Yesterday was great. After driving for over seven hours, the last group arrived and all the cousins were together, running around, shouting, having fun and it was great just looking and listening. Arguments were quickly pushed aside, hugs exchanged and on the play and the noise went on. Dinner was great; dessert even better and there was the great marshmallow shootout at the home corral. Wonder if that would work well in the DA - get rid of the tension and ill will in a fun way and eating a few would be a fringe benefit! Today so far has taught me that my grandchildren have learned the meaning of Black Friday and the importance of supporting the economy! Thinking of taking out a loan and the day has hardly begun! Oh well, payment in kind in the form of hugs and kisses and a few tickling sessions work well, very well indeed. This is the meaning of the day. Look around and cherish your family. Call them, Skype them, if you are far away. Listen to the grandchildren; listen to them as they talk of the events in their lives. They love their grandparents because they approve of everything they do. A perfect world. Too bad times like this do not last forever and real life intervenes with its too often times of nastiness and power struggles. If we had a bit more altruism and less selfishness and self enhancement we would be better off. I, for one, have always said that I am ready to work with one and all, if they have the interests of the residents at heart and are willing to go down the right path, never mind the past misdeeds. Apologies for threatening bodily harm work wonders, but the silence is deafening. So the question for the future is the following: will the delegates look toward the future, with fresh and clear thinking? Will the UCO administration make a turn to the right? Will an apology be forthcoming or will there have to be criminal charges - I hate that thought. Rapprochement is the way to go but I am not optimistic. Too bad after such a wonderful day and the rest of the weekend to follow.
".......was charged under a federal law that makes it a crime to use a form of interstate communication (like the Internet) to threaten to injure another person.......
A jury convicted ----------, and he spent more than three years in prison."
Gee, I wonder what I would do for humor if not for Gracie's inane and repetitive comments on a daily basis? I wonder what I would do to keep my ego in check if not for the comments from that nasty soul who delights in calling me anti - Semitic names, calls me a staggering drunk, a liar and thief, various expletives, etc., etc., and so on. I guess I should thank that moron for keeping me on the steady path of humility, huh? What I really should thank these idiots for is the impetus to keep up my research and find that yes, there is indeed a federal law against threatening people with physical harm via the Internet. Oh, yes, a FEDERAL law and they do not fool around. There is also a federal law against hate speech so now I have a dilemma. Do I go ahead with my legal possibilities and press charges on these fools who threatened to blow me up, to hang me and who use hate speech as if it were going out of style? Or do I give them yet another chance and see if they tone down their vitriol or maybe, could it be possible, even apologize? Nah! They will never do that any more than they will publically proclaim who they are, but never you mind - I have that covered too. So, do I take Option A and truly induce a real split in this Village, a split where people will be forced to confront their real inner truths and the truths of some of whom they have picked as their leaders and supporters or do I go with Option B and allow them the grace to shut the hell up at the very minimum. You see, the choice is really up to them. I have patience. I have time, G-d willing. Let them stew in their filth and uncertainty. You see, big mouths are usually cowards and do not like their inner personae to come out in public for like the picture of Dorian Gray, it is truly an ugly portrayal of their souls. Right now I will give them time. I will take the route of the song from My Fair Lady - "just you wait----------, just you wait....! Have a nice day, y'all. Enjoy your turkey tomorrow or perhaps it just might taste like crow. Whatever.
First I will make a disclaimer. My personal opinions on the decisions are just that and are probably misinformed as I did not sit through the hearings or read all the stories so any decision or opinion is just that - incomplete and not worthy of publication. I do believe with every fiber in my soul that our system of justice and fair play is perverted by media which publishes biased pieces, skips or creates "evidence" and then apologizes in a buried section somewhere that does not really matter nor change what people will say they read and "know" and the only people who really know the truth or truths are the victim(s), perpetrator(s) and the jury which will see all evidence allowed to be presented on both sides, hear the arguments and then deliberate. What I do strenuously protest here is just that - the protests. No, not the ones that are orderly, that are dignified, and that eventually make more of an impact than the noisy and disorderly ones, the rampant rioting and rampaging through the streets, the arson and the looting. What do these actions have to do with the case in point? I believe that people who could care less about justice are the ones doing the rioting. They are using it as an excuse to go wild, to do holiday shopping cheaply and on the down low and I believe that whatever the verdict, there would have been this group that would have rioted anyway, claiming the charge was too minor or some other reason. We cannot have justice that is governed by fear of violence in the streets or else there will be no justice for anyone, only power and the truth in reality of might makes right. Through the 60's and 70's it was the protest that spoke loudly but with calm, with dignity, with appropriate expressions of anger, that finally broke through. The riots of burning, of arson and riots gained nothing except for damage in one's own neighborhood and the loss of livelihood for members of one's own community. Again, the verdict here is not the point of this posting, only the violence that erupted - AND THAT WAS NOT SPONTANEOUS. This violence had been planned for, had been prepped for and we then had a self fulfilling prophecy. We must move away from this behavior and into more sane methods of protests and even perhaps learn to accept verdicts that do not go our way and then protest them through the system. Remember - Al Capone went to prison for taxes, not criminal activity - but to prison he went. There are many ways to gain one's wishes and all through the system and by changing the system, but not through violence.
So just came back from two wonderful days in Orlando with grandson #1 who flew in from California and picked up the Reporter on my way up. Bob, I generally enjoy your drawings very much, the talent and the wit, but this one was over the edge. Santa is bringing his bag of toys to CV and you put two things in that bag that have no place being there. The first one is the sheet scripted "By Laws". Well, Bob, that is not a gift to the Village but rather a gift to David Israel and henchmen for the By Laws, as they see them, are there to enhance and enlarge their power and control and limit even more the say that the residents have over their own lives. So, no, Bob, this is not a gift for the Village, but rather a damaging blow should they go through. The second lie is the Wi Fi symbol that you have snuck in there. Maybe David Israel likes that gift, but once again, it is not a gift that is desired unanimously by the residents and in fact, there are many who do not wish it at all to be installed. They either have their own or do not want Wi Fi and do not want to be obligated to pay a ridiculous amount of money for it. Another multi million dollar bill on top of the $5 million dollar plus bill that we paid - AND FOR NOTHING - as we will have to do the roads all over again - this is just beyond the realm of acceptability. So, my friend Bob, and I do call you that, this is a drawing in error. There are many other things good old Santa could bring to the Village - like proper UCO administrators, delegates who actually think for themselves, freedom of speech and assembly, a budget that is actually clear and does not shift from day to day, honesty and transparency and the list goes on. The latest is the attempt to push through the blended rate which was never voted on or for, just the stretching of the budget, not an increased payment. Another fast one over the delegates, huh?! There is something very unhealthy and unappetizing in the Village. So many of the residents are wonderful and caring people, friendly, interested in the goings on and yet we have a dead system of government, a lack of transparency, a lack of process and procedure, for that would lead to the downfall of David Israel and Ed Black, along with Broomhilda - two non elected people who have an enormous say in this Village. And yet, and yet, David Israel colludes and/or orders Eva Rachesky to do as he wants and wishes, people are shut out and shut up and some creepy people sit high on the hog. This cannot continue. Tell that to Santa and tell him to exchange his goodies for the ones we truly need.
