Friday, February 28, 2025


Before I write today's blog I would like to tell you, my readers, that the comments section seems to have been somehow unblocked, and it is now possible to send comments. I am not sure if there is any kind of restriction, nor do I really know how to answer these comments but know that all of those successfully posted have been read.  I thank you. Please keep trying, as I will, to make this entire process function properly. 

 The concept of today's title is responsibility. It is accepting the ensuing consequences of one's decisions, of what one supports. All that follows from those decisions cannot be shrugged off, certainly neither disregarded nor disavowed.      Unfortunately, that is a growing trend these days as this nation is undergoing an existential challenge to its very core. 

Much of this shirking of denial is found in Trump's tents. In those of Musk and his MuskRats, in those who bought into the whole mess, who now deny it all. Who claim ignorance and shock at "how far it has gone". Who say they never expected these results as they twist the notice of firing, of termination of governmental employment, round and round in their sweaty hands. Fired by the very people, the very man who would be King of America, complete with requisite coinage, statues, palaces and regal powers. An obscene ambition of entitlement and fulfillment of his crazed and tainted infinitely destructive goals totally encased within his deep adherence to the fascism and authoritarian bent of his twisted soul. 

Now these abandoned supporters try to backtrack. But they cannot. The immense human pain within this nation now is upon their shoulders. Even unto death, as the policy of denial of the efficacy of vaccines is now in place, a recommended policy with research funds and planning cut dead at the pass, perhaps not even getting to that pass. The result: the death of a child in the benighted state of Texas, run by Abbott, a staunch supporter of Trump et al. He bought it all, the outbreak and harm of bodies and minds, of endangerment to the health and survival of both children and adults. One child dead and more could follow quickly upon the heels of the first.  Back again and thank you RFK Jr. for all that you have enabled. Proud, are you?

Well, folks who voted for that not so funny gang of clowns, of fascist and authoritarian adherents, all of you so eager to enthrone the would be King of America, well YOU OWN IT. You enabled it, cheered it and now, again - YOU. OWN. IT. Up to your neck in it. The resultant horror, the grief of a lost child, of a death which needn't have been, the awful knowledge that more are likely, knowing you played a part in it - you did it, you own it. There are not enough words to deflect the truth.  

Now we must all peer into the future. What is before us?? Standing before us in deep ranks are the arrayed forces of enforcers, followers, intimidators of Trump and his Royal House. Deep ranks of the ignorant, the confused. The greedy. The morally challenged. The fearful and the deluded. Well, certainly the color rose is glaring in its absence. RFK Jr. and his dangerous homicidal policies stand there in full regalia as a general in this nasty new army. 

Federal employees are few and far between, for they have been fired, their ranks decimated by the. very man for whom they voted, who promised the sky as he gave them filth instead.  We have one nation in trouble now, needful of our energies and aid, to live, red state or blue. The sword of hunger and despair has struck us all. And so, we all went down. The social safety net was shredded. and the elections of 2026 so far away. Retaliatory tariffs. Ever escalating prices. New bitter lives of poverty and illness, of drabness and desperation, of hunger, darkness, disease, all subsidies slashed beyond recognition, crops rotting in the field, their sale blocked by retaliatory tariffs. Sufficient food out of sight. out of reach. New items as well.  

Yes, folks, you, me, they, them, we all did it, we all own it, and we all had better step up to the plate, stand before and behind and beside those of the few remaining, those with backbone and heart, who have dredged up the necessary courage and found judges enough who refuse to bow down to the twisted laws and intents of the Trumpian World.  Then, only then, can we reunite as a nation and cease the turmoil within and without, for in trashing our own country, we have trashed world order. 

Our supposed leaders have become comic figures, the butt of comments demeaning and disrespectful, deservedly so. However, that will not stop them on their nefarious pathway to do away with America, her truth and her dreams, her hopes of and for the world. It is upon us to repair our reputation, our standing as a nation, as a leader of the world. 

We must reassume our proper role. Make this nation once again what she is meant to be, properly, within the law, assign blame where blame is due   and carry out justice. Can we aspire to that goal? Safely, nonviolently, legally? I certainly hope so as the alternatives are simply blinding even in contemplation. We must work quickly for to wait till 2026 could be too late, with the Trumpian authoritarian forces too much in control.

No standing aside here. No room or tolerance for that. Choose a side - democracy or fascism and dictatorship. A world of possibilities or a gray world of no hope.  

What have we done? What have we enabled? What are we leaving to our children for their world? We own the choice and the results. Will we step up and realign the nation and the world. Despite the hard work it will entail, the courage it will demand, the determination which must remain strong and intact? Can we?    

We have allowed it. We own it. It is an ugly picture before us. It is up to us to repaint. The necessity, the urgency is already here. Yesterday. Today and certainly 

On the morrow.  





Thursday, February 27, 2025


  The title is a word deriving from the Twi language of Ghana. It is a concept which behooves the world to seek to understand and apply to the world we live in, to hold true to its concept and purpose and adapt and adopt. We live in times so confusing that we often appear to be taking steps both forward and back in that same step. Only with a full-on application and understanding of the purpose of Sankofa, its version in one's own culture, will we    be able to take step after step and make our way out of the fetid swamp now growing apace and all the ugliness and infection it spreads throughout the world. 

Only thus can we begin a long and arduous journey as we look backwards into the past and understand who we were, what we thought, what we did, and then know how to move forward, enable a better future. It will be based on a careful sifting of the past, discarding the evil, the negative and useless, and keeping that which is positive and productive. Based on the positive inheritance, learning the lessons of the past, we can craft an improved present and a hopeful future. 

" ...  it means “to go back and get.” The phrase embodies the concept that for humans to better understand what’s happening now and what is possible in the future, they need to go back and comprehend what happened before."

Unfortunately, we seem to glean from the past that which should have been left behind to rot in the fields. Lessons of rust and corrosion in morality, in actions and concepts developed. Humanity too often chose the path leading directly back to the fetid swamp of the errors of the past. We choose, too often, to reimpose and rejuvenate that which should have long ago been declared out of date, off limits, totally deterimental to the betterment of humanity. 

We misused the concept of Sankofa, much to our disgrace and imperilment. We have chosen wrongly, egregiously so. Now, here we are. We reimpose terror and remove nourishment of the soul. We push aside all that would enable a better world, a better life for all. Instead, we turn to the past to pick and choose from all that is misguided and many times pure evil. In doing so we engender a lesser present and an abysmal future. 

Why we have so opted is a mystery about which many tomes have been written. Perhaps because so many of us are weak and we seek the easy way out, the lower path with fewer rocks to climb and a lesser elevation. Is it because you think it will make you more feared, wealthier, whatever motivations impel us? Perhaps it's because it is more difficult to do the right thing, to be kind and more understanding, more tolerant. To be kinder appears to be a dying art. Why? I leave that to wiser heads. What I do know, what I do see, is the reality of our present world and the challenges we face, many of which we have self-created. Too many of us have gone over to the Dark Side, employed the same ominous deep tones of a Darth Vader, placed masks upon our faces and hearts and denied our humanity. 

Kindness is an endangered species as acts of kindness grow ever rarer and further apart. Why? Again, I know not why but merely record what I see, what I think what I feel. We are not the better for it and nor are others. We have grown less tolerant of differing opinions, often denying their voice. Only that speech which reeks of hate and rot and incitement to violence should be banned. Unfortunately. with the growing crazed voices demanding censorship of all other than their thoughts, with raucous ugly voices of hate spewing forth, almost continuously, we are at a bad point, very much so. Certainly, we are not the better for it and nor are others. 

Trump attempts to hinder and block all criticism of his grand ambitions. He employs President Musk and the MuskRats to do his bidding even as they stray off the path of Trump and try to ennoble themselves. They violate laws, denigrate the Constitution, insult the sacrifices of citizens, the very ethos that is America.  

