whole thing broke open, - and the “I’m not a crook” statement. So, after one man comes forth, so do others, all trying to save their hide. And, the President resigns. Good teaching for Century Village, don’t you think? The absolute truth is eventually going to surface and that one person may come forward and then the biggest perpetrators are revealed. And then, all of a sudden, certain people leave town.
So, let’s get practical. If it looks like a duck, if it talks like a duck, if it walks like a duck, -- unless you have two left eyes and wear earlaps, -- then you know it’s a duck. Look at all of the facts, everywhere, and you’ll only have to ask, “Is that duck a crook?”
A “Recall” is mandatory. The UCO President is, by the bottom line, responsible for everything that happens on his watch, and in this case, he is DIRECTLY responsible for everything. The NSA has no doubt taught him, -- if you’re guilty, say nothing, say absolutely nothing; if you’re cornered, blame other people; if you must speak because of demands made upon you, - deny everything . . . everything.
Okay, look at all the facts . . . they are right there in front of your eyeballs. When everything is proven, and he is booted out of the UCO President’s chair, -- then his loyal followers, by human nature, come forth and state “I never did like him anyway.”
The matter of “Recall” has surfaced many times. That’s basically what Israel did re “Term Limits”; did it again and again, until he got his way.
What a sparked group of people who are looking for an “honest” government and a true caring for the people need for a “recall” is legitimate charges. These charges must be factual and must be able to be substantially proven. They must be such that they violate the UCO By-Laws and/or violate statutes, whether City, Town, County or State. Regarding the latter, the Israel acts must be unlawful in nature, not necessarily reckless disregard by the making of mistakes. In that regard, I believe criminal action is surely something that should be explored.
Israel has violated several By-Law requirements, AND, he may have committed felonious acts, all in reference to the paving job, and other matters beyond the pavings “Deals.”
Since we know, practically to the penny, all of the monies UCO has paid to M&M Paving, with the exception of the Hastings area, a whistle-blower could go to the Criminal Investigations Division of the IRS. That could very well break things wide open in discovering who got what for doing what.
Single page contracts for five million dollars’ worth of work!!! All of it very secretly handled by Israel and Black. Everything on the up and up, right?? How friggin’ dumb does one have to be to accept what most certainly appears to be a private, back-room scheme that defies common sense and legitimate understanding of fraudulent dealings. You don’t have to have the brains of Charlie Chan to figure this one out.
If you have a one-page contract for a $100,000 contract, -- that is suspicious enough and raises red flags everywhere. BUT, three out of four one-page contracts with separate signature pages and no witness signatures on any of the four!! And let’s not forget the Triton “contracts” Israel signed as “Owner” for drainage repairs! Altogether, over five million dollars’ worth of work goes way beyond sensibility.
Then, bring in Carver, who volunteered to take over everything in the Village involving paving and who did nothing. He was in full control and reported to nobody, not even providing daily or weekly reports. And, it gets worse.
You have two vice-presidents, Guarnagia and Cornish who managed to have a 312 page Preliminary Punch List suddenly disappear and reduced to about 8 pages. Funny thing, -- there are no copies of the original list. And, the paving company – M&M – was paid in full no matter what was wrong with the paving work. Who suffers? – We do!
Look at the Watergate affair. Just think about that for a moment. Criminal acts were committed by President Nixon, but nothing would have come to light but for one man who spilled his guts and the whole thing broke open, - and the “I’m not a crook” statement. So, after one man comes forth, so do others, all trying to save their hide. And, the President resigns. Good teaching for Century Village, don’t you think? The absolute truth is eventually going to surface and that one person may come forward and then the biggest perpetrators are revealed. And then, all of a sudden, certain people leave town.
So, let’s get practical. If it looks like a duck, if it talks like a duck, if it walks like a duck, -- unless you have two left eyes and wear earlaps, -- then you know it’s a duck. Look at all of the facts, everywhere, and you’ll only have to ask, “Is that duck a crook?”
A “Recall” is mandatory. The UCO President is, by the bottom line, responsible for everything that happens on his watch, and in this case, he is DIRECTLY responsible for everything. The NSA has no doubt taught him, -- if you’re guilty, say nothing, say absolutely nothing; if you’re cornered, blame other people; if you must speak because of demands made upon you, - deny everything . . . everything.
Okay, look at all the facts . . . they are right there in front of your eyeballs. When everything is proven, and he is booted out of the UCO President’s chair, -- then his loyal followers, by human nature, come forth and state “I never did like him anyway.”
Friday, September 19, 2014
Despite the fact that one cannot please everybody, and I received a message from Idjit yesterday that I was too happy in my posting - can you believe this moron! - this will be another "happy" posting.
Things are picking up here in the Village. There is a growing hue and cry about the cameras and the issue of privacy. Even at the gates, yes, security is paramount to keep bad news out of our Village, but first of all, the cameras must be clear and second of all, keep the news on the screen with security. It is no one's business in the Village as to who is going or coming. That is called privacy and sorry, Lanny, DonHoHo and the rest of you guys, you will have to find another source of excitement and way to spend your time. I know it is difficult to give up looking for your pizza delivery to come in, but bite the bullet and try, really try.
Then we have the issue of the OPT OUT program. More and more associations have been putting forth feelers about this option, have been asking for help in formulating their opt out letter and how to go about wiring up for themselves. It is a sign of hope, a fresh air in the Village. People are not going to just jump when David Israel says so. Now we just have to get the delegates to vote to transfer the funds over to the general reserve funds so that we can start to cut down on the shortfall. Even David Israel acknowledged the importance and necessity of doing this at a Finance committee meeting in the party room and now, as he realizes that his "legacy" of putting us even further into debt and shortfall will fall by the wayside if this happens, now, he is singing his old tune again. Oh, we need Wi Fi; oh, there is no shortfall; oh, never mind the increase in UCO fees that you will have to pay; oh, never mind the older folks who will have to cut out a couple of meals to pay that increase, after all, everyone can stand to lose a few pounds - and the delusions go on. So, delegates - and residents who choose the delegates - make sure you listen and HEAR what the Village is saying. Help us get closer to an even and smoother financial basis - and stay there. We HAVE Wi Fi in the Village right now and the option of wiring up buildings for themselves is a better and more economical way in which to enhance what you have at present if you fee it necessary.. And the security is fine as are the speed and bandwidth.
One building has even signed a contract with a company to fix ANY device connected to Wi Fi for approximately $150 a year - for the whole building - and it is a reputable company. Now compare the cost to going David Israel's way and the cost of infrastructure, who even owns the infrastructure and is responsible for its maintenance and upkeep, who will update it, the length of time till it all goes into place, the quick changes in this etherworld and how backwards we will be in two years after spending all that money, the techies we will have to pay to keep all this in working order, the MONEY that will need to be expended and we do not even have a true figure on it yet! Choose OPT OUT, make your own decision, and transfer the money to the shortfall. This is the only thing that makes sense.