There are people in this village who have a hard time understanding things. For example, because one might not wish to have Wi Fi in one's home, or wishes to have private Wi Fi the way it is right now, then these idiots spout how antiquated the thinking, how we are so not a Village for the poor and should we ban cars - Now that is not a bad idea sometimes! What in the world does one thing have to do with the other? The answer is - NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and that is the way it goes with them. What is coming along next is the topic of our Constitution - our Articles and then the Amendments - our bylaws. From what we can tell - and it is difficult as our NSA man and his Broomhilda, Marilyn Gorodetzer, are holding this tight to themselves - is that all will be done that can be done to strengthen UCO versus the Associations and in detail, more to strengthen the President of UCO. Why is this? UCO was founded to help the Associations and right now it has turned into a power source for certain people who need it for their self esteem, for their own aggrandizement, and they truly wish to turn this place into a dictatorship with the residents having no say at all in the Village. They have already co-opted WPRF and Eva Rachesky so why not the rest of us? What is more, they wish to have this voted on as an all or nothing. Take it or leave it. No line item veto of clauses and proposed changes. Really - remember, America, freedom of choice, of speech, of assembly? Just heard Trini Lopez singing If I Had a Hammer - you know, the hammer of justice? Would that the damn hammer that is always banging in the DA were connected to that instead of the opposite as it shuts down all opposition speakers. Look around and realize that the window of opportunity of speaking freely in this Village is quickly disappearing, and all the while the little brainless biddies are there booing away, booing away their own freedoms, booing so as to please their lord and master, David Israel and for what? I shudder at the pictures that come to mind! What else is here? Oh, yes. Let us go back to the Security contract. Remember that it was specifically asked several times if the pay of the guards would remain the same and the rumors of pay cuts were false. Over and over again they refused to answer with a yes or no and simply obfuscated and now we find out that pay is going from $13+ an hour to $9. People, we are the same people that stood at the barricades, that fought the government, that fought the Dem Convention in 1968, the same people that took over Dean's offices all over the country, that went Freedom Riding and here we are now afraid to stand up to these liars? We are the same people who worked for wages, who belonged to unions and here we are allowing someone to run right over us and lower salaries! How we have fallen. How we have forgotten our ideals. Horizon watching can be beautiful or frightening. It can bring thoughts to one's mind, creative and constructive thoughts or it can bring the filth to one's mind and the gall to spit it out in foul and libelous language, attacking on a personal basis rather than on a positional basis. People, choose carefully. Choose to run in the upcoming election. Choose to support those who want positive change, who want our situation to improve, who will watch over our money and our physical plant. People, watch that horizon.
Yesterday we saw a wonderful performance of Phantom of the Opera down at the Broward Center. While it certainly was not a Michael Crawford/Sarah Brightman performance, it was a lushly produced version with excellent sets, a receptive audience in a full house and some good acting, particularly the scenes with Chrisine Daae and the Phantom. The last scene, where he is begging Christine to stay, to love him, to save him and his sacrifice of himself as he lets Christine and the Comte flee, was heartbreaking. It is well worth the trip there though I must say, I blessed West Palm Beach and its not big city rush hours as we made our way to the highway thru NYC type traffic. Still, the music, the singing, the sets , the meaning - all worth the trip. But what makes it even more poignant is the message of the play. Sorry, as a former educator I always look for the lessons to be taught, the value to my students and I could not break the habit here. Many stories and shows have the question, raise the question, as to whom, exactly is the beast? What makes someone a "beast" and is there redemption for a beast? Does the physical ugliness make someone an outlier, a castoff of society and his skills, talents and needs ignored? Or is the beast us, those of us who are shallow enough to look and value only the surface, the outside behavior and neglect to evaluate the inner deeds and thoughts, the ugliness that many have in their souls, hearts and minds. Be it the "monster" that the Phantom is deemed to be or the Beast in Beauty and the Beast or the vilified scapegoat - who truly is the beast, the monster? Or can we even designate one to be fully one thing or the other and what do we do with that decision? Are there people so evil that nothing redemptive is possible? I believe so, but then again, I also cried for the Phantom and comprehended his grief, his hurt. Perhaps what we need to do is reteach, reevaluate, our standards of humanity and begin to do so from a very early age, and not just by word but by deed as well. I must say that I am not optimistic about this possibility but G-d help us if we do not get this straight for with all the problems on Earth that are facing us, if we do not cooperate, if we do not cut out the Beast, the Monster from within our souls, there will be disaster. And while I joke around about a Zombie Apocalypse ( love those Zombie series on TV), there are other apocalyptic disasters awaiting us , from surface coal mining and blasting down the mountains to water scarcity and pollution, to fracking carelessly and thoughtlessly, to environmental disasters, to pandemics, to hunger and starvation - and yes, right here in the good old USA - to diminishing resources, to criminal politicians, greedy industrialists, to rabble rousers who push riots as a means of protest, and the list goes on. We need to access our inner goodness, our caring, our love, laughter and friendship. There are so many good people out there, working hard, trying to hold back the floodwaters - why can we not help them, join them, and cut out the selfishness that is so evident in too many? The answers to these questions are to be found - within YOU. Look deep.
It is hard to go from the horrors of terrorism and butchery to the issues at hand here in CV, yet we must, for here is where we live and the issues must be addressed even as our hearts break. So what is going on here in the Village. Let's see. Today there is a bid committee meeting and I believe one of the issues is a bid for the Wi Fi system. Why we are discussing this when we have no money for this is beyond me. One does not make a purchase unless there is money for it and the only other way, on credit, ain't good either. So what is left - aha! simply raise the fees that the residents pay. And the issue is not even settled as more and more people are asking serious questions about the whole thing and why do it. Over and over again I am hearing people saying but we have "x" number of residents who do not want this; they do not even have computers nor do they want any. You see, people have the freedom to live their life they way they wish to and one cannot and should not shame them into thinking they are lacking if they are not engaged in the world of the computer. The company is not even capable of a job this size and the closest they have come to it is at Boca CV and that result is awful, with dead spots and loads of very unsatisfied residents. In addition, we have been stating all along that the world of computers and Wi Fi is changing rapidly, so rapidly that it pays for us to wait and see what is happening and where we should invest as a Village and in the meanwhile get our finances in order. We still have the shortfall and this business of "finding" hundreds of thousands of dollars and "giving" it to the residents and then "taking" it back is nonsense. First of all, if there is so much money lying around, then where the hell was it and why does it not go to reducing monthly fees. Why was there not a vote on this? Take a look at the sheets and sheets that have been handed out for the budget. What we get are comparisons of the 2014 budget to the 2015 budget. Really? What about the comparison to the REAL budget, what was actually spent. That is not there and everyone knows that a budget must be based in and on reality, not on a wish list of possibly, maybe, or what the hell, we will get the money from somewhere. Right, the suckers, the residents who never spoke up. So let them pay some more. And, of course, looming over it all is the big multi million dollar elephant in the room - where in the name of G-d are we to get all these millions necessary to wait for who knows how many years for a project that is faulty from the onset even as we MUST gather more millions to fix our walkways, swales and roadways which are crumbling under our feet even as we walk and drive on them. Take a look at the pebbles accumulating as the road material crumbles; take a look at the piles of sand as the material disintegrates; take a look at the cracks which are growing and growing and growing, just like Pinocchio's nose when he lied - just like our UCO people who lied! Now back to the Wi Fi and the technology and its pace of growth. Anyone ask or wonder just what ATT is doing at the four corners? They are installing FIOS or fiber optic cables that can be for Internet, cable and phone and FIOS works very well. I know people who have it up north and they love it. So why are we rushing into other deals, deals of which we have no details, no assurances and no good history other than the faulty history of those who are signing this, who are pushing this. Their track record sucks, major! Let us take our time, wait, watch, evaluate, and then take advantage of the newest and the best, of the ideas that will not take years to come into fruition, that will not need all this crazy infrastructure of towers and antennae all over the place. Remember - fools rush in. The smart wait, see, evaluate and then triumph.
This is an article written by a well known Atlantic magazine author. Read it and understand some of what is going on and understand the frustration we feel.
"One of the most shocking aspects of the murderous attack on a Jerusalem synagogue this morning by men with guns and axes is not the attack itself—we've seen, from time to time, this sort of sectarian barbarism take place in places like Jerusalem, and Hebron. The most shocking aspect is the wholesale endorsement of this slaughter by Hamas, a group that, during this summer's war in Gaza, half-succeeded in convincing the world that it wasn't what it actually is: a group with actual genocidal intentions.
According to witnesses, the two attackers entered the synagogue, in the Har Nof neighborhood, and began killing worshipers with pistols and axes. (Both assailants were killed by police, but not before they murdered four worshipers and injured at least six others, including two police officers.)
“To see Jews wearing tefillin [phylacteries] and wrapped in the tallit [prayer shawls] lying in pools of blood, I wondered if I was imagining scenes from the Holocaust,” said Yehuda Meshi Zahav, who leads an emergency-response team, according to The New York Times. "It was a massacre of Jews at prayer.”