Again, from the overflowing barrels of hate from the past we are rounding up humans. Again, treating them worse than animals. Behaving as beasts of the field, as the ogres of fairy tales. Unfortunately, this is reality, not make-believe. This is of the past and unfortunately, the present. The future - not looking good. So, we round up people. Children. We arrest them as dangerous criminals, daring to believe in the words etched upon the Lady of the Harbor. And so, we confine them in ugly places. The children as well. The elderly as well. Ailing men and pregnant women. It matters not. 

  What is next? Shall we hang children of 10 for daring to steal a loaf of bread? Shall we find a colony upon whose shores we will dump these terrible criminals. Or shall we revert to kidnapping children from the parents as we did to Native Americans, shredding family life and tribal structure? Shall we shout out and praise the registry now created in order to gather the names of all these terrible criminals - names, addresses, private information, making it ever so much easier, so   orderly. as we round them up at some time in the near future. Emulating well the blueprint of Hitler in his campaign of murder and extermination against Jews, Roma, any and all who displeased him? Another Final Solution?

 How far are we from that point?  Have we not learned our lesson yet? Right here in America, between slavery, mistreatment of Native Americans and their children, kidnapping their children, the KKK and the more 'modern' White Power extremists, the Left extremists overflowing with hate for Jews round the world, for daring to continue to exist against all odds? 


What have we learned from our past and how can we improve upon it? Avoid the pitfalls, fill in the potholes and make kindness and tolerance the guiding Rule of the day. Remember, we are people, first and foremost. Differences of opinions do not make enemies. It does not make the other person evil. If only we would look, we would see we have more points of convergence rather than divergence. We need to be able to disassemble and find these various points and behave as human beings with and to each other. We must end this conflation of one piece of an opinion with all else of another and opt for friendship rather than enmity. It is not required to walk in lockstep with another before extending a hand in friendship, in aid, or gift with a   smile, help cross a street, carry a package, help a mother with young ones or a father trying to corral his rather rowdy children. Discuss rather than shout. It is possible and certainly preferable and more conducive to better living. Nor does it preclude you from dislike of policy or behavior of a figure of public life. Hell, go for it! It is your right as a human, as an American.

 Do not persist in the use of words of hate, of violence. Hear the sane voices. Let them explain. Who knows, perhaps you might change or modify your own opinion.  Remember, there is good in bad and bad in good. Other than in the beasts of Hamas who bash skulls of children and choke them to death.   t 


Employ it in the best way possible.

Discover the truth of yourself, where you were and where you need to be.

And do not wait to do so

On the morrow.          

Wednesday, February 26, 2025


A friend sent me this amazing essay. I bow my head in awe and honor to the awesome and brave man who wrote it. His words and emotional pictures generated are far superior to mine. Thus, today, I present his words to you. Take them as if they were mine, for, in fact, in truth, they say it all for me, only infinitely better, far more powerful in their conveyance of thoughts and emotions and determination. Thank you, brave man. Be strong and determined and blessed and successful in your battle to ensure the permanence of our once great democracy, as we battle the forces of evil, whose intents are to destroy our nation and all it evokes and stands for, who oppose their nefarious wide ranging destructive plans who aim for the end of it all, for their  trashing  of our democracy and all that we, as a nation, have achieved and plan to go even further along the roads of decency and truth, of humanity and honor and all  we have achieved and hope to achieve in the present and future. We must stand this existential fight for that is our task, our burden, our honor and the battle for all decent people, all who value compassion, truth, responsibility and duty to humanity, for the betterment of all. 

For a time when the awful taint of bias and dishonor, the horror of fascism and dictatorship, or oppression and persecution will forever be stilled, no longer in play. Never again - for all.  To allow and encourage dreams and their fulfillment, for giant steps for all. and for the dignity every human deserves   and must practice.  

Kol Hakovod!

 Elon Musk attacked democracy defender and superstar court lawyer Marc Elias as “undermining civilization,” taunting him by asking if he suffered “generational trauma.”

Elias’s response was brilliant and worth amplifying:

Mr. Musk,

You recently criticized me and another prominent lawyer fighting for the rule of law and democracy in the United States. I am used to being attacked for my work, particularly on the platform you own and dominate.

I used to be a regular on Twitter, where I amassed over 900,000 followers — all organic except for the right-wing bots who seemed to grow in number. Like many others, I stopped regularly posting on the site because, under your stewardship, it became a hellscape of hate and misinformation.

I also used to buy your cars — first a Model X and then a Model S — back when you spoke optimistically about solving the climate crisis. My family no longer owns any of your cars and never will.

But this is not the reason I am writing. You don’t know me. You have no idea whether I have suffered trauma and if I have, how it has manifested. And it’s none of your business.

However, I will address your last point about generational trauma. I am Jewish, though many on your site simply call me “a jew.” Honestly, it’s often worse than that, but I’m sure you get the point. There was a time when Twitter would remove antisemitic posts, but under your leadership, tolerating the world’s oldest hatred now seems to be a permissible part of your “free speech” agenda.

Like many Jewish families, mine came to America because of trauma. They were fleeing persecution in the Pale of Settlement — the only area in the Russian Empire where Jews were legally allowed to reside. Even there, life was difficult — often traumatic. My family, like others, lived in a shtetl and was poor. Worse, pogroms were common — violent riots in which Jews were beaten, killed and expelled from their villages.

By the time my family fled, life in the Pale had become all but impossible for Jews. Tsar Nicholas II’s government spread anti-Jewish propaganda that encouraged Russians to attack and steal from Jews in their communities. My great-grandfather was fortunate to leave when he did. Those who stayed faced even worse circumstances when Hitler’s army later invaded.

That is the generational trauma I carry. The trauma of being treated as “other” by countrymen you once thought were your friends. The trauma of being scapegoated by authoritarian leaders. The trauma of fleeing while millions of others were systematically murdered. The trauma of watching powerful men treat it all as a joke — or worse.
As an immigrant yourself, you can no doubt sympathize with what it means to leave behind your country, extended family, friends and neighbors to come to the United States. Of course, you probably had more than 86 rubles in your pocket. You probably didn’t ride for nine days in the bottom of a ship or have your surname changed by immigration officials. Here is the ship manifest showing that my family did. Aron, age three, was my grandfather.

[see image in comments]

As new immigrants, life wasn’t easy. My family lived in cramped housing without hot water. They worked menial jobs — the kind immigrants still perform today.

Some may look down on those immigrants — the ones without fancy degrees — but my family was proud to work and grateful that the United States took them in. They found support within their Jewish community and a political home in the Democratic Party.

I became a lawyer to give back to the country that gave my family a chance. I specialize in representing Democratic campaigns because I believe in the party. I litigate voting rights cases because the right to vote is the bedrock of our democracy. I speak out about free and fair elections because they are under threat.

Now let me address the real crux of your post.

You are very rich and very powerful. You have thrown in with Donald Trump. Whether it is because you think you can control him or because you share his authoritarian vision, I do not know. I do not care.

Together, you and he are dismantling our government, undermining the rule of law and harming the most vulnerable in our society. I am just a lawyer. I do not have your wealth or your platform. I do not control the vast power of the federal government, nor do I have millions of adherents at my disposal to harass and intimidate my opponents. I may even carry generational trauma.

But you need to know this about me. I am the great-grandson of a man who led his family out of the shtetl to a strange land in search of a better life. I am the grandson of the three-year-old boy on that journey. As you know, my English name is Marc, but my Hebrew name is Elhanan (אֶלְחָנָן) — after the great warrior in David’s army who slew a powerful giant.

I will use every tool at my disposal to protect this country from Trump. I will litigate to defend voting rights until there are no cases left to bring. I will speak out against authoritarianism until my last breath.

I will not back down. I will not bow or scrape. I will never obey.


Marc Elias

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


The title is a statement made in answer to a question asked of a Border employee, one of the several thousand sent to contain, divert, arrest and. imprison, men, women and children, the supposed  'great hordes of the unwashed uncivilized criminal types determined to take over the nation, to steal  your home, your job your food from your table, and crush your children beneath their broken shoes.       Well, they are not there, hence, that whole lotta' nothin'! is actually something - the billions of dollars being wasted even as Musk and as Muskrats continue to use a cleaver on the government and its employees. 