The other important point that makes sense is for David Israel and henchmen to RESIGN - or RECALL TIME is here.
Things are picking up here in the Village. There is a growing hue and cry about the cameras and the issue of privacy. Even at the gates, yes, security is paramount to keep bad news out of our Village, but first of all, the cameras must be clear and second of all, keep the news on the screen with security. It is no one's business in the Village as to who is going or coming. That is called privacy and sorry, Lanny, DonHoHo and the rest of you guys, you will have to find another source of excitement and way to spend your time. I know it is difficult to give up looking for your pizza delivery to come in, but bite the bullet and try, really try.
Then we have the issue of the OPT OUT program. More and more associations have been putting forth feelers about this option, have been asking for help in formulating their opt out letter and how to go about wiring up for themselves. It is a sign of hope, a fresh air in the Village. People are not going to just jump when David Israel says so. Now we just have to get the delegates to vote to transfer the funds over to the general reserve funds so that we can start to cut down on the shortfall. Even David Israel acknowledged the importance and necessity of doing this at a Finance committee meeting in the party room and now, as he realizes that his "legacy" of putting us even further into debt and shortfall will fall by the wayside if this happens, now, he is singing his old tune again. Oh, we need Wi Fi; oh, there is no shortfall; oh, never mind the increase in UCO fees that you will have to pay; oh, never mind the older folks who will have to cut out a couple of meals to pay that increase, after all, everyone can stand to lose a few pounds - and the delusions go on. So, delegates - and residents who choose the delegates - make sure you listen and HEAR what the Village is saying. Help us get closer to an even and smoother financial basis - and stay there. We HAVE Wi Fi in the Village right now and the option of wiring up buildings for themselves is a better and more economical way in which to enhance what you have at present if you fee it necessary.. And the security is fine as are the speed and bandwidth.
One building has even signed a contract with a company to fix ANY device connected to Wi Fi for approximately $150 a year - for the whole building - and it is a reputable company. Now compare the cost to going David Israel's way and the cost of infrastructure, who even owns the infrastructure and is responsible for its maintenance and upkeep, who will update it, the length of time till it all goes into place, the quick changes in this etherworld and how backwards we will be in two years after spending all that money, the techies we will have to pay to keep all this in working order, the MONEY that will need to be expended and we do not even have a true figure on it yet! Choose OPT OUT, make your own decision, and transfer the money to the shortfall. This is the only thing that makes sense.
The other important point that makes sense is for David Israel and henchmen to RESIGN - or RECALL TIME is here.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
People have expressed their agreement with many of the pieces on this blog. They speak of their despair at ever getting things righted. They ask if I ever get frustrated. Yes, it is frustrating much of the time when the facts are there but people refuse to see, when people keep on voting the same harmful way. It is frustrating when one knows how many good people there are in the Village and how a small group has taken over. Sometimes I feel as if we are living in an old time Western when a small group of nefarious evil doers have taken over a town and nearby areas, stealing the rights to water, bullying and dictating, using fear and intimidation. Then the good guys come along and after a hard battle, the situation is corrected.
Yes, we have a small group of dictator and followers, non thinkers, here in the Village but we have so much more. This is why I do this.
First, I love this place. I love living here. I love being able to take a walk whenever I want, meeting people, walking holding hands with Gerry and at my pace! I love the pools and just sitting there yakking away with friends. I love the availability of the gym though for sure I am not a steady user. I love watching people play the games they do on our courts.
I love the shows in the Clubhouse and the fact that I can walk there. I love getting to know the WPRF staff in the office and saying hi, just to say hello. I love the availability of more theater and entertainment all around. From the Kravis Center to Maltz to Lake Worth Theater to Broward Center and Coral Arts to storefront theater and beyond. The opportunities are all there and for the most part the pricing is great, ever so much less than in NY or major cities of the North. I love that the Kravis box office will call me up to discuss my seats!
I love that getting dressed every day mostly means putting on a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. I love that I can even treasure the cooler days when I can pull on a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans and be comfortable. I love opening the windows for cross ventilation in the days of the autumn and winter. I love not having snow and digging and shoveling and shivering.
I love when my youngest grandchildren still think they are coming to our hotel. I love when they think we can just hop right over to Disney and how lucky we are for that! I love when the older kids come just to see us and enjoy the warmth and the fun, the special days and then I love the quiet time again.
I love the fact that people in stores say hi, recognize me and take the time to chat. I LOVE the libraries around here and how helpful they are. I love that they tell me the books in advance and I love that a nice walk is over to our local branch.
I love the sounds of the birds, the sight of the mama ducks and her babies, the turtles in the lake. I love the softness of a breeze on my face and the fact that it is mostly all year that I can get that. I love the season when people return but I love the quiet times of the summer when traffic here is cut to a minimum and lines diminish.
I love the volunteers who put in time to run the Village and the people who try to do that but are blocked! And yet, they keep on trying. I love the goodness and the friendliness of most of the people here and try not to let the nastiness of a small group outweigh that. I love the fact that there are so many bright and intelligent women here (and okay, there are some guys too) and the conversation can run from the funny to the deadly serious. I love the fact that there are people here who, despite opposition, keep bringing in helpful people to the Village on topics of interest and try to help those in need. I love my new friends and the rekindling of older friendships.
In short, I love living here and think this could be an even greater place if only...If only people would stand up for their rights. If only people would put back term limits. If only people would remember that evil in NOT banal. If only people would realize that they, too, must step up to the plate, even if just for a while. If only we can rid ourselves of the incompetency and arrogance of the few and put things back the way they should be - and move ever onward to a better and more secure future. If only....
And in the interest of full disclosure, I also write this blog because I can, because I love writing (and no, there is no ghostwriter - sorry, Joy and David and groupies), because I can write about whatever I want - BECAUSE I CAN and that is the essence of this country of which we are a part. Remember that, you know who out there!
So come join us. Speak up for yourselves, for your rights, for a great place to visit but an even greater place to live.
Yes, we have a small group of dictator and followers, non thinkers, here in the Village but we have so much more. This is why I do this.
First, I love this place. I love living here. I love being able to take a walk whenever I want, meeting people, walking holding hands with Gerry and at my pace! I love the pools and just sitting there yakking away with friends. I love the availability of the gym though for sure I am not a steady user. I love watching people play the games they do on our courts.