This is how a Hamas spokesman reacted to the massacre of Jews at prayer: "The new operation is heroic and a natural reaction to Zionist criminality against our people and our holy places. We have the full right to revenge for the blood of our martyrs in all possible means."
Twenty years ago, shortly after the Jewish fanatic Baruch Goldstein massacred Muslims at prayer in Hebron, the then-prime minister of Israel, Yitzhak Rabin, said of the killer, "You are not part of the community of Israel. ... You are a foreign implant. You are an errant weed. Sensible Judaism spits you out."
Hamas's endorsement of the massacre of Jews at prayer in their holy city confirms—as if we needed confirming—that its goal is the eradication of Israel and its Jews. We should pray for the day when the leaders of Gaza react to this sort of massacre in the manner of Yitzhak Rabin.
The Palestinian Authority leader, the more moderate Mahmoud Abbas, has condemned the attack, but it is also fair to say that he helped create the atmosphere in which attacks like this one become more likely. As the Times reports, the attackers "were described as being motivated by what they saw as threats to the revered plateau [the Temple Mount] that contains Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock. Although Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel has repeatedly asserted that he will not alter the status quo at the site, where non-Muslims can visit but not openly pray, President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority has called on his people to protect the area and has warned of a 'holy war' if it is 'contaminated' by Jews."
The Temple Mount, of course, is the holiest place in Judaism. Abbas's belief that the presence of Jews "contaminates" the Mount speaks to his own smallness, and to his susceptibility to Muslim supremacist ideology. The status quo should absolutely be preserved, for the sake of peace, and those Israeli politicians currently calling for a change in the status quo should put away their gasoline cans. But the events of the past couple of weeks in Jerusalem suggest that a core issue of the conflict remains the unwillingness of many Palestinian Muslims to accept the idea that Jews have rights in their ancestral homeland. And in the case of Hamas and like-minded groups, that Jews have a right to live."
I am heartbroken over the terror attack in Jerusalem yesterday. I am heartbroken over the response or lack thereof from the world in general. I am heartbroken over the dancing in the streets, the celebrating with candy and cake, with songs that went on in Hamas sponsored activities in Gaza. Why is it okay to come after men praying in a synagogue, wrapped in their prayer shawls, talking with their G-d, and then hatchet them, butcher them with a meat cleaver and shoot them, all the while yelling Allah hu Akbar. Their god is great? He celebrates greatness via the murders of others by his adherents? Then this is not a god to worship, to follow - unless it is made clear by other Moslems that this is not the Allah that they follow. But can we ever achieve that? Are there any imams brave enough to speak up or are there only those who know how to incite murder and mayhem. Obama decided to finally react and what a tepid reaction that was. Not an emotional syllable, not an ounce of outrage; just his usual cold or at best lukewarm statements and then the typical equivocation of the Israelis and the Palestinians. Why is it that we cannot list all the terror attacks perpetrated on the Israelis and on Jews worldwide because there are so many and when enemies of Israel mention Jewish extremists they constantly refer back to Yigal Amir, Baruch Goldstein and now the mentally disturbed man and two kids who killed an Arab teenager in revenge for the slaying of our three boys. Yes, extremism is wrong, but please, if we are talking proportionality, then talk with fairness and reason. Most Israelis do not believe in murderous extremism but how long can one be pushed and murdered, terrorized, hacked to death, watch one's baby being crushed under a car, bury a daughter stabbed to death as she waited for a bus, buried a son stabbed to death on the streets of Tel Aviv or wounded in the streets of Jerusalem. Why is it impossible to accept that we are here to stay, Israel is the national home of the Jewish people, where they are welcomed. Where millions of refugees from the Holocaust who knelt and kissed the ground when they came off ships, and where Jews from Arab lands - REFUGEES - hounded and pogromed and slaughtered out of lands they had lived in for thousands of years were made welcome and absorbed into the country despite the lack of money, of peace. And why? Because that is what we do so I ask, why are the so called Arab "refugees", most of whom fled on their own or because of urgings by their religious leaders, why are these people and their children still considered refugees after 66 years? Why? Because their own brethren will not accept them, will not assimilate them for they need something to delude their citizens, to keep their minds from the real troubles in Arab lands. John Kerry, not one of my most favorite people, at least had the decency to speak with emotion, to condemn the act with repugnance and to state clearly that incitement has to end. Abbas's statement about the terror attack means nothing when he is the one who then goes on to excuse it due to "attacks" on Temple Mount. There are no attacks, only the gathering of firecrackers, Molotov cocktails and huge stones and rocks and stored in Al Aqsa mosque to be used to kill people as they stand below and pray at the Wall. So, with whom are we to make peace? With the people who call us occupiers as we walk the streets of Haifa, of Jerusalem, of the Shomron, of the Galilee, as we BUY property and go live there? With the people who say Arabs can buy anywhere but Jews are not and must only live in certain areas. Really? That was done before - in Europe, in Arab countries, in ghettoes and camps. NO MORE. NO MORE. Peace needs partners to make and keep the peace. A partner who does not forswear a terrorist partner is not a partner for peace. The existential threat of Iran still hangs over Israel and Obama is ready to sell Israel out and for NOTHING, as even his own party members are uncomfortable with his proposed plans. We believe in Tikkun Olam - the repairing of the world - and thus all the philanthropy of the Jewish people, their acceptance of all who have need - even to the hospitalizing of family members of the leaders of Hamas!, to the point of having a constant flow of wounded Syrians from their civil war into Israeli hospitals Dear Lord, I do not know what else can be done, how we make people hear and see the truth. Chosen? Chosen for what?
It seems that there are people here in the Village who cannot read nor hear right. Yesterday, a question was asked on David Israel's blog about dumpster diving. The first answer was ridiculous - encourage raccoons so that dumpster divers would be scared away. Brilliant! 'Nuff said about that stupidity. David Israel's supposed answer was to suggest that everyone get a shredder so as to protect against ID theft. That happens to be correct, but the dumpster diving here is for the metal that is discarded, which the divers pick up for resale. In all the time I have seen divers, I have seen them going for the metal, liking a piece of furniture that was discarded or worst of all, looking for discarded food. That one break my heart. But never have I seen anyone opening up bags of garbage, spreading them out to look for papers or throwing these bags into cars and trunks. So, as usual, not answered to the point. Quelle surprise! Now we go on to the rest of what is happening here in the Village. So, thousands of dollars spent and boasted about and our vaunted camera system at the gate BROKE DOWN and nobody noticed except for Clarence who seems to pay close attention to it. So - where are our watchers? Where is our Big Brother keeping us safe from ourselves? I dunno - and neither does anyone else, apparently. Then of course we come back to the finances of our Village. Never in all my life, in all my days of working with my own budget or a school's budget or an organization's budget have I ever seen such a mess. The numbers change so often that we would be wise to invest in Whiteout! Where and how and why these numbers keep changing is amazing. It is not a dollar or two but literally hundreds of thousands of dollars. Wish I could find cash like that, just lying around for the taking - or imagining! The Treasurer, Howie O'Brien must take steps to decide what is the truth and back it up. The budget is not an item made to mess around and conform to someone's desires and orders. It is made to fit to one's needs and funds and that is it!. And how about the Wi Fi funds. First David Israel says oh, yes, they must be transferred to the general reserve funds and then he says no - we have found money. Hallelujah! So we will keep the Wi Fi funds. The fact that more and more associations are opting out even has hit him as he stated at a committee meeting that the Wi Fi is not such a slam dunk anymore. Yes!!! People are beginning to understand exactly what is going on around here. Of course, in this whole garbage brouhaha, Petey Boy has to make one of his asinine comments and contends that Olga and I are the queens of garbage. Well, Petey Boy, you immature little fellow, the reason we appear to know so much about garbage is that we have become experts at discerning all the garbage that comes pouring out of UCO and your mouths. And I will restate what I have said ever so many times. I DO NOT CARE WHO IT IS AT THE HELM OF UCO, ONLY THAT THINGS ARE DONE RIGHT WITH THE NEEDS OF THE RESIDENTS AT HEART AND IN FIRST PLACE. Match that, little boy. Now for the good stuff that makes this place a great place to reside. Late yesterday I met with a group of lovely and warm people in a corner of the Village I have never been in before. A nice gentleman went to get his map of the Village and we perused it under a magnifying glass until we found what I was looking for and then he continued his walk and I went on to practice some rusty French! Quelle pleasure! These lovely residents contrasted so much more when compared to the nasty reception given to people who were here for the sad act of cleaning out a parent's and grandparent's apartment and needed a question answered. A UCO person - they were not given a name - snapped and barked and they finally did the smart thing, called us and we were able to help them. Imagine this multiplied by the hundreds with people who are thinking of buying here. No curb appeal in that either! Get with the program. People skills are a must and it is sad that so many who purport to work for UCO, for the residents, do not, and overshadow those wonderful people who do help and who are pleasant. Would that we could do a sorting out of the wheat from the chaff. We could have the paradise we all wish this to be if only there would be cooperation and not such a fear of losing and control on the part of some people. Would that it were so.