But never mind the truth. That is just a waste of time. In fact, it is contrary to the nefarious goals, plots and plans of Trump and Trumpians, ever goaded on by the twisted mind of Musk and the activities of his MuskRats. All situated on a very wobbly platform which now is the target of those who are newly enlightened and understand that the beneficiaries of these perverted orders are the high percentage mates of pursed mouth Trump, his annoying children, the power-hungry crazed Musk determined to protect their privileged entitled status. To flit between multiple homes while the rest of us struggle to keep that roof over our heads and leak free. While our children wear last year's coats, too small and they spend thousands upon one outfit. While we feed ourselves pasta and they dine in fancy restaurants.   

No, it is not that great horde (invisible for the most part currently) wishing to impose further restrictions upon your lifestyle and that of your family. It is those who see only power and wealth heaped just ahead of them. Who salivate and need to dive headfirst into that pile and crush anyone and anything standing in their way. Legality. Bah humbug. Compassion. What's that? To keep the nation intact as a democracy? Not important. And on they gallop "bayonets fixed", for they are indeed "charging again". Just ask Steve Bannon. 

Unfortunately, as perhaps nothing is happening at the border, a whole lot of something is happening within the rest of the United States and in the rest of the world. Trump, his acolytes, the classmates of devils in training, Musk and the puppet strings by which he controls Trump in his self-assumed position as unelected president of the USA, have overturned a world order slowly learning the value of cooperation and its maintenance. Together they stood to defeat the malevolent ambitions of Putin, now the BFF of Trump.  Yes, often they erred but corrected themselves.   

Unfortunately, our nation under Trump, as he fed his desires to indeed hear the shout: "Long live the King! spread evil seeds of dissension. These seeds grew strong deep destructive chaos inducing roots   into the heart of multiple nations and shaded the plans of ambitious flying monkeys, ever so eager to cull favor from Trump and Musk. Or succumbed to his fear inducing manner and words. Trump, his flying monkeys, along with the terrified who bought into it Are all ever so busy now. Once again enmeshing the world in a process, repeating history from which we never learn, other than to compete in stupidity and cupidity. Thus, we are in the process once again, employing tariff wars, trade wars in attempts of domination rather than cooperation, which inevitably leads to war. Ever bloodier, ever more destructive, and ever more useless. Yet we never learn, do we?        

We all allowed this to take place. To loom frighteningly in our future. A near future at that. Most probably in conjunction with an authoritarian government built upon the ruins of a once wonderful democracy. Those who did not look ahead, who did not see the consequences, were blindsided indeed, inevitably enabling the current situation and what is to follow. Did they not see nor wish to see the consequences awaiting prime opportunities? Or did they think they had a protective immunity to any unfortunate consequences? 

They were wrong, quite wrong. And we who saw through did not fight hard enough. Long enough. Effectively enough. Ot believed that clear vision would triumph. It did not. And here we all are, arguing amongst ourselves rather than uniting quickly into a cohesive unit willing and able to take back our country. To correct their posture, to stop kneeling and to stand tall. To use the courts and combat illegalities. To refuse to cooperate with that and those who are our enemies. To take back our nation and avoid any more days like J-6. To reform our corrupted weakened judiciary. To turn aside corrupted cowardly legislators and find those who are true patriots. Who wish to see our nation back. No, not back, but better and striving to be even more. 

Now we have this - massive teardown of our structure. Illegal firings and confusion. Invasion of privacy. Vets targeted in these mass firings as many are federal employees. Yep, this is America today.  

And aren't we proud!

All of these, top to bottom, are being attacked and diminished.  

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration:

 Federal Emergency Management Agency: 

  Internal Revenue Service:       Federal Aviation Administration

   TSA:                         Office of Personnel Management:  

     Office of Community Planning and Development

       Department of Defense

       Health agencies:          Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

 Department of Energy

Department of Education:      General Services Administration 

Department of Veterans Affairs

U.S. Forest Service         National Nuclear Safety Administration

Small Business Administration

Fired officials, including inspector generals

Units within the larger unit

 Incompetent, ignorant, morally twisted. cabinet members.

Interference with every aspect of life.

This nation and its people are in trouble. Today. Time is short. We cannot wait for.

On the morrow.



Monday, February 24, 2025


In my blog postings I have written openly, clearly, firmly, and declared my opinions and thoughts out in the open. No hedging. No softening of words upon the election of a man who poses a clear and present danger to the continuation of this nation as it is and as it is supposed to be. No pussyfooting around or softening of the words as many opinion writers did perhaps in a futile attempt to soften the blow of the truth of the occurrences, but it cannot work. The truth must always be told, even more important to do so in national politics, international policies and their implementation. 

In fact, perhaps my words have become even stronger as I stare deeply into the cataclysmic multiple changes wrought upon this nation by this out of control dangerously demented man and his coterie of approval, wealth and power-seeking crew. All attempts via clear unclouded vision to see into the future - immediate, short, or long term merely increases the concern. Even should Trump lose his office by any of the legal possibilities, what follows? 

Vance and his approval of direct political descendants of Naziism - in Dachau yet? As Christian theology twisted out of context dominates? Or do Musk and his MuskRats shred the flimsy see through curtain and practice their chicanery and nefarious goals in the open? Where do we go at that point? Where will we stand as a nation, as a people? Or will we discard standing for kneeling at the feet of a dictator who rules through fear and punishment, via a society shattered, with informing on others the chief way in which to guarantee safety and promotion. Then what?

Then what? 

 Yes, presently Trump is supportive of Israel, though his latest statement is yet another of his nebulous Teflon seeking comments for he states he will be content to “sit or stand back. and wait". His words - not mine. Yes, at present he has allowed the flow of arms and ammunition into Israel so desperately in need of such. But then again, we all know the Trump who turns his back swiftly, on a dime, and calls upon the wheels of that bus already slick with the remains of those who came before. Those who fell victim to those wheels as they displeased this self-declared King. Only this time taking Israel as his chosen victim. And then perhaps the rest of us? Choose your prediction.

Possible. Probable. Inevitable.

Then what?    

Read the following and upon completion perhaps review your choice. It boils down to this. Will we remain and even improve upon our reputation and contributions to mankind, or will we kneel in failure? Will we become a blip, a paragraph or two in a chapter on once great and now failed nations, joining the ranks of Rome and Greece and Babylonia and the Assyrians and the Hans and the Nazis or will we earn a chapter, or several chapters? Will we withstand and conquer the perils awaiting us? Will we remember with every molecule of our existence that we are Americans first, last and always. Not Democratic or Republican or Independent or Green or any such title which drives the sword of disunity ever deeper into the heart of our nation. Be open to viewpoints even if from the mouths of so-called opponents, for as the Lubavitcher Rebbe Yosef Yitzchok told the Bolsheviks, "There is a bit of bad in the good and a bit of the good in the bad."  Take the good - always and remember to heed the warning of Lincoln. That a nation divided cannot stand for very long. 

We are that nation. Only this time, we are divided into more than two, for we have divided into multiples of clashing competitive sects. If we succumb to this trend, well, then the perennial question. 

Then what?

-5, -7, -13 ...the new polls re Trump's supporters        - Descending as we speak. As people realize and feel the deleterious and harmful effects upon their lives via his crazed, massive number of Executive Orders. Lesson learned: be careful what you vote for. If there is a next time. 

 'Slipping into the clutches of an authoritarian': Trump's potential defiance of Supreme Court could lead to a full-blown constitutional crisis."

Repetitions of massive numbers of faithful, hardworking employees of the Federal Government being fired illegally, senselessly, placing our nation in grave danger. Imminent danger. Causing great discord within Departments. Glorifying incompetence. Generating fear and despair.   

