What is the dumbest thing that a UCO President has ever done? Read on, -- you’ll find out.
What is the dumbest thing that a UCO President has ever done? Read on, -- you’ll find out.
The record is clear. At various times during his presidency, Mr. Israel stated that he hoped that Unit Owners with knowledge and experience in various professions or businesses coinciding with UCO matters would be well received as volunteers and given positions on UCO committees. This, Mr. Israel assured us, could greatly benefit Century Village. He practically begged members of UCO (members of UCO
must be Unit Owners) to step forward and give of their time, and that UCO was always looking for and in need of such experience. It was pointed out that such knowledge and experience would greatly enhance UCO’s multi-purpose, complex operations and in the end, save a lot of money.
So, what happens? These seasoned professionals submit their applications. Some of these knowledgeable people have 20 or 30 years of experience in various professions and trades such as the bituminous concrete paving industry, landscaping work, security systems, CPA’s, etc. etc.
Mr. Israel, President of UCO, takes it upon himself to evaluate all volunteer candidates. He rejects anyone who he thinks would ever go against his wishes. Anyone who ever looked at him cross-eyed or may have said he had some gravy on his lapel was secretly rejected. It could not be made public, else there could be an uprising and his administration would not be looked upon favorably. However, Israel violates all standards and freely appoints renters to committees because he, Israel, knows that these people will support him and his ideas.
Very secretly Israel confers with his back-room cohort, Ed Black. Well, what do you know? Black, after nearly putting Century Village into bankruptcy, becomes Chairman of the Security Committee, Assistant Chairman of the Recovery Committee, Chairman of the Channel 63 Operations, Chairman of Information Technology overseeing the computers and telephone systems at UCO and at the UCO Reporter.
It doesn’t stop there. Black becomes a member of the Insurance Committee, a member of CERT, a member of the Finance Committee, a member of WPRF Reserves & Infrastructure Committee, a member of the Operations Committee, a member of the Advisory Committee, a member of the Insurance Loss and Disaster Committee, a member of the Election Committee, a member of the Bar Code Decal Committee, and a former member of the Investigations Unit.
Is your head spinning yet? Are you getting nauseated yet? Black, Israel’s only trusted cohort in matters that some people might say are criminal, or at the very least devious, is made Chairman of UCO Committees and becomes a member of numerous other committees. This is incredible and hardly believable, but absolutely true – check Black’s bio on the front page of the current issue of the UCO Reporter should you question the accuracy of the above statements.
So, is this matter of rejecting all qualified applicants, and a detested man is given several positions with UCO the dumbest thing a UCO President has ever done? Of course.
There are some people who will say “No.” But, those are the people who swore allegiance to Israel for political reasons and were appointed to certain UCO positions under Israel’s strict control. Those who said a word or two criticizing Israel, no matter how trivial, were “fired” by Israel, others were never “hired”.
Black is the recipient of the dumbest thing a UCO President has ever done. Israel needs to groom Black to become the next President should Israel’s regime fall apart. If Black is not Vice-President, Delegates will soon understand what Israel’s game is all about and demand that Black be removed from numerous positions. Century Village will have an opportunity to become whole.
Friday, February 27, 2015
In every institution, in every business and in every campaign, there comes a time to take stock and see what has been going on and what works and what does not. So let me do that here.
This year's campaign, next Friday's vote, is not just from this year alone. It does not make sense to look at it that way for otherwise the doings of dear David make no sense at all - and trust me, while that is often the case, it is not so here.
When I ran for president last year, David was sure that he would win, and so he did, but he was shocked at the fact that there was so much opposition towards him and so much success despite every roadblock he placed in our way. The work of all those who had opposed him for quite some time had begun to take root and this year it has blossomed and we can see that in the votes about Wi Fi and the budget.
We can also see that in the campaign that David is running against me, a candidate for Executive Board. Truly, why does he think it necessary to let loose his trumpet, or his cannon, or whatever, and keep that blast on his blog for days on end? Why, because it is what I represent, the hopes of thousands of disenfranchised people here in the Village, people who oppose him despite all he has done, despite all the chicanery associated with the elections. And yes, he will put the same political machinery into use this year and bring out all the delegates who never attend meetings, but who are living in practically ghost associations, so he can control them - bring them, tell them how to vote, and take 'em home again. And for sure, they will be told that above all, do not vote for Sutofsky.
But David, let me explain something. I will not be crushed should that happen. Nope, there is always tomorrow and like the gadfly, I will be there, in your face, as long as you bar me from UCO, from using my knowledge and skills towards the betterment of the Village. I, and many others, will remain right there - at the assemblies, on the blog, and wherever and whenever we must appear and make a "joyful noise" as we exercise our rights as Americans to free speech and an open political arena - or what should be open.
So, what else? Oh, we have a person who takes me to task for allowing Eduardo to post on my blog because he/she does not use a real name. Or so this one says. Well, G.G, just about all know who Eduardo is and if you do not, well....draw your own conclusion. And as far as hiding identities - hallo! Pot calling the kettle here? Should we say hi to, Ed, The point is, think before you post. Oh, dear, I forgot to say that in the same email or comment, you take me to task for USING my real name. Hey, be fair here, you cannot ban both ways. I know that David has tried mightily to ban all efforts and speech in opposition, but, this is America, again!!!!
So where do we stand? Quite tall, actually. The mighty and saved blast at the devil, me, seems to have gone Pfffft! In fact, it has backfired, but that is his problem, not mine, so what is next? What other perverted, twisted plan is in effect? Who the hell cares - and that is the truth, though I must admit, in the interest of full disclosure, that I did so enjoy the hearty laugh I got from the ridiculous attempt to blacken my name. Thank you ever so much.
What do we do next? We keep on truckin'- on the blog, in meetings and wherever and whenever we can. We keep up the effort whether we win or lose seats in this election though I do hope, naturally, that we do win seats. Our voices have been heard, are being heard, and will continue to be heard despite all efforts to shut them down. And I must confess, I enjoy it. I enjoy examining things and making problems clear, just as much as I would enjoy working on bringing our Village back to a sound footing, but ....well, you all know the story.
One last funny story. Someone told me that she and her friends have now read many of my postings and think that I should write for The Reporter. When I finished laughing and had a drink of water to clear my throat, I explained the issue at point - that Joy Vestal would rather die before letting me write for the paper , OUR paper, not hers, but that is the reality of it. She said that is not fair, and I replied, "Welcome to CV."
So to sum up. We are doing quite well. We are in a better place than we were two years ago and that place will only improve. We are encouraged and encouraging.
As for the votes - simple.
Do not vote for anyone that he recommended. Not for VP and not for the Board. Do not vote for the people he has ignored, such as Jean Komis and Jackie Karlin. There are people there I do not know - Milton Cohen (who is a confused gentleman), Christine Armour (I believe she is new to the Village), and Abe Malawski (who I hear is a tad fickle) but I do not know them and cannot recommend voting for them.
That leaves the following -
VP - Ziccardy and Gluszak
Exec. Bd. - a maximum of ten, better off bullet voting for about 6. Of course I hope you vote for me, but the choice is yours. These are the names to choose from - and are written in no particular order, only as they came to mind.
Esther Sutofsky Stewart Richland
George Lowenstein Olga Wolkenstein
Howie Silver Eileen Pearlman
Carol Szepesi Dot Lowenstein
Susan Imp Ruth Grossman
Jerry Karpf Marilyn Pomerantz
Marcella Schonhaut
This year's campaign, next Friday's vote, is not just from this year alone. It does not make sense to look at it that way for otherwise the doings of dear David make no sense at all - and trust me, while that is often the case, it is not so here.
When I ran for president last year, David was sure that he would win, and so he did, but he was shocked at the fact that there was so much opposition towards him and so much success despite every roadblock he placed in our way. The work of all those who had opposed him for quite some time had begun to take root and this year it has blossomed and we can see that in the votes about Wi Fi and the budget.
We can also see that in the campaign that David is running against me, a candidate for Executive Board. Truly, why does he think it necessary to let loose his trumpet, or his cannon, or whatever, and keep that blast on his blog for days on end? Why, because it is what I represent, the hopes of thousands of disenfranchised people here in the Village, people who oppose him despite all he has done, despite all the chicanery associated with the elections. And yes, he will put the same political machinery into use this year and bring out all the delegates who never attend meetings, but who are living in practically ghost associations, so he can control them - bring them, tell them how to vote, and take 'em home again. And for sure, they will be told that above all, do not vote for Sutofsky.
But David, let me explain something. I will not be crushed should that happen. Nope, there is always tomorrow and like the gadfly, I will be there, in your face, as long as you bar me from UCO, from using my knowledge and skills towards the betterment of the Village. I, and many others, will remain right there - at the assemblies, on the blog, and wherever and whenever we must appear and make a "joyful noise" as we exercise our rights as Americans to free speech and an open political arena - or what should be open.
So, what else? Oh, we have a person who takes me to task for allowing Eduardo to post on my blog because he/she does not use a real name. Or so this one says. Well, G.G, just about all know who Eduardo is and if you do not, well....draw your own conclusion. And as far as hiding identities - hallo! Pot calling the kettle here? Should we say hi to, Ed, The point is, think before you post. Oh, dear, I forgot to say that in the same email or comment, you take me to task for USING my real name. Hey, be fair here, you cannot ban both ways. I know that David has tried mightily to ban all efforts and speech in opposition, but, this is America, again!!!!
So where do we stand? Quite tall, actually. The mighty and saved blast at the devil, me, seems to have gone Pfffft! In fact, it has backfired, but that is his problem, not mine, so what is next? What other perverted, twisted plan is in effect? Who the hell cares - and that is the truth, though I must admit, in the interest of full disclosure, that I did so enjoy the hearty laugh I got from the ridiculous attempt to blacken my name. Thank you ever so much.
What do we do next? We keep on truckin'- on the blog, in meetings and wherever and whenever we can. We keep up the effort whether we win or lose seats in this election though I do hope, naturally, that we do win seats. Our voices have been heard, are being heard, and will continue to be heard despite all efforts to shut them down. And I must confess, I enjoy it. I enjoy examining things and making problems clear, just as much as I would enjoy working on bringing our Village back to a sound footing, but ....well, you all know the story.
One last funny story. Someone told me that she and her friends have now read many of my postings and think that I should write for The Reporter. When I finished laughing and had a drink of water to clear my throat, I explained the issue at point - that Joy Vestal would rather die before letting me write for the paper , OUR paper, not hers, but that is the reality of it. She said that is not fair, and I replied, "Welcome to CV."
So to sum up. We are doing quite well. We are in a better place than we were two years ago and that place will only improve. We are encouraged and encouraging.
As for the votes - simple.
Do not vote for anyone that he recommended. Not for VP and not for the Board. Do not vote for the people he has ignored, such as Jean Komis and Jackie Karlin. There are people there I do not know - Milton Cohen (who is a confused gentleman), Christine Armour (I believe she is new to the Village), and Abe Malawski (who I hear is a tad fickle) but I do not know them and cannot recommend voting for them.
That leaves the following -
VP - Ziccardy and Gluszak
Exec. Bd. - a maximum of ten, better off bullet voting for about 6. Of course I hope you vote for me, but the choice is yours. These are the names to choose from - and are written in no particular order, only as they came to mind.
Esther Sutofsky Stewart Richland
George Lowenstein Olga Wolkenstein
Howie Silver Eileen Pearlman
Carol Szepesi Dot Lowenstein
Susan Imp Ruth Grossman
Jerry Karpf Marilyn Pomerantz
Marcella Schonhaut
Thursday, February 26, 2015
That is the question posed on the other blog. I much prefer the questions of Shakespeare - "To be or not to be" or "Whether tis better...." and they can keep on coming, but the question was posed, so it needs an answer. Briefly, an emphatic yes is the answer. Who would not want a person who knows that it IS OUR board, not a mere shadow of David Israel? Who has ideas, programs, steps in mind, to better our Village and get it back on track. Who is simply a person who believes in honesty so what you see is what you get and what she sees and understands, and analyzes and proposes and ideates and agonizes over is also what you will get. So, YES, this is a person to vote for.