I love the shows in the Clubhouse and the fact that I can walk there. I love getting to know the WPRF staff in the office and saying hi, just to say hello. I love the availability of more theater and entertainment all around. From the Kravis Center to Maltz to Lake Worth Theater to Broward Center and Coral Arts to storefront theater and beyond. The opportunities are all there and for the most part the pricing is great, ever so much less than in NY or major cities of the North. I love that the Kravis box office will call me up to discuss my seats!
I love that getting dressed every day mostly means putting on a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. I love that I can even treasure the cooler days when I can pull on a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans and be comfortable. I love opening the windows for cross ventilation in the days of the autumn and winter. I love not having snow and digging and shoveling and shivering.
I love when my youngest grandchildren still think they are coming to our hotel. I love when they think we can just hop right over to Disney and how lucky we are for that! I love when the older kids come just to see us and enjoy the warmth and the fun, the special days and then I love the quiet time again.
I love the fact that people in stores say hi, recognize me and take the time to chat. I LOVE the libraries around here and how helpful they are. I love that they tell me the books in advance and I love that a nice walk is over to our local branch.
I love the sounds of the birds, the sight of the mama ducks and her babies, the turtles in the lake. I love the softness of a breeze on my face and the fact that it is mostly all year that I can get that. I love the season when people return but I love the quiet times of the summer when traffic here is cut to a minimum and lines diminish.
I love the volunteers who put in time to run the Village and the people who try to do that but are blocked! And yet, they keep on trying. I love the goodness and the friendliness of most of the people here and try not to let the nastiness of a small group outweigh that. I love the fact that there are so many bright and intelligent women here (and okay, there are some guys too) and the conversation can run from the funny to the deadly serious. I love the fact that there are people here who, despite opposition, keep bringing in helpful people to the Village on topics of interest and try to help those in need. I love my new friends and the rekindling of older friendships.
In short, I love living here and think this could be an even greater place if only...If only people would stand up for their rights. If only people would put back term limits. If only people would remember that evil in NOT banal. If only people would realize that they, too, must step up to the plate, even if just for a while. If only we can rid ourselves of the incompetency and arrogance of the few and put things back the way they should be - and move ever onward to a better and more secure future. If only....
And in the interest of full disclosure, I also write this blog because I can, because I love writing (and no, there is no ghostwriter - sorry, Joy and David and groupies), because I can write about whatever I want - BECAUSE I CAN and that is the essence of this country of which we are a part. Remember that, you know who out there!
So come join us. Speak up for yourselves, for your rights, for a great place to visit but an even greater place to live.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Well, folks, I have gotten used to the filth that is spewed at me by members of the opposition in UCO and their small group of foul mouthed shills. I have gotten threatened, told that I will be blown up and that they will give me rope to hang myself. And now they have sunk to a new low, one of sexual statements and accusations in their minds, not mine. It actually is hate speech as they use it and I believe I have had just about enough. The only debate I have now is to which official should I report - Rick Bradford, the Sheriff , head of PBSO, or better yet, David Aronberg, State's Attorney, and perhaps some of the commissioners as well. I am sure that Paula Burdick will be appalled to hear of this and the mouth from whence it comes.
I apologize in advance to my friends and acquaintances in the LGBT community for the quote that I am now putting on this blog - "Well the crack pot dyke speaks again!"
This is what was sent to me late last night, under cover of darkness, as befits a filthy mouthed and minded troglodyte, a Neanderthal in this world.
Truly, in today's world this is what you choose to send over the airwaves or rather thru the Internet? In just what century are you living? This is how you want to go? It is not enough that you have used language that would make a sailor blush, but now you have to go and use a term that you think will just crush me? A term that you use in a nasty and pejorative manner? How do you think the well respected members of the LGBT community here in the Village will take your "insult"? Trying to insult people using sexual orientation is passé my "dear" friend and while my orientation is none of your business, I believe one would call it straight. Gerry and I are laughing at you, think that you are an idiot, but your intent was, and is not, funny, but rather nasty.
So what is next in your sleazy and benighted world? Shall you compete against each other to see how much lower you can sink? How shall you explain this in court? That you really didn't mean it? Should I sit you down as I used to with my middle schoolers and explain why they could not use the term "gay" as an insult? I am not sure that you actually would understand as it requires a modicum of decency within and a working brain and I am in serious doubt of either at this point.
And stop using the name of people you do not like and attaching a word, a body part, that you believe will be ever so insulting and then try to post. I have made it clear that I will not post those comments. I would paste and copy your sign in names but I refuse to have friends of mine see what you have done or said about them.
You see, I am in the market to improve our Village, to raise the level, not to sink into the muck and mire of your twisted, ever so tiny, filthy mind. I am not there for power, but to serve the residents as are many other good people that you have so carelessly denigrated and tried to smear with mud.
Why not grow up, stand up like an adult, and talk in public. Open up a forum for debate, for proper grown up behavior. Learn to take criticism and grow with it. Learn that sometimes one has to leave a job and when one does not realize that, he/she will become both a joke and a curse as the situation worsens and becomes fraught with danger to the constituents - our residents.
This is a final open comment to you. Unless I receive an OPEN apology for this filth that has been coming my way, unless the LGBT friends and even not friends of mine or even acquaintances receive a public apology, the next phone call - or several - phone calls I make will be to officials and you will not be happy. Wonder then what crimes Captain Bruckner will be talking about at a future delegate assembly at that point? What a shame for the Village! What a shame for you! What a legacy to leave behind you.
And you know what? I am sad for you, sorry for you, that this is what you believe you must do.
I apologize in advance to my friends and acquaintances in the LGBT community for the quote that I am now putting on this blog - "Well the crack pot dyke speaks again!"
This is what was sent to me late last night, under cover of darkness, as befits a filthy mouthed and minded troglodyte, a Neanderthal in this world.
Truly, in today's world this is what you choose to send over the airwaves or rather thru the Internet? In just what century are you living? This is how you want to go? It is not enough that you have used language that would make a sailor blush, but now you have to go and use a term that you think will just crush me? A term that you use in a nasty and pejorative manner? How do you think the well respected members of the LGBT community here in the Village will take your "insult"? Trying to insult people using sexual orientation is passé my "dear" friend and while my orientation is none of your business, I believe one would call it straight. Gerry and I are laughing at you, think that you are an idiot, but your intent was, and is not, funny, but rather nasty.
So what is next in your sleazy and benighted world? Shall you compete against each other to see how much lower you can sink? How shall you explain this in court? That you really didn't mean it? Should I sit you down as I used to with my middle schoolers and explain why they could not use the term "gay" as an insult? I am not sure that you actually would understand as it requires a modicum of decency within and a working brain and I am in serious doubt of either at this point.