The illegal intrusion of demented children drilling into every aspect of an American's life as they garner unimaginable amounts of private information affecting each and every one of us. MuskRats at work.  Trump, the puppet, dancing to the perverted illegal power-hungry Musk, his puppet master. 

"Really hunting us down" says an immigrant in Boston, as the Government chases down immigrants well enmeshed in the national economy, contributing to the Social Security, filling out needs.  Kidnapping people off the streets. Separating parents from children. A heedless, uncaring, cruel government. What separates them - us - from those who chased down runaway slaves. Or those who hunted down Jews to kill. Or those who killed Huguenots in France. Or the Ku Klux Klan who burned crosses. Or any group that hunted another.      

Who are we in allowing this and even partaking in it? 

A world stood still in the face of the horror emerging from those dank, dark airless tunnels of Hamas. In the battered bruised bodies of 'feared brave warriors' of 9 months and of 4 years as their captors, their kidnappers, their murderers manually strangulated them. And did the same to the mother. Was she forced to watch?  Not unthinkable for these are beasts devoid of every touch of humanity. Devils released to wreak their harm and horror. And the world, stood still.   

“I think they know exactly what they’re doing and they know exactly what’s going to happen, ”I believe that this administration, in less than 30 days is in the midst of a massive collapse and particularly a collapse in public opinion,”

New York University historian Ruth Ben-Ghiat, who is an expert on authoritarian movements and leaders, tells the Times that Trump's willingness to repeat falsehoods constantly without any regard for their veracity makes him "one of the most skilled propagandists in history."

Hunter College historian Benjamin Carter Hett, meanwhile, told Baker that there was a direct link between Trump's campaign of lies and the sort of propaganda that Nazis used to gain power nearly 100 years ago.

"Exactly the same kind of thing happened in the very diverse and lively German press of the 1920s and 1930s,"

'A whole lot of people are going to be really hurt by what is happening, what is coming our way. And even if they are of different persuasion, we need to call upon our empathy and listen with our hearts and welcome them into our tent. Because we are going to need a big tent to resist successfully what is coming at us.”

So -  who are we and then what? What do we do when we must make a choice, when we know ourselves and the truth about us.  

What then? When? Will it be too late 

On the morrow.

Sunday, February 23, 2025


     This letter will not follow in the footsteps of the letter of Elvis Presley. It will not be stamped: Return to sender; Address unknown; No such person; No such zone. There is, in fact a known Being, a known location, and rather than a plaintive note from an aggrieved boyfriend, this is a letter soaked in tears. Red with blood. Alive with the agonized cries of pain, of confusion, of desperate need of relief. Replete with a montage never ending of the violated and butchered, the innocents who faced monstruous beasts, the grieving faces of those left behind to mourn the unfathomable.

Dear Lord,  

This letter demands an answer, though, in fact, will any answer be forthcoming and even if so, will it be sufficient for our purpose, for our desperate needs?  How dare I demand anything of You, a mere blip on your radar, if even that? Because we are desperate, tested beyond limits unfathomable and unable to  survive and remain intact and whole of heart and soul. We must have an answer. 

We must have a response. We cannot wait much longer. There is a limit to the ability of humans to withstand horror.  There is a limit beyond which it is impossible to maintain sanity and hope and even faith, that someday, one day, soon, quicker than soon, there will be an answer. Responsive. So we hope, so we pray, so we plead. That there is a limit. That there is a line beyond which none can safely navigate. Unless we have an answer that makes sense.   

Answer, Lord. Answer indeed. With inspiration. With paths leading to a renewed hope. With an explanation that approaches human understanding. That will alleviate some of the unbearable pain we are carrying so deeply, within our broken hearts and souls. Answer, Lord, answer. Remind us. Assure us that you are indeed here with us, feeling our pain and striding alongside us as we navigate horrors beyond comprehension. As we face unfathomable Evil in the form of Beasts beyond description. 

Answer, Lord, answer. Now. For we are at the end of our capability to continue this way, our suffering overflowing its vessel.  Your creations are in need, deep and immediate need, a need which only You can meet. Rescue us from ourselves, if that is the case. Be the Lord you tell us You are, as we read in the Torah portion on Saturday. "Ki chanun Ani" - "For I am compassionate." Please show us that compassion. Please. 

How are we to understand, to comprehend even in limited manner, the intolerable? How are we to react, to survive, understand and accept that 80 years after the almost successful attempt to wipe us out we are facing the very same existential danger. How, Lord? You tell me just how are we to walk through vicious never-ending hailstorms of hate and murder and evil beyond comprehension? What are we supposed to do when we are told that two of our babies and their mother, the same one whom You gifted with these two boys, were brutally manually strangled. 

It is intolerable. It is a picture which our minds reject. We shake our heads violently to lose it. To shatter it. And yet, there it remains, whole, intact dripping with danger and challenging an ability to retain sanity. The tears of our people, not only of the Bibas family, not only of the nation round the world, are combined with the tears of those from time immemorial. Of never-ending cycles of apparent safety culminating in spasms of blood and murder and cries to the Heavens.

 Their cries wake the dead, those who have come before us in a straight line, from Abraham Avinu to the aggrieved cries from the enslaved in Egypt to the painful cries of those burnt in the Tower of York. In the human bonfires of Spain and Portugal, the slaughtered during the Crusades, the victims of pogroms and the savagery of the Nazis. From the victims of terror and from those brave soldiers who lost their lives. And from the confused cries of those once waiting to be born, waiting in vain as the parents to be slain. Of the victims of the Amalek of every generation. 

Swamps of overflowing toxic waters of hate, of murderous intents, never ending.  Toxic antisemitism. Lord, how much more can Your people absorb yet remain hopeful? Numerous times You promised to heed the voices of the slaughtered calling out to you from the blood soaked grounds upon which they fell. Keep those promises, Lord. Avenge the innocent slain. Extend a hand of hope and help, of inspiration and trust. We so desperately need it.

 And today, Lord, not force us to wait for 

On the morrow.

Your ever obedient, despairing servant.

You know who I am.

Friday, February 21, 2025


  You couldn't help yourself, could you? Like a child with a secret to hold, unable to resist its temptation, seeking importance, despite the ugly truth it revealed, there you went again. At some point in time your carelessness in revealing the truthful goals of your crazed policies and MuskRat activities, will finally coalesce in some minds and your fan ever dispersing falsehoods and damaging policies will truly be challenged. It will attempt to remain standing in the face of the huge onslaught of long denied truths, but, as usual, no matter how long delayed, the truth will inevitably out. 

The ugly blister on this nation's soul will burst and out will spill all the nasty ugliness within. Your capitalized words bearing witness to your oft denied ambition will lead the way. No eyes will be able to turn aside. Hopefully this nation will understand and know what they must do. Then we will turn the dial to the right point and MAGA will be true, as we thrust aside this bizarre era, this national aberration, and indeed, Make America     Great Again.  Properly. Humanely. Adhering to the ethos of this nation, to its proper role and responsibilities in the world, so long trashed, denied and set aside. We will find and revitalize our denied "Americanness" and be true to the precepts and motivations of this nation.

It is too long a time that the public has turned blind eyes and unhearing ears to the truth. Once again, we muted the shrieking alarms, the tolling of bells, and in less than a century we have allowed ourselves as group and as individual selves to be caught up in sociopolitical trends of the times, with much intentional and collateral damage, both literal and figurative, both domestic and international. It is now up to us to spread the truth, open eyes and ears and souls and peacefully and promptly deny the ambitions of a man so diametrically opposed to what America is, what it represents, what it means for the world and for the future of humanity.     

Here is the clear and present danger you and yours are to this nation. In loud strident voice and false denial, you rammed the bulwarks of our nation. You and Elon and the MuskRats and all the sniveling, fearful cowards who fell in line, who sold their souls to you, the Devil's representatives on this earth, conspired to break this nation over your knees. To deny all that America is and meant to be.

Here is what is on your plate, the ugly detritus of a horrid meal - the heart of this nation.  