I have often stated, openly and in meetings as well, that you can vote for whomever you wish, as long as it is someone who can think independently, who is not a shill, a puppet for the master, a rubber stamp for the continued dangerous misdeeds of our current administration.
Let's see, what else? Aha! "Blatant disrespect" Really? RESPECT MUST BE EARNED, AS WELL AS DISRESPECT. I have no respect for our current leader and friends. I strongly believe, no, I KNOW that they have damaged our home. They will continue to damage our home if left in place. Why and how would I respect that? They have earned my disrespect, for I despise those who try to impose their will on others, who refuse to allow process and procedure, free speech, the opinions of others, who engage in shady accounting principles. How could I, or anyone, for that matter, respect that?? As per the following definition of fascism,
": a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government
The rest is nonsense. Is someone a tad sensitive? Well, the old saying is "If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen." It is the plight and fate of the politician or office holder to face criticism. It must be dealt with by asking for details, for ideas of how to improve or, conversely, to show how the position taken is correct, to co-opt the individual. If criticism drives one to the brink, to the edge of insanity, to spout stupidities, to comment on a writing style without offers of help, well, it speaks for itself. Hey, remember, I at least offered to tutor you guys for free. That coming from a Phi Beta Kappa person if you must know.
But that is not the point. The point is that life prepares us for different things and your limit has been reached. You have overstayed at a level at which incompetence has proven dangerous to the health and well being of the Village - and even your own health and state of mind.
Sophocles wrote that "to a man who is afraid, everything rustles". That is the point at which we can find you. That is paranoia. In your life everything rustles and instead of answering fact questions, you engage in silliness, in avoidance, in narcissistic behavior and childish tantrums. So, NO, I would not vote for you, but YES, I would vote for me. That is called democracy. Try it, you might like it - or not - if it kicks you out of office. Oh, well, c'est la vie.
To close, at least for a while - and oh, it is only proper that you state that the highlighting and emphasis is yours and all taken out of context, but I surely do thank you for making my words available on your previously blocked blog! Anyhow, last nite a few of us drove to Pompano to hear the group The Mystics, with originals. They were great in a two hour show. But there were two songs that spoke true and loud. They sang their famous version of "Over the Rainbow" and as we all sang I wondered why we should have to wait till we go over the rainbow, why we cannot dream here, in our world, where dreams can come true. The show was closed with a tribute to veterans and one of my favorite songs, "I'm Proud to be an American." The vets stood, and as the song was sung I stood up to join them in pride and patriotism, in appreciation of what our country gives to us, our democracy. And as I stood, others followed until the hall was aroar with people singing in loud and proud voices. So why do I have to go to Pompano to take pride in democracy? The true question, my dear deluded and overwhelmed David, is - why do we not have it here and why is it such a threat to you?
So, I ask again, come out, come out, wherever you are - and discuss the issues, face up to your record, defend it if you can. Then, and only then, will you have earned any respect at all, at least for doing the right thing, if not for your record. And again, would you vote for this woman - YES AND YES AND YES. I like her, think she's pretty cool - and her grandchildren think so too, so not to worry, dear David, whatever happens, life goes on.
Now, dear readers, please read the following posting, one of the best of Eduardo. Feel the passion and the agony and then ask yourself why this must continue.
I have often stated, openly and in meetings as well, that you can vote for whomever you wish, as long as it is someone who can think independently, who is not a shill, a puppet for the master, a rubber stamp for the continued dangerous misdeeds of our current administration.
Let's see, what else? Aha! "Blatant disrespect" Really? RESPECT MUST BE EARNED, AS WELL AS DISRESPECT. I have no respect for our current leader and friends. I strongly believe, no, I KNOW that they have damaged our home. They will continue to damage our home if left in place. Why and how would I respect that? They have earned my disrespect, for I despise those who try to impose their will on others, who refuse to allow process and procedure, free speech, the opinions of others, who engage in shady accounting principles. How could I, or anyone, for that matter, respect that?? As per the following definition of fascism,
": a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government
: very harsh control or authority"
-how can you defend yourself against the name, or if the shoe fits - wear it. Where is the difference between the definition and your UCO and personal goals?
The rest is nonsense. Is someone a tad sensitive? Well, the old saying is "If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen." It is the plight and fate of the politician or office holder to face criticism. It must be dealt with by asking for details, for ideas of how to improve or, conversely, to show how the position taken is correct, to co-opt the individual. If criticism drives one to the brink, to the edge of insanity, to spout stupidities, to comment on a writing style without offers of help, well, it speaks for itself. Hey, remember, I at least offered to tutor you guys for free. That coming from a Phi Beta Kappa person if you must know.
But that is not the point. The point is that life prepares us for different things and your limit has been reached. You have overstayed at a level at which incompetence has proven dangerous to the health and well being of the Village - and even your own health and state of mind.
Sophocles wrote that "to a man who is afraid, everything rustles". That is the point at which we can find you. That is paranoia. In your life everything rustles and instead of answering fact questions, you engage in silliness, in avoidance, in narcissistic behavior and childish tantrums. So, NO, I would not vote for you, but YES, I would vote for me. That is called democracy. Try it, you might like it - or not - if it kicks you out of office. Oh, well, c'est la vie.
To close, at least for a while - and oh, it is only proper that you state that the highlighting and emphasis is yours and all taken out of context, but I surely do thank you for making my words available on your previously blocked blog! Anyhow, last nite a few of us drove to Pompano to hear the group The Mystics, with originals. They were great in a two hour show. But there were two songs that spoke true and loud. They sang their famous version of "Over the Rainbow" and as we all sang I wondered why we should have to wait till we go over the rainbow, why we cannot dream here, in our world, where dreams can come true. The show was closed with a tribute to veterans and one of my favorite songs, "I'm Proud to be an American." The vets stood, and as the song was sung I stood up to join them in pride and patriotism, in appreciation of what our country gives to us, our democracy. And as I stood, others followed until the hall was aroar with people singing in loud and proud voices. So why do I have to go to Pompano to take pride in democracy? The true question, my dear deluded and overwhelmed David, is - why do we not have it here and why is it such a threat to you?
So, I ask again, come out, come out, wherever you are - and discuss the issues, face up to your record, defend it if you can. Then, and only then, will you have earned any respect at all, at least for doing the right thing, if not for your record. And again, would you vote for this woman - YES AND YES AND YES. I like her, think she's pretty cool - and her grandchildren think so too, so not to worry, dear David, whatever happens, life goes on.
Now, dear readers, please read the following posting, one of the best of Eduardo. Feel the passion and the agony and then ask yourself why this must continue.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
If you’re a fairly educated, sensible, and reasonable person, -- you would have to admit that the UCO President, David Israel, doesn’t know how to react to anyone who has an opposing view. Israel, like a dictatorial brat, doesn’t have the even-tempered vocabulary that would allow him to employ reasonable tactics when addressing people. Rather than “talk” to you, he takes the position of not wanting to hear the story from a different angle, never wanting to know how mistaken he may be.
Yet, I cannot understand why most of the Delegates sit there and don’t do or say anything about the totally non-acceptable words of a tyrannical bureaucrat. If a Delegate is an understanding person, a reasonably intelligent person, he or she can see before their very eyes that this is a man who is not really a man, but rather acting like a spoiled adolescent; a President who does not know the first thing about being a President; a ruler who chooses to use confusing words to try and convince the lay person of his superior intellect and appeal.
If you were to spend an hour or two going through the Robert’s Rules of Order, 11th Edition, you would clearly understand and realize that it is Mr. Israel who is clearly “OUT OF ORDER.” But, Israel is so bloody self-centered that he would even find the Robert’s Rules of Order “OUT OF ORDER.”
Imagine for one moment, President Obama at a news conference before fifty people who may have opposing views of the administration and have a flood of comments and questions, and the President says to an inquirer, ”YOU’RE OUT OF ORDER,” “SIT DOWN, YOU’RE OUT OF ORDER.” The President’s credibility as Commander-In-Chief would become zero minus, and the word “impeachment” would probably make headlines.
Just recently, I took a new unit owner, a new friend, to the last Delegate’s Meeting. He is a president and CEO of a fairly large corporation. He said – “Tell me that man is President only because nobody else wanted the job.” He also said “He’s way out of control. He obviously doesn’t know the role of a President who has about 350 members on his Board of Directors.” It was embarrassing for me to show him first-hand our administrative leadership.
However, when your head is so big that you can’t see your shoulders; when you have control of the microphone; when you have the gavel; when all the spotlights shine upon you; when you are on stage; when you’re in the center chair flanked on either side by 4 or 5 subordinates; when you’re talking down to somebody . . . literally; when you control the UCO Reporter; when you control Channel 63; when you control all Committees; when you control all UCO functions; and control, control and control, - - that control is what allows you, Israel, to make the statement; “SIT DOWN – YOU’RE OUT OF ORDER,” and get away with it. Sensible people would tell you to either act in a professional, responsible manner, or you’re history. Sensible people might say to themselves “How did we let this happen?”
From what you have posted on your Private Blog, Mr. Israel, i.e. copying numerous postings of My Village Blogger, why not copy this posting also? Oh yeah, you might say “YOU’RE OUT OF ORDER.”
If you’re a fairly educated, sensible, and reasonable person, -- you would have to admit that the UCO President, David Israel, doesn’t know how to react to anyone who has an opposing view. Israel, like a dictatorial brat, doesn’t have the even-tempered vocabulary that would allow him to employ reasonable tactics when addressing people. Rather than “talk” to you, he takes the position of not wanting to hear the story from a different angle, never wanting to know how mistaken he may be.
Yet, I cannot understand why most of the Delegates sit there and don’t do or say anything about the totally non-acceptable words of a tyrannical bureaucrat. If a Delegate is an understanding person, a reasonably intelligent person, he or she can see before their very eyes that this is a man who is not really a man, but rather acting like a spoiled adolescent; a President who does not know the first thing about being a President; a ruler who chooses to use confusing words to try and convince the lay person of his superior intellect and appeal.
If you were to spend an hour or two going through the Robert’s Rules of Order, 11th Edition, you would clearly understand and realize that it is Mr. Israel who is clearly “OUT OF ORDER.” But, Israel is so bloody self-centered that he would even find the Robert’s Rules of Order “OUT OF ORDER.”
Imagine for one moment, President Obama at a news conference before fifty people who may have opposing views of the administration and have a flood of comments and questions, and the President says to an inquirer, ”YOU’RE OUT OF ORDER,” “SIT DOWN, YOU’RE OUT OF ORDER.” The President’s credibility as Commander-In-Chief would become zero minus, and the word “impeachment” would probably make headlines.
Just recently, I took a new unit owner, a new friend, to the last Delegate’s Meeting. He is a president and CEO of a fairly large corporation. He said – “Tell me that man is President only because nobody else wanted the job.” He also said “He’s way out of control. He obviously doesn’t know the role of a President who has about 350 members on his Board of Directors.” It was embarrassing for me to show him first-hand our administrative leadership.
However, when your head is so big that you can’t see your shoulders; when you have control of the microphone; when you have the gavel; when all the spotlights shine upon you; when you are on stage; when you’re in the center chair flanked on either side by 4 or 5 subordinates; when you’re talking down to somebody . . . literally; when you control the UCO Reporter; when you control Channel 63; when you control all Committees; when you control all UCO functions; and control, control and control, - - that control is what allows you, Israel, to make the statement; “SIT DOWN – YOU’RE OUT OF ORDER,” and get away with it. Sensible people would tell you to either act in a professional, responsible manner, or you’re history. Sensible people might say to themselves “How did we let this happen?”
From what you have posted on your Private Blog, Mr. Israel, i.e. copying numerous postings of My Village Blogger, why not copy this posting also? Oh yeah, you might say “YOU’RE OUT OF ORDER.”
