In life there are choices to be made and the consequences of those choices are unavoidable. Choices must be made carefully and with thoughts of down the road events. Choices must be made with the knowledge that even if they are made in secret, even if they are denied, even if the choicemaker appears to be Teflon, it will not last and the truth will out.
How do we know this? Well, simple. Just look back at your life and see how many times choices were wrong, led to problems and though hidden, were eventually discovered and the consequences not so pleasant, be it in private or public life. And as for the world? Well, the NSA thought they could hide their snooping on American citizens and look what happened there. The USA thought they could hide and deny their snooping on their allies and look what happened there. Bill Cosby put on a wonderful decades long, lifetime long, outer face of a wonderful, warm, funny guy, an example to others and wow, did that explode and yesterday he was finally arrested. The USA and Iran swore up and down and all around that their treaty would be kept, enforced, bring peace to the world and all sorts of pie in the sky promises. Threats to reestablish sanctions were made if there were violations by Iran and well, see how that is working out. Iran fires missiles, shoots at Navy ships from us and the French, imprisons Americans, hanged another and America, with its threats did what exactly? NOTHING! Do these government officials think that all this would remain secret, that there would be no outcry, no consequences to their rash and careless actions? Choices.
One of the new TV programs coming to the air in January is one called The Colony. It appears that LA has been taken over by mysterious aliens and their human henchmen, for always, there are those who will look out for themselves, sell themselves for the momentary benefits for them and damned to all the rest and to the future. People in LA have to make choices that will affect them, their families and friends and all the people in general and many of these choices are made under threat, under enticement and in moral and ethical vacuums and challenging times. Who decides what and the consequences should be a fascinating watch.
And here, in the real good old USA, in Florida, in West Palm Beach, in Century Village, we too have to make choices. We too have a "wall" around us but this one is permeable and even has been breached going both ways, in and out. We have people comparable to the aliens and their henchmen who also have sold their souls for what seems to be a better position for themselves or an office or a title, a chance, they think, to strut around looking important.
These choices have been at the cost of their souls and the truth will out. Just as the nefarious transfers of funds during the paving crisis - which is still with us - and the lousy non - contract contract and the horrendously incompetent job of it - all of it has come out after years of trying to deny it. Boasts are presently being made about how wonderful our water in the lakes is and huh? Really? When the nitrogen and phosphorous levels are two and three times what is appropriate? When the claim is made that one can see two feet down?! Really? Where? Which waterway? Where are the turtles? Where are the little wells the fish used to make and guard and that we could see in the clear water? What are those green slime tracks? Now I am told that they are vegetation, not algae. Couldn't prove it by me, but anyway, they do not belong. There is still crap in the water and yet we are being told in teeny tiny print how well it is all going. Oh yeah.
Choices were made. To lie. To cheat the residents. To intimidate residents. To cut out 99% of the Village, even more, actually, as only a select few are allowed to volunteer in UCO. Our very own 1/2%. The very word volunteer is a joke as are the numerous pleas they make for volunteers to come forth. I will cry crocodile tears for them and real ones for us who are at the receiving end of the consequences of these choices, these lies.
So TV has nothing on us here! We have our own "aliens", our own collaborators - and look how the French collaborators from WWII are now being unmasked - our own evil choice makers and our own group of resisters and resistance which also is growing in leaps and bounds. No one is immune from the relentless exposure of truth. No one. So when you sit down to watch the new season of shows - I know, crazy, right, what with new seasons all year long - but there it is - and here we are - so when you watch the new shows, watch Colony and check for the truth under all the plating of drama over it. Are we too, a colony of sorts? Do we have our own aliens and collaborators? Do we have our own sell their souls people here who are causing much havoc and troubles for us? Oh, yes, oh yes indeed.
And please, do not try to Bakerize me because I talk of aliens. Allegories, metaphors and comparisons. Truth and lies. The inevitable outing of the truth and the exposure of evil.
And in the meanwhile, while you and yours huddle in the back rooms of UCO and in the back rooms of life, we out here are enjoying ourselves, laughing with friends, many times at you, making plans, and hopeful for the future, for we see the longer views and the longer inevitabilities that will arise. So keep hiding your heads in the sand and bluster away. Enjoy the little time you have left to do that. The walls are coming down.
Oh, and the open letter addressee? Still deciding. So wait around, take a breath, keep up with your choices and consequences and watch how they come to roost right back on your collective heads. But again, you just sleep tight. There's nothing you can do about it to stop it - unless you all resign. That's a thought.
As for the rest of us, I wish you and yours a wonderful, happy and peaceful New Year, for us and the world for surely we all need a break.
Enjoy, party, watch fireworks, drink a toast - but drive carefully and responsibly. Stay safe.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Salutary Neglect
Hello Mr. and Mrs. Century Village and all those at sea….HAVE A GREAT NEW YEARS!
Salutary Neglect
This is an American History term that refers to an unofficial policy of the British Crown to avoid any confrontation with the American colonies while they were involved in Empire building around the globe. The threat of rebellion by the colonies was of clear concern to the British crown. When the independent minded colonists decided they had enough of the heavy handed policies of the British crown they made their feelings known by holding public meetings, using the press and placing informational notices on all public bulletin boards. The British attempted to reverse this movement by placing restrictive rules on the Colonies. These measures infuriated the colonists. They struck back by forming the Sons of Liberty which led to the Boston Tea Party.
Will Durant, a famous historian, had written that, “History always repeats itself….the story of man runs in a dreary circle.”
That is just what happened here in the Village. When Dave Israel began to take notice of the rising ground swell of disgust with UCO under his regime, he could no longer turn a blind-eye to these events. UCO along with a compliant WPRF adopted the policy of not allowing any political campaigning in the “Peoples House,” or as many refer to it as the “Club House.” The next move was to restrict any articles that were deemed anti-Dave Israel from being published in the UCO Reporter. These actions were followed by UCO ridding itself of any volunteers that it deemed as not supporting the policies of the administration. Thus the seeds of anti-Dave Israel administration were sown.
Dave Israel, on his blog said “he recently experienced an act that he personally considers sacrilegious when a political sign was placed on the grounds of the synagogue on Haverhill Road” . He called this banner an “eye sore” and reported it to Code Enforcement.
Does Israel really believe that we would fall for this ambiguous idea that he was personally offended by Phyllis Richland’s banner that announced that she was running for UCO President in 2016. Fear of the growing opposition to his regime motivated Israel to sic the county and have the banner removed.
What is the purpose of an Association Bulletin Board? It is a public forum that allows users news items and messages so they can be seen by many people. So by Dave Israel’s definition anything placed on an Association bulletin board is viewed as pollution. Is it not interesting how Dave can so easily compartmentalize those things that offend him. What meets his displeasure he calls sacrilege, horrors to Betsy, but when he resorts to language that degrades residents or fires them from their volunteer job, that’s perfectly acceptable by his standards. Ugh!, and this is a man who wants to be a four time President. Well Mr. Israel you are no Franklin D. Roosevelt!
Lets take a look at Mr. Israel’s three supporters!
So Lanny Howe just woke up. Good the paper tiger is back in the game. Lincoln once said that, “To keep silent when we should protest, makes cowards of men.” That is why I published my column on “forgiveness.” The column you refer to on David’s blog is just a literary technique to inform without resorting to pejoratives. Sorry you did not get it? I view my self as an individual that will not keep quiet because I do not want to allow what is happening to the Village to continue.
When Thomas Jefferson authored the Declaration of Independence he listed all the grievances that the colonists had endured under British rule. Simply stated, they asked for redress, the King did not listen, so now he informed the British King that they have reached a parting of the ways. Jefferson was a “malcontent” along with so many others. We here in Century Village feel emboldened by what our forefathers achieved, and we, the “malcontents” know that our 1776 will arrive in March, 2016.
What can one say about “Gunga Din” Peter Cruise. His claim to fame is carrying Dave Israel’s water, and tearing down campaign posters. Enough said about number two stooge.
Grace suffers from what we call “selective memory loss” when it suits her. In her posting about my grand daughter using our condo in the building in which she is the president, Grace intimates that we installed an underage person in an apartment that had, as George Carlin would say, “wine in it.” Horrors to Betsy. Gracie girl I would venture to say that 95% of every Village resident has some sort of alcoholic drink in their home. I know that some residents take a swig, after listening to Dave Israel rant about his superior knowledge of UCO history. However, let’s remind Gracie what the true facts were which she conveniently chose not to remember. When Phyllis approached Grace to ask permission to have my grand daughter stay at our condo, she was studying for the Florida Bar and was working in a down town law office. She was also in her late-twenties. Grace found nothing wrong with this arrangement and signed the necessary condo papers that acknowledged and approved that my granddaughter would be allowed to reside there while studying for her exams. I should not waste words on people who deserve my silence, but your suggestions were so gross that I was forced to deal with fake people by responding.
Sorry, folks. Meant to get back to the blog to write the next letter but the day went wild and I never got back to the letter. You know, that always happens - just when you think you finally have a nice quiet day to vegetate, boom! and suddenly it becomes crazy busy.