Destruction of a federal workforce which has enabled this nation to function since its founding.

Enabled the return of destructive policies: nepotism, the spoils system, the rewarding of influence and the termination of Merit. 

Bribery reinstated as a viable tool of the corrupt and those who corrupt others. 

The politicization of departments of this government and the destruction of a three branch form of government which served us well and kept those with unholy ambitions at bay, limited in their reach. 

The vile criminal use of this nation as we deny or openly boast of conflict of interest to improve the wallets and estates of those meant to serve this nation and the people within.

Shredding Abraham Lincoln's vision of a country running under the principle of by the people, for the people, of the people. Challenging the achievements of FDR and spitting upon the honor of George Washington as he refused the crown.  

Single handedly contributed to a huge rise in unemployment and the dashing of hopes of economic improvement for literally millions of households of this nation. 

Employed brutal, inhumane, immoral tactics to enforce hateful immigration rules and keep a broken system in place, to use politically, rather than to apply all efforts to improve it and make it work, always honoring the promise of the Lady of the Harbor. The promise that drew so many here - including ourselves.  

Threatened the social safety net of this nation: Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, food aid, health care, safeguards for workers, for blue collar, for white collar and for any collar in between. 

Turned back the clock on climate change awareness and the desperate race we must win against our own self destruction of the planet upon which we live. 

Spurned any avenue of success down which we walked so proudly, always remembering to seek improvement, to make it better for us, a primary nation and leader of the world. Now canceled. 

Encouraged and used the ugly, poisonous thorns of hate and openly encouraging rebellion against this nation, attempting to overthrow its government.

Shamed this nation before the eyes of the world as you appease Putin, endorse his lies, pull away from our allies and responsibilities to this world.

 Failed to acknowledge within your rather limited mind and intellect, your inability to know that the "great blue beautiful ocean " will not enable us to safely isolate ourselves from the rest of the world and in fact, that has long been the case. You have forgotten the butterfly effect.  

You have encouraged incompetence with your appointments to posts of this nation. Hence, turned your back to the people of this nation 

Endeavored to turn upside down the founding    principles of this nation in so many ways, too many to delineate in one posting. 

And here is you, ugliness uncovered. You finally did it. You could not hold nor keep that not so   secret, secret. The child you are, always seeking fame, is what you have been and always will be.  

The now out in the open secret?  You stuck your nose and your fingers into places where they most emphatically do not belong and employed a quid pro quo political dirty tactic in New York City and State, boasting that you saved the city as a result of your edicts.  You boasted - in print - online - "New York you are SAVED". City and State. You boasted and signed off with your now not so secret, secret, the depths to which you have fallen and your crazed ambition to reach and take the highest position over all others, individuals and nations. Your unholy ambitions, you dirty soul, are broken open in your own words complete with your obsessive capitalization. 

For all to see and know.

 You boasted and signed off with -


And there it is and there it has always been.  Admirer of and appeaser to the fascist Putin and of all authoritarian rulers. Quick to hijack all within his reach, already using the Royal Prerogative, issuing royal edicts currently termed Executive Orders.   He wages war against his own nation and all the people of the world as well. He has no boundaries in his inhumanity even to the point of imprisoning children, detaining them in most inhospitable places.  

Thanks to you and yours we have lost our souls. We have fallen willing victims to the siren cause of Lola and given Lola whatever she wants 

Yes, you couldn't resist the moment. And I am happy for that as perhaps now people will wake up and understand what you mean for this nation, for this country, to those who fought for it, died for it. Those who helped build this nation. No longer at peace, all rolling in their graves. Lost in nightmares they had fought so hard to prevent.

No, Donald, you will not be King Donald I. This nation will not succumb to your poison, not allow the poisonous fangs of you and yours to sicken this nation and make it as dust in the air. 

Not yesterday. 

Not today. 

And certainly not 

On the Morrow.  

Thursday, February 20, 2025


Today is a day when the heavens themselves open their gates, greeting the souls of yet four more victims of hate as an entire nation mourns. The monsters have struck at the very core of civilization. They waged specific intentional war upon the elderly and the young, attacked both ends of the lifeline of humanity and all in between.

Purity and freshness of an innocent baby. A sweet youngster. A terrified mother clutching her children to her breast. An elderly man in the twilight of his years. Degraded. Tortured, ripped from their families. Murdered in cold blood. Even as history repeated itself yet again, and the world stood in silence with hands dripping blood, or worse, stood and cheered for the deaths of these four and so many, many more. 

The very fact that the vile creatures of Hamas were gifted with the name of militants rather than the terrorists they are does not bode well for the future of this earth. The very fact that the world conflates the vicious, brutal attack of rampaging beasts of nature upon citizens, children, parents, grandparents, holiday celebrants, dancers celebrating sunrise and its beauty and hope for a better day, a better time - conflated with the defensive actions of Israel, determined once and for all to bring their people home, to stop this eternal cycle of hate and murder. To forbid the slaughter of its people. Conflated!

The battle fought against Hamas, so cruelly and inhumanely, dismissive of their own people, this conglomeration from Hell's lowest levels, of monsters in human clothing, cynically, intentionally, used their people as a weapon of war and a tool of propaganda. Their own brothers and sisters. And the world bought it. Hook, line and sinker. Every act of brutality. Every horror perpetrated upon children. Upon parents. Upon people sleeping in their beds. Or praying. Or dancing. All whitewashed and deemed these aggressors, these initiators of a war that should never have been, as the victims!!!  

The world stood still once again or cheered this abomination. We, the Jewish people, the nation of Israel are still reeling under the consequences. So many dead. So much rancid hatred tainting the world. Mere days ago, a vicious attack by a mob of Hamas supporters upon a group of Jews living their life in a very Jewish neighborhood in Brooklyn. Barely a mention in the news. And if so, always with accompanying excuse, calling these creatures of brutality, these abominations, "militants and activists" rather than the true name of terrorists and murderers. Refusing to acknowledge that they are terrorists.  

Today's release. of four bodies of people who should never have died under these circumstances is indicative, clearly so, of the inhumanity of Hamas. They prepared yet another stage with which to strut their ugliness, denying their complicity and responsibility in all they began on Oct7, 2023. all the planning and the diversion of funds to their war goals, all that followed, that continues to follow.   Such brave warriors fighting infants and elderly. Blaming resultant deaths of the war they initiated as not of their causation. And the world bought it.

I don't know why Hamas did what they did. Their behavior is inexplicable. At least to the people who believe in humanity and decency. Other than to terrorize the world and hold an entire nation's people hostage, I see no purpose. No other motive.  Their excuses, their twisted thinking, are not valid. None.   

 Hamas took upon itself the role of the Angel of Death, as if carrying out the orders of the Lord. But they were serving the Devil. Emboldened by the unbelievable outrageous support of people round the world calling for the deaths, the   continuation of a genocide aimed specifically at the people of the Jewish nation wherever they live. To deny them a future. How do we know the truth of their goals?

Hear the world. See the four bodies today. Simply look at the title. Shiri. Ariel. Kfir. Oded. Four lions of the Lord. Four more martyrs to the unending hatred of the world. If that does not penetrate your head, your heart, your soul, then read the names again and again and again. Think upon who they were. Think what who they could have been. Their families. Their people.  

Israel is a nation united in sorrow. The face of the enemy is horrific indeed. Nary a whiff of decency or humanity visible.  The Jewish nation round the world wonder why yet again the Lord has allowed his people to be chosen for horror.  

No more of our beautiful children are to be more Kfirs and Ariels. Slaughtered by the hands of beasts, of monsters. No more versions of Amalek.    No more to serve as a deflection from the problems of the world. No more to be the target of ignorance and hate. No more streams of blood from our people. To silence the cacophony of screams of pain, of sorrow and agony rising high unto the heavens. 

Why, G-d, why? 