So early this morning or late last nite, after attacking Olga, David went at me hammer and tong. Unfortunately for him, it backfired. Every single person I met this morning or received a phone call from was laughing hysterically. One wants to know if there will be a bounty on my head so she can collect it. I also saw several medical professionals today who know me very well and when I told them the story they too laughed and said, "but we all love you. You are so funny, make us laugh. What is with that guy?"
So I thought about that question all morning and maybe I have some answers or some clue as to what is with that guy. First he has no life, no friends other than those who gain their reflected glory from him so they cater to him. Second, he senses his deterioration mentally and that is a scary process and one we all hope to avoid, but when one is paranoid to the point of trying to shut everyone and everything down that might oppose or counter his ideas, then what else is there to say. I mean after all, how can the man think that he is the supreme authority for videos, meetings, opinions, etc. That is definitely off.
Third, the man is floundering. As I have said many times before, a well run administration MUST have process and procedure. It must make use of principles of management, especially a large undertaking such as CV with its multi million dollar budget. There must be a thorough examination of what the history of this institution is and where it has failed and where it has succeeded. Then one must prioritize the needs of the Village, the funds it has and the best way to go about it.
When one states that there are vendors that do not wish to work with us, that is a major issue. We never had this problem before David Israel became president and that says much. We need to make a clean sweep so we can convince vendors once again that we are rational and thinking beings with whom they can work, sharp people who will catch them out if they try to pull something. That DID NOT happen during the road job nor even with this new security contract. Oh, they say Ed Black has smoothed it all out but I just saw huge lines again this morning as I came back into the Village.
Only one of many lies and falsehoods that seem to grow like weeds from their mouths. Hey, people, Nnw that David has put some of my postings on line, just click on any or all and read them in their entirety and then you will understand the true context and wherein these statements are made. Oh, yoo, hoo, Dave? Forgot to remind you that before you get so aggrieved about things that were stated about you, how about looking at your own mouth -thugs, malcontents, disruptive individual, bad people, telling a Holocaust survivor he should vanish in a puff of smoke and ashes - classy, that was, huh, and there are many others. Of course, there is always the threat to blow me up or to sic armed people on me. Classy, truly.
How about issue talk?
1. Bad waters in the Village
2.Roads collapsing and crumbling
3. Slush fund accounting and poor oversight of cash outflow.
4. reform of entire election process
5. Reform of entire voting process during assemblies
6. Reform of the media of the Village with proper editorial people and true freedom of speech
7. Control of WPRF and their spending and plans for our money
8. Review and improve the pace of WPRF projects here in the Village.
9. Returning term limits to the Village, although I must say that the idea of getting into office and then staying there might be tempting!!!!!
10. Stopping the habit of the president of cutting off the computers of officers who disagree with him and precluding any contact with our cloud.
I can go on and on, but since you never seem to answer, these are enough right now although the thought and pressing need of properly run DAs is chewing away at my thoughts. Perhaps if the "leader' would do it right, then the anger and the noise would stop - from ALL groups and views. The left side boosters do quite well for you, David. Perhaps a quiet and out of order to them might come in handy. If you wish to talk, just call, email, come over and knock on the door. You can even think of some of your own issues.
So I thought about that question all morning and maybe I have some answers or some clue as to what is with that guy. First he has no life, no friends other than those who gain their reflected glory from him so they cater to him. Second, he senses his deterioration mentally and that is a scary process and one we all hope to avoid, but when one is paranoid to the point of trying to shut everyone and everything down that might oppose or counter his ideas, then what else is there to say. I mean after all, how can the man think that he is the supreme authority for videos, meetings, opinions, etc. That is definitely off.
Third, the man is floundering. As I have said many times before, a well run administration MUST have process and procedure. It must make use of principles of management, especially a large undertaking such as CV with its multi million dollar budget. There must be a thorough examination of what the history of this institution is and where it has failed and where it has succeeded. Then one must prioritize the needs of the Village, the funds it has and the best way to go about it.
When one states that there are vendors that do not wish to work with us, that is a major issue. We never had this problem before David Israel became president and that says much. We need to make a clean sweep so we can convince vendors once again that we are rational and thinking beings with whom they can work, sharp people who will catch them out if they try to pull something. That DID NOT happen during the road job nor even with this new security contract. Oh, they say Ed Black has smoothed it all out but I just saw huge lines again this morning as I came back into the Village.
Only one of many lies and falsehoods that seem to grow like weeds from their mouths. Hey, people, Nnw that David has put some of my postings on line, just click on any or all and read them in their entirety and then you will understand the true context and wherein these statements are made. Oh, yoo, hoo, Dave? Forgot to remind you that before you get so aggrieved about things that were stated about you, how about looking at your own mouth -thugs, malcontents, disruptive individual, bad people, telling a Holocaust survivor he should vanish in a puff of smoke and ashes - classy, that was, huh, and there are many others. Of course, there is always the threat to blow me up or to sic armed people on me. Classy, truly.
How about issue talk?
1. Bad waters in the Village
2.Roads collapsing and crumbling
3. Slush fund accounting and poor oversight of cash outflow.
4. reform of entire election process
5. Reform of entire voting process during assemblies
6. Reform of the media of the Village with proper editorial people and true freedom of speech
7. Control of WPRF and their spending and plans for our money
8. Review and improve the pace of WPRF projects here in the Village.
9. Returning term limits to the Village, although I must say that the idea of getting into office and then staying there might be tempting!!!!!
10. Stopping the habit of the president of cutting off the computers of officers who disagree with him and precluding any contact with our cloud.
I can go on and on, but since you never seem to answer, these are enough right now although the thought and pressing need of properly run DAs is chewing away at my thoughts. Perhaps if the "leader' would do it right, then the anger and the noise would stop - from ALL groups and views. The left side boosters do quite well for you, David. Perhaps a quiet and out of order to them might come in handy. If you wish to talk, just call, email, come over and knock on the door. You can even think of some of your own issues.
AND HE'S OFF............
Good morning , folks, and welcome to the topsy-turvy world of David Israel. All those after hours meetings in the UCO building have finally burst open and spilled their agenda. The man is running scared, frightened that his reign of terror and power will be fading away within the year. Tsk, tsk.
So this man, who has used OUR building to plan his attack campaign, used OUR electric, water and whatever else he used, including office supplies, has come out in the open. Finally. About time. So, since I cannot respond on his blog, as fascism demands the stifling of all opposition, I will respond on my blog.
I stand by all my statements about David Israel.
He does have an inflated ego.
He does have a sense of paranoia as he believes the world is out to get him.
He has closed off all media to us - no paper, no Channel 63, no forums - all "NON_ SANCTIONED" according to his words.
He does twist things as he pleases, so do go back to my blog and see the context wherein I wrote all those words that he quotes. Twist and turn, David.
He does associate with people who have other plans for our Village, including Ed Black, who took the money from our reserve accounts without asking the delegates - AGAINST OUR BYLAWS. Is this what you want for your president and vice president?
I love that he attacks my writing skills. Wonder how many plays this man has written? Wonder how many articles this man has written on his own. Hey, we could have an impromptu on the spot writing contest. Nah, he would never go for it, the same as he would never go for a debate. He would lose - and has lost. Just go back to last year's Forum where I put him under the table!
Oh David, I feel sorry for you that you need to do this. But, if that is what you want to do - IT IS A FREE WORLD, contrary to what you believe and act on. So do you want me to go back and print out all the threats of your lovely "Fred Sanford"? Could his initials be EB? Aw, that's right! He too is a coward so never signs in with his name. Oh, also forgot - I have his IP addresses and the location right there in UCO, again using OUR equipment to run off personal deeds and wishes. Naughty, Naughty!
So go ahead, throw your little tantrums, send out your pathetic little attacks and could we finally get down to the issues as I have been asking for over the past year, give or take, get down to business?
Oh, David? Just reminding you of the names you have used, including calling Carol S. a Nazi, a Goebels, called Barbara Cornish a toxic tart and the whore of Babylon (and now you back her?!!!!), and even accused me of starting a plot, a cabal, of Orthodox Jews here in the Village, those who belong to Aitz Chaim, to "take over" the Village. You are so truly pathetic that I even feel sorry for you. Do you need more reminders?
Gee, wonder who is next? Gee, I wonder if we should go after his candidates as he does the opposition? Hmmmm. Nah, not worth it. I will make comments and so will others, but it will be on our own personal time, in our own personal homes, on our own computers - and not use the resources of UCO in a wasteful and hateful manner as you and yours have done over the years. Wonder if there is a felony in that?
Hey, David, why don't you fill in the rest of those postings of mine and see if the people agree with what I wrote? Too scary for you, huh, as you never wish to face up to your lacks and your misdeeds, so please, do go ahead, and quote me. Nice to see one's words in print. I guess that means that they are now sanctioned, so I can continue to write with your royal approval. So can I now respond on your blog? You can always write on mine.
Sorry, just had to add this in. The image came to me of you sitting scrunched up over your computer keyboard and screen and gathering, with nasty hee,hee, hees, statements from my postings, thinking, "I'll get you, my pretty!" Too bad I don't have a dog, Toto.
So this man, who has used OUR building to plan his attack campaign, used OUR electric, water and whatever else he used, including office supplies, has come out in the open. Finally. About time. So, since I cannot respond on his blog, as fascism demands the stifling of all opposition, I will respond on my blog.
I stand by all my statements about David Israel.
He does have an inflated ego.
He does have a sense of paranoia as he believes the world is out to get him.
He has closed off all media to us - no paper, no Channel 63, no forums - all "NON_ SANCTIONED" according to his words.
He does twist things as he pleases, so do go back to my blog and see the context wherein I wrote all those words that he quotes. Twist and turn, David.
He does associate with people who have other plans for our Village, including Ed Black, who took the money from our reserve accounts without asking the delegates - AGAINST OUR BYLAWS. Is this what you want for your president and vice president?
I love that he attacks my writing skills. Wonder how many plays this man has written? Wonder how many articles this man has written on his own. Hey, we could have an impromptu on the spot writing contest. Nah, he would never go for it, the same as he would never go for a debate. He would lose - and has lost. Just go back to last year's Forum where I put him under the table!
Oh David, I feel sorry for you that you need to do this. But, if that is what you want to do - IT IS A FREE WORLD, contrary to what you believe and act on. So do you want me to go back and print out all the threats of your lovely "Fred Sanford"? Could his initials be EB? Aw, that's right! He too is a coward so never signs in with his name. Oh, also forgot - I have his IP addresses and the location right there in UCO, again using OUR equipment to run off personal deeds and wishes. Naughty, Naughty!
So go ahead, throw your little tantrums, send out your pathetic little attacks and could we finally get down to the issues as I have been asking for over the past year, give or take, get down to business?
Oh, David? Just reminding you of the names you have used, including calling Carol S. a Nazi, a Goebels, called Barbara Cornish a toxic tart and the whore of Babylon (and now you back her?!!!!), and even accused me of starting a plot, a cabal, of Orthodox Jews here in the Village, those who belong to Aitz Chaim, to "take over" the Village. You are so truly pathetic that I even feel sorry for you. Do you need more reminders?
Gee, wonder who is next? Gee, I wonder if we should go after his candidates as he does the opposition? Hmmmm. Nah, not worth it. I will make comments and so will others, but it will be on our own personal time, in our own personal homes, on our own computers - and not use the resources of UCO in a wasteful and hateful manner as you and yours have done over the years. Wonder if there is a felony in that?
Hey, David, why don't you fill in the rest of those postings of mine and see if the people agree with what I wrote? Too scary for you, huh, as you never wish to face up to your lacks and your misdeeds, so please, do go ahead, and quote me. Nice to see one's words in print. I guess that means that they are now sanctioned, so I can continue to write with your royal approval. So can I now respond on your blog? You can always write on mine.