Anyway, just a note about the shows we have in the Clubhouse. We have already gone to many and enjoyed them tremendously with no duds among them but what we also have seen consistently is a theater with too many seats empty. Do you realize that shows that one can see here for $10 are far more costly elsewhere, from $39 at the Rinker Playhouse at Kravis and on upwards from there. Our shows are varied and last nite's show was just plain fun with the Beach Boys band. C'mon, guys. If people do not show up we will lose even more nites than we already have and there goes a big perk of the Village. Why don't our UCO officials make it a point of showing up and setting an example? Oh, why do I even ask that! Ever see David Israel there? Ed Black? Fausto? Bob Marshall? And by the way, Bob, your letter is up in the next paragraph. Enjoy!
Dear Bob,
Better late than never and I so do apologize for this letter's delay, but all good things are worth waiting for, right? I am assuming that as you hold a senior position in UCO that you have the wherewithal and knowledge and capacity to answer the question asked. Just follow along and hey, guys who received a letter already, just wonderin' where your answers are (not you, Dom - got yours, thank you.)
America. The land of the free - or not, evidently, depending upon where in the USA one lives and if it is CVWPB why then it is too bad for you. No freedom allowed. No freedom of speech or assembly. No fair campaign laws, and indeed the very opposite. No free press. So.....
Bob, do you feel that David Israel is within his moral and ethical rights to clamp down on freedoms within the Village and then reach out and try those same tactics outside the Village and shut down the opposition's publicity attempts? That is question one. And now for question two.
Did David Israel display blatant moral bankruptcy when he involved a synagogue in his paranoid and fascistic attempt to shut down the opposition and then, worse than that, use the excuse of religion and his protection of that religion, to justify his misdeeds? Very simple, Bob, yes or no and the readers will clearly know where you stand.
I understand that you might feel that David Israel is just mainlining the deeds of some of our national and international leaders, but does that justify his actions - or theirs or is it that he is just picking wrong role models. Let's take the act of telling a lie, or many lies, in the course of his role within UCO. Great role model in our own Obama who swore up and down that there would be no spying on allies, on foreign individuals of great import in the political leadership of their respective countries and certainly spying and listening in on our own lawmakers and private citizens was to be cut to a bare minimum - unless our "national interest" was at stake and hence the excuse to spy on Netanyahu, members of Congress and private citizens, especially those leading and/or belonging to Jewish organizations. Beginning to feel the nasty chilling feelings of nastiness here, a sense of the true hypocrisy of our leader - not - who believes in telling the truth unless it is not expedient, or telling outright lies and giving orders for actions he has supposedly sworn off. My antennae quiver at these actions and so should yours, but, again, this is a role model for David, huh?
The use of religion as an excuse to go barging in on other people, to impose one's own beliefs on others, to use the name or image or connection to G-d as an excuse and a justification, appears to be quite popular among certain groups of people today, so, here I ask you another question, Bob, about your chosen leader, David. Who are his role models here and before you answer as to your opinion, remember this. You can't be a little bit pregnant and you can't be a little bit oppressive and ruthless in the application of religion as a basis for actions and a justification for misdeeds. One is either in or out, no middle ground.
So, our present examples of this misapplication and misuse of religion are Hamas, ISIS, Hezbollah, the Lord's Army, Boko Haram, any variety of the various offshoots of Al Queda and the Taliban and who knows what the next group will be. Past examples - the members of the Crusades who went slaughtering through Europe, just sharpening their sword skills I guess, the Inquisition, the Salem witch trials, excommunications of political and philosophical pests and do we need any more examples?
Are these the role models that David Israel chooses to justify his actions as he used religion as a justification and in so doing caused the opposite of help - perhaps the very motivation in the first place? Are these the role models you wish to follow? Are these the moral and ethical values - or lack thereof - that you and others in this crew wish to emulate? Does it make you proud?
In the world of today one has to step very carefully in the footsteps of others. One has to choose leaders carefully, not the hate mongering of a Trump nor the violent pathways and vicious statements of other political bigwigs - hate using the term leader as applied to them.
Take your choice, Bob. Make your choice, Bob - you and the rest. Simple enough. Yes or no.
And look at the toll of violence in the world, in Israel, as another victim dies of his wounds inflicted upon him as he walked along the outside of the Patriarchs' tomb. Gennady Kaufman, rest in peace under the canopy of G-d's love and sheltering wings, and may your memory be for a blessing.
Esther and concerned residents of CVWPB
Anyway, just a note about the shows we have in the Clubhouse. We have already gone to many and enjoyed them tremendously with no duds among them but what we also have seen consistently is a theater with too many seats empty. Do you realize that shows that one can see here for $10 are far more costly elsewhere, from $39 at the Rinker Playhouse at Kravis and on upwards from there. Our shows are varied and last nite's show was just plain fun with the Beach Boys band. C'mon, guys. If people do not show up we will lose even more nites than we already have and there goes a big perk of the Village. Why don't our UCO officials make it a point of showing up and setting an example? Oh, why do I even ask that! Ever see David Israel there? Ed Black? Fausto? Bob Marshall? And by the way, Bob, your letter is up in the next paragraph. Enjoy!
Dear Bob,
Better late than never and I so do apologize for this letter's delay, but all good things are worth waiting for, right? I am assuming that as you hold a senior position in UCO that you have the wherewithal and knowledge and capacity to answer the question asked. Just follow along and hey, guys who received a letter already, just wonderin' where your answers are (not you, Dom - got yours, thank you.)
America. The land of the free - or not, evidently, depending upon where in the USA one lives and if it is CVWPB why then it is too bad for you. No freedom allowed. No freedom of speech or assembly. No fair campaign laws, and indeed the very opposite. No free press. So.....
Bob, do you feel that David Israel is within his moral and ethical rights to clamp down on freedoms within the Village and then reach out and try those same tactics outside the Village and shut down the opposition's publicity attempts? That is question one. And now for question two.
Did David Israel display blatant moral bankruptcy when he involved a synagogue in his paranoid and fascistic attempt to shut down the opposition and then, worse than that, use the excuse of religion and his protection of that religion, to justify his misdeeds? Very simple, Bob, yes or no and the readers will clearly know where you stand.
I understand that you might feel that David Israel is just mainlining the deeds of some of our national and international leaders, but does that justify his actions - or theirs or is it that he is just picking wrong role models. Let's take the act of telling a lie, or many lies, in the course of his role within UCO. Great role model in our own Obama who swore up and down that there would be no spying on allies, on foreign individuals of great import in the political leadership of their respective countries and certainly spying and listening in on our own lawmakers and private citizens was to be cut to a bare minimum - unless our "national interest" was at stake and hence the excuse to spy on Netanyahu, members of Congress and private citizens, especially those leading and/or belonging to Jewish organizations. Beginning to feel the nasty chilling feelings of nastiness here, a sense of the true hypocrisy of our leader - not - who believes in telling the truth unless it is not expedient, or telling outright lies and giving orders for actions he has supposedly sworn off. My antennae quiver at these actions and so should yours, but, again, this is a role model for David, huh?
The use of religion as an excuse to go barging in on other people, to impose one's own beliefs on others, to use the name or image or connection to G-d as an excuse and a justification, appears to be quite popular among certain groups of people today, so, here I ask you another question, Bob, about your chosen leader, David. Who are his role models here and before you answer as to your opinion, remember this. You can't be a little bit pregnant and you can't be a little bit oppressive and ruthless in the application of religion as a basis for actions and a justification for misdeeds. One is either in or out, no middle ground.
So, our present examples of this misapplication and misuse of religion are Hamas, ISIS, Hezbollah, the Lord's Army, Boko Haram, any variety of the various offshoots of Al Queda and the Taliban and who knows what the next group will be. Past examples - the members of the Crusades who went slaughtering through Europe, just sharpening their sword skills I guess, the Inquisition, the Salem witch trials, excommunications of political and philosophical pests and do we need any more examples?
Are these the role models that David Israel chooses to justify his actions as he used religion as a justification and in so doing caused the opposite of help - perhaps the very motivation in the first place? Are these the role models you wish to follow? Are these the moral and ethical values - or lack thereof - that you and others in this crew wish to emulate? Does it make you proud?
In the world of today one has to step very carefully in the footsteps of others. One has to choose leaders carefully, not the hate mongering of a Trump nor the violent pathways and vicious statements of other political bigwigs - hate using the term leader as applied to them.
Take your choice, Bob. Make your choice, Bob - you and the rest. Simple enough. Yes or no.
And look at the toll of violence in the world, in Israel, as another victim dies of his wounds inflicted upon him as he walked along the outside of the Patriarchs' tomb. Gennady Kaufman, rest in peace under the canopy of G-d's love and sheltering wings, and may your memory be for a blessing.