We pray for a time when nations will not take up arms against other nations. No more necessity to learn the ways of war. When weapons of war will become antique museum relics and provide the material to create tools of productivity, of ingenuity, of brotherhood.  When we break bread with each other and share the same beneficial goals. Together to ensure the continuation of humanity, A deserving humanity.  

 Shiri. Ariel. Kfir. 0ded. May your memories be for a blessing. May you now reside in peace and harmony with members of your family and your people who have gone before. Stand before the Lord and demand an accounting. Ask why your   sacrifice. We stand with you always and forever and may you always stand with us. 

On a personal note, find my grandson, Yitzy, torn from the world he knew at the age of 13. May you all retain your innocence and generate smiles on the face of the adults around you. Always be free of pain and the threat of war. 

As for us, we are now crying, sobbing from deep within, frightened, angry, confused. Deeply immersed in that lake of sadness. But you are home again and will remain so now forever. 

 May your memories be for a blessing.  

May you live forever in peace.

May your deaths bring some understanding to the world and soften the hard souls and blackened hearts of the world.

If not today, then perhaps 

On the morrow.

Shiri. Ariel. Kfir. Oded. 


Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Actually, there is an addendum missing. These new employees must be amenable to days and nights of employment with nary a break. So states Executive Order #67,234,409. In addition, they must be cleansed, devoid of any remaining taint of morality, of humanity, of decency. The final decision will be based on the answer to a loyalty test. In fact, that is the most important qualifying requirement.      Rights have no place within the new crop of those hired. A must, though, is a demonstrated ability to climb and claw one's way to the top without any qualms or compunctions or concerns of any sort re harm to others along the way,  

The iconic tale of American dreams and possibilities has now been trashed, declared both antiquated and treasonous. So Executive Order #67,234,410 states.   Any person desirous of joining the demented team of Muskrats oh so busily employed in the destruction of America must be able to recite the new version without any hesitation and with full compliance. 

Scenario #1: Daughter: Father, I want to be the best I can be. What should I see as a proper ambition?  

Father: Daughter, no woman can aspire to any higher or more important goal than to serve the nation, obey all Executive Orders, be subservient to your husband, and be a respectful worshiper of the royal family. Serve your husband, the nation and raise children who will grow up wanting only to serve the Royal Family.    

 Scenario #2: Father, I wish to be President of AmeriKa. What is the best path forward? Do you have any fatherly advice for me?   

Father: Surely. Create a life plan creative and careful in your choice of felonies and misdemeanors, of violations of the law, your contempt for it, and the oh so clever manner by which you escape any and all negative consequences. Do that successfully long enough and you will gather round you an ever-growing crowd of deluded social misfits with nary a whiff of humanity or decency within, who care for naught other than their own ambitions and their need to find a leader. Any qualms are quickly submerged under a flood of excuses and lies and justifications.  Your own version of our Sacred Muskrats is a necessity. Go for it; make me proud. Serve well the most Royal Majesty King Donald I. Our founder.     The standards are challenging but rewarding. Be the very best Teflon criminal, a la King Donald I and you will go far. Have at it and make me proud. 

America gone, shattered, misshapen and false.

Apocryphal? Maybe. Realistic? Growing ever more so as our President of the obscene Executive Orders runs through hundreds of pens daily as he proudly signs those abominations. Perhaps not for as long as he thinks it will be. Opposition is found within the growing voices, raised louder and louder. More and more. Protesting against his tactics, the twisting until unrecognized of the three branches of government we are supposed to have. 

His political machinations shred our Constitution. The Executive branch is false to its purpose, overstepping legal boundaries, egregiously so and oppresses the other two branches. The two houses of Congress are now merely. a weeping, sniveling. bunch of quivering. cowards afraid to stand up to a miscreant. A bully. They have ceded their powers to the executive branch. They, for the most part, are needful of a vacation of long duration and replacement in their place of employment. The third branch, the Judiciary, is meant to keep all on the straight and narrow and adhere to the idea that no one is above the law. Well, that is kind of withering on the vine as the most famous convicted felon in our history, our immoral offensive self-declared Ruler in all but formal title, sits in the Oval Office. The number of judges willing and strong enough to combat the perversion of the justice system, of our nation, are few and we must support them as they are facing uphill battles. And yet they more than anything can be the savior of this nation. If, and only if, we insist that the President and all others follow the law, and the decisions of non-co-opted judges will we have a chance to right ourselves once again. 

We can be heartened by the growing physical protests. The demands to Dump Trump. It can't come soon enough. The tariffs are already rending economies round the world. Crops remain unpicked, rotting in the fields as pickers and workers are gone. Deported in a frenzy of xenophobia and deflection. No place to send them as tariffs block that opportunity. Money grows ever tighter, and foods are vanishing from the shelves of supermarkets. Costs are growing astronomically. National Parks, especially in the Western states are highly endangered but these rampant mad budget cuts continue to wend their destructive path through the nation's populace. Health care, the safety of the drugs we take, the vaccines we need, the medical care we need - all scrapped. Greatly limited thanks again to you know who. The economy comes to almost a standstill as products cannot be completed for lack of parts. Parts blocked. Punitive crazed system of tariffs instituted by yup, you got it.   Representatives, governors, Senators, all well concerned as their states begin to tumble down into  a state of economic crisis. You may rest easy as we can assure you that the Muskrats are doing just fine. And thank you for your concern.

Nor are we alone in our misery for all nations around the world are falling down into that same pit in the vicious never ending. cycle. We are losing them politically as well, as we refuse to pay them respect and friendship. Instead, we now tend to hang tight with our traditional enemies. We urge European countries to welcome far right extremists into the national spectrum of acceptable political parties. W threatened NATO and cancel other mutual agreements.     

America is now facing a rough present and future with all that has gone awry, accidentally or on purpose. Life for our children, our hope and belief that they would have better lives than we do, gone! Pfft!!! It will be worse. And please, all of us, go look in the mirror and see the cause of it all. We have refused to acknowledge the disaster now upon us. We refuse to acknowledge our democracy is under attack by aim and by apathy. We have allowed hatred to grow, to be used as a political tool. We have misrepresented and misunderstood that to oppose someone is not to hate someone. For example, I and perhaps others like me have been accused of hating Republicans and not hating others deserving of hate. That is both ridiculous and childish. To disagree with someone does not mean to hate them. Yes, there are people in this world, in this nation, that I do detest. I hate Hamas with a deep passion, inhumane and barbaric as they are. But that does not mean that if one I do detest is Republican, that I detest all Republicans. In fact, in my own family, in dearly loved members of my family, I have Republicans (unenlightened of course). On the other hand, I'm not crazy about Democrats. I can't see the world divided by the straight, rigid lines based on nonsense, based on negative aspects, based on destructive thoughts, based on a lack of following the thread all the way through.  

We need to shake ourselves and wake ourselves up. We need to understand what is happening. We need to know that we cannot allow the destruction of this nation or the shattering of its democratic roots and structure. What is happening now is definitely not conducive to a good future. Not at all.

Time to move ahead, folks. Time to face the facts and decide on an action. If we act now, if we are strong in our opposition, if we take back the nation, help people understand the danger, the impact of what they voted for, then perhaps, just perhaps, they will understand the situation and know the truth of this: Be careful what you wish/ vote for.   You might just get it.

We can do better. We can improve. We must. The alternative is not very appetizing. Censorship of books, of free speech, the acceptance of hate speech, tantrums thrown by adults - not acceptable. Bribery.  Nepotism. A return to the spoil system. The disregarding of the merit system. Union rights. Miseducation. State and religion mixing.  Address and repair NOW!!  

So. What will it be, folks? What will we choose? Will we have the courage and honesty we once had?  How shall history analyze and categorize us?   How do we answer our children when they ask what we did during the era of destruction. I hope you, we, will have a good answer.

If not today, then perhaps...

On the morrow.   