And stop using the name of people you do not like and attaching a word, a body part, that you believe will be ever so insulting and then try to post. I have made it clear that I will not post those comments. I would paste and copy your sign in names but I refuse to have friends of mine see what you have done or said about them.
You see, I am in the market to improve our Village, to raise the level, not to sink into the muck and mire of your twisted, ever so tiny, filthy mind. I am not there for power, but to serve the residents as are many other good people that you have so carelessly denigrated and tried to smear with mud.
Why not grow up, stand up like an adult, and talk in public. Open up a forum for debate, for proper grown up behavior. Learn to take criticism and grow with it. Learn that sometimes one has to leave a job and when one does not realize that, he/she will become both a joke and a curse as the situation worsens and becomes fraught with danger to the constituents - our residents.
This is a final open comment to you. Unless I receive an OPEN apology for this filth that has been coming my way, unless the LGBT friends and even not friends of mine or even acquaintances receive a public apology, the next phone call - or several - phone calls I make will be to officials and you will not be happy. Wonder then what crimes Captain Bruckner will be talking about at a future delegate assembly at that point? What a shame for the Village! What a shame for you! What a legacy to leave behind you.
And you know what? I am sad for you, sorry for you, that this is what you believe you must do.
Greg Hurwitz has written an excellent survival/adventure novel. It will keep you on the edge of your seat and hold your interest as a group of people start out on a tour in Mexico which turns out to be much more than they had expected. There is nothing supernatural here, just good storytelling, a tale of courage in the face of adversity and a wondering in one's own mind - what would I have done? In today's world, with its crazy twists and turns and people who have forgotten their humanity, it is a book to read. This book is for men and women who enjoy a great story. This can be found in the library.
The other books are written by Allison Brennan and are to be found in the library, in hardcover, paperback and even large print for some. It is a series, actually several series, but I have found that the ones that deal with the Kincaid and Rogen families are the ones to read. The characters recur, but they can be read as single units and are well written. They work in all fields of law enforcement, governmental and private and are a group of people you will enjoy reading about. Nothing deep, but enjoyable.
Please note that when I say can be found in the library, I mean both the Palm Beach County ones and the one downtown. I do not download e books for the most part, so that you would have to check.
The other books are written by Allison Brennan and are to be found in the library, in hardcover, paperback and even large print for some. It is a series, actually several series, but I have found that the ones that deal with the Kincaid and Rogen families are the ones to read. The characters recur, but they can be read as single units and are well written. They work in all fields of law enforcement, governmental and private and are a group of people you will enjoy reading about. Nothing deep, but enjoyable.
Please note that when I say can be found in the library, I mean both the Palm Beach County ones and the one downtown. I do not download e books for the most part, so that you would have to check.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
It is hard to understand why, when first Eduardo spelled it all out in the Scandals series and now, Dorothy, the person sitting there in the Treasurer's seat who had a first hand view and understanding of what had happened while Ed Black was Treasurer, and who now demanded that they show proof if payment were to made, to explain just what had they been doing!, now Dorothy explains it in words of one syllable or less, lays it out so that it is easily understood. Now the question is why did they ever think no one would notice. Did they think they wore the Emperor's New Clothes and no one would notice or say anything? I guess Dorothy was the little boy in the famous tale and called out - but he is naked!
Yes, fellow residents. David Israel and Ed Black were naked in their deeds. There was no way to hide them from the eyes of the public but still, they continued to lie and lie and lie some more. First there were no errors in the actuality of the job, then there was no hanky panky with the use and expenditure of the money, then there was no sign of incompetence and finally, oh, no, there really is not a $1.3 plus million dollar shortfall. No, what we need to do is go out and spend more money we do not have on projects we do not need and keep on living in Israel and Black Lalaland until one day we all wake up broke and decrepit!
All this has simply proven what I have been saying now for a long time, privately among friends, then in the campaign and now on the blog. David Israel is incompetent, not a crime, just a fact. He has no idea how to manage money and budgeting, no idea how to vet a contract, no idea how to prioritize. He never had such experience nor need to do so in his entire career so why would he start now? No, what he did was retreat into his room, tap tap tap away on his computer and hack all his opponents in UCO by shutting down their working computers and denying them access to the all important cloud, and basically let Ed Black pull him around by his puppet strings or lead by the nose - choose whichever term you like.
So what happened? No contracts were signed. No, what was signed were proposals! Yes, proposals, as if one would sign a proposal to renovate one's home, without signing a strictly delineated contract - after having reviewed it VERY carefully. Well, NOT DONE HERE! No, a signature was written by the infamous two, Black and Israel, money, huge amounts of money were paid out WITHOUT delegate approval, and we were on the merry road to financial perdition and physical ruin.
But wait! There's more! (Sorry). These signatures could then have been appended to anything, yes, anything. You know, it is like when you would get a bad test grade and have to get it signed, so you would con a parent into signing a blank sheet of paper for some obtuse reason and then transfer it over to your test paper and somehow try to make it work. Now it is even easier, what with replicating possibilities. There was essentially no control over where that signature would go. None.
But wait! There's more! (Sorry again). There were no witnesses. Again, there were no witnesses and for such a huge contract, that is a sin - or worse - and we all know that. Oh yes we do, but yet people who are his sycophants just merrily plod along beside and behind him and sally out with attempts to subvert the issues - but are failing more and more.
And now for the part I truly love. How did David Israel sign this "proposal"? As owner. Yes, as owner! And there you have it, my friends and some not my friends. David Israel is afflicted with megalomania. He truly believes he is the owner of UCO, of the Village, and therefore he can and will do what he wants whenever he wants and however he wants, always with Ed Black's approval, of course. Well, he does not own the Village, nor UCO nor me and not any one else. (OK, some people, like HoHo, Lanny, PeteyBoy, Gracie, Elaine).
Now he wants us to continue along this dark road, going ever further into unnecessary expenses and sign onto this Wi Fi business. Why and what for? People are wiring up, with privacy for much, much less, and we could Wi Fi every association in the Village for what is now in the Wi Fi exploratory fund. Yes, and have mucho change left over. And guess what? You would be able to get the signal in the street, thus allowing you to sit in the middle of the road and play Candy Crush or trip over the miserable perimeter walkway, or do whatever harm you wish to do to yourself. You could even sit by all the pools and ignore your friends and fellow residents and be just like the kids of today - don't talk, don't relate, just text and text and email. See, no deprivation for you at all!
And of course, our perceived owner, a great man in his own mind, has brought us, with the help and advice of Ed Black, the wonderful camera system by the gate. Just go and watch it on his blog. Scintillating - not! And guess what, all that money and nothing appears to be clear at all. Perhaps it is better on the screens, but it sure as hell is not clear on our screens. Five cameras on one gate and 19 more proposed for the Village in general. NO! NO! and NO! again. We have a right to privacy, an expectation of privacy within our gated community. We have a right to stop the ridiculous and careless expenditure of our funds without a detailed presentation, without a vote, without a need.