Sorry, just had to add this in. The image came to me of you sitting scrunched up over your computer keyboard and screen and gathering, with nasty hee,hee, hees, statements from my postings, thinking, "I'll get you, my pretty!" Too bad I don't have a dog, Toto.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Petey Boy does not like my posting from this morning where I blasted David Israel, a very sick and confused individual. Olga agreed with me and my conclusions and commented, as is her right on this blog - even as Petey Boy can, except that he knows I will not print filth or nastiness so he does not bother. Actually, I see it is difficult for him to string together some sentences in literate English. My offer of free tutoring still stands!
This hysteria that is found in his response is the same hysteria that is present in all of David Israel's doings. It is nigh on to impossible for him to keep his temper in control at the assembly, especially when at the meetings he runs rubber stamp approval votes and at the assembly he is contradicted and questioned. Yet if one checks his IFI, one will notice contradictions from what has been put out elsewhere, so what is going on?
What we have is a person who no longer has full control over his faculties and his suck ups enable him to keep on going as it allows them to keep up their little fiefdoms that he gifted them with, never mind our money or the volunteers who were never called upon, even purposely ignored, banned from UCO.
This is why we have Ed Black running the daily show for the most part, a man who boasts of how many committees he has been on or heads, he, a non elected person who rules UCO, he who took money from our reserves to pay for a road contract that truly sucks the big one! These are the people who think they are lawyers, accountants, judges, environmentalists, leaders, geologists, and any other profession they need at the moment. The lakes are filthy, no problem. They will make the judgment.The question is - how much longer will we fail to get rid of them? How much longer will we continue to allow them to ruin our Village. Read what that guy did in the posting on Gary's blog and then say oh, boy, oh boy! There are some differences as I do not know of any past felony that David Israel has committed, but one never knows what a good rooting around in our Village books will turn up.
And why the suspicion? Because what is he hiding? We have every right to see the books, to see what has been done, to see what is going on. So what is he hiding by denying access? For example, in the IFI that was sent out, there are two prices for moving a lamp pole to make room for the sign that we emphatically do not need, so what is the truth? And what is the truth in every bit of goings on in the Village, in UCO?
David Israel, once again, I challenge you to a debate, to answer questions at a town hall, whatever format you want, but come out in the open and talk truth. Get out of that damned hidey hole of yours and face the people. Meet the people in an environment that you do not control as in your oh so sugar sweet meetings before elections with association presidents. But you will not because you are a coward, a cravenly coward, a man with a confused mind, a man who needs help, really soon and really intense help.
This hysteria that is found in his response is the same hysteria that is present in all of David Israel's doings. It is nigh on to impossible for him to keep his temper in control at the assembly, especially when at the meetings he runs rubber stamp approval votes and at the assembly he is contradicted and questioned. Yet if one checks his IFI, one will notice contradictions from what has been put out elsewhere, so what is going on?
What we have is a person who no longer has full control over his faculties and his suck ups enable him to keep on going as it allows them to keep up their little fiefdoms that he gifted them with, never mind our money or the volunteers who were never called upon, even purposely ignored, banned from UCO.
This is why we have Ed Black running the daily show for the most part, a man who boasts of how many committees he has been on or heads, he, a non elected person who rules UCO, he who took money from our reserves to pay for a road contract that truly sucks the big one! These are the people who think they are lawyers, accountants, judges, environmentalists, leaders, geologists, and any other profession they need at the moment. The lakes are filthy, no problem. They will make the judgment.The question is - how much longer will we fail to get rid of them? How much longer will we continue to allow them to ruin our Village. Read what that guy did in the posting on Gary's blog and then say oh, boy, oh boy! There are some differences as I do not know of any past felony that David Israel has committed, but one never knows what a good rooting around in our Village books will turn up.
And why the suspicion? Because what is he hiding? We have every right to see the books, to see what has been done, to see what is going on. So what is he hiding by denying access? For example, in the IFI that was sent out, there are two prices for moving a lamp pole to make room for the sign that we emphatically do not need, so what is the truth? And what is the truth in every bit of goings on in the Village, in UCO?
David Israel, once again, I challenge you to a debate, to answer questions at a town hall, whatever format you want, but come out in the open and talk truth. Get out of that damned hidey hole of yours and face the people. Meet the people in an environment that you do not control as in your oh so sugar sweet meetings before elections with association presidents. But you will not because you are a coward, a cravenly coward, a man with a confused mind, a man who needs help, really soon and really intense help.
"I have a dream, a song to sing."
So go the words to a well loved song and so go the words here in the Village, and I hate to break it to the pompous one, but it has nothing to do with ego or disruption or anything else other than the paranoia of a sick and broken man.
The only other explanation for the rant that was presented to us as "The President's Report" is the even more scary thought than having a lunatic as our president. That is if the president is a lunatic Fascist, a contention I have made before. Read his absolutely improper report, one that is supposed to be a dispassionate report on the state of the Village rather than a sick rant on the people who dare to oppose him. History has myriads of reports, film clips and pictures of those who did exactly the same and we can go thru the list from the competing Roman generals and Senators to the hate filled people throughout the centuries to Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Ahminadjed and even Putin in today's times. If that is where our paranoid president wishes to end up, if this is the company he prefers, then Lord in Heaven, the situation is even worse than we thought.
Just look at his last paragraph, the closing paragraph, which every one knows is the summing up of the main point of an essay. "The bottom line is that, if necessary, the use of law enforcement is fully justified in order to ensure the conduct of an orderly meeting. The body politic will only tolerate so much nonsense." (underlining and highlighting is mine.)
The use of force is the last resort and threat of the typical tinpot dictator. When there is no more sense or logic to his words and no one other than his sycophants who are desperately holding on to his reflected power, listen to him, then force is the way. Again, there is NO, NONE, NADA, ZIP, ZERO disruption going on when a person or persons step up to the mic in full authorization by Robert's Rules and then disagree with the sick man of the Village. In fact, this very same sick man is the one who consistently violates these rules by speaking in a partisan manner from the dais, by engaging in shouting matches or rather one sided matches wherein he yells, screams, bangs the gavel, and threatens. If he wishes to argue, he must hand over his chair and come down to the mic LIKE EVERONE ELSE. However, when one is a Fascist, one does exactly as David Israel does now.
So, back to the threat of force. That is the last resort of the dictator, of the Fascist losing power. Should he or anyone else, be they from Kent or from the PBSO dare to try or touch or try to move anyone away from the mike, out of the assembly, for speaking their mind - then speaking of lawsuits - and jail time - they had better not.
When one is incapable of completing a sensible and productive thought, be it in writing or spoken language, then it is time to go. When a person cannot take it when the assembly vote goes against him, then it is time to go. I did not see anyone from the opposition go yelling, screaming, or shouting when the budget was passed, the zillionth budget, the one that will contribute further to our wrack and ruin. So where was this man? In his paranoid world, filled with his paranoia fueled fantasies and imagery.
This man does not get me mad; he makes me sad. Here I just wrote about the violence in the world, about the consequences in personal worlds, as my granddaughter's classmates come up with the idea to wear orange tops and bows for the girls in memory of Deanna, their classmate, so brutally killed by her father. Is that what you wish, David Israel? Is that what you wish to see and happen? Should the PBSO be so stupid and shortsighted as to answer your appeal for force and actually charge at someone or threaten someone with a gun or a fist or even a body push - and people start dying because of shock to the heart or a fall or whatever - IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT DEEP DOWN IN YOUR SICK AND PATHETIC SOUL? If so, then please get the hell out of office before anything else raises its ugly head.
For the sake of all of us - even for your sake - stop seeing new ideas, new people joining the opposition, the thought of losing the only thing in your life, you pathetic excuse of a human being - if you see all that as threatening to you, then come, I will help you find a place where you can rest and rehab. I have often asked you to reach out and take my hand, the hands of others and work together for the sake of the Village, but you are too foregone for that anymore.
Vote for the people who have had the courage to stand and defy this ruinous man, this poison for the Village, the same people who showed up to present themselves at the debate, the same people who laugh at his statement of ""unauthorized videos". Really, now we need his permission to use video cameras? Does he control all the air waves of the world? Must contact You Tube and Google, Instagram and Twitter and anyone else who has a finger in this pie!
It is megalomania and paranoia in one ugly package.
Let us rid ourselves of this man and his followers and bring new sunshine to the Village. Everyone else here in the Village can sing and relate to the first words of this posting - we all have dreams and songs to sing. Now for further understanding of the situation, read Stew Richland's posting just below this one.
So go the words to a well loved song and so go the words here in the Village, and I hate to break it to the pompous one, but it has nothing to do with ego or disruption or anything else other than the paranoia of a sick and broken man.
The only other explanation for the rant that was presented to us as "The President's Report" is the even more scary thought than having a lunatic as our president. That is if the president is a lunatic Fascist, a contention I have made before. Read his absolutely improper report, one that is supposed to be a dispassionate report on the state of the Village rather than a sick rant on the people who dare to oppose him. History has myriads of reports, film clips and pictures of those who did exactly the same and we can go thru the list from the competing Roman generals and Senators to the hate filled people throughout the centuries to Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Ahminadjed and even Putin in today's times. If that is where our paranoid president wishes to end up, if this is the company he prefers, then Lord in Heaven, the situation is even worse than we thought.
Just look at his last paragraph, the closing paragraph, which every one knows is the summing up of the main point of an essay. "The bottom line is that, if necessary, the use of law enforcement is fully justified in order to ensure the conduct of an orderly meeting. The body politic will only tolerate so much nonsense." (underlining and highlighting is mine.)
The use of force is the last resort and threat of the typical tinpot dictator. When there is no more sense or logic to his words and no one other than his sycophants who are desperately holding on to his reflected power, listen to him, then force is the way. Again, there is NO, NONE, NADA, ZIP, ZERO disruption going on when a person or persons step up to the mic in full authorization by Robert's Rules and then disagree with the sick man of the Village. In fact, this very same sick man is the one who consistently violates these rules by speaking in a partisan manner from the dais, by engaging in shouting matches or rather one sided matches wherein he yells, screams, bangs the gavel, and threatens. If he wishes to argue, he must hand over his chair and come down to the mic LIKE EVERONE ELSE. However, when one is a Fascist, one does exactly as David Israel does now.
So, back to the threat of force. That is the last resort of the dictator, of the Fascist losing power. Should he or anyone else, be they from Kent or from the PBSO dare to try or touch or try to move anyone away from the mike, out of the assembly, for speaking their mind - then speaking of lawsuits - and jail time - they had better not.
When one is incapable of completing a sensible and productive thought, be it in writing or spoken language, then it is time to go. When a person cannot take it when the assembly vote goes against him, then it is time to go. I did not see anyone from the opposition go yelling, screaming, or shouting when the budget was passed, the zillionth budget, the one that will contribute further to our wrack and ruin. So where was this man? In his paranoid world, filled with his paranoia fueled fantasies and imagery.
This man does not get me mad; he makes me sad. Here I just wrote about the violence in the world, about the consequences in personal worlds, as my granddaughter's classmates come up with the idea to wear orange tops and bows for the girls in memory of Deanna, their classmate, so brutally killed by her father. Is that what you wish, David Israel? Is that what you wish to see and happen? Should the PBSO be so stupid and shortsighted as to answer your appeal for force and actually charge at someone or threaten someone with a gun or a fist or even a body push - and people start dying because of shock to the heart or a fall or whatever - IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT DEEP DOWN IN YOUR SICK AND PATHETIC SOUL? If so, then please get the hell out of office before anything else raises its ugly head.
For the sake of all of us - even for your sake - stop seeing new ideas, new people joining the opposition, the thought of losing the only thing in your life, you pathetic excuse of a human being - if you see all that as threatening to you, then come, I will help you find a place where you can rest and rehab. I have often asked you to reach out and take my hand, the hands of others and work together for the sake of the Village, but you are too foregone for that anymore.
Vote for the people who have had the courage to stand and defy this ruinous man, this poison for the Village, the same people who showed up to present themselves at the debate, the same people who laugh at his statement of ""unauthorized videos". Really, now we need his permission to use video cameras? Does he control all the air waves of the world? Must contact You Tube and Google, Instagram and Twitter and anyone else who has a finger in this pie!