Tuesday, February 18, 2025


 ...more than one fell out. For sure true as it pertains to the current situation in the USA. Too many have been rolling over and over and over again. Too many are either dead or playing dead or wishing they were dead, suffering as they are in the shame of this self-initiated extremely contagious horrific disease, suffering with severe cases of Trumpian caused dementia. The awful visible symptoms are ugly and mirror the ugliness of the soul, long abandoned by those with the most severe cases.  

Painful and hideous lip blisters from kissing ass.   Knee problems from constant kowtowing. Back pain from bending backwards so as to not see the truth straight on. Constant runny noses among these sniveling creatures.  Medication not available at this time and in fact, will never be. The demented. RFK Jr. has denied the efficacy of said vaccine, deeming it too extreme and detrimental to the   status of those poor suffering victims - not -. He is correct in that, for it would mean cause a total cleansing of all contaminants and a return to sanity and dignity, a total revamping of their minds, of their souls.  

Those fired from the nation's health systems have done independent research. The cure is here and simple, beneficial actually as tethers to reality, to human dignity and empathy are reconnected. They intuit the cure - replacement or displacement of those who lead the charge against all that made and kept this nation - America. It will be an epic battle to regain the power ceded to the two usurpers - one elected via illusion and Big Lie campaign and the other, self-appointed shadow behind the throne, salivating to take it over completely, along with his rabid hit squad of Muskrats. It is then that the transformation and final defeat would take place. A democracy of a once shining nation, an example to the world, for the world, is filthied up, demeaned and discarded, destroyed, as authoritarian   government emerges. And in place is the ugly sight of a repulsive creature of no morals whatsoever, loyal to himself only. Rest in peace, America. 

This scenario must be stopped dead in its track. America must wake up and become the sleeping giant so capable of doing the right thing and be victorious in its endeavors. It has done so before and can do so again. There will be damage to take into account, but then again, liberty is worth fighting for, is it not? Freedom should be cherished. and defended. But is there no other way than violence to resecure our national ethos, our pride, our unity, our dignity? Are we that forgone? Perhaps.

But there is no other way or rapidly becoming so.  Frankly, I was both most surprised and not so surprised. when I opened the TV as a news analysis and discussion was underway, with both moderates and conservative representatives on board, all well known, respected. bright and intuitive. When one person actually used the term revolt as something that the populace of the nation would have to do, there was no gasping of shock, though there were nods of the head. It has come to that point. The unthinkable point grows ever larger before our eyes. Americans will have to revolt openly. That is a frightening thought. But perhaps inevitable. 

But it should be a last resort, hopefully never to be reached. Demonstrations across this nation have already begun, demanding Musk be outed. Banned from government. Those in Congress, those in state legislatures must see and hear those demonstrations. They must understand that the stains of filth and dishonor upon this nation can only be cleansed. by the total replacement of the crooked minions of this administration. When the federal employees ousted brutally from necessary positions, severed from employment, from life as they knew it, illegally will be reinstated. When the judiciary system will cleanse itself, shed all of those judges who are so partisan they can only see the world, the cases before them through the perverted lying eyes of Trump, Musk, et al. When the Trump train will have its brakes stomped on, halting the ugly government of bribery, nepotism, incompetence, a loyalty to Trump, not nation, a revived spoils system so enriching for Trump and his top henchmen.  

 Chief Justice Roberts warned us that we are becoming a nation ignoring justice and troubles await. He is part of the problem, though he forgets that. All those who cozy up to Trump. All those who cater to their pockets ignoring heart and soul.   All those who have selfish streak running up and down, side to side. All those who think they can remain apathetic. Well, let's draw a line under that and understand the truth. 

The truth is, we all need to be there. No one can stay home. We prove true to ourselves, to our dignity, to our rights or we are lost as is the future. I sincerely hope and pray not. I hope we come to our senses quickly, bring justice to where it is necessary, and call out for heroes and actually have those who answer the call.

Legal and peaceful - before it is too late.  

Legally.   If not, there will not be a pretty picture awaiting to appear. Let us come to our senses before too late and be able to choose the proper road  

I deeply hope and pray that we can. That we can avoid violence.     

The truth will come out. At times it takes a bit longer. but eventually it is seen. The truth will out like it or not. It will out, whether you accept it or defy it. It is there. It cannot be denied. Push comes to shove. 

No more rolling and falling.  

...on the morrow. 



Monday, February 17, 2025

YES, NOTHING HAS CHANGED, AND ... has already begun.

So rather than write a totally new blog, I'm going to tweak yesterday's, worthy of a reread or two after you read today's posting.  The words and intent and concern have not mellowed overnight and in fact grow more concerned than before - if that is possible. Just a bit of a fresh addendum to further the cause and a plea again to open eyes and minds to the reality as it is, not as we wish and imagine it to be. 

A garnishing or two aids clarification of our situation.

 "He who saves his Country does not violate any Law," Trump proclaimed on his Truth Social network."  Napoleon, King Louis XIV? ..."Spoken like a true dictator," 

  'Donald Trump’s spin Sunday on the Daytona International Speedway track in the presidential limousine... flyover of the track aboard Air Force spent on Trump’s trip last weekend to watch the Super Bowl." Uh, DOGE? Goose and gander? Apparently not. Royal privileges? Uh-huh!!!  

Vance's "historic" speech pressing for approval of a neo-Nazi party in Germany and for that matter anywhere in Europe, and Rubio's response in defense - “Free speech was not used to conduct a genocide. The genocide was conducted by an authoritarian Nazi regime that happened to also be genocidal because they hated Jews, and they hated minorities.” So carefully glossing over the ugliness of the words of the Nazis, their use and perversion of democracy to get a foot in the door and then take the entire abode and then some!! Nor does he mention the hate ginned up in this nation with the words, actions and clear intentions of Trump et al in blatant exposure and indecent posturing.

Mass firings particularly of any and all capable of keeping this nation functioning, properly, held to the straight and narrow, no loyalty tests necessary. Quite clearly aimed at any and all who have the task of overseeing the nation's bureaucracy and uprooting all manners of crooked government, all that Trump et al, his butt kissing servants who obey the master and the other one too! Moral turpitude. Bribery. Sexual harassment (so dear to the hearts of his Cabinet appointees and their deputies.) Nepotism. Incompetence. Lack of civil rights. Attacks against unions. Roll back the clock on collective bargaining. Cancel all protective rulings for workers, for teachers, for small business owners, for consumers, for children. A dearth of judges with the backbone to deny the "perversion" of those 64+ EOs and their unconstitutional aspect along with the dangers posed in enforcement and application. I.e. - a transgender child with cancer -no treatment according to Trump's immoral edicts. In fact, what real and true health system and treatment will there be under the twisted RFK Jr? 

Think, folks, think long and hard and follow the threads of his abominations. See where they end and their effect upon you. Upon yours. Upon this nation. Upon this world. Have we changed so drastically that we endorse inhumanity, condone starvation, constant warfare, as long as we seem to remain above it all? We are so not safe nor immune to the toxicity of a Trumpian world.     

The choice is ours, yours and mine. The future we risk is not ours to risk for it belongs, rightfully so, to our children and grandchildren. It is a trust we are currently betraying. Read what came yesterday. Put it all together. and see where truth resides. Where we should reside. Ours, along with the responsibility to make the proper choice. Push back against those who wish to trample you and your rights underfoot. 

Let us employ the myriad legal tools arrayed before us. Make the most of those courageous enough to stand against all that is so, so dangerous within a Trumpian world. Sidestep the mewling cowards and fix our nation. See through the fog of obfuscation of the Trump administration. See clearly through to the truth. Understand the peril in which we are now deeply immersed. Read and heed the words, written and spoken, voices of intelligence and warning.  Up to us. Either do what must be done or cede our rights and independence to those who wish to keep them in their hot little hands. 

And so, we return to the words of yesterday, just as vital and true as those above.

 Today, folks, for on the morrow might be too late.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

NO, IT CAN'T! OH YES IT CAN, AND IN FACT . has already begun. 