Esther and concerned residents of CVWPB
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
You have to feel sorry for them. They cannot help themselves it seems. These people have a serious case of foot in mouth disease, exemplified well by their leader, David Israel, and trudging right along with him are his acolytes, the shills that he has assigned to write comments, post them, and then look like fools in public. So let us take a look at the latest comments right from the various horses' mouths and then ask yourself if this is what or who you think should be leading UCO. Is this what we have to show outsiders who might be considering buying, or present renters who are thinking of buying, or owners who have had enough and are considering options, and to friends in other CVs who ask us just what the hell is going on here and what is the matter with the residents that they allow this to continue. Anyone have a good answer to that? I certainly do not.
There is a poster, Mj Gorges, who has previously posted on both Gary's and David's blogs and Gary answered her promptly and with respect, no matter what view she took. Of late, she has had some other questions that would indicate a need for aid from UCO, official or not, just simply advice. This UCO has now tried to portray itself as the friend of the residents, yet here is the truth right within this exchange of comments. Lies and lies and yet more lies.
Mj Gorges I1 day ago.
"So help me understand why UCO is not responsive to associations. About three weeks ago I sent emails to Mr. Israel and Mr. Fabbio (our vp) asking if they could direct me to a company that does exterior tile work.......To date I have not even a "we do not know" or "please call us directly". (Remember. Israel did some work like this at Greenbriar so he could help - my addition)..... How about we are so sorry but we do not have any information that would help you???? And if the officers are really busy, why not "please contact us again after the first of the year?.....I have thought of every excuse but I really would welcome a response!"
That was the question. here is one of David's chief shills with such a kind and loving response!
Peter Cruise 1 day ago
"Why can't you even get Fausto Fabbro's name right?! And why do you think UCO is at your beck and call?? You have done nothing but criticize on this blog. I don't blame UCO if they decided to ignore you. "
Next we have the so warm, so sweet, so symbolic a response from David Israel. Read it and weep.
Dave Israel 1 day ago
"Hi Peter,
The amazing part of this is that all she need do is type into Google "Tile WPB" and find all the tile people that she needs. She has been naught but confrontational from day 1 on this channel."
Dave Israel
This is the current president of UCO. This is the one who sets the atmosphere and tone, the one who "leads" or is supposed to lead, and he does - in the wrong and most grievous manner. Instead of help, our resident gets ridicule and nastiness, swipes from a sharp tongue, a true response from a sufferer of foot in mouth disease. Why is she deemed confrontational? Because she asks questions and expects reasonable answers? How quaint!!!
And, of course, we have the Miserable Yenta, a nom de plume of Ed Black, he of the nasty comments and behavior and Ed, we all know your style and if necessary, I can show you some of your older ones sent to me. Any time. I am at your service. Foot in mouth disease strikes again.
On the other hand, we have a candidate who is known for her people skills, her humanity, caring and kindness and also for her toughness in hard times, who knows what an austerity budget truly means, who knows the true facts regarding proper financial budgeting and the importance of segregation of funds via designated accounts, transparent to any and all. On the one hand we have secrets and lies, disdain and refusals to aid the residents, the shutting of UCO to "unapproved" resident volunteers, overreaching grasping paws who wish to control all, within and without the Village. on the other hand, we have one who knows the value and importance of democracy, of fair play, of limitations due to laws and moral values.
Who ya gonna call? Phyllis Richland. She will fix the situation. And when other candidates announce themselves, look and choose carefully, not like robots. Step up to the plate. Vote for honesty, transparency, human and humane values, for morality and knowledge, experience. If not - then you too will have kept us with a UCO that ignores us, the residents, the raison d'etre for UCO's very existence.
And stay tuned later on today for another open letter to the non responsive guild ridden acolytes of David Israel. At least Dom responded and I give him credit for that. As for Joy, well, it speaks for itself does it not - no answer, no paper, nothing. So who will be the next addressee? Hmmmm.....Only I and The Shadow know, so stay tuned.
So sorry for the trouble with the original posting and the printing. I hope it is all clear now.
There is a poster, Mj Gorges, who has previously posted on both Gary's and David's blogs and Gary answered her promptly and with respect, no matter what view she took. Of late, she has had some other questions that would indicate a need for aid from UCO, official or not, just simply advice. This UCO has now tried to portray itself as the friend of the residents, yet here is the truth right within this exchange of comments. Lies and lies and yet more lies.
Mj Gorges I1 day ago.
"So help me understand why UCO is not responsive to associations. About three weeks ago I sent emails to Mr. Israel and Mr. Fabbio (our vp) asking if they could direct me to a company that does exterior tile work.......To date I have not even a "we do not know" or "please call us directly". (Remember. Israel did some work like this at Greenbriar so he could help - my addition)..... How about we are so sorry but we do not have any information that would help you???? And if the officers are really busy, why not "please contact us again after the first of the year?.....I have thought of every excuse but I really would welcome a response!"
That was the question. here is one of David's chief shills with such a kind and loving response!
Peter Cruise 1 day ago
"Why can't you even get Fausto Fabbro's name right?! And why do you think UCO is at your beck and call?? You have done nothing but criticize on this blog. I don't blame UCO if they decided to ignore you. "
Next we have the so warm, so sweet, so symbolic a response from David Israel. Read it and weep.
Dave Israel 1 day ago
"Hi Peter,
The amazing part of this is that all she need do is type into Google "Tile WPB" and find all the tile people that she needs. She has been naught but confrontational from day 1 on this channel."
Dave Israel
This is the current president of UCO. This is the one who sets the atmosphere and tone, the one who "leads" or is supposed to lead, and he does - in the wrong and most grievous manner. Instead of help, our resident gets ridicule and nastiness, swipes from a sharp tongue, a true response from a sufferer of foot in mouth disease. Why is she deemed confrontational? Because she asks questions and expects reasonable answers? How quaint!!!
And, of course, we have the Miserable Yenta, a nom de plume of Ed Black, he of the nasty comments and behavior and Ed, we all know your style and if necessary, I can show you some of your older ones sent to me. Any time. I am at your service. Foot in mouth disease strikes again.
On the other hand, we have a candidate who is known for her people skills, her humanity, caring and kindness and also for her toughness in hard times, who knows what an austerity budget truly means, who knows the true facts regarding proper financial budgeting and the importance of segregation of funds via designated accounts, transparent to any and all. On the one hand we have secrets and lies, disdain and refusals to aid the residents, the shutting of UCO to "unapproved" resident volunteers, overreaching grasping paws who wish to control all, within and without the Village. on the other hand, we have one who knows the value and importance of democracy, of fair play, of limitations due to laws and moral values.
Who ya gonna call? Phyllis Richland. She will fix the situation. And when other candidates announce themselves, look and choose carefully, not like robots. Step up to the plate. Vote for honesty, transparency, human and humane values, for morality and knowledge, experience. If not - then you too will have kept us with a UCO that ignores us, the residents, the raison d'etre for UCO's very existence.
And stay tuned later on today for another open letter to the non responsive guild ridden acolytes of David Israel. At least Dom responded and I give him credit for that. As for Joy, well, it speaks for itself does it not - no answer, no paper, nothing. So who will be the next addressee? Hmmmm.....Only I and The Shadow know, so stay tuned.
So sorry for the trouble with the original posting and the printing. I hope it is all clear now.
Monday, December 28, 2015
Who owns the country these days? This is a question increasingly being asked by citizens of countries around the world, including the USA. Is it the people, or is it the bankers or the politicians or big business or a combination? I, and many others, increasingly think that it is the politicians and big business as one refuses to create and enact laws to protect the little people and curb the businesses and the big industries do as they please - stealing money for drugs that are old and cheap yet now costing huge sums of money, unsafe autos and other items and it just continues. And this is in every country round the world. People go hungry, sick and die while others are buying yachts and ever bigger houses and apartments.
When Dylan Thomas wrote "Rage, rage against the dying of the light," did he mean death, the physical kind, or can we now interpret it to mean death of the philosophy that puts people first, death of democracy and the rise of totalitarianism by whatever name it goes by. Terror is nothing but the imposition of one's views on another by force and usually invokes the name of G-d to do so. We spoke of "death panels" when the idea of Obamacare came out yet aren't the drug companies doing that on their own by making drugs out of reach for so many in need?
And think not that we in the Village are immune to this for it is taking place on a larger scale. Phyllis hit the opposition where it hurts - in their stomachs - for she suggested that food not be a part of UCO and as for Lanny, do not try to make it look small by going in reverse. We figure cost by the total it amounts to and this is just one tiny bit of this. $5,000 saved, the amount budgeted, is $5,000 less that the unit owners have to fork over. As far as the volunteer dinner - it was in Kravis because there were so many who attended as there were so many volunteers. Today? Not the same as the same names and people are circulated and the amount of people is far fewer. And, this was all done with the permission of the presidents under whom she served so uh uh, Mr. Israel, hoist by your own petard - again. Foot and mouth disease indeed.
Why have we not heard any serious talk from the Israel camp? Why is all they put forth lies and excuses and nonsense. Why are they the ones joining in the squeezing to death of democracy in the Village? Why? Because their leader is a fascist in beliefs, principles and actions and this must be made gone, gone, gone.