It is megalomania and paranoia in one ugly package.
Let us rid ourselves of this man and his followers and bring new sunshine to the Village. Everyone else here in the Village can sing and relate to the first words of this posting - we all have dreams and songs to sing. Now for further understanding of the situation, read Stew Richland's posting just below this one.
Monday, February 23, 2015
A candidates opinion – Stew Richland

A candidates opinion – Stew Richland
Does this all seem familiar. In
the latest issue of the UCO Reporter our president provides us with some
snippets on how to deal with difficult people. A person who is dubbed a
difficult person is often given this title by one who lacks the people
skills to deal with them. In my mind a difficult person is like sandpaper
and uses the sandpaper to rub the rough edges off us.
Our esteemed president uses terms like
difficult person, malcontent, bad candidate to characterize any one who does
not agree with him. When a Villager stands to speak on topics that are in
direct contrast to our President, they are greeted with invectives such as
“this is calculated to disrupt the meeting.” “You are out of order!
, sit down etc. If the president was not so defensive, he would
allow these “disruptive” speakers a moment to make their point, then move
the meeting on. This is what a rational administrator would do. How
could a difficult person make someone look like a bad person. This is not
a matter of a self-esteem problem as suggested in the quotes. Does
a civil society not have room for contrary opinions and solutions. Of
course it does! Complex problems can have many different solutions,
problems can be resolved by looking at the issues from different angles.
We have often heard the quote: “Many Heads are Better than One!” Only people who feel that they are omnipotent, fear alternative views. “Render to our president the ideas that are the president’s” and to the difficult persons a seat in the audience.
We have often heard the quote: “Many Heads are Better than One!” Only people who feel that they are omnipotent, fear alternative views. “Render to our president the ideas that are the president’s” and to the difficult persons a seat in the audience.
If a Villager is working, thinking,
presenting ideas to those in attending the Delegate Assembly, why would any
person ever suggest that their efforts are devoid of any personal satisfaction
especially when they and all members of the community would benefit.
Our president states that a small core
of delegates came forth with a set of nonexistent issues just for the purpose
of disrupting the Grand Administrator agenda. is a classical
example of what the Greeks refer to as Hubris, an overestimation of one’s own
competence especially when a person is exhibiting it in a position of
power. Our President has so often attempted to shame the malcontents that
I think he does it for some sought of self-gratification.
Our President also entreats his tribe
of followers to vote for those who displayed the most productive ideas and
reject all nonproductive candidates. Narcissism can be the only way to describe
his command. One does not have to be an elected official to have good
ideas. There are many bright, articulate and highly intelligent
Villagers who for one reason or another have not tossed their “hat in the
ring.” Did not the Village Reporter and the nomination committee exhort
the Assembly to not be bystanders but to be part of the solution.? They
did! Our president now refers to these people as non-thinking,
disruptive and “Bad Guys.” Shame on you Mr. Grand Administrator.
You should take the advice of David St.John. and smell the roses.
I am imagining that the left side of the child David Israel's report card left much to be desired and was a sign of the future. "Plays well with others", "Co-operation", and all the other categories of sharing, working out issues, etc., - all these would have been marked insufficient, with improvement needed.
All we have to do is look at today's UCO administration and realize that the man David Israel is no different than the child and that is a sad commentary. The man does not know how to work well with others, nor to control his temper, nor to plan for future needs of others - only himself, nor does he have any social graces.
Now how do we know that? Simple. Just look at the track record he has left and understand that the future track record will be no better and probably even worse as we are in a precarious situation financially and socially as the Village is riven with anger and hostility. All that could be solved if there would be a resignation of the current president and then take his adviser? puppeteer? with him.
No one was consulted other than Ed Black when he started the draining of our funds for the roads. No one was consulted except for Ed Black and then his handpicked Wi Fi committee when he tried to stuff it down our throats. Certainly no one was consulted when suddenly we find that there is a broadband committee and then that same committee met secretly to start planning to stuff that down our throats. What was even worse is the fact that within the notes of the meeting we see that all is to be ceded to a company called CSI. They will handle and decide everything - money, politics, formation, legalities and on and on. Wonder who owns that company?!
Instead of doing that, after a report by a PBSO representative at the DA, I asked was it not better to have a class with handouts, lessons, etc. wherein the seniors in the Village would be taught how to avoid the ID theft and other pitfalls of the Internet. This would certainly be better than just the telling and re-telling of the statement - "be careful".
Well, what do you know! David Israel commented that it was a good idea and then we moved on. Now, in the schedule of the committee meetings for March what does one see? A meeting of the ID Theft Committee. Yes, the very same idea I had but this is a committee. Surely there were no sheets for volunteers for this committee as it was NEVER announced. Surely, the one who stood up and suggested it should have been asked to be on the committee and help shape the programs and that would be me. But oops, forgot, didn't I, that that crazy paranoid man swore, in writing and orally, that "that woman will never be allowed" on any committee.
Back to the past and does not play well with others. People, is this the "leader" that we want and need for the future? Is this the path we are going to choose, the one that will lead us down to ruination? the path that after statements about the funding of the residents' pool at the Clubhouse suddenly produced more facts about the horrendous cost, not the $120,000 that was put about, but over $180,000 and I do not believe that figure as Howie O'Brien, the Treasurer, told one villager that the cost was a quarter of a million dollars.
Now look at the crazy, spendthrift ideas that the man has for the future. Look at his usurpation of power by using his zombie delegates to vote for rescinding term limits, something that was always, and rightfully so, in place here in the Village. It was here for a purpose. Too many years in office leads to poor administration. It leads to stale thoughts, to corruption, to egotism, to lack of care for the electorate and too much thought on how to grow and maintain power and control, particularly over the finances and funds of the Village.
The man and his acolytes, the policy of cronyism, must be shut down, must be put out to pasture. We can begin by voting in new and fresh people, avoiding every one of the people he says he wants - and who is he to tell us whom to vote for and do not forget, he threw his supporters under the bus, like Jackie Karlin and Jean Komis. The man has no loyalty other than to himself and to Ed Black. Interesting that, the man has been away in Orlando again and guess what - no nasty emails other than the inane ones from Gracie. Hmmmmm.........
Next step is to remember to vote down any of his nefarious plans for broadband or wasting of our money. Why not pay attention to the dangers of the Internet before expanding to a huge amorphous and unnecessary system where security is even looser, easier to penetrate. Where are the lessons for our seniors who need to know, for example, that Lenovo computers, quite popular now, made in China, were embedded with spyware at their point of production!!!! And no matter what malware system or two or three that you used it was not detectable. Why not make people aware of that and that there is a way to get rid of two bad things on the computers, one worse than the other. And by the way, if you need help on that, we did our own check and Gerry can help you with it.
We must get rid of the no term limits, restore that rule to our Village. We must do that before the next election and when there are enough of our snowbirds to vote its return. In the meanwhile, remember .....
and the effort begins NOW.
Tomorrow I will begin to put names on the blog that are worthy of support in the upcoming elections. Remember, that in the Exec. Bd elections, it is a better technique to vote for 6 or so people in a bullet approach, so as to maximize their votes as compared to other candidates. And remember, do not vote for ANY of the candidates that he recommended. And remember, as well, that there was no official Forum this year and when one was offered, the Grand Poohbah imperially ordered his suckups not to go. Yet the people who came, and there was a nice representation, speak well of the opportunity, whether they spoke, asked questions, or simply listened in a display of American rights, something this man does not want nor remember nor honor.
All we have to do is look at today's UCO administration and realize that the man David Israel is no different than the child and that is a sad commentary. The man does not know how to work well with others, nor to control his temper, nor to plan for future needs of others - only himself, nor does he have any social graces.
Now how do we know that? Simple. Just look at the track record he has left and understand that the future track record will be no better and probably even worse as we are in a precarious situation financially and socially as the Village is riven with anger and hostility. All that could be solved if there would be a resignation of the current president and then take his adviser? puppeteer? with him.
No one was consulted other than Ed Black when he started the draining of our funds for the roads. No one was consulted except for Ed Black and then his handpicked Wi Fi committee when he tried to stuff it down our throats. Certainly no one was consulted when suddenly we find that there is a broadband committee and then that same committee met secretly to start planning to stuff that down our throats. What was even worse is the fact that within the notes of the meeting we see that all is to be ceded to a company called CSI. They will handle and decide everything - money, politics, formation, legalities and on and on. Wonder who owns that company?!
Instead of doing that, after a report by a PBSO representative at the DA, I asked was it not better to have a class with handouts, lessons, etc. wherein the seniors in the Village would be taught how to avoid the ID theft and other pitfalls of the Internet. This would certainly be better than just the telling and re-telling of the statement - "be careful".
Well, what do you know! David Israel commented that it was a good idea and then we moved on. Now, in the schedule of the committee meetings for March what does one see? A meeting of the ID Theft Committee. Yes, the very same idea I had but this is a committee. Surely there were no sheets for volunteers for this committee as it was NEVER announced. Surely, the one who stood up and suggested it should have been asked to be on the committee and help shape the programs and that would be me. But oops, forgot, didn't I, that that crazy paranoid man swore, in writing and orally, that "that woman will never be allowed" on any committee.
Back to the past and does not play well with others. People, is this the "leader" that we want and need for the future? Is this the path we are going to choose, the one that will lead us down to ruination? the path that after statements about the funding of the residents' pool at the Clubhouse suddenly produced more facts about the horrendous cost, not the $120,000 that was put about, but over $180,000 and I do not believe that figure as Howie O'Brien, the Treasurer, told one villager that the cost was a quarter of a million dollars.
Now look at the crazy, spendthrift ideas that the man has for the future. Look at his usurpation of power by using his zombie delegates to vote for rescinding term limits, something that was always, and rightfully so, in place here in the Village. It was here for a purpose. Too many years in office leads to poor administration. It leads to stale thoughts, to corruption, to egotism, to lack of care for the electorate and too much thought on how to grow and maintain power and control, particularly over the finances and funds of the Village.
The man and his acolytes, the policy of cronyism, must be shut down, must be put out to pasture. We can begin by voting in new and fresh people, avoiding every one of the people he says he wants - and who is he to tell us whom to vote for and do not forget, he threw his supporters under the bus, like Jackie Karlin and Jean Komis. The man has no loyalty other than to himself and to Ed Black. Interesting that, the man has been away in Orlando again and guess what - no nasty emails other than the inane ones from Gracie. Hmmmmm.........
Next step is to remember to vote down any of his nefarious plans for broadband or wasting of our money. Why not pay attention to the dangers of the Internet before expanding to a huge amorphous and unnecessary system where security is even looser, easier to penetrate. Where are the lessons for our seniors who need to know, for example, that Lenovo computers, quite popular now, made in China, were embedded with spyware at their point of production!!!! And no matter what malware system or two or three that you used it was not detectable. Why not make people aware of that and that there is a way to get rid of two bad things on the computers, one worse than the other. And by the way, if you need help on that, we did our own check and Gerry can help you with it.
We must get rid of the no term limits, restore that rule to our Village. We must do that before the next election and when there are enough of our snowbirds to vote its return. In the meanwhile, remember .....
and the effort begins NOW.
Tomorrow I will begin to put names on the blog that are worthy of support in the upcoming elections. Remember, that in the Exec. Bd elections, it is a better technique to vote for 6 or so people in a bullet approach, so as to maximize their votes as compared to other candidates. And remember, do not vote for ANY of the candidates that he recommended. And remember, as well, that there was no official Forum this year and when one was offered, the Grand Poohbah imperially ordered his suckups not to go. Yet the people who came, and there was a nice representation, speak well of the opportunity, whether they spoke, asked questions, or simply listened in a display of American rights, something this man does not want nor remember nor honor.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
"For Heaven's sake what on earth are you doing?" I liked that when I first saw it and find it even more meaningful now, after recent events and certainly after last nite.