 Yes, it has already begun. No more waiting to see if the rotten egg bursts its shell as noxious odors escape their weakened containment and pollute the air in ever expanding eddies of filth and despair. How has this happened? Why did this happen? Why are we now facing the biggest existential crisis we have ever faced as a nation, other than the American Revolution itself and the Civil War, approximately 8 decades later. Not even during the national crisis of the years of the Vietnam War have we ever come so close to dissolution, violent and pervasive, ever growing, as we are at present. 

Yes, like it or not, believe it or not, want it or not, accept its truth or not, we are here. Check the positional map of present status of our nation and there, in large, bold letters, you will find the ''x'' and the statement "You are here." And yes, there we are, in the foothills of the tragic mountain range we are to face and climb or die trying, if not already tackling the lowest segments of the range itself, the foothills long ago faced and we did not score any victories there. Certainly, none of any duration.

 The range before us and under our feet, so blatant and challenging in its height and massiveness, is to be the period of last stands of the nation as she is.     We are in the midst of a battle for our lives, for our America to remain in existence, vital and fulfilling the promises made at the time of its birth. We are losing that battle's initial stages. We are facing deeper losses, more serious losses, almost to the end, closer than we think, closer than we wish to acknowledge. We've almost cavalierly negated the sacrifices of those who gave their lives during the Revolutionary War, during the War of 1812, during all the wars throughout the centuries fought to keep our nation and the world safe and on the right path. We have spit upon the bravery of our immigrant ancestors - yes, immigrants - even as many of us are ourselves. 

We strayed often off the proper path, at times of varying duration and seriousness. But always we managed to return, perhaps a bit battered, but to retrace our steps to the point where we went wrong and fix it and so we did.  We the people of our nation, the legislators of our nation. were and are not perfect, but the impetus, the desire to reform, reformat, and create a nation of which we can all be proud always remained. Battered but wiser, ever more determined to do that much better, to continue to be the standard to which every nation. aspired, for which all peoples of the world hoped for themselves. We managed to do that despite often intimidating challenges. However, at present, the situation has changed drastically.  

We have allowed ourselves to be kidnapped, hijacked and taken down a long pathway, so long that we have lost sight of any possible point of exit. We have allowed our ship of state to rot in its moorage, and then sent it asea, to founder in hostile waters. We obediently trudged along those dangerous byways of life, refusing to see the truth before us. Willfully blind or blinded by others did not make a difference. We remained apathetic, grew even more so, grew accustomed to the numerous dings and dents, even to the more serious impacts upon our lives.  Upon the very possibility of retaining that which we were given, this nation, a bastion of democracy, an example, an encouragement to the world that yes, government of and by and for the people is an achievable maintainable goal. 

We are at present, deeply immersed in dangerous waters, exhausted along paths leading nowhere other than to more loss. We have lost and are losing more of what makes us America. Our grit is gone. We have turned on the very structures which enabled our success. We have shredded the Constitution and demeaned the Declaration of Independence. We have allowed for the branches of government to be chopped away from the Tree of Liberty, denying it sustenance. And so here we are. 

We have, much to our shame, opened the gates of Hell. Hideous poisonous snakes emerged to strangle us, to deny America, to deny the privilege and responsibility of being American. We have already ceded much of the game to those who cheat, lie, steal, to those who despise us, who think of us as weak, able to be conquered, hoodwinked, to the point of no return. How and why? One day historians will write huge tomes dissecting this period of our history. Will it be a discussion of a revitalized America, or a eulogy? Another Camelot gone? Ours to decide. Our efforts or lack thereof.  To abandon its people, to desert the world? I know what I think. Do you?

Perhaps I am naive and must grow up and accept the harm to our nation, the almost hopeless task to correct and redirect back to its proper pathway. To calmer seas. Perhaps, but then again, this is still America, is it not? We can demand a chance to make amends, to fix the damage done. We can oppose those who wish to cancel the nation and rip it apart. We can conquer the dangerous peaks and craggy edges which threaten us. We must screw our courage to the sticking point and know what must be done -and do it. Period. No more excuses. Open eyes and minds. Acknowledge errors and fix it.


The alternative is too awful to contemplate and   not good for our kids and for our people.   

 Here is an incomplete listing of some of what this madman and his unelected puppet master have brought upon this nation. There is more to come, almost on an hourly basis. We had better understand where we are and what must be done if we are not to lose it all. Hear the shrieking alarm, blaring its warning. See the flames of the fires engulfing us. Act accordingly. Rescue our nation from those who have hijacked it.  

Allowed an unelected civilian to determine the future of this nation.

Allowed this fraudster, this immoral man with fingers in every dirty pie round the world, to dissolve this government. Illegally, immorally.

He has appointed the most incompetent dangerously unknowing, moral perverts and most cooperative henchman to dissolve this government's working force, a dangerous move for our survival. 

He has endangered this nation via peremptory firing and dismissal or forced retirement, of employees in charge of the safety and distribution of our nuclear weapons. 

He has weakened our government with a massive loss of those who actually make this nation function. 

  He has defiled the Constitution and our sacred structure of three branches of government to check and balance each other and keep us on the road straight and true.

  He has given himself powers over the other two branches. Powers which are denied by the Constitution and illegal. 

He has created. havoc within this country as he emasculated the Congress to the point where they are simply emulating the Reichstag in blindly without question, endorsing and approving and voting for anything that Hitler/Trump/Musk wanted. A true fascistic government. 

Furthermore, he weakened this country by denying the judiciary its rightful powers and simply refuses to follow any of the rules and decisions they make. No decision is accepted unless it is the decision that he wants. 

It is a nation now without legal definition, sans guidance or leaders, without structure. Perfect for takeover.  All already kowtowing to the Leader and his alternate, Musk.

Gangs of crazed entitled and empowered children rampage through the halls and files of government. wreaking havoc and violating the privacy of its citizens and upending the payment system of the nation. So wrong, So dangerous. So fascistic. All brought to you via Trump/Musk and servants. 

We are quickly becoming a nation ruled by a fascistic dictator and those who serve him. We have a nation writhing with fear, unable and unknowing of what is to come and what to do.   

To state 80 years after American soldiers liberated Dachau, an infamous slaughterhouse of the Jewish people and opponents of fascism, Vance, (and his boss) actually urged, promoted, for acceptance of a political party that many Germans consider to be the befouled offspring. of Nazism,

 A man who colludes with our enemies, taking upon himself the right to decide the fate of other nations.  Engages in rampant alienation of our allies. 

Woe upon us if we do not act while we still have the capability to do so, while we still have some courageous, untainted judges willing to stand up to Trump and his allies. While we still have some in Congress able to remember who they are, what they stand for and who they ought to serve. Before all of this disappears, we must act. We must pelt this present government and its president with legal actions, one after the other. Unstopping and unstoppable. We must make our representatives in Washington and in state houses hear our voices and know where the true power resides. Woe upon us if we do not act.

Waiting round the corner are those who voted for Trump and his crazed maxims and promises. The truth will out. There will be no laborers, no workers to fix, to mend, to sow, to be lawyers, serve as doctors and nurses, teachers and professors, farm workers and construction workers. And why? Because they have all been sent away, deported. smeared by libel and vile untruths. Or perhaps incarcerated in Guantanamo in a broken-down prison, and that would include minors too. When they cannot get food because it is simply not there because it has not been picked or packed, when they cannot have their own crops picked and packed because there are no workers to do so. When the tariffs raise the prices of food and items so high that it is absolutely unattainable. When medical care disappears, when the social safety net disappears. When there are no customers in their stores or for their services. When there are no funds for infrastructure needs. What then? At what temperature will the pot boil over? And what will it sear when it overflows the rim of the pot? 

 It is ugly to contemplate and uglier yet if it happens, if we do not prevent this. Only we can do this. But now, while we continue to have some legal edge to do so.  

Time to act. Time to protest. Time to know the truth.

 I am not the only voice in this matter.    

Who are we and whom do we wish to be in our future?  The choice is ours. Would that we make the correct one.

On the morrow - or even today.