Should I remind all of you out there about the time of our youth and the changes that were wrought, sometimes in not such a good way as there was much violence, but yet change did come about. No violence here, thank you, but the slogan still is relevant.
Please note the following. Management makes a request to the usual suspects. Please keep your obscenities to a minimum when you respond to this posting. Thank you ever so much. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
Yes, fellow residents. David Israel and Ed Black were naked in their deeds. There was no way to hide them from the eyes of the public but still, they continued to lie and lie and lie some more. First there were no errors in the actuality of the job, then there was no hanky panky with the use and expenditure of the money, then there was no sign of incompetence and finally, oh, no, there really is not a $1.3 plus million dollar shortfall. No, what we need to do is go out and spend more money we do not have on projects we do not need and keep on living in Israel and Black Lalaland until one day we all wake up broke and decrepit!
All this has simply proven what I have been saying now for a long time, privately among friends, then in the campaign and now on the blog. David Israel is incompetent, not a crime, just a fact. He has no idea how to manage money and budgeting, no idea how to vet a contract, no idea how to prioritize. He never had such experience nor need to do so in his entire career so why would he start now? No, what he did was retreat into his room, tap tap tap away on his computer and hack all his opponents in UCO by shutting down their working computers and denying them access to the all important cloud, and basically let Ed Black pull him around by his puppet strings or lead by the nose - choose whichever term you like.
So what happened? No contracts were signed. No, what was signed were proposals! Yes, proposals, as if one would sign a proposal to renovate one's home, without signing a strictly delineated contract - after having reviewed it VERY carefully. Well, NOT DONE HERE! No, a signature was written by the infamous two, Black and Israel, money, huge amounts of money were paid out WITHOUT delegate approval, and we were on the merry road to financial perdition and physical ruin.
But wait! There's more! (Sorry). These signatures could then have been appended to anything, yes, anything. You know, it is like when you would get a bad test grade and have to get it signed, so you would con a parent into signing a blank sheet of paper for some obtuse reason and then transfer it over to your test paper and somehow try to make it work. Now it is even easier, what with replicating possibilities. There was essentially no control over where that signature would go. None.
But wait! There's more! (Sorry again). There were no witnesses. Again, there were no witnesses and for such a huge contract, that is a sin - or worse - and we all know that. Oh yes we do, but yet people who are his sycophants just merrily plod along beside and behind him and sally out with attempts to subvert the issues - but are failing more and more.
And now for the part I truly love. How did David Israel sign this "proposal"? As owner. Yes, as owner! And there you have it, my friends and some not my friends. David Israel is afflicted with megalomania. He truly believes he is the owner of UCO, of the Village, and therefore he can and will do what he wants whenever he wants and however he wants, always with Ed Black's approval, of course. Well, he does not own the Village, nor UCO nor me and not any one else. (OK, some people, like HoHo, Lanny, PeteyBoy, Gracie, Elaine).
Now he wants us to continue along this dark road, going ever further into unnecessary expenses and sign onto this Wi Fi business. Why and what for? People are wiring up, with privacy for much, much less, and we could Wi Fi every association in the Village for what is now in the Wi Fi exploratory fund. Yes, and have mucho change left over. And guess what? You would be able to get the signal in the street, thus allowing you to sit in the middle of the road and play Candy Crush or trip over the miserable perimeter walkway, or do whatever harm you wish to do to yourself. You could even sit by all the pools and ignore your friends and fellow residents and be just like the kids of today - don't talk, don't relate, just text and text and email. See, no deprivation for you at all!
And of course, our perceived owner, a great man in his own mind, has brought us, with the help and advice of Ed Black, the wonderful camera system by the gate. Just go and watch it on his blog. Scintillating - not! And guess what, all that money and nothing appears to be clear at all. Perhaps it is better on the screens, but it sure as hell is not clear on our screens. Five cameras on one gate and 19 more proposed for the Village in general. NO! NO! and NO! again. We have a right to privacy, an expectation of privacy within our gated community. We have a right to stop the ridiculous and careless expenditure of our funds without a detailed presentation, without a vote, without a need.
Should I remind all of you out there about the time of our youth and the changes that were wrought, sometimes in not such a good way as there was much violence, but yet change did come about. No violence here, thank you, but the slogan still is relevant.
Please note the following. Management makes a request to the usual suspects. Please keep your obscenities to a minimum when you respond to this posting. Thank you ever so much. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Reading the paper this morning made me think again of the comparison between the world outside our gates and that within. Take the issue with people who are presently in office or who are running for office.
Sam Brownback, of Kansas, is fighting for his political life as people are very disappointed in the state of the state's finances after his years in office. They are in a financial crunch, have a shortfall, as funds were cut and now important programs such as education cannot be funded. Sounds familiar doesn't it? We, too, are in a financial crunch, not because revenues were cut but because funds were mishandled and now we have the 1.3 million dollar shortfall and growing every day, especially with ridiculous and costly projects being pushed. Gina Raimondo of Rhode Island is finding her numbers are great as people realize that spending and costly programs MUST be reined in and redrawn. We, too, need to do just that. We need an austerity budget, spending money only as need be and remember, much of it we have no say as to yes or no as it is contractual, so we must be extra careful with discretionary funds and with contracts, squeezing every penny and every benefit out of it that we can. To be sure that happens, we need new people, new blood, new ideas, new capabilities in office at UCO.
We read of so many instances where governmental offices and departments did not live up to the terms of their duties and responsibilities, easily seen in the whole debacle of the cars and ignition, airbags and other faulty items. Why they did not follow the rules I cannot answer for sure, be it laziness, ignorance, "gifts" or whatever, but faulty it was, and faulty we have had with the lack of supervision and proper procedure in the whole contract process with the roads and indeed with any major contract, done or planned, such as the Wi Fi crisis waiting to smack us in the face and pocket if this UCO administration is allowed to have its way.
We read of so many lies, half truths and evasions that our governments put forth and I think to myself of the lies our UCO has put out, about rights being denied, about evasions of responsibility and some of these statements are like the Newspeak, the statements that come out of the" Ministry of Truth" in George Orwell's 1984, where the truth is actually a lie, or at best, an evasion of the truth.
Finally, over the weekend there was an extremely interesting article about the experiments done years ago, or studies, actually, about the power of delaying gratification and getting an extra bonus for the delay. Walter Mischel, a professor of psychology at Columbia, writes about the study and its current evaluation and writes how important it is to exert self control, that one's supposed needs and desires need not be immediately gratified; in fact, a delay and self control is often offering a much better return. How often have I stated that? How often have I said that just because someone in UCO wants something, a pet project, it does not mean it must be done STAT. Deferral until a better time, a better plan, a better project, a better whatever is often the best way to go and such is the way to go with Wi Fi, especially as there is a concrete alternative to it, a working, viable and much more economic one to boot.