I read the papers religiously, hard copy and web sites. I read voraciously. And now I almost wish I did not do that as the news in recent months has been miserable and frightening. Certainly it is so to a person who is Jewish and to right thinking people who do not randomly desire the death of all people of certain ethnic and religious backgrounds. Time and time again one reads of the stabbing, shooting, beating of a Jewish person in Europe, in the same countries that so vigorously sent their Jewish citizens off to the ghettos, camps and killing fields and delightedly moved into their apartments, wore their clothes, used their silver religious articles and found life just wonderful. Now we have the incitement of anti Semitism once again. No, it never went away, only went underground for the most part as it was not deemed respectable. Now we have a growing wave, where countries are denying that the new anti Semitism is separate from anti Israel feeling, votes that recognize a Palestinian state that urges murder of Israelis, who call Jews "impure" and yes, that is their leader Abbas who said that and who urged his fellow Arabs to fight with all they had to keep these impure people off Temple Mount - the site of OUR Temple. And do not think that this country is immune to these feelings and statements. I have been cursed here by people from UCO, by supporters of David Israel who forgets his background, and have been called most recently, "a low class Jew". In August, a young couple of the Upper West Side of Manhattan was attacked and beaten , derided for being Jewish, because the young man dared to wear a kippah on his head. Swastikas are marked on synagogues, cars and schools and people have been beaten and attacked here in the good old USA. Jews in Israel have been stabbed, attacked, shot, kidnapped, run down by cars and this morning I awoke to the news of two or three crazy Arabs, Moslems, who broke into a synagogue during morning prayers. They had with them axes, knives, guns and murderous hearts.This was the neighborhood of Har Nof, smack in Israeli undisputed territory and yet these animals felt righteous in their murderous deeds. In our own country, the only Jewish state in the world as opposed to dozens of Arab and Moslem countries, the scenes of the pogroms of Europe and Arab countries, of Jews lying in pools of their own blood, wrapped in their prayer shawls and phylacteries, of children being attacked with just as much vigor as adults - these scenes are horrifying, petrifying, and should never have been allowed to have occurred. It is frightening to me when my children and older grandchildren discuss these events and ask what will happen in the future. Will there be another Holocaust? Will Israel be destroyed and the six million plus Jews there be once again decimated and slaughtered. Scary number that! I cannot give answers that they wish to hear for I, too, am frightened far beyond the point where I have ever been. We are all now haunted by the pictures of happy families and social groups, of school pictures and celebrations of life from the late 1920's and early 1930's. We are haunted because we KNOW that these same people were dead, horribly tortured and slaughtered so few years later. So where does this end? Yuval Dinitz, today, paraphrased the famous statement of Jacob, our patriarch. Dinitz stated, " The hands are the hands of terrorists, but the voice is the voice of Abu Mazen (Abbas)." Complacency has no place left in this world. Vigilance, attention to the world are needed and the world is needed to stand up to fight hate, to stand for justice, to fight against their baser prejudices and insure that we have a good world once more. The USA has the best ally one can have in Israel. Recognize that. State that proudly and openly, honestly. Stand up to fight hate and murder. It is awful when a young American is beheaded and the life of a young American woman is threatened - but it is just as awful when three boys are kidnapped and shot outright, when a mother has to become far stronger than anyone ought to have to be, when a man goes to the synagogue to pray and is talking with his G-d when he is struck down, when a child lies in a pool of blood. If it makes a difference, many of those killed and wounded by these terrorists are American citizens who happen to live or be visiting Israel. The news has just announced that the head of the English speaking Yeshiva in the building, 60 year old Rabbi Moshe Twersky, was killed. He is the grandson of Rabbi Yosef Dov Solovetchik, an important family in the rabbinical hierarchy of Judaism. And now Abbas says he condemns this murder? Too little too late and words lead to violence - the very words he has been spouting for lo these many, many, years and months and days. Leaders have responsibilities. If anyone out there has an answer - speak up, speak out. The clock is ticking and remember - "Ask not for whom the bell tolls - it tolls for thee." No one is immune to this type of hatred and insanity. Americans are the great Satan and now we have to thank the Moslems for discovering America! So says Erdogan, our erstwhile "moderate" ally from Turkey. When will we all wake up and see the truth? I hope soon; I really do. A sad postscript to this posting. When the names of the murdered terrorist victims were published, it turns out that we know one, grew up with his mother and my parents were friends with the grandparents. The world is a small place and an even smaller place for Jews. We all know each other with less than six degrees of separation and thus the mourning is harder for each loss. So I ask the world - have we achieved your so desired proportionality yet? Have enough of us died yet to your satisfaction?
So let's take stock of what is going on around here and where we stand at present. First, I must comment on a moronic posting left by Lanny Howe in response to a posting by Bob Rivera about dumpster diving. There is a definite issue here. I guess it is okay to take the metal stuff that is left on the outside of the dumpsters, but when fishing around inside goes on, then we have problems - the noise, the mess that is then left and the timing in general needs to be civilized. But then again, we also have a related issue of contractors leaving their mess in dumpsters all over the Village, sharing it oh so generously when they are really responsible for taking it away, out of the Village. Of course, the question then arises - how are these people getting into the Village. Perhaps with our vaunted cameras, maybe Ed Black can actually do something worthwhile and sit there and run an investigation into some odd panel and flat bed trucks that come in on a regular basis, especially late at night and are VISITORS not residents. Residents need to be cautioned about it as well and to be considerate of others as they try to go about making a living, for that is what these dumpster divers are doing. What is sadder and I wish we could help here, perhaps by discreet food pantry or requests by association presidents who know of those in need in their buildings - is the sight of mainly elderly people searching in the true garbage dumpsters, not for metal, but for remnants of food. I have seen it and it is sad, very sad. Back to Lanny and I hope that his response is supposed to be facetious though it is really not. He says to encourage raccoons! Yes, better to encourage animals that bite humans, that scare people, that carry rabies, that leave messes - oh, so much better than to have divers. Lanny, this is not even funny and no humor comes across here. This is one of the areas in which the UCO administration should be spending more time thinking about, trying to solve it. Think out of the box. Enlist the help of the residents, set up a food pantry, put a lock maybe on the dumpsters after a certain hour, but again, no one will address this issue because it is not deemed important enough. In fact, very few issues that affect the daily quality of life here for the residents is ever taken seriously and gone at with vigor. An example - we have a bus stop by us that has a very dangerous gap between the road and the bench. Most of our bus riders do not even try to sit down as one has to step into a narrow space down from the road, twist a foot sidewise and then try to sit without injury. We have spoken to numerous people and yet - there it sits and what is more, I reported this over two years ago when I had my first knee surgery and nearly undid it when I tried to sit on the bench after taking a walk. And yet, here it still remains. What is so difficult about pouring some street goop over there to fill in the gap? What is the holdup? Why are people who are trying to remedy the situation being stymied? Is it because it is near my association? Could they be that petty? The answer is up to you. Yesterday, as we walked around the perimeter we saw the mess on the swales - the uncut grass, the weeds, and what is even uglier, piles and piles of dead fronds and branches left uncollected and my poor little pathetic tree outside the Dover walls is still struggling to survive. To anyone coming to visit, to look to buy or rent, the curb appeal was definitely NOT there. At the Clubhouse yesterday, close to boarding time, there were some riders standing, waiting to board and quite a number were standing leaning heavily on their walkers and canes. Why can we not remove some of the bushes and hedges and put in some narrow benches which would provide for them an area to sit and wait. The bench by the smoking area is not a good idea, especially if someone is smoking and that is another topic - why put a smoking area in a spot where people wait - so we can give them secondary smoke issues? The two benches by the doors to the Clubhouse are too far away for most of the buses. Again, why cannot our illustrious President move his ass and get out of his office and away from his computer and go around the Village, actually talk with the residents - such a novel idea - and hear what they have to say. Treat it seriously and not as a campaign trip and maybe we can actually do something finally! See, little Gracie, I do not really care about who does what here as long as it gets done TO AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE RESIDENTS. The only one who is still running for election and maintenance of power is David Israel and crew. The rest of us just want a better Village.