In the middle of the night the phone rang and we blearily saw that it was my NY daughter. Immediately shock ran thru our systems as our minds quickly flew to the boys, one in California and the other in Israel. My granddaughter we knew had been picked up last nite from her sleepover for the Shabbat.
Quickly my daughter answered our hello with "Jamie is ok but how do I tell her this, again?" For the second time, this child, who lives in as much of a cocoon as can be made, for the second time she has lost a friend through violence. The first time was thru carelessness, a fire and three children and their grandparents gone. Now was even worse, her friend whom she saw every day at school, she and her sister, were gone, with G-d prematurely, because their father snapped and killed them.
We spoke, I consoled and gave advice, shed tears and finally hung up. Needless to say, sleep was in no hurry to return. Nauseous, I just lay there, thinking of the world, the awful deteriorating one we are leaving to our kids and grandchildren.
Why is there so much violence, so much hatred in a world in the 21st century. Why do we think all can be solved in violence and threats. The way to solve the growing acknowledged plague of campus rapes? Why just arm all the women! Really, in that case the men who rape will also be enabled and allowed guns so exactly how does this help?
Do not favor abortion? Well, no one does. It is not something that one does because they are bored and have nothing else to do! But it is a fundamental right of a person to have control over their own body, yet we are told no and in a false, angry and malicious paternalistic rolling tide, the choice is being ripped away. So will abortion stop? No, it will simply creep back into the back alleys and desperate attempts by desperate people.
People all over the world talk of ways to keep war from igniting and spreading all over our planet. Yet are they blind? Do they not see that we are already at war and with all due respect to our esteemed leader, it IS a clash of cultures, of ethics, of world views and until we realize that, we ARE doomed to continue to have to face this rolling tide of violence which has no rules, no humanity.
For that matter how much violence has been done in the name of religion throughout the centuries. Yes, Obama, the Crusades were awful - and as a Jew I have studied that during my schooling but it does not provide an excuse for Jews to go around killing Christians (which they most emphatically do not) or for Moslems to kill Jews, Christians, sects other than their own and anyone else they think of. It is no excuse for radical Christians to call for war on others who violate their idea of Christianity or to abuse those in their charge nor for Jews to pervert their authority as religious leaders to abuse others, nor for imams and religious and political leaders of the Moslem faith to do the same. For G-d's sake! We even have Buddhists and Hindus killing now!
Why can we not talk? Why can we not live and let live? Why must we feel this demand, this urge, to impose our views on others and threaten them with harm, with violence if they do not go along? We have that right here in the Village what with the threat to impose armed deputies upon us. It is a sickness that has spread and there appears to be no antivirus.
But there is, actually. It is called education. It is called true leadership by true leaders. It is called tolerance. It is called patience and understanding. It is called not perverting the precepts of religion and killing and maiming in the name of G-d. Leave G-d out of it for He is crying. As am I, for the world, for those two girls killed by a growing wave of violence, killed by the very one who is supposed to protect them against all evil - their father. So how does my daughter break it to her daughter. With tears and hugs, with admissions of non understanding, with promises that that will never happen to her and then I will get the call and have to reassure both of them even as I tremble in fear of the future.
And yet, there is hope if we all strive for a better world. I know that this is silly even as I type it, for people appear to be warped today, but I KNOW there are good people. I see it every day in the actions of people here in the Village as they care for loved ones, for friends. I see it in loving relationships amongst families and friends out there, outside the Village. I see it in the voices of the few, but the few can grow into many if we really care and strive for it.
To close, another statement I read, "Exercise daily. Walk with G-d." If we do that, in growing numbers, and truly understand that G-d wishes His children to get along, to care for each other, to help, not harm, to assist, not kill - we can improve. Kohelet, or Ecclesiastics, says that there is a time for every thing, every idea, on this earth. Now is the time for effort, for love, for cooperation. May we never have to break such things again to any of our children.
In the middle of the night the phone rang and we blearily saw that it was my NY daughter. Immediately shock ran thru our systems as our minds quickly flew to the boys, one in California and the other in Israel. My granddaughter we knew had been picked up last nite from her sleepover for the Shabbat.
Quickly my daughter answered our hello with "Jamie is ok but how do I tell her this, again?" For the second time, this child, who lives in as much of a cocoon as can be made, for the second time she has lost a friend through violence. The first time was thru carelessness, a fire and three children and their grandparents gone. Now was even worse, her friend whom she saw every day at school, she and her sister, were gone, with G-d prematurely, because their father snapped and killed them.
We spoke, I consoled and gave advice, shed tears and finally hung up. Needless to say, sleep was in no hurry to return. Nauseous, I just lay there, thinking of the world, the awful deteriorating one we are leaving to our kids and grandchildren.
Why is there so much violence, so much hatred in a world in the 21st century. Why do we think all can be solved in violence and threats. The way to solve the growing acknowledged plague of campus rapes? Why just arm all the women! Really, in that case the men who rape will also be enabled and allowed guns so exactly how does this help?
Do not favor abortion? Well, no one does. It is not something that one does because they are bored and have nothing else to do! But it is a fundamental right of a person to have control over their own body, yet we are told no and in a false, angry and malicious paternalistic rolling tide, the choice is being ripped away. So will abortion stop? No, it will simply creep back into the back alleys and desperate attempts by desperate people.
People all over the world talk of ways to keep war from igniting and spreading all over our planet. Yet are they blind? Do they not see that we are already at war and with all due respect to our esteemed leader, it IS a clash of cultures, of ethics, of world views and until we realize that, we ARE doomed to continue to have to face this rolling tide of violence which has no rules, no humanity.
For that matter how much violence has been done in the name of religion throughout the centuries. Yes, Obama, the Crusades were awful - and as a Jew I have studied that during my schooling but it does not provide an excuse for Jews to go around killing Christians (which they most emphatically do not) or for Moslems to kill Jews, Christians, sects other than their own and anyone else they think of. It is no excuse for radical Christians to call for war on others who violate their idea of Christianity or to abuse those in their charge nor for Jews to pervert their authority as religious leaders to abuse others, nor for imams and religious and political leaders of the Moslem faith to do the same. For G-d's sake! We even have Buddhists and Hindus killing now!
Why can we not talk? Why can we not live and let live? Why must we feel this demand, this urge, to impose our views on others and threaten them with harm, with violence if they do not go along? We have that right here in the Village what with the threat to impose armed deputies upon us. It is a sickness that has spread and there appears to be no antivirus.
But there is, actually. It is called education. It is called true leadership by true leaders. It is called tolerance. It is called patience and understanding. It is called not perverting the precepts of religion and killing and maiming in the name of G-d. Leave G-d out of it for He is crying. As am I, for the world, for those two girls killed by a growing wave of violence, killed by the very one who is supposed to protect them against all evil - their father. So how does my daughter break it to her daughter. With tears and hugs, with admissions of non understanding, with promises that that will never happen to her and then I will get the call and have to reassure both of them even as I tremble in fear of the future.
And yet, there is hope if we all strive for a better world. I know that this is silly even as I type it, for people appear to be warped today, but I KNOW there are good people. I see it every day in the actions of people here in the Village as they care for loved ones, for friends. I see it in loving relationships amongst families and friends out there, outside the Village. I see it in the voices of the few, but the few can grow into many if we really care and strive for it.
To close, another statement I read, "Exercise daily. Walk with G-d." If we do that, in growing numbers, and truly understand that G-d wishes His children to get along, to care for each other, to help, not harm, to assist, not kill - we can improve. Kohelet, or Ecclesiastics, says that there is a time for every thing, every idea, on this earth. Now is the time for effort, for love, for cooperation. May we never have to break such things again to any of our children.
Friday, February 20, 2015
When UCO decided in its imperial manner to not have a forum or presentation of candidates this year, it was a very poor decision. The question remains as to why this was done. I believe and have so stated before, that David Israel was playing Chicken David, afraid to come out in public and face the music as people demanded answers, as people peppered the candidates with questions, including the Exec. Bd. candidates.
People who deal in misinformation, who generally deal in secrets, in faulty financial dealings and budgets, people who have much to defend themselves need a place to hide and an open forum is certainly no such place.
I salute all those who showed up yesterday to the forum of the people, introduced themselves, and faced the music, some of it not comfortable, but at least they were brave enough to be there. That says something about them and says something else about those who did not show without good reason.
There were strong questions about our money and where it is going or indeed, where it is right now? Why have we budgeted $14,000 for beautification and then want to pay for a sign of $44.000+. The exorbitant cost of the pool, the length of time taken to fix facilities, some of which are STILL not open - guess there is always a season next year! - all these and more were asked and answers proposed. Almost to a one, all the candidates wanted more efficient, more reasonable, more open, more thrifty, more financially sound and balanced decisions and we certainly do not have it right now in the present UCO.
These elections will only go a very short way towards improving the situation, but at least we can demand answers as part of the Executive Board, whether we are in a minority or not. No more runner stamping and half hour meetings. AS such, we can force thought before presentation and make progress that way. We can report from the inside as opposed to being shut out, illegally, from the workings and books of UCO.
The real crux comes next March when we have to get rid of the garbage we have right now and the first step is to elect people next week. The second step is to keep up the pressure. The third step is to reinsert the rule for term limits. These people who answer demands for reform with the answer, "that is the way it has always been done," are the same ones who ignore the fact that we ALWAYS had term limits - and rightfully so. People who are in office too long get stale, get to be past their sell by date and the consequence is bad judgment, poor decisions, and ruination of the Village and its financial soundness.
Once a new UCO administration is totally in place next year, a balance will begin to form. Questions will be answered as books are opened, past decisions rescinded as best we can, contracts will have to go thru a process, and indeed, process and procedure, principles of management will be the rule of the day.
Let us begin with March 6. Make sure your delegates get instructions and vote what the associations want. Make sure the delegates vote and not scheming alternates who wish to vote contrary to the wishes of the associations. Let us make sure that the elections are reformed and purified. and let us make sure, beginning next week, that we are well on the path to
but whatever happens -
Put that in your pipe and smoke it, David.
People who deal in misinformation, who generally deal in secrets, in faulty financial dealings and budgets, people who have much to defend themselves need a place to hide and an open forum is certainly no such place.
I salute all those who showed up yesterday to the forum of the people, introduced themselves, and faced the music, some of it not comfortable, but at least they were brave enough to be there. That says something about them and says something else about those who did not show without good reason.
There were strong questions about our money and where it is going or indeed, where it is right now? Why have we budgeted $14,000 for beautification and then want to pay for a sign of $44.000+. The exorbitant cost of the pool, the length of time taken to fix facilities, some of which are STILL not open - guess there is always a season next year! - all these and more were asked and answers proposed. Almost to a one, all the candidates wanted more efficient, more reasonable, more open, more thrifty, more financially sound and balanced decisions and we certainly do not have it right now in the present UCO.
These elections will only go a very short way towards improving the situation, but at least we can demand answers as part of the Executive Board, whether we are in a minority or not. No more runner stamping and half hour meetings. AS such, we can force thought before presentation and make progress that way. We can report from the inside as opposed to being shut out, illegally, from the workings and books of UCO.
The real crux comes next March when we have to get rid of the garbage we have right now and the first step is to elect people next week. The second step is to keep up the pressure. The third step is to reinsert the rule for term limits. These people who answer demands for reform with the answer, "that is the way it has always been done," are the same ones who ignore the fact that we ALWAYS had term limits - and rightfully so. People who are in office too long get stale, get to be past their sell by date and the consequence is bad judgment, poor decisions, and ruination of the Village and its financial soundness.
Once a new UCO administration is totally in place next year, a balance will begin to form. Questions will be answered as books are opened, past decisions rescinded as best we can, contracts will have to go thru a process, and indeed, process and procedure, principles of management will be the rule of the day.
Let us begin with March 6. Make sure your delegates get instructions and vote what the associations want. Make sure the delegates vote and not scheming alternates who wish to vote contrary to the wishes of the associations. Let us make sure that the elections are reformed and purified. and let us make sure, beginning next week, that we are well on the path to
but whatever happens -
Put that in your pipe and smoke it, David.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Many people have asked why I am involved in this whole political mess. Since I always like to crack jokes, I answer, "Why not - can't be any worse than what we've got right now!!!" But the true answer lies elsewhere, not in comedy but in all seriousness.