We do not live in a vacuum here in the Village and must learn lessons from wherever we can - and take them to heart. If not, the future picture of things is not too rosy.
Sam Brownback, of Kansas, is fighting for his political life as people are very disappointed in the state of the state's finances after his years in office. They are in a financial crunch, have a shortfall, as funds were cut and now important programs such as education cannot be funded. Sounds familiar doesn't it? We, too, are in a financial crunch, not because revenues were cut but because funds were mishandled and now we have the 1.3 million dollar shortfall and growing every day, especially with ridiculous and costly projects being pushed. Gina Raimondo of Rhode Island is finding her numbers are great as people realize that spending and costly programs MUST be reined in and redrawn. We, too, need to do just that. We need an austerity budget, spending money only as need be and remember, much of it we have no say as to yes or no as it is contractual, so we must be extra careful with discretionary funds and with contracts, squeezing every penny and every benefit out of it that we can. To be sure that happens, we need new people, new blood, new ideas, new capabilities in office at UCO.
We read of so many instances where governmental offices and departments did not live up to the terms of their duties and responsibilities, easily seen in the whole debacle of the cars and ignition, airbags and other faulty items. Why they did not follow the rules I cannot answer for sure, be it laziness, ignorance, "gifts" or whatever, but faulty it was, and faulty we have had with the lack of supervision and proper procedure in the whole contract process with the roads and indeed with any major contract, done or planned, such as the Wi Fi crisis waiting to smack us in the face and pocket if this UCO administration is allowed to have its way.
We read of so many lies, half truths and evasions that our governments put forth and I think to myself of the lies our UCO has put out, about rights being denied, about evasions of responsibility and some of these statements are like the Newspeak, the statements that come out of the" Ministry of Truth" in George Orwell's 1984, where the truth is actually a lie, or at best, an evasion of the truth.
Finally, over the weekend there was an extremely interesting article about the experiments done years ago, or studies, actually, about the power of delaying gratification and getting an extra bonus for the delay. Walter Mischel, a professor of psychology at Columbia, writes about the study and its current evaluation and writes how important it is to exert self control, that one's supposed needs and desires need not be immediately gratified; in fact, a delay and self control is often offering a much better return. How often have I stated that? How often have I said that just because someone in UCO wants something, a pet project, it does not mean it must be done STAT. Deferral until a better time, a better plan, a better project, a better whatever is often the best way to go and such is the way to go with Wi Fi, especially as there is a concrete alternative to it, a working, viable and much more economic one to boot.
We do not live in a vacuum here in the Village and must learn lessons from wherever we can - and take them to heart. If not, the future picture of things is not too rosy.
Sundays are usually quiet days on the blog, what with people busy enjoying the day and yesterday was beautiful until early evening. But for some reason the blog was busy with readers and even comments. Of course, some of the comments were just lovely - like giving me rope to hang myself, or and get this, from the man who claims not to like lawsuits - I will be sued for slander - and Lanny Howe decides that he is now the arbiter of all things blog and that my posting every day is quite annoying to him and is a sign of some inner need. Maybe it is. Who knows? I am good at it, so why not? Really and truly, quite interesting.
Slander is when lies are told about someone and a reputation is ruined. Ahhh, listen up or better yet go read Dorothy's post, a few postings down and how does one argue with that?! Facts are facts and details are details. Questions asked are questions that need answering. Wrong is wrong, is it not? Incompetence at the very least, no process or procedure, poor management at best and now we have a constant picture of the gate on the other blog? Quite scintillating - at least Don HoHo thinks so, but for thinking people - truly! And I wonder if there is some violation of privacy in that. The blog is a PRIVATE blog, not governmental or administrative. The gate is the entrance to a gated community, not a public area.
Let us return to Lanny. He calls this a war. I do not. I am not at war with anyone and if I were, I would have declared a victory long since as the goal, or one of the goals, of this blog, was to make people aware of what was happening around the Village in terms of UCO, to show other options on certain projects and that goal has definitely been achieved. My other goals were to simply provide a place where I could express my opinion on anything - be it politics, books, movies, current events, random topics or whatever. I have very nice friends who helped me set it up and I simply began to write.I like to write, and have written my whole life, so truly sorry, Lanny, if this upsets you but here is a solution for you. Don't read my blog. Don't click on it and there you go. You see, that is called freedom of choice and you are free to follow whatever choice will make you happy. You know, it is in the Declaration - "when in the course of human events.....pursuit of happiness...." There ya' go - rights. Hmmmm, remember those? Once we had freedom of speech and assembly here in the Village and now we do not. Two points to anyone who can explain why that is so at present. One more reason I like to write this blog. It pleases me that I am read all over the world with people clicking in from the USA, Israel, Moldova, Poland, Netherlands, England, France, Spain, Germany, Turkey, China, Italy, South Korea, Canada, etc. I think it is pretty cool. Over 11,000 readers since I began. Not bad.
People are entitled to do things their way and that way may differ from one that I prefer and that is fine. What is not fine is when the methodology used is one that is harmful to the public, goes against the greater good in order to satisfy a need that someone has. Sometimes one's pet projects prove to be NOT for the greater good and sometimes yes, but it is open for debate and discussion and there is nothing personal in it. That is the problem here, and the personal or perceived personal issues began to turn people, and if one wants to talk potty mouth - shall I count the words, the sentences, the curses, the threats that I have been sent? And this is my blog so read what is says at the top, specifically about potty mouth as you guys never seem to be able to leave the toilet behind!
So, as I have said, asked, pointed out - over and over again - get to the issues. Talk, write and hey, even DEBATE. Come to meetings where the topic is to be openly discussed. Come to programs on WPRF property - oops, not allowed. See, that is what I mean. For years, David Israel and company denied any errors in the paving project and then pressure and facts forced them to admit to it but they only got a quarter of the way. There are SERIOUS and INEXCUSABLE errors? procedural steps? and they must be faced and responsibility falls on the "leader" and those who inked the "contracts" and again, I use that term loosely. That was OUR money that you spent so carelessly, not yours. YOU ARE NOT THE "OWNER" OF THE VILLAGE OR UCO AND THAT IS WHERE THE THINKING AND THE PROJECT WENT AWRY. Hey, ever hear the term hubris? All of you over there, go look it up and write an essay of 250 - 500 words on its relevancy towards you and your behavior, actions and thinking.