Now that I have taken care of the garbage, it is time to address the real stuff that we need to discuss. When I wrote about the physical appearance of the Village, I was not accusing anyone, merely stating a fact or two about our appearance and why it cannot be remedied? Why can it not be moved forward in priority over less necessary projects or be of equal status with other projects? But this seems to be the problem here in the Village. As soon as one voices discontent or concern about something that is or is not happening here in CV it is taken as a personal attack on the current administration. This is truly pathetic, for there is something called constructive criticism that is obviously foreign to these people and this is a shame and one great reason why nothing ever gets done here in CV. It is the reason why questions never get answered, why contracts and bids are never fully explained or presented properly with adequate time to review not with full detail. For example, did anyone hear or know what the final cost of this security contract is? Did anyone get an explanation as to why easements from associations would be needed if the cameras will be posted as posited in the wording of the contract? Will these same cameras be part of Operation Big Brother? Will these cameras, that we are paying for to the tune of $38,800 then be kept by the next security company in the next contract or will we have to pay again for something "better"? and by the way, who is responsible for the maintenance of these cameras during the length of the contract? This is an example of what goes on here in the Village. We get bits and pieces, too little too late, are miscounted in voting by partisan counters in a very vague and imprecise manner, our "chair" at the DA speaks in a partisan manner from the dais when he should be coming down to speak as a resident of the Village, Robert's Rules are ignored except when it benefits the "chair" and the list can go on and on. We will never get answers unless we are allowed to openly ask questions and demand answers, without being shut down, dismissed, yelled at, insulted, etc. One man cannot be allowed to run rampant over all of us here in the Village. All one has to do is read the papers, listen to the news and the realization that all dictators, all liars are found out, be it the NSA, CIA, Big Banks, GM, or whatever and whomever has been outed in lies over recent days and months. The truth will out - and it will do the same here. The truth always comes to the fore. Keep that in mind and remember - choose your options and sides carefully.
So sorry that you obviously had such a miserable life that you do not realize that adding an "ie, or y" at the end of a name is a sign of affection or concern. I really am concerned about you, as it is obvious that you suffer badly from delusions and feel the same paranoia that your lord and master, David Israel, feels, since you both imagine that you are insulting us when you call the two opposition blogs, "malcontents". Obviously it takes your thick skull much time to absorb the fact that we are proud to carry that name, proud to carry on the traditions that make America what it is today, proud to fight for our rights here in the Village, proud to be malcontent with the tinpot dictator we now have along with his pathetic little minions. I am also proud that you and David Israel felt that it was so important to attack me on his blog, yes HIS blog, for that is what it is and no matter how many times you state and restate your lies about the contract, it does not make it so, does not make it the truth. As stated ad infinitum, only the second part of the contract was voted on with the first part being a unilateral act of David Israel and buddy, Ed Black, and the second part was given with lies, omissions, and misstatements to the delegates with no words of warning, etc. Sorry you suffer so badly from these delusions. You must be hanging around the wrong crowd too much! You really must have felt overwhelmed with the truth since you felt it necessary to get Petey Boy in on the deal as well. It is truly funny when you say there is no truth and then you repeat the statement. Why be so upset if there is no truth. THE TRUTH IS, ALMOST EVERY WORD THAT YOU GUYS WRITE OR SAY IS A LIE. You cannot even see what is there to be seen - more and more people are waking up, refusing to be threatened or intimidated, refuse to be overwhelmed with lies and as soon as we can get rid of the deadwood, we will get this place back, or rather forward, to where it should be, where it deserves to be. Oh, by the way, thank you for calling me Estie as it brings warm memories of my parents who called me that as a name of love . So hey, do you love me, Gracie? We can go for that hot chocolate and talk over childhoods. I had a great one and a great life. Oh, and if you need help in gender identification, just ring and I will be there to help. Do you know the difference between a man and a troll? Signing off for now, Gracie, m'dear. Have a good night and good day tomorrow and who knows, perhaps you will wake up and smell the coffee or hot chocolate or whatever floats your boat and come into the light, leave the dark side. Miracles can happen. I truly believe that.
You gotta' feel sorry for this woman. Every time she opens her mouth she follows the directions that state, "Open mouth, insert foot." I don't really know or understand why she persists in this self harmful manner, but she really bought it this time on Gary's blog. The technique of repeating a lie so often that people begin to believe it is the truth, has backfired. No one can stomach her claim that David Israel told the delegates that they if they approve the paving the way it was presented, there would be cracks, but what the hey! what is five million amongst friends???? She claims that there was this special meeting for the delegates where they were presented with "facts", then voted for cracked paving and a waste of money and therefore it is all their fault. This is like the clip on an early Sesame Street episode dealing with telling the truth where a little boy spilled his milk and then tells his mother in a vividly portrayed lie that an elephant had come in thru the window and knocked it over. That was funny. You, Gracie, your little old biddies that you hang with, and all others that persist in following David Israel down this road to perdition - you are not funny, not in the least. Sad - yes; pathetic - yes; dangerous to CV - yes, emphatically so. First, David Israel, aided and abetted by Ed Black, signed for the first phase, approximately $2 million dollars worth of contract. Ed Black was Treasurer when the first contract was signed so he was FULLY aware and involved in that whole mess. Then there were shenanigans with the money, Ed Black signed for and moved $80,000 without delegate permission, without approval or knowledge of the Treasurer, then a ridiculous waste of time and money negotiation was held during which these same two liars cost the village thousands to finance a line of credit which we did not need at all and then conned the delegates into approving the second phase of this horrific paving job, this travesty of a contract, signed on a blank page, one page at that, no liability clause, no lawyer, no protection for the Village, worse than crappy job with which we are living, and a reserve shortfall for the money that was illegally moved and then spent on this idiocy - oh, but I forgot the $700,000 that was suddenly "found" now (Uh huh!) and no appreciable money saved up now for the redo of this travesty much sooner than later. THIS, Gracie, is why there is a growing opposition to the administration of David Israel, to his henchmen Ed Black and Marilyn Gorodetzer, to the wasteful and profligate spending that goes on, to the wrong priorities, to the lies, to the nastiness. In Fiddler, the rabbi is asked if there is a blessing for the Tsar and the rabbi replies, "May the Lord bless and keep the Tsar - far away from us!" How true in this case as well. May this administration be kept - FAR AWAY FROM US, FROM THE VILLAGE and let us get on with what we have to fix, with installing process and procedure, with proper management of funds, with responsibility towards our residents and not to oneself, with proper priorities, with no more Big Brother, and on and on and on. Get the picture, Gracie. People have lost patience with you and your crowd, or rather, mob. I generally tend to ignore your stupidities and nasty comments that you send. I laugh and move on, but enough is enough for a lot of people. "mene, mene tekel oopharsin." So says the Bible and so say we who live in and love the Village. Your days, the days of this administration are numbered. An accounting is at hand.