And as far as you are concerned, fool, that you are, Gracie, so what if she had a wine unit .Last time I checked that was allowed and you did not pay for it so what the hell? And if her underage granddaughter was going to stay, so what? Did that mean she would become a wino, drinking all the wine, breaking the lock Phyllis had on it so that she could drink it all? Are you saying that every family that ever had a bottle of wine or liquor in the house when they had underage children are somehow evil and contributing to the harming of a minor? Are you really that stupid?
Just thought of something. Phyllis's granddaughter was there to study for the Florida bar and you, as acting President was asked for permission. So what the hell are you going on about. Not underage for drinking for sure - which she did not do anyway, and if underage for the Village, well, she was a guest - and with your permission. Once again - half stories and foot in mouth. Must be catching with you guys. you all suffer from it.
Another thing, when it was in Kravis it was in the Cohen pavilion and the food at the Kravis had to be from the Breakers so there was no wrongdoing on the part of Phyllis. You guys need to find something else. I know your dude just finally announced his candidacy, as if we did not know, and now you all got the green light to go nitpick, but you'll have to do better than that. Hard to find wrongdoing when the person is honest, sincere, hardworking and caring of and for others and actually talks to real humans, not just computer facsimiles of them.
Please, try hard to grow up, grow some brains and come up with something sensible. Again, how about a debate on the proper questions, David Israel, or is it that your cowardice and lack of ability and truthfulness and inability to justify your actions that will be questioned - and so you must avoid debate?
Karl Marx said, "The past lies like a nightmare upon the present." While I am no fan of Karl Marx and the communism that grew out of his writings in Das Kapital, he has made a point here. The nightmare actions of the past of the village, be it Kurt Weiss's actions in the Millennium agreement or David's actions lo these many a year, or the sneaky deeds and machinations of Bob Marshall and Ed Black or the ridiculous financial accounting used now in UCO, all the better to hide what is going on, and the wasteful spending of our funds by WPRF - funds which enhance THEIR
buildings, not ours, - all this from the past hurts us today and into the future. It is time to get a new present and a new future and get rid of the past and its misdeeds and the people who brought it down upon us. Time for Phyllis.
Total in Israel for October, November, December: 26 dead, 262 wounded, too many to count in shock. From the elderly to the young, Jew and even Palestinians are being killed in these attacks, stabbed, hacked, axed, shot, rammed by cars, walking in the streets of Israel, going about their business. And the attacks continue and we wait, knowing that more are to come even as the world blames the Israelis, the victims. Were we not there before? Has the world learned anything from its past? And the count rises and our babies are being killed but does anyone hear a word about that? Dead silence.
When Dylan Thomas wrote "Rage, rage against the dying of the light," did he mean death, the physical kind, or can we now interpret it to mean death of the philosophy that puts people first, death of democracy and the rise of totalitarianism by whatever name it goes by. Terror is nothing but the imposition of one's views on another by force and usually invokes the name of G-d to do so. We spoke of "death panels" when the idea of Obamacare came out yet aren't the drug companies doing that on their own by making drugs out of reach for so many in need?
And think not that we in the Village are immune to this for it is taking place on a larger scale. Phyllis hit the opposition where it hurts - in their stomachs - for she suggested that food not be a part of UCO and as for Lanny, do not try to make it look small by going in reverse. We figure cost by the total it amounts to and this is just one tiny bit of this. $5,000 saved, the amount budgeted, is $5,000 less that the unit owners have to fork over. As far as the volunteer dinner - it was in Kravis because there were so many who attended as there were so many volunteers. Today? Not the same as the same names and people are circulated and the amount of people is far fewer. And, this was all done with the permission of the presidents under whom she served so uh uh, Mr. Israel, hoist by your own petard - again. Foot and mouth disease indeed.
Why have we not heard any serious talk from the Israel camp? Why is all they put forth lies and excuses and nonsense. Why are they the ones joining in the squeezing to death of democracy in the Village? Why? Because their leader is a fascist in beliefs, principles and actions and this must be made gone, gone, gone.
And as far as you are concerned, fool, that you are, Gracie, so what if she had a wine unit .Last time I checked that was allowed and you did not pay for it so what the hell? And if her underage granddaughter was going to stay, so what? Did that mean she would become a wino, drinking all the wine, breaking the lock Phyllis had on it so that she could drink it all? Are you saying that every family that ever had a bottle of wine or liquor in the house when they had underage children are somehow evil and contributing to the harming of a minor? Are you really that stupid?
Just thought of something. Phyllis's granddaughter was there to study for the Florida bar and you, as acting President was asked for permission. So what the hell are you going on about. Not underage for drinking for sure - which she did not do anyway, and if underage for the Village, well, she was a guest - and with your permission. Once again - half stories and foot in mouth. Must be catching with you guys. you all suffer from it.
Another thing, when it was in Kravis it was in the Cohen pavilion and the food at the Kravis had to be from the Breakers so there was no wrongdoing on the part of Phyllis. You guys need to find something else. I know your dude just finally announced his candidacy, as if we did not know, and now you all got the green light to go nitpick, but you'll have to do better than that. Hard to find wrongdoing when the person is honest, sincere, hardworking and caring of and for others and actually talks to real humans, not just computer facsimiles of them.
Please, try hard to grow up, grow some brains and come up with something sensible. Again, how about a debate on the proper questions, David Israel, or is it that your cowardice and lack of ability and truthfulness and inability to justify your actions that will be questioned - and so you must avoid debate?
Karl Marx said, "The past lies like a nightmare upon the present." While I am no fan of Karl Marx and the communism that grew out of his writings in Das Kapital, he has made a point here. The nightmare actions of the past of the village, be it Kurt Weiss's actions in the Millennium agreement or David's actions lo these many a year, or the sneaky deeds and machinations of Bob Marshall and Ed Black or the ridiculous financial accounting used now in UCO, all the better to hide what is going on, and the wasteful spending of our funds by WPRF - funds which enhance THEIR
buildings, not ours, - all this from the past hurts us today and into the future. It is time to get a new present and a new future and get rid of the past and its misdeeds and the people who brought it down upon us. Time for Phyllis.
Total in Israel for October, November, December: 26 dead, 262 wounded, too many to count in shock. From the elderly to the young, Jew and even Palestinians are being killed in these attacks, stabbed, hacked, axed, shot, rammed by cars, walking in the streets of Israel, going about their business. And the attacks continue and we wait, knowing that more are to come even as the world blames the Israelis, the victims. Were we not there before? Has the world learned anything from its past? And the count rises and our babies are being killed but does anyone hear a word about that? Dead silence.
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Dear Joy,
Hey, you had to know this was coming your way, though indeed there is little hope or rather, expectation, of any insight on your part. Basically the question is this: Do you believe that it was any of David Israel's right or business to try to squash campaign ads outside of the Village, particularly when he knew that Code Enforcement left these signs alone and the complaint involved a synagogue with immediate financial consequences on them? In fact, the very sign of the synagogue's name, up for 16 years, now has to be changed or gain a variance. Do you believe this had anything to do with religion or simply was a political act and in any case, was this a moral act - yes or no? Indeed, is it a moral act to deny any political campaigning and literature within the Village? Simple enough. If you believe yes, it was moral and ok, then have the courage to say so and if you disagree, then have the moral courage to say no, it was not right.
However, based on your record with the newspaper, I would expect your answer to mirror David Israel as you have turned the paper into a propaganda instrument for him, violated the very promise you made that is in every issue of the paper - that is that you will present both sides of an issue. That is long trashed, ignored and the paper has become a pennysaver for the Village with a very limited number of writers and very little of interest or information important to the readers, of which the numbers are dwindling as can be seen by the number and stacks of papers left unread and then trashed in the bins.
Here, in fact, is a letter you would not publish because it either was written by Olga or it praised Phyllis, the opponent in the UCO presidential campaign. Furthermore, Phyllis was told that her ads would be vetted! Really! Moral bankruptcy. Violation of all principles of journalism. But - the letter:
Below is a copy of a letter by Olga to the editor of The Reporter (Rag) for the January issue which they refused to print.
"Phyllis Richland is running an independent campaign. As President of UCO she would not be obligated to return favors. She is planning to choose the best and most qualified people to chair committees and will welcome people from both sides of the political spectrum. When problems arise, she will have discussion from both sides of the camp in order to find the best solution. This is exactly what the framers of our constitution did. They argued until they came to the Constitution we abide by today - not too bad. David Israel does not adhere to this approach. He prefers to find a solution to a problem by only taking advice from individuals who think like him. It's time for a new approach and I believe Phyllis Richland is the best candidate to give the Village the needed boost to forge ahead. She has the proven experience and the knowledge of UCO laws to more than qualify her to be the next president."
I eagerly await your response - as does the rest of the Village. Esther and concerned residents.
Hey, you had to know this was coming your way, though indeed there is little hope or rather, expectation, of any insight on your part. Basically the question is this: Do you believe that it was any of David Israel's right or business to try to squash campaign ads outside of the Village, particularly when he knew that Code Enforcement left these signs alone and the complaint involved a synagogue with immediate financial consequences on them? In fact, the very sign of the synagogue's name, up for 16 years, now has to be changed or gain a variance. Do you believe this had anything to do with religion or simply was a political act and in any case, was this a moral act - yes or no? Indeed, is it a moral act to deny any political campaigning and literature within the Village? Simple enough. If you believe yes, it was moral and ok, then have the courage to say so and if you disagree, then have the moral courage to say no, it was not right.