I hate things that are done badly. I hate incompetence. I despise people who will not admit that they are over their head and call for assistance - and take that help when it is offered. I strongly dislike those who refuse to realize and accept that all have a right to their say, to their opinions and when that opinion is opposed to them, or critical of their actions and proposals, just freak out.
In 2013, a brave and intrepid soul, a lawyer in Tunisia, was gunned down by Islamic terrorists - oops, sorry, no such thing according to Obama! - and the world grew a bit darker for his loss. What he once said made a great impression on me. "We can disagree in our diversity but within a civilian, peaceful and democratic framework. Disagree in our diversity, yes!!"
That is what I, and others around the Village, want to do - merely to disagree within a democratic framework, but that right is denied to us. We are facing our own "dark ideology" right here in south Florida within the confines of CV. So when we are ridiculed, shamed, yelled at in public, cursed, threatened, verbally and emotionally abused in private and in public at meetings, what is one to do?
Well, what one must do is stand up for one's beliefs, for one's rights. If not, then we are just as culpable in the ravages that will affect the Village and our financial safety. Bankruptcy is not a good prospect, and yet if we continue to spend on items that are totally not needed or necessary, that do not advance and/or maintain our quality of life here in CV and do so at reasonable and affordable cost, then we will face that. An example of the violation of that essential principle? Easy - one can pick and choose. The paving job and the time taken to fix the perimeter walkway, even if it is only piecemeal. The sinkhole that developed when it did not have to. The $44,000+ sign that we most definitely do not need and after only one bid was submitted. The entire Wi Fi project with its multi million dollar cost, unthought thru process, and now the attempted boondoggle of broadband for the Village. Many associations have even stepped up and improved on the original Comcast setups of Wi Fi for their buildings, taken initiative to improve their members' quality of life at reasonable cost. The security contract with lines still out to the streets - I was caught in one yesterday when I drove in with someone who did not have a bar code. A s---l---o---w fixing of Hastings and the Clubhouse residents' pool - at what cost too! And the list can go on.
So why do this? Because I feel I must. This is how I was raised - to step forward, accept responsibility, watch out for fellow citizens, friends, and even those who refuse to accept help.
And if my tongue gets a bit acerbic at times when talking about my distinguished opponents, well, sorry, but there is a limit and when one has been threatened to be blown up, cursed at for being a Jew, yes, here in CV, and called other ridiculous names, well, the limit is reached. I apologize to those who are offended, but clearly state that I am human and I have red lines too, just as Obama does, but I stick by mine! And besides, some of my comments are funny. And true.
So if one does not like the current situation for any reason, then come today at 3:30 to the Clubhouse and listen, ask questions, or speak about yourself if you are running for a position. Don't hang back, hide and go along with that absolutely egotistical and nonsensical statement that this is "non-sanctioned". Really, since when do we need the approval of David Israel or anyone else to do anything we want here in CV. Do we listen to the words of Eva and then kowtow to her statement that we need to watch out because Big Brother is watching and of course, the security officers will "police" us. Really! Since when did you or I or any of us buy into a police state rife with threats, real and proposed, and cameras to check our every move. Since when did we agree to secret closed meetings held by David Israel and Co.
I cannot stand silent in this situation. Come, listen, and I will tell you what I propose to do if elected to the Exec. Bd. - or at least try to, even as David Israel plays his nasty games and then appoints 8 more people to the board so he can maintain his plurality. But one must at least try.
I hate things that are done badly. I hate incompetence. I despise people who will not admit that they are over their head and call for assistance - and take that help when it is offered. I strongly dislike those who refuse to realize and accept that all have a right to their say, to their opinions and when that opinion is opposed to them, or critical of their actions and proposals, just freak out.
In 2013, a brave and intrepid soul, a lawyer in Tunisia, was gunned down by Islamic terrorists - oops, sorry, no such thing according to Obama! - and the world grew a bit darker for his loss. What he once said made a great impression on me. "We can disagree in our diversity but within a civilian, peaceful and democratic framework. Disagree in our diversity, yes!!"
That is what I, and others around the Village, want to do - merely to disagree within a democratic framework, but that right is denied to us. We are facing our own "dark ideology" right here in south Florida within the confines of CV. So when we are ridiculed, shamed, yelled at in public, cursed, threatened, verbally and emotionally abused in private and in public at meetings, what is one to do?
Well, what one must do is stand up for one's beliefs, for one's rights. If not, then we are just as culpable in the ravages that will affect the Village and our financial safety. Bankruptcy is not a good prospect, and yet if we continue to spend on items that are totally not needed or necessary, that do not advance and/or maintain our quality of life here in CV and do so at reasonable and affordable cost, then we will face that. An example of the violation of that essential principle? Easy - one can pick and choose. The paving job and the time taken to fix the perimeter walkway, even if it is only piecemeal. The sinkhole that developed when it did not have to. The $44,000+ sign that we most definitely do not need and after only one bid was submitted. The entire Wi Fi project with its multi million dollar cost, unthought thru process, and now the attempted boondoggle of broadband for the Village. Many associations have even stepped up and improved on the original Comcast setups of Wi Fi for their buildings, taken initiative to improve their members' quality of life at reasonable cost. The security contract with lines still out to the streets - I was caught in one yesterday when I drove in with someone who did not have a bar code. A s---l---o---w fixing of Hastings and the Clubhouse residents' pool - at what cost too! And the list can go on.
So why do this? Because I feel I must. This is how I was raised - to step forward, accept responsibility, watch out for fellow citizens, friends, and even those who refuse to accept help.
And if my tongue gets a bit acerbic at times when talking about my distinguished opponents, well, sorry, but there is a limit and when one has been threatened to be blown up, cursed at for being a Jew, yes, here in CV, and called other ridiculous names, well, the limit is reached. I apologize to those who are offended, but clearly state that I am human and I have red lines too, just as Obama does, but I stick by mine! And besides, some of my comments are funny. And true.
So if one does not like the current situation for any reason, then come today at 3:30 to the Clubhouse and listen, ask questions, or speak about yourself if you are running for a position. Don't hang back, hide and go along with that absolutely egotistical and nonsensical statement that this is "non-sanctioned". Really, since when do we need the approval of David Israel or anyone else to do anything we want here in CV. Do we listen to the words of Eva and then kowtow to her statement that we need to watch out because Big Brother is watching and of course, the security officers will "police" us. Really! Since when did you or I or any of us buy into a police state rife with threats, real and proposed, and cameras to check our every move. Since when did we agree to secret closed meetings held by David Israel and Co.
I cannot stand silent in this situation. Come, listen, and I will tell you what I propose to do if elected to the Exec. Bd. - or at least try to, even as David Israel plays his nasty games and then appoints 8 more people to the board so he can maintain his plurality. But one must at least try.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
A tribute to Walt Whitman – by Stew Richland - just another little ditty
This is another contribution from one of the best and most creative writers we have in the Village. Read and enjoy and if you need help in interpretation, just send an email!
A tribute to Walt Whitman – by Stew Richland
A tribute to Walt Whitman – by Stew Richland
O Captain! Our Captain our struggle is coming to an end.
Our ship is sinking, our bilges are flooded with so called highly qualified
Sailors, all with experience and a track record of service, and yet
we are SINKIING!
The election is near, we can hear the bells of salvation ringing just over
the horizon.
I can hear the people, yelling, HUZAH, HUZAH, our victory is in sight!
Captain O’ Captain call in the MALCONTENTS, they will lead the way.
You and your officers are not tried and true! You navigated us way off course.
From fearful trip to March elections, a new course we will sail.
The ship is now anchored, safe and sound. Your voyage is near and done.
We can now set the course to a brighter destination,
O’ Captain your end is near, but don’t fear, we can always use experienced deck
When we entered school, and indeed for most of our school careers, what teacher said meant we did it. The teacher's sanctioned activities were the ones that happened and if anyone attempted otherwise - well, there was always the principal's office - gulp!!!
When we entered the working world it was listen to your boss. Any new ideas had to be presented carefully for one's livelihood was at stake. But new ideas and success with them as well as adherence to process and procedure and showing professional growth were expected as well. With hard work and a bit of luck, one was able to move up the ladder or remain in place if one wished. As far as marriages, well that depended upon the two involved and their choices.
Well, retirement has taken place, with some people taking up some jobs or new activities and most of us find that this stage in life has freed us up in many ways. One of the ways is that we are not feeling so constricted anymore and KNOW that we have much to say that is worthy of being said and we are NOT in kindergarten any longer. Thus, no one has the right to tell us to shut up, to sit down, that we are out of order, are disruptive, etc. simply because we disagree with one who seems to be in charge.
The Grand Poohbah, General Chicken David, who is afraid to take a step without his vanguard tailing along and his centurion Ed Black there to deflect, is now totally afraid of any and all gatherings that might actually, GASP, have a negative effect on him. The fact that all are invited to speak at this gathering, including candidates that he backs, seems to have flown right over his non thinking head. All this man knows seems to be negative, negativity, and nastiness along with defensive posturing.
We do not need his sanction! Pardon me, but again, as my grandchildren say, "you are not the boss of me!" We are all our own bosses and can all speak up or not as we wish and vote for whom we wish whether Chicken David, afraid to debate, afraid to face the electorate, likes it or not. Here is a comment from the other blog and read what she says and see the sense in it.
jangor802 said...
I fail to see why anyone would have an objection to a well-organized presentation of all of the candidates (assuming, of course, that the time, location and rules apply to each candidate).
It could become an "exercise in disruption", but assuming each candidate was given time to present their ideas with perhaps the same limited questions for each candidate, this could, in fact, be an opportunity for all candidates to clear the air and dispel any notions of "cronyism". Just my thoughts
Braak, brabrabraaak, have a nice day, Chicken David aka would be fascist emperor of CV.
When we entered the working world it was listen to your boss. Any new ideas had to be presented carefully for one's livelihood was at stake. But new ideas and success with them as well as adherence to process and procedure and showing professional growth were expected as well. With hard work and a bit of luck, one was able to move up the ladder or remain in place if one wished. As far as marriages, well that depended upon the two involved and their choices.
Well, retirement has taken place, with some people taking up some jobs or new activities and most of us find that this stage in life has freed us up in many ways. One of the ways is that we are not feeling so constricted anymore and KNOW that we have much to say that is worthy of being said and we are NOT in kindergarten any longer. Thus, no one has the right to tell us to shut up, to sit down, that we are out of order, are disruptive, etc. simply because we disagree with one who seems to be in charge.
The Grand Poohbah, General Chicken David, who is afraid to take a step without his vanguard tailing along and his centurion Ed Black there to deflect, is now totally afraid of any and all gatherings that might actually, GASP, have a negative effect on him. The fact that all are invited to speak at this gathering, including candidates that he backs, seems to have flown right over his non thinking head. All this man knows seems to be negative, negativity, and nastiness along with defensive posturing.
We do not need his sanction! Pardon me, but again, as my grandchildren say, "you are not the boss of me!" We are all our own bosses and can all speak up or not as we wish and vote for whom we wish whether Chicken David, afraid to debate, afraid to face the electorate, likes it or not. Here is a comment from the other blog and read what she says and see the sense in it.
jangor802 said...
It could become an "exercise in disruption", but assuming each candidate was given time to present their ideas with perhaps the same limited questions for each candidate, this could, in fact, be an opportunity for all candidates to clear the air and dispel any notions of "cronyism". Just my thoughts
February 17, 2015 at 10:03 PM
In fact, if all come and behave, both candidates and audience, there will be no disruption and there will be information. How an assembly of senior citizens willing to exercise their rights as Americans, as residents of CV could be so threatening is beyond me. Of course, I have nothing to hide. What are you hiding so desperately, Chicken David? C'mon out to play instead of huddling there at all hours in that refuge of yours. Come out and actually talk to people nicely. Try it - we can help you, give you some tips. See, we know how to play nicely, to share.