Here are just a few questions about the appearance of the Village as one takes a walk around. First, I would like to commend some of the associations who have some wonderfully different landscaping, a mix of colors and a well kempt look. I would like to remind other associations that while everyone keeps chatting about resale value, part of it is curb appeal and some associations have dead and/or skimpy bushes, dry dusty and bare areas and it just is not appetizing to the eye. Second, we come to the responsibility of UCO and WPRF as we talk about the swales, the grassy areas that abut the perimeter roads and the winter appearance of the lakes and waterways. Take a walk along the Dover area and look at the grassy areas beside the road and on the road side of the Dover wall. It looks scruffy, weedy, matted in places and there is a niche where some pathetic little tree is struggling to survive with bare branches along with a very few flowers. This tree needs help. These conditions of scruffy swale areas persist throughout the entire Village. Take a walk around and check on it for yourselves. It seems that most of the concern for landscaping appears to be at the two entry gates and four corner areas and they are doing quite well, but people also ride and walk around within the Village and attention needs to be paid there. As far as the waterways go - what will happen to the edges, the shorelines as the water recedes in both size and depth and more of the drowned greenery and flora will be exposed. Already there are very ugly areas of floating mats of whatever was there before. In one area the mat was so thick that it supported a ball! There are tall dead and brown reeds that should go. We are not the Everglades and while we must be careful of the geo tubes, etc. we can look better and must look to do better and to remind the maintenance companies that as the lakes get smaller, the areas that need to be trimmed better will be growing. It is a pleasure these days to be able to walk around with a welcoming sun and clear and refreshing air, but let us keep the physical plant as attractive as possible as well. And along those lines are the perimeter walkways, particularly along the Dover area where they are as bad as they were before the so called paving job and I have seen too many people walking along and then suddenly tripping and holding on to companions to avoid falling. I have done it myself as the walkway is so unevenly raised and broken in some areas. We do not lift our legs as high as we used to and our eyes are not as good as they used to be so why leave these pitfalls in place for so long? Is it not time that we fix this before someone actually does irreparable harm to himself/herself? I know we hear all sorts of woes about contractors backing out but enough is enough. I cannot believe that in all of our area and the larger area composed of more of south Florida that there are no reliable and trustworthy contractors for this. Threatening a company to do their job is not a solution either as they will not exactly be in a great and giving mood when they do their work so we must find a contractor who is honest, capable and willing to do the work and has references that we check out carefully as well. Enough time has gone by on this issue.
Yesterday was another day which explains why we love it here. Thoughts about our veterans and wonder when war will cease, several errands here and there, a walk in the beautiful day, a good movie, which for some reason was not really released to the big screens here, and then a thoroughly enjoyable performance of Cinderella at the Kravis. Snowpiercer was one of the genre of apocalyptic movies that are a bit more frightening these days, what with the louder and louder clarion calls and warnings about global warming. This movie is ironic because mankind is surviving on a train in bitter inhumane cold. It is a warning to all of us to watch, be careful, do what we can to avoid all this, and be careful of the motivations of others and of the hidden truths all around you, especially the truths about people. Worth taking out of the library. Then we come to Cinderella. First there was a lovely staircase performance by their afterschool young singers program and the kids performed beautifully. Kudos to their music teachers and vocal coaches for the groups. The play itself was not great Broadway theater but it was wonderful as the packed house, some kids but a surprisingly mainly adult audience, suspended belief in the real world and threw themselves into their childhood and cheered and clapped with the appearance of the Fairy Godmother, the magical transformations of pumpkin to coach, of rags to stunning white ball gown and laughed at the very funny punchlines that were well delivered and gave us laughs as well as food for thought. Cinderella was wondering how the Prince could be a leader when, as she exclaimed, "...but he has a heart, a mind and a soul!" Think about our politicians today, within and without the Village, locally, statewide and nationally, and I think we have to agree with Cinderella! Out of the mouths of innocents, yes? Cinderella was urged by her Fairy Godmother to dream of the impossible and make it part of her life, make it come true as it became possible, but without Cinderella truly buying into this, nothing would happen. Lesson learned. We get nothing in this world without putting in an effort and while at times it appears to be impossible, while at times we are tempted to give in to despair, we must not. We must keep on dreaming - and working - towards making the seemingly impossible dream into a possible reality, no matter how hard the road. As I have said recently - the words speak for themselves. The play included questions of social justice, of allowing all to vote, of opening up government to all in a fairer and more just society. Hmmmm, words again speak loudly and echo in our minds. We thoroughly enjoyed this performance and laughed and clapped along with the rest of the truly wonderfully receptive audience and if you can manage to find the time and the tickets - go and enjoy. And think.
If there are traits common to good leaders, then it follows that there are traits common to bad leaders. Read this posting and my good leader posting along with Dorothy's post about the threat to the Four Freedoms here in the Village, tack on Gary's hard hitting posts and then tell me how one could escape the logical conclusion: we have a bad leader, we have a faulty administration, and we have allowed it to happen and continue and to strengthen as well. If one allows a bully to get away with bullying, then something must be done, steps must be taken. But for now, read the essence of a bad leader. A bad leader is one who does not take the concerns of the constituents to heart. A bad leader is one who rules by threats, intimidation and goon squad techniques. A bad leader is one who maintains a separation from the constituents, allowing appointed and/or otherwise designated people to do so. A bad leader is one who has no sense of process and procedure. A bad leader is one who has no idea on prioritizing needs and balancing financial reality with those needs. A bad leader is one who puts his/her preferred pet projects at the head of the line to the detriment of others. A bad leader is one who is careless, sometimes even criminally or negligently so, with the funds of the constituents. A bad leader is one who does not use consensus in administering. A bad leader is one who attempts to shut down any opposition by any and all means. A bad leader is one who condones, even encourages, statements of hate and prejudice and NEVER condemns it. A bad leader is one who does not run official gatherings by Robert's Rules, picking and choosing for an advantage. A bad leader is one who shuts any opposing voices out of the administration. A bad leader is one, who as all dictators and fascists do, controls all media and arena outlets for others. A bad leader is one who threatens to use armed force to "maintain" order. A bad leader is one who lies, is caught in lies, and yet continues to do so. A bad leader is one who governs in secret, appointing henchmen to do the leader's bidding and even allowing these people to gain the power that rightfully belongs to others. A bad leader is one who is in position mainly to keep "power" rather than to SERVE. A bad leader allows others with bad ideas to influence actions and priorities. A bad leader is one who refuses to open the administration to transparency, honesty, better ideas, honest accounting. A bad leader will not allow reform of voting and election procedures, especially so in order to remain in office.
Folks, once again, the words speak for themselves. No names need be mentioned for these are universal traits and apply wherever they fit.
When a bad leader tries to maintain that he/she is a good leader, that leader is like the ugly stepsisters of Cinderella, trying to cram their feet into a shoe which does not fit. The leader must be shod in the shoe that fits the leader's foot and the adage, "if the shoe fits, wear it" goes right along, right here. And now just a PS for the idiots who keep posting drivel and filth. Trying to change your words and your sign in names does not change anything. I know you are not a foreign immigrant and your IP and Hosting services are right there. So, please, for all concerned, including yourselves, go take a bath, rinse your mouths out and get a life, a good life, an honest life - TRY IT, YOU MIGHT LIKE THE CONTRAST AND ACTUALLY STAY IN IT.