However, based on your record with the newspaper, I would expect your answer to mirror David Israel as you have turned the paper into a propaganda instrument for him, violated the very promise you made that is in every issue of the paper - that is that you will present both sides of an issue. That is long trashed, ignored and the paper has become a pennysaver for the Village with a very limited number of writers and very little of interest or information important to the readers, of which the numbers are dwindling as can be seen by the number and stacks of papers left unread and then trashed in the bins.
Here, in fact, is a letter you would not publish because it either was written by Olga or it praised Phyllis, the opponent in the UCO presidential campaign. Furthermore, Phyllis was told that her ads would be vetted! Really! Moral bankruptcy. Violation of all principles of journalism. But - the letter:
Below is a copy of a letter by Olga to the editor of The Reporter (Rag) for the January issue which they refused to print.
"Phyllis Richland is running an independent campaign. As President of UCO she would not be obligated to return favors. She is planning to choose the best and most qualified people to chair committees and will welcome people from both sides of the political spectrum. When problems arise, she will have discussion from both sides of the camp in order to find the best solution. This is exactly what the framers of our constitution did. They argued until they came to the Constitution we abide by today - not too bad. David Israel does not adhere to this approach. He prefers to find a solution to a problem by only taking advice from individuals who think like him. It's time for a new approach and I believe Phyllis Richland is the best candidate to give the Village the needed boost to forge ahead. She has the proven experience and the knowledge of UCO laws to more than qualify her to be the next president."
I eagerly await your response - as does the rest of the Village. Esther and concerned residents.
So he has gone and done it - announcing his candidacy for president - again - for the fourth term. Not a surprise as he has stated so many times that he is the only one qualified to fill that role here in the Village. What a crock!!!!
And his qualifications? Let me count them - nasty temper, pro at intimidation skills and usage, excellent skill at getting rid of any and all opposing factors, horrific fiduciary skills though he pats himself on the back for them and on and on.
He states that we are slowly but surely gaining reserve money and then goes on to decimate it when he states what it includes, so much so, that in fact, we will be walking on lovely rutted dirt roads before we have money to repave, or treat the developing holes and possible sinkholes properly or the walkway or do anything else in this Village.
He boasts of a relationship with WPRF and the wonderful things they have done. Yup!! We give them money for costly mics, for murals we do not need, for planned restructuring of office layouts, the better to keep the residents away from the workers and here too we have an enormous list.
We would like to see a real to life list of what will be happening in the future and not a pie in the sky eco green UCO and Village - not when we cannot even clean our water after years of money and not this garbage Wi Fi again when we are already WI Fi'ed for those who wish it and those who do not - their choice and even if their building has it they do not have to use it.
Our reserves are not building up properly. Our infrastructure is shattering and crumbling. Our comraderie is almost non existent as David Israel sets the nasty tone, the abrupt firing of volunteers and the hypocritical constant begging for volunteers - just look at Barbara Cornish's article where she pleads for volunteers. Yet who can volunteer? You practically have to sign a loyalty oath to the Lord and Master,.
Oh, forgot - suddenly this man has become the religious arbiter of the Village. He who has had nothing to do with religion since forever. He who sits in that room of his communing with the only friend he has - his computer , or Ed Black or Bob Marshall, the only two human friends he has, if that. Everyone else just likes to suck up for their jobs and titles.
Anyway, my dear self made rabbi, let us go to the Bible for a little advise on how to run an administration. When G-d wished to have Moses give a message he did not sent a telex, a telegram, an email an IM or anything else. He sent it FACE TO FACE, the way people are meant to communicate in such powerful moments. In today's world, when the leaders of countries have to talk over issues in an important manner, such as the climate or peace talks, they meet and talk with people, not via Skype or FaceTime. So get with the program. Come out and meet and face the people and not just in a few two and three minute bursts in the Forum. Why not a debate - oh, I forgot, you are too cowardly to do so. Learned that from my run.
So once again, we have a RAG loaded down with ads, very few articles of use to our residents, a sop to the Village in publishing Linda Graff's article, old news already so no news here and a letter from Honey Sager after embarrassing one of the hardest workers in the Village dedicated to keep the Village the way it was, not the horrific paths into which it is falling.
And then of course, we have the shills that go out to spread the David Israel gospel, like Peter Cruise who besides being a fool is a nasty foul mouthed or should I say foul fingered person, Elaine Brown who calls me toxic - kinda' take pride in that! and who cannot write properly to save her life or write anything of value and of course, Lanny Howe, the blowhard who also says nothing but does so in better language.
All this and all we have to do to change this is to vote Phyllis Richland in and any other candidates who oppose the awful years and policies of David Israel and who know that we have hard work to do and must get started on it NOW.
Oh, and how nice for you to take up my campaigning for an austerity budget. I have stated that need time and time again in meetings, written of it on the blog and now suddenly you are taking up that cudgel! Really? Giving money to WPRF that should not be given, mushing things together so the residents do not have any idea of where their money is going, claiming to save paper by doing that - are you for real? Austerity is spending where it is needed and even possibly growing the budget where it is needed - but only if it is needed and not into the stomachs of UCO officers or the walls and ceilings of the Clubhouse and any other stupidities or non essential items that can be held off and for example - the post Millennium funding - pretty pathetic wouldn't you say? And where are the plans to gather opinions and ideas from the residents? Nowhere in sight, as usual, for you care naught for anything they have to way or what they think.
Late already as we have plans for this morning but not to worry. Will be back later for an open letter to ......Take a guess.
Total in Israel for October, November, December: 26 dead, 262 wounded, too many to count in shock. From the elderly to the young, Jew and even Palestinians are being killed in these attacks, stabbed, hacked, axed, shot, rammed by cars, walking in the streets of Israel, going about their business. And the attacks continue and we wait, knowing that more are to come even as the world blames the Israelis, the victims. Were we not there before? Has the world learned anything from its past? And the count rises and our babies are being killed but does anyone hear a word about that? Dead silence.
And his qualifications? Let me count them - nasty temper, pro at intimidation skills and usage, excellent skill at getting rid of any and all opposing factors, horrific fiduciary skills though he pats himself on the back for them and on and on.
He states that we are slowly but surely gaining reserve money and then goes on to decimate it when he states what it includes, so much so, that in fact, we will be walking on lovely rutted dirt roads before we have money to repave, or treat the developing holes and possible sinkholes properly or the walkway or do anything else in this Village.
He boasts of a relationship with WPRF and the wonderful things they have done. Yup!! We give them money for costly mics, for murals we do not need, for planned restructuring of office layouts, the better to keep the residents away from the workers and here too we have an enormous list.
We would like to see a real to life list of what will be happening in the future and not a pie in the sky eco green UCO and Village - not when we cannot even clean our water after years of money and not this garbage Wi Fi again when we are already WI Fi'ed for those who wish it and those who do not - their choice and even if their building has it they do not have to use it.
Our reserves are not building up properly. Our infrastructure is shattering and crumbling. Our comraderie is almost non existent as David Israel sets the nasty tone, the abrupt firing of volunteers and the hypocritical constant begging for volunteers - just look at Barbara Cornish's article where she pleads for volunteers. Yet who can volunteer? You practically have to sign a loyalty oath to the Lord and Master,.
Oh, forgot - suddenly this man has become the religious arbiter of the Village. He who has had nothing to do with religion since forever. He who sits in that room of his communing with the only friend he has - his computer , or Ed Black or Bob Marshall, the only two human friends he has, if that. Everyone else just likes to suck up for their jobs and titles.
Anyway, my dear self made rabbi, let us go to the Bible for a little advise on how to run an administration. When G-d wished to have Moses give a message he did not sent a telex, a telegram, an email an IM or anything else. He sent it FACE TO FACE, the way people are meant to communicate in such powerful moments. In today's world, when the leaders of countries have to talk over issues in an important manner, such as the climate or peace talks, they meet and talk with people, not via Skype or FaceTime. So get with the program. Come out and meet and face the people and not just in a few two and three minute bursts in the Forum. Why not a debate - oh, I forgot, you are too cowardly to do so. Learned that from my run.
So once again, we have a RAG loaded down with ads, very few articles of use to our residents, a sop to the Village in publishing Linda Graff's article, old news already so no news here and a letter from Honey Sager after embarrassing one of the hardest workers in the Village dedicated to keep the Village the way it was, not the horrific paths into which it is falling.
And then of course, we have the shills that go out to spread the David Israel gospel, like Peter Cruise who besides being a fool is a nasty foul mouthed or should I say foul fingered person, Elaine Brown who calls me toxic - kinda' take pride in that! and who cannot write properly to save her life or write anything of value and of course, Lanny Howe, the blowhard who also says nothing but does so in better language.