It behooves all of us to come out tomorrow at 3:30 in Room C at the Clubhouse and partake of the fruits of democracy. Even Chicken David can not shut you down, not with his "non-sanctioning" of an activity (the nerve!) and not with threats of armed guards to "settle" you down. Come and hear and decide by yourself. Bring back information to your association and delegates and while we are on that topic, make sure you instruct your delegates how to vote and make sure your delegate votes - NOT your alternate unless so specified by the delegate. That is the right and fair way. The pinch hitter does not come into play until and unless authorization is given.Braak, brabrabraaak, have a nice day, Chicken David aka would be fascist emperor of CV.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
MALCONTENTS OF GREAT STATURE: A. Lincoln, Tom Paine, Stew Richland
An Opinion by Stew Richland
No amount of cajolery, and no attempts at ethical, social or political seduction, can eradicate from my gut the deep burning disgust that I have for D.Isreal‘s posting on his blog. . So far as I am concerned this posting illustrates the underlying reason why so many Century Villagers are so at odds with the supporters of the Israel administration.
These people seem to enjoy their own emotionally bad health, and who habitually fill their own minds with the rank poisons of suspicion, jealousy and hatred. As a rule I take umbrage at those who refuse to understand that there are some great people living in the Village. In our Village there is no such thing as 'keeping out of politics.' All issues are political. Much of the politics of the
current Village administration is filled with evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia.
current Village administration is filled with evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia.
Does this administration not understand the simple premise that what brings people together, their motivation for throwing their hat in the ring is energized by their disgust at the way the Village is being run.
I am tired of the Israel administration trying to divide those who oppose them and his programs, calling them rabble rousers, malcontents, referring to them as “BAD GUYS.”
I understand and respect Dave Israel’s right to support and urge others to support candidates of his choice. (Based on his recent tweet, he seems not to share the same values of us malcontents.) We have had an opportunity to judge some of the candidates that Israel supports, and that explains why so many others have decided to run for office. He calls it a “travesty” that malcontent Villagers want to run for the Executive Board.
Let us examine the wisdom of our High Commissioner. He starts a blog. He encourages people to sign up and become members. People begin to participate, when some bloggers begin to display independent thought, and begin to express it, he kicks them off his blog. They are now persona non-grata.
At the delegate assembly meetings, the Lord High Commissioner exercise his self-righteous persona, and from his bully pulpit he calls those who want to contribute “rabble rousers, a joke fest etc. organizers of chaos.” He arbitrarily and with capriciousness limits those who want to join in the debate to two minutes. How heartless this is when many of the contributors are inexperienced in public speaking and are cut off by the gabble and told to sit down. How many are accused of being out of order? No wonder there is such confusion at the Delegate Assembly meetings.
I attended a nomination committee meeting, and the focus was on encouraging new people to run for office. New blood so to speak. Well that’s what happened. Now the High Commissioner, refers to them as “absurd and unqualified malcontents.” If we re-elect some of his proven candidates that have a “record of service to the community” will we see a dynamic change in UCO? The answer is a no brainer.
Our High Commissioner is trying to sell us a list of candidates that he supports. Based on his criteria they are highly intelligent and have a record of service. Well there are many of us in our prior life that also have a resume of public service, are highly educated, and are motivated to serve our community. We are sick and tired of all this negativity, name calling and abusive treatment.This is the reason why so many persons decided to run for to run for office.
My apologies to Mark Anthony.
Friends, Villagers, and readers. Give me your attention.
I write here not to praise our Lord High Commissioner but to illustrate his grievous faults. He is an ambitious man. He has brought some positive changes to our Village, but at what price? He wants to “Isralize” the Village. The “Ides of March” cannot come quickly enough for me. So chill out and let the vox populi – the voice of the people - make their choices in an environment free from negative innuendos which scream from his blog.
Well, yesterday was a sad day for early rock and rollers. Lesley Gore died, the singer of "You Don't Own Me". We all remember her other songs as well, but that song is particularly relevant to us here in CV. You see, General Chicken, scion of all that is Fascist and dictatorial, you do not own us.
Check out the other blog and you will see the most ridiculous - and dangerous - posting ever. And I quote, "it should be noted that the Malcontent Candidates Forum, is an utter nonsense event, not sanctioned by UCO, the Election Committee nor the Nomination Committee. The election, after all, is a UCO Election."
The proper name, you of the cowardly fascistic political beliefs and actions, you know that the name is the Messengers Club Forum and why is it taking place? Because the Committee, under your direction, has refused to hold a Candidates' Forum this year. Why - because you are a coward. You are a fascist who refuses to open the arenas here to all, forgetting that freedom of speech is part of American rights and life. You continue to act in a fascistic manner, trying to close the doors of free speech and free press and are truly piqued that some people have managed to thwart you.
When is the forum of presenting candidates ever a malicious or foolish thing. And remember, Mr. Chicken who refuses to debate, WHO IS AFRAID TO DEBATE, you are right. This IS a UCO election and WE ARE UCO!!!!! Thus we are entitled to run a debate. You do not own us or anything in the Village. This is the Village that belongs to all of us. Not the NSA and not you!
The people here do not need your permission or seal of approval to go forward with any plans. AS a matter of fact, your seal of disapproval is a better recommendation.
"a serious candidate, simple, one with experience, intelligence and a track record of service to the Community. "
Righto! Marcia Ziccardy has all those qualifications as VP and so does John Gluszak. In fact, John could have saved us the $70,000 we spent on the sinkhole if your miserable egos had not gotten in the way. As far as Ed Black, oh yes, wonderful service to the Village, what with getting us mired in the miserable security contract, controlling the techie part of the Village and 5 other committees and him not even being elected! And of course, we must not forget his machinations and manipulations with over 2 million dollars he took from designated funds and the awful mess, physical and financial, that we are left with our oh, so wonderful paving job for our roads.
As far as Fausto Fabro is concerned, the man has had one year on the Executive Board and achieved that office through lieing about where his sympathies and thoughts lay. He got in under false flag effort. He knows nothing about the functioning of UCO and allegedly is not a big fan of women and their capabilities. This man is not a good choice.
And as far as the Exec. Bd. candidates you recommend, I see one person on there who sits, listens, takes notes and thinks. I may not always agree with his decisions, but I respect his process. HE HAS A PROCESS, A WORD YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND!! The rest are just shills for you, bought off with their little fiefdoms that you have oh, so majestically bestowed upon them. You recommend bullet voting, fine, a technique that is often used, so without ordering anyone as to who to choose, for whom to vote, and we remind all that the technique works both ways. Vote for those who will stand up for your rights. Vote for those who have opposed the fascist chicken all along. Vote for those who fight the good fight, sometimes feeling a bit like Don Quixote, but always willing to tilt at the windmills, to fight the good fight and then move our CV onto the correct paths, in a democratically run, financially sane Village.
"...absurd and unqualified Malcontent names, in an attempt to flood the Executive Board with disruptive people."
We are contented people who enjoy exercising our democratic and G-d given rights as Americans and free people. We are contented to fight against dictators who run poor administrations, ruinous administrations who have no process or procedure nor morals and thus spendthrift our moneys away without a thought. There are many people on that list to choose from. Choose the right ones for a better CV and they are most definitely NOT those that the Chicken General spotlights nor those of the rest of his shills that are on there. I guess he is willing to throw them under the bus rather than nominate them. So much for their service to him.
In the interests of full disclosure, yes, I am on the list, and yes, I would greatly appreciate your vote and yes, I also know that the minute I announced, Chicken David began his shill conducted campaign against any who oppose him and in particular, me. Ask yourself why? Why is he so afraid and of what? And yes, we, too, recommend that you pick six or so of the best of those who will continue to fight for OUR rights and bullet vote for them. If you wish to know more of my own personal choices, just email at Just please remember, we are at a crossroads in the path of the Village into the future. Either we insure that it is a good one or we are to blame for not standing up against waste, against the wrong decisions, against a helter skelter administration which hops from one costly boondoggle to another.
Check out the other blog and you will see the most ridiculous - and dangerous - posting ever. And I quote, "it should be noted that the Malcontent Candidates Forum, is an utter nonsense event, not sanctioned by UCO, the Election Committee nor the Nomination Committee. The election, after all, is a UCO Election."
The proper name, you of the cowardly fascistic political beliefs and actions, you know that the name is the Messengers Club Forum and why is it taking place? Because the Committee, under your direction, has refused to hold a Candidates' Forum this year. Why - because you are a coward. You are a fascist who refuses to open the arenas here to all, forgetting that freedom of speech is part of American rights and life. You continue to act in a fascistic manner, trying to close the doors of free speech and free press and are truly piqued that some people have managed to thwart you.
When is the forum of presenting candidates ever a malicious or foolish thing. And remember, Mr. Chicken who refuses to debate, WHO IS AFRAID TO DEBATE, you are right. This IS a UCO election and WE ARE UCO!!!!! Thus we are entitled to run a debate. You do not own us or anything in the Village. This is the Village that belongs to all of us. Not the NSA and not you!
The people here do not need your permission or seal of approval to go forward with any plans. AS a matter of fact, your seal of disapproval is a better recommendation.
"a serious candidate, simple, one with experience, intelligence and a track record of service to the Community. "
Righto! Marcia Ziccardy has all those qualifications as VP and so does John Gluszak. In fact, John could have saved us the $70,000 we spent on the sinkhole if your miserable egos had not gotten in the way. As far as Ed Black, oh yes, wonderful service to the Village, what with getting us mired in the miserable security contract, controlling the techie part of the Village and 5 other committees and him not even being elected! And of course, we must not forget his machinations and manipulations with over 2 million dollars he took from designated funds and the awful mess, physical and financial, that we are left with our oh, so wonderful paving job for our roads.
As far as Fausto Fabro is concerned, the man has had one year on the Executive Board and achieved that office through lieing about where his sympathies and thoughts lay. He got in under false flag effort. He knows nothing about the functioning of UCO and allegedly is not a big fan of women and their capabilities. This man is not a good choice.
And as far as the Exec. Bd. candidates you recommend, I see one person on there who sits, listens, takes notes and thinks. I may not always agree with his decisions, but I respect his process. HE HAS A PROCESS, A WORD YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND!! The rest are just shills for you, bought off with their little fiefdoms that you have oh, so majestically bestowed upon them. You recommend bullet voting, fine, a technique that is often used, so without ordering anyone as to who to choose, for whom to vote, and we remind all that the technique works both ways. Vote for those who will stand up for your rights. Vote for those who have opposed the fascist chicken all along. Vote for those who fight the good fight, sometimes feeling a bit like Don Quixote, but always willing to tilt at the windmills, to fight the good fight and then move our CV onto the correct paths, in a democratically run, financially sane Village.
"...absurd and unqualified Malcontent names, in an attempt to flood the Executive Board with disruptive people."
We are contented people who enjoy exercising our democratic and G-d given rights as Americans and free people. We are contented to fight against dictators who run poor administrations, ruinous administrations who have no process or procedure nor morals and thus spendthrift our moneys away without a thought. There are many people on that list to choose from. Choose the right ones for a better CV and they are most definitely NOT those that the Chicken General spotlights nor those of the rest of his shills that are on there. I guess he is willing to throw them under the bus rather than nominate them. So much for their service to him.
In the interests of full disclosure, yes, I am on the list, and yes, I would greatly appreciate your vote and yes, I also know that the minute I announced, Chicken David began his shill conducted campaign against any who oppose him and in particular, me. Ask yourself why? Why is he so afraid and of what? And yes, we, too, recommend that you pick six or so of the best of those who will continue to fight for OUR rights and bullet vote for them. If you wish to know more of my own personal choices, just email at Just please remember, we are at a crossroads in the path of the Village into the future. Either we insure that it is a good one or we are to blame for not standing up against waste, against the wrong decisions, against a helter skelter administration which hops from one costly boondoggle to another.
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