Just a reminder. How often have I said, have I written, that I would prefer to work within the system, to be part of UCO, a committee member? Many times, in case you have forgotten, but David Israel has STATED IN PRINT that he would never allow this to happen. Really and truly, who died and appointed him dictator and arbiter of all that is UCO. A president is to SERVE not DICTATE and therein is the problem. He is just too afraid to allow open debate and discussion and therein lies the tragedy of present day CV at WPB. Very sad.
Slander is when lies are told about someone and a reputation is ruined. Ahhh, listen up or better yet go read Dorothy's post, a few postings down and how does one argue with that?! Facts are facts and details are details. Questions asked are questions that need answering. Wrong is wrong, is it not? Incompetence at the very least, no process or procedure, poor management at best and now we have a constant picture of the gate on the other blog? Quite scintillating - at least Don HoHo thinks so, but for thinking people - truly! And I wonder if there is some violation of privacy in that. The blog is a PRIVATE blog, not governmental or administrative. The gate is the entrance to a gated community, not a public area.
Let us return to Lanny. He calls this a war. I do not. I am not at war with anyone and if I were, I would have declared a victory long since as the goal, or one of the goals, of this blog, was to make people aware of what was happening around the Village in terms of UCO, to show other options on certain projects and that goal has definitely been achieved. My other goals were to simply provide a place where I could express my opinion on anything - be it politics, books, movies, current events, random topics or whatever. I have very nice friends who helped me set it up and I simply began to write.I like to write, and have written my whole life, so truly sorry, Lanny, if this upsets you but here is a solution for you. Don't read my blog. Don't click on it and there you go. You see, that is called freedom of choice and you are free to follow whatever choice will make you happy. You know, it is in the Declaration - "when in the course of human events.....pursuit of happiness...." There ya' go - rights. Hmmmm, remember those? Once we had freedom of speech and assembly here in the Village and now we do not. Two points to anyone who can explain why that is so at present. One more reason I like to write this blog. It pleases me that I am read all over the world with people clicking in from the USA, Israel, Moldova, Poland, Netherlands, England, France, Spain, Germany, Turkey, China, Italy, South Korea, Canada, etc. I think it is pretty cool. Over 11,000 readers since I began. Not bad.
People are entitled to do things their way and that way may differ from one that I prefer and that is fine. What is not fine is when the methodology used is one that is harmful to the public, goes against the greater good in order to satisfy a need that someone has. Sometimes one's pet projects prove to be NOT for the greater good and sometimes yes, but it is open for debate and discussion and there is nothing personal in it. That is the problem here, and the personal or perceived personal issues began to turn people, and if one wants to talk potty mouth - shall I count the words, the sentences, the curses, the threats that I have been sent? And this is my blog so read what is says at the top, specifically about potty mouth as you guys never seem to be able to leave the toilet behind!
So, as I have said, asked, pointed out - over and over again - get to the issues. Talk, write and hey, even DEBATE. Come to meetings where the topic is to be openly discussed. Come to programs on WPRF property - oops, not allowed. See, that is what I mean. For years, David Israel and company denied any errors in the paving project and then pressure and facts forced them to admit to it but they only got a quarter of the way. There are SERIOUS and INEXCUSABLE errors? procedural steps? and they must be faced and responsibility falls on the "leader" and those who inked the "contracts" and again, I use that term loosely. That was OUR money that you spent so carelessly, not yours. YOU ARE NOT THE "OWNER" OF THE VILLAGE OR UCO AND THAT IS WHERE THE THINKING AND THE PROJECT WENT AWRY. Hey, ever hear the term hubris? All of you over there, go look it up and write an essay of 250 - 500 words on its relevancy towards you and your behavior, actions and thinking.
Just a reminder. How often have I said, have I written, that I would prefer to work within the system, to be part of UCO, a committee member? Many times, in case you have forgotten, but David Israel has STATED IN PRINT that he would never allow this to happen. Really and truly, who died and appointed him dictator and arbiter of all that is UCO. A president is to SERVE not DICTATE and therein is the problem. He is just too afraid to allow open debate and discussion and therein lies the tragedy of present day CV at WPB. Very sad.
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Here is one of the many Associations that followed Ed Grossman lead and Opted-out of Israel's Wi-Fi and Opted-in to the Association's Wi-Fi and in the process saved themselves a lot of money. Now and in the future.
to Ed Grossman. As of 9/12/14 coventry j association has successfully installed the comcast wifi system. Happily I can report that all 24 condo's have a wifi signal and all have the ability to log on to the internet. Thank you for first month payment being free. Please pass along to any association that wants all the facts to contact our association.
Louis Piscitelli, President
From: louis Piscitelli; President Coventry J
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 11:55 AM
To: ER Grossman
Subject: RE: wifi update coventry j association
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 11:55 AM
To: ER Grossman
Subject: RE: wifi update coventry j association
Louis Piscitelli, President
Dear Sir:
It is ever so flattering that you feel you must obsessively check on my blog and had to send another nasty email this afternoon, but perhaps you should know that it means nothing to me - like the dust of the earth. And, of course, just who might be sending me a comment from UCO on a Sunday afternoon? Hmmmmm. Should I guess on that?
How about trying to answer the points of Dorothy's post about the abysmal way business was conducted - and I use the term business loosely - in re the road paving and drainage job. How about explaining how PROPOSALS were signed - not contracts, Etc. Etc. Etc. Stay tuned for a bit more on this and related topics tomorrow.
Enjoy the rest of the day and nighty night.
Here is one suggestion though. Try posting under your name, rather than making fun of Marcia Ziccardi and Eduardo and anyone else you hate by using a pejorative term next to their name. Be a man, for goodness sake.
It is ever so flattering that you feel you must obsessively check on my blog and had to send another nasty email this afternoon, but perhaps you should know that it means nothing to me - like the dust of the earth. And, of course, just who might be sending me a comment from UCO on a Sunday afternoon? Hmmmmm. Should I guess on that?
How about trying to answer the points of Dorothy's post about the abysmal way business was conducted - and I use the term business loosely - in re the road paving and drainage job. How about explaining how PROPOSALS were signed - not contracts, Etc. Etc. Etc. Stay tuned for a bit more on this and related topics tomorrow.
Enjoy the rest of the day and nighty night.
Here is one suggestion though. Try posting under your name, rather than making fun of Marcia Ziccardi and Eduardo and anyone else you hate by using a pejorative term next to their name. Be a man, for goodness sake.
READ AND SEE THE TRUTH - An Open Letter to Amazing Grace and Mr. Rivera:
An Open Letter to Amazing Grace and Mr. Rivera:
For the record, from November of 2010 until March of 2012 the Treasurer of record, duly accepted by the Delegates to safeguard the money, was none other than Mr. Ed Black. Within a very short period of time after he accepted this responsibility – April to July of 2011 – “contracts” had been signed by D. Israel – the President of UCO – authorizing the expenditure of $4,911,440.