All this and all we have to do to change this is to vote Phyllis Richland in and any other candidates who oppose the awful years and policies of David Israel and who know that we have hard work to do and must get started on it NOW.
Oh, and how nice for you to take up my campaigning for an austerity budget. I have stated that need time and time again in meetings, written of it on the blog and now suddenly you are taking up that cudgel! Really? Giving money to WPRF that should not be given, mushing things together so the residents do not have any idea of where their money is going, claiming to save paper by doing that - are you for real? Austerity is spending where it is needed and even possibly growing the budget where it is needed - but only if it is needed and not into the stomachs of UCO officers or the walls and ceilings of the Clubhouse and any other stupidities or non essential items that can be held off and for example - the post Millennium funding - pretty pathetic wouldn't you say? And where are the plans to gather opinions and ideas from the residents? Nowhere in sight, as usual, for you care naught for anything they have to way or what they think.
Late already as we have plans for this morning but not to worry. Will be back later for an open letter to ......Take a guess.
Total in Israel for October, November, December: 26 dead, 262 wounded, too many to count in shock. From the elderly to the young, Jew and even Palestinians are being killed in these attacks, stabbed, hacked, axed, shot, rammed by cars, walking in the streets of Israel, going about their business. And the attacks continue and we wait, knowing that more are to come even as the world blames the Israelis, the victims. Were we not there before? Has the world learned anything from its past? And the count rises and our babies are being killed but does anyone hear a word about that? Dead silence.
Saturday, December 26, 2015
CVMessenger Extra Edition
Click here to read the latest scandal at the synagogue !.
Click here to read the latest scandal at the synagogue !.
Friday, December 25, 2015
Secrets and lies. A great name for a TV show and a good name to describe what goes on in the David Israel camp. First of all, Lanny, why is it that you always state that you have not read opposing blogs for a long period of time when it is quite obvious that you have. Do you think you are fooling anyone and why do it? Who cares? But if it makes you feel better, fine, not important, just a testament to character - or lack thereof.
No one is "attacking" anyone. What is being discussed is a question of what is right and what is not. Involving a religious institution, especially for one who so often states or rants about church and state, well, there ya' go. And if he actually worked at NSA for 30 years as a clerk or whatever, so what. Actually, he would then have seen that religious institutions were often the ones to carry the ball forward be it in the civil rights area, the anti war movement, the sheltering of the homeless and go back as far as the Underground Railway or even to the Touro Synagogue in Newport which had a secret compartment that was used to store arms for General George Washington. Remember him? Oh, yeah, that guy, you know the "Father of Our Country", so guess religious institutions can have a say when things go awry like when opposition viewpoints are repressed, democracy thwarted, civil rights violated and the list goes on.
So, right or wrong? Guess we are and as far as being silent, don't be such a big shot. The same book you quote also says there is a time for peace and a time for war, a time for laughter and a time for tears, a time to build and a time to destroy and as far as being silent, remember all those famous historians who stated numerous times in so many ways that all it takes for evil to be done is for good men to be silent. Well, we are not going to be silent any more. We are not going to allow you and yours to run rampant over us and our rights. We are not going to back down. We are not going away. So tough, my not so good friend.
And as far as Phyllis is concerned, that woman is a fiercely independent woman and does what she believes in and what she believes is right. She has done much good for the Village during her years in UCO, is on the Fire Safety Commission for a second term already and has many contacts which she uses for the benefit of the residents. She takes no garbage from anyone, makes no promises to anyone other than to the residents to give them a better UCO, a better Village, a more inclusive administration and a return to the fair and friendly policies which could only enhance the Village so she is no front for anyone. In fact, I make this promise that WHEN Phyllis is elected, if I see something that needs attention I will say so on the blog, unlike you people who truly hide behind David Israel and are afraid of his shadow,but I am sure there will be few instances of this as she asks, can you believe that, asks for people and their input so there will be no one person rule and dictatorship any longer, only fair and decent policies.
So for the "silent' ones that you so underwhelmingly defend - there is no being silent here, no more. Right is right and wrong is wrong. All of Dom's answers and statements were clearly refuted. It is not important here what one has done or not done. It is only on this one point. Do you believe that what David Israel did with the sign and siccing the government on the synagogue was right or wrong? Was it within his purview to go outside the Village, to which he had driven Phyllis due to his no access policies, and get others to do his dirty work. Too bad for him that these were decent human beings and did not ask the sky to fall on us. David Israel even wrote a letter to the County Commissioner. What cowardly behavior. What craven behavior. And this is only one reason why he must go.
So Lonny, you and that sick puppy, Peter Cruise, he of the filthy emails, need to go away, go sulk in a corner and stop trying to defend what is wrong. Have a little iron in your spine, stand up like the men you claim you are and have some self pride, and by the way, what one of us says on a blog is not behooving on another writer to believe or support or any thing else. Unlike you and yours, we have independent thinking minds and that, you losers, is why we see the light and know what is right and wrong and have the guts to speak up and out. All your names and all your threats and all your pathetic postings just run off, of no account. So - who will stand for right and who for wrong? It is quite obvious is it not and certainly by Sunday morning I will start writing more of these open letters. To whom? Wait and see - and sleep tight.
No one is "attacking" anyone. What is being discussed is a question of what is right and what is not. Involving a religious institution, especially for one who so often states or rants about church and state, well, there ya' go. And if he actually worked at NSA for 30 years as a clerk or whatever, so what. Actually, he would then have seen that religious institutions were often the ones to carry the ball forward be it in the civil rights area, the anti war movement, the sheltering of the homeless and go back as far as the Underground Railway or even to the Touro Synagogue in Newport which had a secret compartment that was used to store arms for General George Washington. Remember him? Oh, yeah, that guy, you know the "Father of Our Country", so guess religious institutions can have a say when things go awry like when opposition viewpoints are repressed, democracy thwarted, civil rights violated and the list goes on.
So, right or wrong? Guess we are and as far as being silent, don't be such a big shot. The same book you quote also says there is a time for peace and a time for war, a time for laughter and a time for tears, a time to build and a time to destroy and as far as being silent, remember all those famous historians who stated numerous times in so many ways that all it takes for evil to be done is for good men to be silent. Well, we are not going to be silent any more. We are not going to allow you and yours to run rampant over us and our rights. We are not going to back down. We are not going away. So tough, my not so good friend.
And as far as Phyllis is concerned, that woman is a fiercely independent woman and does what she believes in and what she believes is right. She has done much good for the Village during her years in UCO, is on the Fire Safety Commission for a second term already and has many contacts which she uses for the benefit of the residents. She takes no garbage from anyone, makes no promises to anyone other than to the residents to give them a better UCO, a better Village, a more inclusive administration and a return to the fair and friendly policies which could only enhance the Village so she is no front for anyone. In fact, I make this promise that WHEN Phyllis is elected, if I see something that needs attention I will say so on the blog, unlike you people who truly hide behind David Israel and are afraid of his shadow,but I am sure there will be few instances of this as she asks, can you believe that, asks for people and their input so there will be no one person rule and dictatorship any longer, only fair and decent policies.
So for the "silent' ones that you so underwhelmingly defend - there is no being silent here, no more. Right is right and wrong is wrong. All of Dom's answers and statements were clearly refuted. It is not important here what one has done or not done. It is only on this one point. Do you believe that what David Israel did with the sign and siccing the government on the synagogue was right or wrong? Was it within his purview to go outside the Village, to which he had driven Phyllis due to his no access policies, and get others to do his dirty work. Too bad for him that these were decent human beings and did not ask the sky to fall on us. David Israel even wrote a letter to the County Commissioner. What cowardly behavior. What craven behavior. And this is only one reason why he must go.
So Lonny, you and that sick puppy, Peter Cruise, he of the filthy emails, need to go away, go sulk in a corner and stop trying to defend what is wrong. Have a little iron in your spine, stand up like the men you claim you are and have some self pride, and by the way, what one of us says on a blog is not behooving on another writer to believe or support or any thing else. Unlike you and yours, we have independent thinking minds and that, you losers, is why we see the light and know what is right and wrong and have the guts to speak up and out. All your names and all your threats and all your pathetic postings just run off, of no account. So - who will stand for right and who for wrong? It is quite obvious is it not and certainly by Sunday morning I will start writing more of these open letters. To whom? Wait and see - and sleep tight.
So the Grinches have spoken. First, I would like to wish all a Happy Holiday Season, a wonderful New Year almost upon us with lots to look forward to and lots of Tikkun Olam - fixing the world - as well. But some people just cannot help themselves and must be nasty if they are to breathe.
Peter Cruise is just a perfect example of this. In responding to another sourpuss, Desirade, who forgets that when in America one should learn to speak English as well as his native French, he needs to try to pathetically insult one of the brightest, most caring and honest women I have ever met and had the privilege of calling a friend, my friend, Olga. See, Desirade thinks that we need to drink of the milk of kindness in our egg nog, so besides the fact that I do not like egg nog, I believe he needs a sip of it or even two and as for Petey Boy, well, there is not enough in the world to fix him!