THE FOUR FREEDOMS On January 6, 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, in his State of the Union address assured ALL citizens that there were four freedoms guaranteed to all. Two of them are guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution in the first amendment. The four freedoms are: Freedom of Speech Freedom of Worship Freedom from Want Freedom from Fear
Those of us who are old enough to remember the Saturday Evening Post may remember the four Norman Rockwell paintings that adorned its’ magazine covers in February and March of 1943. SO - - - Why is it that here in the 21st century in Century Village, West Palm Beach, Florida we are not able to enjoy what has been guaranteed to us by the Constitution of the United States? Freedom of Speech – was denied to more than one individual at the Delegate Assembly meeting this past Friday. Examples are – one person who was not even given the opportunity to speak at all; another who was interrupted mid-sentence and threatened with expulsion. Is this the atmosphere in which you wish to live? Are you not at all uncomfortable knowing that your words, your thoughts, your ideas cannot be heard at either an open meeting of the community or in its’ newspaper? I know for sure that I am more than uncomfortable. Freedom from Fear – why should any individual who lives in this community tell another, I wanted to get up but I was afraid. I didn’t want to be ridiculed or disrespected or booed or told to sit down. I didn’t want to be threatened with expulsion. Is this the atmosphere in which you wish to live? And then here in the United States of America there is another freedom that is part of our society. It’s called Freedom of Assembly. And that my friends and neighbors is another Freedom that has been denied to some individuals in Century Village. And why is that so? Why should a resident of this community not be permitted to hold a meeting at the Clubhouse? Why should a resident of this community have to hold meetings at the Library or at a house of worship when we have facilities available to us in our very own Clubhouse? A Clubhouse for which we pay every single cent of the expenses including salaries and benefits for all of the employees and let us not forget the fact that we pay RENT in addition to the expenses.
If you feel as I do it is important that you make yourself heard. Write letters to the UCO Reporter, make telephone calls to the UCO office 683-9189, attend Committee meetings at the UCO office just outside the Okeechobee Blvd. gate, and perhaps most important of all, ATTEND THE DELEGATE ASSEMBLY MEETINGS and speak to and vote on the issues that are presented. Dorothy Tetro
A leader is a role model, one who takes his/her followers to a good place, one who emulates all that is right and makes mistakes, but always tries to do better and is not afraid of working with all others. Words speak for themselves. We all know the adage, "the pen is mightier than the sword" so I will let the words speak for themselves, for the most part. Read and think. Here are some of the traits of a good leader:
1. The leader is a person of truth, never afraid to meet it head on. 2. The leader is a person of honor, knowing no other way to behave. 3. The leader is a person who welcomes input and insight into the administration. 4. The leader is a person of transparency, with the administration and actions open to the public all the time. 5. The leader is a person who welcomes variety of viewpoints and thoughts, inviting all into the administration. 6. The leader is a person who mingles with the constituents, partaking of their daily life and regimen. 7. the leader is a person of versatility, able to conduct discourse in many areas, rather than just one. 8. A leader is one who administers properly, with skill, with tact, with humanity. 9. A leader is a person who follows the rules in gatherings rather than one who uses presumed power to intimidate, to threaten, and to shut others down. 10. A leader is a person who cares for the constituents, who knows their problems and who works to solve them, giving these issues priority. 11. A leader is a person who does not develop manias, mad focuses on meaningless or faulty projects with little chance of success. 12. A leader is a person who truly understands the needs of the constituents and works towards meeting these needs rather than meeting his/her own needs and desires. 13. A leader is a person of great financial stability, thrift, care, and honesty in working with the funds of the constituents. 14. A leader is a person who believes in fair play, who does not try to shut down the opposition by force, but rather by doing the right thing, acting the right way, being a proper leader. 15. A leader is a person who governs by consensus. 16. A leader is a person who leads by example. 17. A leader is a person who admits errors and works to fix them. 18. A leader is a person who is involved, who has an open door policy and who fully partakes of the amenities and in the lives of the constituents. The words speak for themselves. If you read these words and cannot see the truth in front of you, I recommend you to Psalms and read carefully where it talks about those who willfully do not use their eyes, ears, and other gifts that G-d has given us, who will not see the truth in front of them, all around them. If you are one of those, I feel sorry for you and for the unhappy state of your life.
It is an impossible task, to delineate just what is going on in CV. It is almost unbelievable as a matter of fact. But first let me state something important that must be understood. When I write or speak, I do so for myself and my thoughts about what would be best for the Village. I do not speak for anyone nor does anyone speak for me. We might agree or disagree at times and that is okay and as it should be. It is when an opposition force to the ideas and thoughts that are being verbalized tries to shut all those independent thinkers down that the trouble is clear and make no bones about it, my friends, that is exactly what is going on here and is now the most important issue at hand. David Israel is incompetent at administration. He has no clue as to what to do or how to go about it. That is clear in the errors he has made and the structure he has set up, a crony oligarchy, a government of loyal suckups. It is obvious when one watches him at a delegate assembly where he frantically tries to control speakers. He calls the delegates a Board of Directors. Fine. There is no point in arguing terminology but if that is the case, then ALL of us, all the owner residents, ARE THE STOCKHOLDERS AND IN THAT CASE ARE ENTITLED TO ATTEND, TO SPEAK, TO VOICE ANY OPINIONS WE WISH, TO BRING UP WHATEVER ISSUES WE WISH THAT ARE RELEVANT TO THE VILLAGE AND FREE TO DO SO WITHOUT BEING SHUT DOWN. In their very own words and deeds, the David Israel party has made it clear that they wish to follow the trend in the world outside and set up a crony oligarchy, where the only ones allowed into the administration are those who swear allegiance to the lord and master, in this case, David Israel. It is quite telling that the two speakers for his oligarchy at the assembly were TWO NON ELECTED PEOPLE WHO NOW SEEM TO BE HIS TWO MAIN DEPUTIES IF NOT ACTUALLY THE PUPPET MASTERS PULLING HIS INCOMPETENT STRINGS. Gorodetzer stood up numerous times to speak, sometimes from the mic and sometimes simply standing up at her seat, sticking her finger in the air, as if that gave her permission to speak, and then would shout in her dulcet tones whatever she wanted, mainly words to the effect of shutting debate down. The questions were getting too close, too difficult to answer, too pressing. While she was allowed to speak freely at whatever length she wished, voice whatever she wanted to, as many times as she wished to - all others were ILLEGALLY shut down, contrary to Roberts's Rules and any sense of decency and decorum. I do not care what the reasons were - whether they were afraid or David Israel had to pee! They were wrong, monstrously so! While I do not condone violence nearing fisticuffs, it was not Ed who started it. He is a passionate man who wishes well for the Village, is a great president of his association and wishes to share his knowledge and opinions as he is entitled to. He was shouted at quite rudely from a man who sat across the aisle from me and then Ed lost his temper, which has been known to happen. When that brouhaha was settled, David Israel then disallowed any other speakers, shutting down Jerry Karpf, denying Jean Dowling in as rude a manner as I have ever seen and did not listen to a word that others got up to say to protest against this treatment. When Jerry raised his hand in a particularly hateful salute, I understand the anger and feeling behind it, what with David Israel and his group actually behaving like stormtroopers, but the gesture is and always will be repugnant and has no place in our Village. Yet the main issue is the denial of the rights of the stockholders, us, a growing movement here. David says shut up, Gorodetzer says she has no time to read the 7000 emails from residents here when she is rewriting our Constitution, the Articles of Incorporation, designating David Israel's personal residence as the official address of the Village, creating by laws that will totally shut down all but David Israel and crooked company for who knows how long, David Israel, violating Robert's Rules by engaging in shouted conversation and speeches from his position as chair, shuts it down, Gorodetzer shouts her nasty business and two people are expelled and the situation remains unchanged - we are being denied our rights. Now, in what David Israel states is a great idea, he posts that idiot commentary by Elaine Brown who has a "great" idea or so he states. Basically, it states that no one should talk unless what you are gong to say has been vetted by UCO. Really? Is that where we are? We now have to clear our very thoughts and words with UCO?!!! Big Brother indeed. What will be next? Mics and cameras in our homes? Thought reform? Reeducation training at some forsaken and abandoned association? That idiot states that we should use the huge database on line at UCO. Really? It is all in the cloud, with all hard copies gone, all our history and GUESS WHO CONTROLS THE CLOUD, EVEN GOING SO FAR AS TO DENY ACCESS TO OTHER OFFICERS WHO HAVE DISPLEASED HIM. What and who does he think he is - another Stalin in disguise? Don't bring your ideas to the assembly. In other words, just shut up and take it. Well, while I was not feeling well and quite frankly was in despair on Friday at what happened and where we appear to be headed, if not already there, I am not throwing in the towel. There is hope for our future if we all work together and vote this man and his crew out of office, if we stand up to him and quite frankly, we all should have walked out on the assembly and denied him a quorum. Perhaps we need to do that next time he pulls another tantrum and violation of our rights. I believe that this closing piece will say it all. It was sent to me by a friend in the Village. Read it and think about it. And do not forget the Messenger Club meeting where information pertinent to us here at the Village will be addressed. Clubhouse, today, party room, 3 PM Listen up! Speak up! Stand up! Read, enjoy, laugh, and think. A turkey was chatting with a bull. "I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree," sighed the turkey, "but I haven't got the energy." "Well, why don't you nibble on some of my droppings?" replied the bull. They're packed with nutrients." The turkey pecked at a lump of dung, and found it actually gave him enough strength to reach the lowest branch of the tree. The next day, after eating some more dung, he reached the second branch. Finally after a fourth night, the turkey was proudly perched at the top of the tree. He was promptly spotted by a farmer, who shot him out of the tree. Moral of the story: Bull shit might get you to the top, but it won't keep you there.