Two or three weeks ago each of you posted comments referring to the commitments made relative to the road restoration project. A time line of the awarding of these “contracts” is as follows:
April 12, 2011 perimeter walkway $ 104,732
Signed by D Israel May 2, 2011
May 24, 2011 asphalt paving – phase 1 $ 2,085,000
Signed by D Israel June 1, 2011
July 11, 2011 asphalt paving – phase 2 $ 2,445,000
Signed by D Israel August 9, 2011
January 17, 2012 various work - 2102 parking lot $ 37,494
Signed by D Israel January 17, 2012
Plus miscellaneous costs i.e. permit fees, work done
and not included in quotations, etc. $ 84,573
GRAND TOTAL $ 4,756,799
With the exception of the last “contract” all three were signed by David Israel as President of UCO – there are no witness signatures – and the signature page is completely separate from the “contract”. The last “contract” continues on the second page – signature as stated above – no witnesses
Additional money spent during this time period was used to pay Triton Associates for catch basins (drains) at various locations in Century Village. There are two proposals, both signed on January 28, 2011 by David B. Israel as President. Again, the signature page in one instance is completely separate from the “proposal” which was apparently used in lieu of a formal contract.
On January 27, 2011, two separate “Construction Agreements” were signed by Rodger Carver as C.A.M. and David B. Israel as owner. Owner? Yes, David B. Israel is an owner, but that of a unit in Greenbrier. Surely he is not the owner of Century Village or United Civic Organization.
Payments were made as work progressed beginning February 10, 2011 and ending August 29, 2011 with additional work performed early in 2012 – total paid to this vendor - $192,135.
So, how does all of this add up? I find it necessary to repeat this - between January and July 2011 UCO committed to spending $4,911,440 and in January 2012 an addition $37,494. So, $4,948,934 to make repairs, and we still have flooded roads, cracked roads, uneven road surfaces in parking areas.
During Mr. Black’s tenure, and without any discussion with the Delegates, the first two contracts were awarded to M&M - $2,189,732. When heavy equipment was seen rolling into the Village and questions were being asked, only then was it revealed that these arrangements had been made.
Subsequently, Mr. Black approached the Delegates for permission to proceed with what is known as Phase II with the explanation that a great deal of money would be saved due to the fact that the equipment was on premises and re-mobilization of this heavy machinery would not be necessary – a potential savings of $500,000. And, the Delegates said OK. The quoted “savings” was never formally questioned and to this day there are many who feel it was vastly over-stated.
At the same meeting the Delegates also approved the acquisition of a line of credit - up to $1 million - that could be used in the event of a catastrophe such as a hurricane. Thousands of dollars were spent just to obtain this line of credit; the terms of which made it impossible to access. More money spent unnecessarily.
So, Grace and Mr. Rivera, the facts are quite clear. Responsibility for the depletion of the UCO reserve funds belongs to a select few. Namely, Mr. Israel and Mr. Black, and I would go so far as to suggest that the remaining elected officers who were charged with protecting the interests of ALL of the owners reneged on their responsibility. I am proud to say – I was NOT one of them.
Dorothy Tetro
For the record, from November of 2010 until March of 2012 the Treasurer of record, duly accepted by the Delegates to safeguard the money, was none other than Mr. Ed Black. Within a very short period of time after he accepted this responsibility – April to July of 2011 – “contracts” had been signed by D. Israel – the President of UCO – authorizing the expenditure of $4,911,440.
Two or three weeks ago each of you posted comments referring to the commitments made relative to the road restoration project. A time line of the awarding of these “contracts” is as follows:
April 12, 2011 perimeter walkway $ 104,732
Signed by D Israel May 2, 2011
May 24, 2011 asphalt paving – phase 1 $ 2,085,000
Signed by D Israel June 1, 2011
July 11, 2011 asphalt paving – phase 2 $ 2,445,000
Signed by D Israel August 9, 2011
January 17, 2012 various work - 2102 parking lot $ 37,494
Signed by D Israel January 17, 2012
Plus miscellaneous costs i.e. permit fees, work done
and not included in quotations, etc. $ 84,573
GRAND TOTAL $ 4,756,799
With the exception of the last “contract” all three were signed by David Israel as President of UCO – there are no witness signatures – and the signature page is completely separate from the “contract”. The last “contract” continues on the second page – signature as stated above – no witnesses
Additional money spent during this time period was used to pay Triton Associates for catch basins (drains) at various locations in Century Village. There are two proposals, both signed on January 28, 2011 by David B. Israel as President. Again, the signature page in one instance is completely separate from the “proposal” which was apparently used in lieu of a formal contract.
On January 27, 2011, two separate “Construction Agreements” were signed by Rodger Carver as C.A.M. and David B. Israel as owner. Owner? Yes, David B. Israel is an owner, but that of a unit in Greenbrier. Surely he is not the owner of Century Village or United Civic Organization.
Payments were made as work progressed beginning February 10, 2011 and ending August 29, 2011 with additional work performed early in 2012 – total paid to this vendor - $192,135.
So, how does all of this add up? I find it necessary to repeat this - between January and July 2011 UCO committed to spending $4,911,440 and in January 2012 an addition $37,494. So, $4,948,934 to make repairs, and we still have flooded roads, cracked roads, uneven road surfaces in parking areas.
During Mr. Black’s tenure, and without any discussion with the Delegates, the first two contracts were awarded to M&M - $2,189,732. When heavy equipment was seen rolling into the Village and questions were being asked, only then was it revealed that these arrangements had been made.
Subsequently, Mr. Black approached the Delegates for permission to proceed with what is known as Phase II with the explanation that a great deal of money would be saved due to the fact that the equipment was on premises and re-mobilization of this heavy machinery would not be necessary – a potential savings of $500,000. And, the Delegates said OK. The quoted “savings” was never formally questioned and to this day there are many who feel it was vastly over-stated.
At the same meeting the Delegates also approved the acquisition of a line of credit - up to $1 million - that could be used in the event of a catastrophe such as a hurricane. Thousands of dollars were spent just to obtain this line of credit; the terms of which made it impossible to access. More money spent unnecessarily.
So, Grace and Mr. Rivera, the facts are quite clear. Responsibility for the depletion of the UCO reserve funds belongs to a select few. Namely, Mr. Israel and Mr. Black, and I would go so far as to suggest that the remaining elected officers who were charged with protecting the interests of ALL of the owners reneged on their responsibility. I am proud to say – I was NOT one of them.
Dorothy Tetro
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