Hey, guys, why not look at the comments that are popping up all over, from different people and sources, all complaining of the lack of care and attention from the present UCO and the vows to vote against David, against Ed and for the candidate who will start us down the road to a bright future, a financially sound future, a future where opposing opinions are solicited and evaluated, and even accepted, for this next administration will be an inclusive and transparent, caring one. Sorry, Petey Boy, no room at the inn for you unless you undergo a nice injection!
In the spirit of the Season, I decided to postpone my next open letter so just hang in there with bated breath to see who's up. Remember, not interested in exchanging insults, only in answers. Do you or do you not support the morally bankrupt and terror ridden act of David Israel in his frantic need and moment of fear wherein he sicced a governmental unit on a religious institution thus incurring a large financial issue for said institution and all in the name of repressing free speech ALL OVER, not just within the Village, which is bad enough. If you support such an action or are too cowardly to condemn it then I, and most others, have no use for you. If you do condemn it, be sure that your courage in defying our local Fascist chief will be recognized. Sadly enough, I am not too optimistic. Most of you in UCO are too foregone to creep out of your moral morass. Is your little job truly worth your soul? I think not, but, there is free choice.
Anyway, enjoy the day - no meetings scheduled, David - or do you do that only on Yom Kippur? Interesting that is it not - Yom Kippur, synagogue target.....See the pattern? Don't know if it is a swimming day or just an eating day or simply take a walk day, see a movie, smile at a friend, laugh, have fun, read a good book, watch a good show - there are so many things to do out there. Enjoy!
I only wish that the rest of the world would imbibe a bit of the holiday season, get rid of extremists and extremism no matter the source and just let people live. There are so many problems the world has to face without the annoying petty ones we come across like minor dictators and such. Why not make a contribution to the good and welfare of the world - or is that up next to be blocked as too troublesome for you - you know who.
Peter Cruise is just a perfect example of this. In responding to another sourpuss, Desirade, who forgets that when in America one should learn to speak English as well as his native French, he needs to try to pathetically insult one of the brightest, most caring and honest women I have ever met and had the privilege of calling a friend, my friend, Olga. See, Desirade thinks that we need to drink of the milk of kindness in our egg nog, so besides the fact that I do not like egg nog, I believe he needs a sip of it or even two and as for Petey Boy, well, there is not enough in the world to fix him!
Hey, guys, why not look at the comments that are popping up all over, from different people and sources, all complaining of the lack of care and attention from the present UCO and the vows to vote against David, against Ed and for the candidate who will start us down the road to a bright future, a financially sound future, a future where opposing opinions are solicited and evaluated, and even accepted, for this next administration will be an inclusive and transparent, caring one. Sorry, Petey Boy, no room at the inn for you unless you undergo a nice injection!
In the spirit of the Season, I decided to postpone my next open letter so just hang in there with bated breath to see who's up. Remember, not interested in exchanging insults, only in answers. Do you or do you not support the morally bankrupt and terror ridden act of David Israel in his frantic need and moment of fear wherein he sicced a governmental unit on a religious institution thus incurring a large financial issue for said institution and all in the name of repressing free speech ALL OVER, not just within the Village, which is bad enough. If you support such an action or are too cowardly to condemn it then I, and most others, have no use for you. If you do condemn it, be sure that your courage in defying our local Fascist chief will be recognized. Sadly enough, I am not too optimistic. Most of you in UCO are too foregone to creep out of your moral morass. Is your little job truly worth your soul? I think not, but, there is free choice.
Anyway, enjoy the day - no meetings scheduled, David - or do you do that only on Yom Kippur? Interesting that is it not - Yom Kippur, synagogue target.....See the pattern? Don't know if it is a swimming day or just an eating day or simply take a walk day, see a movie, smile at a friend, laugh, have fun, read a good book, watch a good show - there are so many things to do out there. Enjoy!
I only wish that the rest of the world would imbibe a bit of the holiday season, get rid of extremists and extremism no matter the source and just let people live. There are so many problems the world has to face without the annoying petty ones we come across like minor dictators and such. Why not make a contribution to the good and welfare of the world - or is that up next to be blocked as too troublesome for you - you know who.
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Today I have already written one long and impassioned piece entitled What, Me Worry. I now have to post two other long pieces, one from Dom Guarnagia who has the courtesy to answer my open letter and kudos to him. The other is my response to that letter. Please read all three of these postings- there will be a test. Oops. My teacher side said that - please disregard. But seriously, reading them is important, if only to feel my passion and hear the voices that are raised about issues be it here or the outside world. As always, I thank you for being a reader and for spending the time to hear my voice, whether you agree or not and that goes double for my overseas readers for it amazes me that you even found me and now follow me.
DATE: December 23, 2015
TO: Esther Sutofsky
FROM: Dom Guarnagia
REGARDING: Position on Neutrality
Once again, you have distorted another situation to satisfy the trash that you disseminate in the method of a mendacious fabrication. The fact, regarding signage at the Temple on Haverhill Road, opposite the Century Village exit, is, to my knowledge, NOT the Congregation sign that has been on site, at least, since I came to Century Village ten years ago but a political sign announcing the candidacy for CVWPB UCO President that may or may not be allowed by Palm Beach County Code Enforcement.
Common sense, which seems to be questionable by your salacious words that you send out WITHOUT signing your name, is evident that you are grasping at straws since during the last election, the same situation happened to you. A separation of church and state should be the rule, as it was when you were asked to remove your banner.
I have dedicated the past six years as both a volunteer and an elected Officer of UCO with one goal in mind. To provide in everyday language, methods and resolutions for maintaining the condo owners’ property through pro-active practices and have been asked to be a “permanent member” of the Insurance Committee, which, by the way, I welcomed you as a new member.
I have been helpful regarding maintaining Wellington “E” with your husband, Jerry, when called upon, without prejudice. My position has been and, if re-elected to the Executive Board, will continue to be advising Boards of Directors and Owners, in those things that have aided so many. If my position and conduct is contrary to the Delegates wishes, surely, in March, they will let me know by declining approval with a vote cast for someone else. None the less, I will continue to further promote those things that I have in the past, regardless of who is President of UCO. My behavior has been professional and never once did I purposely delay, offend or misinform a resident of the Village. Concerning neutrality, I am hopeful that you will print this uncensored response in its entirety in your newsletter as a sign of your sincerity and in the future, kindly provide the residents with a list of those “needs” and ‘wishes’ to which, you claim, I and several others have been non-responsive.
Respectfully, Domenic R. Guarnagia
TO: Esther Sutofsky
FROM: Dom Guarnagia
REGARDING: Position on Neutrality
Once again, you have distorted another situation to satisfy the trash that you disseminate in the method of a mendacious fabrication. The fact, regarding signage at the Temple on Haverhill Road, opposite the Century Village exit, is, to my knowledge, NOT the Congregation sign that has been on site, at least, since I came to Century Village ten years ago but a political sign announcing the candidacy for CVWPB UCO President that may or may not be allowed by Palm Beach County Code Enforcement.
Common sense, which seems to be questionable by your salacious words that you send out WITHOUT signing your name, is evident that you are grasping at straws since during the last election, the same situation happened to you. A separation of church and state should be the rule, as it was when you were asked to remove your banner.
I have dedicated the past six years as both a volunteer and an elected Officer of UCO with one goal in mind. To provide in everyday language, methods and resolutions for maintaining the condo owners’ property through pro-active practices and have been asked to be a “permanent member” of the Insurance Committee, which, by the way, I welcomed you as a new member.
I have been helpful regarding maintaining Wellington “E” with your husband, Jerry, when called upon, without prejudice. My position has been and, if re-elected to the Executive Board, will continue to be advising Boards of Directors and Owners, in those things that have aided so many. If my position and conduct is contrary to the Delegates wishes, surely, in March, they will let me know by declining approval with a vote cast for someone else. None the less, I will continue to further promote those things that I have in the past, regardless of who is President of UCO. My behavior has been professional and never once did I purposely delay, offend or misinform a resident of the Village. Concerning neutrality, I am hopeful that you will print this uncensored response in its entirety in your newsletter as a sign of your sincerity and in the future, kindly provide the residents with a list of those “needs” and ‘wishes’ to which, you claim, I and several others have been non-responsive.
Respectfully, Domenic R. Guarnagia
Dom, good morning and I thank you for responding. I appreciate it as I have appreciated all the work that you have done for the Village and the advise you have given to Gerry who regards you highly for this. However, and it is a big however, one good deed or two or however many there are, do not and does not excuse the lack of doing the right thing in another situation, particularly when one is as bright and aware a man as you are. And yes, I will publish your letter in its entirety but will do so a bit later on in the day along with my response. So, to the letter.