Yesterday was a good day. At the end of the day there was a wonderful feeling that only comes from knowing that the day's work was fine and dandy and well worth the time. It began with a great session of the Century Village Book Club - Read It. Chat About It. A wonderful and stimulating discussion took place which began with The German Suitcase and then ranged into more universal and global interpretations. The book for December is The Far Side of the Sky by Daniel Kalla and we are all looking forward to another far ranging and energetic discussion. Everyone left with a great feeling and you are invited to come join us - read, think, talk. And then go for a swim or whatever you wish with a feeling of accomplishment. The rest of the day was filled with friends and phone calls, books, etc. all just sweet things to do on a lovely day. The piece de resistance was the evening activity - a fund raising concert by FIDF - Friends of the Israel Defense Force which last year raised $90 million dollars and 100% of that went to the soldiers, buying them extra food, treats, vests, underwear, clothing, college education, visits home, help to the families of economically deprived soldiers, special vacation sites to relax and be kids again - which is what they are - special aid to families of fallen soldiers, trips for the siblings of these soldiers, and the list goes on. The auditorium was packed and went wild as four lovely young ladies from the IDF came out and sang up a storm. They sang of hope for peace, of loss and love, of their homeland, of their trust in G-d, of the knowledge that this is the home of the Jewish people and for always it will remain so. By the end of the program people were jamming the stage and when the girls came down to the floor to dance with the audience there was joy and singing resounding throughout the auditorium. Throughout the program the audience sang along, cried, and clapped along with these lovely young ladies. It was the perfect answer to the anti Semitic ass who has lately been ramping up his hate filled emails. We are here and here we will remain, be it the USA or Israel or England or France or wherever we choose to make our home. Your hate filed rhetoric will follow all those that came before you and all I wish for you is to follow them and share the same fate they have all had - defeat, loss, powerlessness and death and a reputation of shame that will last forever. Yesterday was a good day. Wish all of them were this way.
Folks, you cannot make this up. They do it all on their own simply because they cannot help themselves. So let's examine what was said and done and the implications of it. Enjoy! If you recall, it was David Israel who, for the third time a year or so ago, finally, through manipulation and delegate attendance and count, overthrew the term limits clause that had been operative in CV from the beginning. This then allowed him to run again, for a third time and for him to enjoy his plans for he now thought it would all be his for the taking. President, or rather, Dictator, for life. Yet suddenly - on Tuesday - at his planned to be limited meeting which discussed by laws, DAVID ISRAEL STATED THAT HE BELIEVED THAT ALL OFFICERS OF UCO SHOULD HAVE TERM LIMITS!!!!!! YES, YOUR EYES SAW CORRECTLY. There is something seriously wrong with this man's mental faculties. Either that, or he is such a liar that he cannot help himself and says whatever he thinks befits the moment. First he fights to overturn term limits and now he states the opposite? The man is a liar, plain and simple and his words and statements cannot be counted on for anything. Another example of this trend to lie by him is the statement made that we need to transfer the Wi Fi funds over to the general reserve funds and then only a short time ago, fought against this and was scared that the motion made at the last DA to initiate the transfer almost made it thru - and perhaps even did if the counting had been done in a more professional and impartial manner. Now he refuses to go along with his own statements. It just keeps on coming. Then, of course, we have Ed Black and his secret negotiations for the security contract wherein he openly states that all information was privileged - yes, even from the officers- and this from a man who is not even an elected official of UCO. and why, you might ask, was this information kept from them? And I quote - "so that an Olga Wolkenstein person (or lady" - audio was low at that point) would not say things. Really? That is the excuse? That is why all the officers did not get the info? That is why David Israel took it upon himself to censor the emails with the lawyers about this contract? And who is the lawyer? Who is Shelly? Why do we not know all these details and never mind privilege. IT IS OUR MONEY THAT IS PAYING FOR THIS. OUR MONEY THAT IS PAYING $38,800 FOR THE CAMERAS THAT THIS CONTRACT WILL HAVE INSTALLED ALL AROUND THE VILLAGE. Yes, we are paying for our own Big Brother eyes all around us. Makes me shudder at the intrusion into our lives. Now this contract is going to be presented at the DA on Friday, tomorrow and a vote on it will be put forth. It might even be a relatively good contract, but why the rush and why the lack of information and why can we not get the information on a fact sheet and be given a month to study it, to ask questions, to propose ideas. Who knows what the RFP for this looked like and that whole area of RFPs is a troubled area with UCO finally admitting that it needs a new template for them as the present RFPs that go out are awful. Well, Hallelujah! We have been saying that for years already. Now for more drivel. Just a little factoid here. Ron Rosoff is going to be the one to stand up there and propose something about the Wi Fi. Be careful. This is a man with a filthy mouth, the same man, who at a Wi Fi meeting last year told me in open and loud volume that I "am a piece of shit!" Yup, again, your eyes saw correctly. This, is what is going to ask the DA for something. This deserves actually to be given a soaping for potty mouth! Oh, and while we are on the topic of Wi Fi, be aware that these cameras in some areas will require associations to allow an easement for antennae to be installed so that Wi Fi is there for these cameras as this is what David Israel wants as the fiber laying would prove costly. The association will pay for the electric usage.Uh huh, another backdoor way for Wi Fi installation. Watch carefully and refuse to allow an easement. Keep Big Brother away from us. Before you know it, we will have people in the Village AS WELL AS PEOPLE IN MIAMI WATCHING US ALL DAY, EVERY DAY - NO PRIVACY, BIG BROTHER, ENGLAND WITH THEIR HUGE CCTV SYSTEM. The point here is not whether the contract is good or bad. It might be a very good one, but the point is that I have no way of knowing that as I have no information about it and will not have any because that is the way things go here. The point is that there is still no process or procedure other than faulty and defective ones and that is what must change here along with other things if we are to have the UCO we need and deserve. Finally, we have that anti Semitic ass responding to my question as to why we are allowing all these underage people to move into the Village? Why have we allowed one man to accumulate dozens of apartments, so many that he actually uses one as a motel to house the people he brings in from other countries for shopping trips! Why has UCO not done anything to help the last remaining resident there who is fighting this travesty and who now has cameras aimed at her, her unit, violating her privacy, her security, her attempts to live here in peace in CV? So his answer to my question as to why UCO does not try to do more - and yup, you guessed right - IT IS THE FAULT OF THE JEWS. THEY ARE LETTING ALL THESE PEOPLE IN. And he then specified certain people and organizations to flesh out his accusations. Why not go further - Jews control the media, the banks, the traffic signals, are capitalists and communists, have big noses, want your children and on and on - how much filth are you going to drag up, you ass. Why not come out and say who you are, but let me give you all a hint. This person belongs to a specialized cloud hosting service and who do we know who would cherish such service and belong? I have my suspicions and the IP address and will ask my detective to do a little research, so keep on, my filthy friend, just keep on. Why must this be the case here? Why can we not behave as adults and look how to improve our Village, how to install proper process and procedure, proper pathways of information, eliminate the control of one or two people. Why - because we are not allowed to. At the next election(s) vote carefully and demand of those who run that they state their views on this, on the wrong things that have been happening and on the right way to go about running our Village. Press them hard. Press them for the truth.