You state that it is a fact that the sign that was in question was the banner for Phyllis Richland. Yes, it was - BUT there was also another sign and your president, David Israel, knew very well that once a can of worms is opened, ALL the worms come out. Pandora's box situation. Indeed, David Israel has no business even questioning the sign as it was OUTSIDE the venue of the Village, in a public arena and why? Because simply put, that man has shut off all venues, all accessibility for any opponent of his to gain publicity or public appearance. Is his ego that large that he must control everything? Is he now branching out into the outside world, G-d help us?! Anyway, to say that it was only the political sign- uh uh and you know that Dom, you know that in your heart and mind. We in the synagogue have to expend funds and time over things that were never in question and change a sign that stood there for 16 years and one that Code Enforcement was never going to cite because it bothered no one - until your David Israel came along.
Next question. You state, right along with him, that there needs to be a separation between church and state. I agree and have always stated that there is no room for religion in the Oval Office, hating it when the candidates start quoting G-d. It matters not whether one is Lutheran, Catholic, Jewish or Muslim or even agnostic or pantheist. It matters only that one does right by the constituents be it here or in a wider arena. Your Mr. Israel has forgotten that and is hypocritical to the nth degree when he uses "sacrilegious" as an excuse. Truly, Dom, truly! And there is no issue of collusion here. The synagogue, following a long American tradition, supports the needs of those who need help as they are denied it elsewhere. Phyllis was denied her rights and so we allowed a sign to be hung. Do you think David needs a sign hung? As far as my sign, old news is dead news, but - it was there for the same reason and what's more, in the future we will accept more signs and make sure they are up to Code. What will David or his henchmen do then? Burn the place down?
Churches and synagogues in any case, have long been involved with societal ills and their correction. Hence the Underground Railway. Hence the marchers at Selma. Hence the speeches about the Vietnam War. Hence the churches and synagogues homeless shelters, food pantries and soup kitchens. Religion lives in the midst of society and as such, the leaders will often speak of the issues. If your pastor or priest does not - that is his/her choice and the congregation can accept or change.
You, in addition, have another error. How do I send it out without signing my name? True, I guess in that I cannot sign on line. I do not have the software for it BUT it is written on my blog. MY blog. With my name on it. Which everyone knows. No one else posts on there unless I am aware of it - and that is due to the disgusting emails received from some others in the other camp. So - why that accusation? Additionally, you state that you welcomed me as a new member of the Insurance Committee. Yes, you did and thank you for that, but it is a hollow thank you as shall I say, you did not welcome me when I was summarily fired by David who openly stated his PERSONAL reasons for that firing, without the Chair's knowledge or permission and she gave it to him but good, BUT here I am still fired because of David's tantrum and silence was the order of the day by you and everyone else. Why? Frightened to lose a position? Each person has to answer that for himself/herself but the fact remains as it is and was.
You, in addition, have another error. How do I send it out without signing my name? True, I guess in that I cannot sign on line. I do not have the software for it BUT it is written on my blog. MY blog. With my name on it. Which everyone knows. No one else posts on there unless I am aware of it - and that is due to the disgusting emails received from some others in the other camp. So - why that accusation? Additionally, you state that you welcomed me as a new member of the Insurance Committee. Yes, you did and thank you for that, but it is a hollow thank you as shall I say, you did not welcome me when I was summarily fired by David who openly stated his PERSONAL reasons for that firing, without the Chair's knowledge or permission and she gave it to him but good, BUT here I am still fired because of David's tantrum and silence was the order of the day by you and everyone else. Why? Frightened to lose a position? Each person has to answer that for himself/herself but the fact remains as it is and was.
So, Dom. the question remains. knowing why, and you do, why David did what he did, and having read my response, do you still think he was justified in his actions? Do you think he is justified in shutting out all competition from all venues and why should it matter to him if someone hangs a sign. I have not seen him diligently along the roadsides of the Village border picking up the signs that the politicians all stick in the ground. Guess there are two rules going on here. Dom, face it. There is much that is wrong with David and I am asking all of you to think deeply about it and have the courage to say that either you believe in repressive tactics and no matter the consequences, full steam ahead, or you see the moral bankruptcy that led to this behavior. Please read the letter carefully and think it over. And right now the unresponsiveness is to this issue and the rest is for another day - or can be found in almost daily mention on my blog or Gary's and now that of Phyllis. Read them and think them over outside the poisonous atmosphere of UCO.
Just as respectfully, Esther Sutofsky
By the way, I believe the word salacious is being misused here. In fact, it is grounds for slander, but I will assume you did not recognize your misuse and for future knowledge here is the definition and synonyms:(of writing, pictures, or talk) treating sexual matters in an indecent way and typically conveying undue interest in or enjoyment of the subject: "salacious stories"
By the way, I believe the word salacious is being misused here. In fact, it is grounds for slander, but I will assume you did not recognize your misuse and for future knowledge here is the definition and synonyms:(of writing, pictures, or talk) treating sexual matters in an indecent way and typically conveying undue interest in or enjoyment of the subject: "salacious stories"
Perhaps with this new knowledge you might want to edit the sentence containing that word. Just sayin'.
"What, me worry?" Remember that mantra of our generation via Mad Magazine? Different world, different time, as even as we fought the Cold War and had nuclear attack drills in school or faced off with Cuba's Castro, we did have an optimism, a hope, a dream, a certainty that a better world was on its way and hence, when we grew up it was so easy to turn into protesters, into hippies with flowers and beads and then into disappointment and even bitterness when we realized the truth of the matter.
Today, I am afraid that the answer to the title question is, "Yes, you had better worry for the world is a dangerous place." Yesterday I had the wonderful opportunity to spend lots of time with various people from my previous life - students, parents and classmates. Lots of laughter, lots of shock at what happened to some people, pride in families and achievements and lots of uncertainty.
At first, hesitantly, someone would venture the opinion that he/she was truly worried for the first time about survival, the survival of a people, not just themselves. And we all confessed that we had the same thoughts and were worried for the world of our children, grandchildren and even great grandchildren. Beyond that we could not think.
So Angela Merkel is accepting millions of people alien to the prevalent culture. Now do not get me wrong; I have my own demons with regard to Germany, but what is happening there is national suicide. It is impossible for the countries of Europe to accept the transfer of countries into other countries en masse, with a huge clash of values, behavior and thinking. When classes have to be held to teach new immigrants that a woman is not to be grabbed if she is alone, or wearing clothing that does not enshroud her, well, then there is something wrong and when I viewed a newsclip of Shariah police, in semi uniform, patrolling the late nite streets of Wuppertal, Germany, then yes, I worry. And no, I do not disagree with a rescue of true and pure refugees but I am not sure that applies here as many are migrants, rather than refugees, and are looking for better economic situations, like jobs. Well, if that is the case, then there is a process for that.
And what else? Well, when the head of the UN tells Israel it "breeds" terror, when the victims are blamed for their deaths and for the shooting of their attackers, when the few incidents of Jewish extremism are equated with the worldwide acts of murderous and large scale terrorist acts of Moslem extremists, when the outcry of Israelis and Jews around the world are loud and clear in their disapproval of these extremists, when the billions of Moslems around the world are silent - well, what else is there to do but worry?
And the piece de resistance for the worry situation is that old canard of dual loyalty hung around the collective necks of the Jewish people. The smell, the rank odor, of America in the '30's, the era of signs of NO JEWS OR DOGS ALLOWED, the covenants against selling to Jews, the disregard of Jewish heroism by soldiers, denied their Medal of Honor because they were Jewish, that rank and nasty odor now is beginning to permeate the world and our own home country and even place of living.
The sad thing is that Jewish people go along with the resurgent PC feeling and action of anti - Semitism, and make no mistake, anti Zionism and anti Israel statements and rallies are a crock of human excrement. It is all anti Jewish and that is seen in the attacks against them all over the world. And right here in CV we have a Jew who regrets that he ever was born one, who sics governmental authorities upon a synagogue so as to get rid of these bothersome fleas and to progress in his efforts to maintain a fascistic regime in the Village. And why not, for the State Department of the USA, a known festering ground of anti Semites for lo these many a years - from unknowns, to Breckinridge Long to Dulles to everyday people to the Arabists that populated it - and till today when Jewish people are suddenly being accused of "dual loyalty" - to Israel and the United States and therefore are intrinsically untrustworthy - the State Department fosters these very feelings. What next? Out of all governmental jobs, university jobs - which, by the way, are getting harder and harder and the applicants are being told to hide their Jewishness!
When a dentist who wished to offer services to a Defense Department dental center was denied that right because he had relatives living in Israel and thus his loyalty was questioned, well, that should make all stand up and feel those antennaes rise up and quiver and shake. Are we going to question all Italians? Germans? Sudanese and Somalis? All Malaysians? All hyphenated American citizens?
And will the USA soon start to abandon and cull out the athletes who wish to participate in national and international events if they are Jewish? It is happening all over the world. Malaysia just barred Israel from displaying its flag at the windsurfing meet and certainly no anthem of theirs will be played should they win, a likely event. Soccer, other Arab countries and other voices are rising in a strident manner - there was even a rally in Sweden where the chants were, "Kill the Jews" but what to expect in a country where the Foreign Minister is a dyed in the wool Nazi, a vehement Jew hating Israel baiting person.
What, me worry? Oh yes I do, a lot, with real reason behind it. What, me worry? Oh yes, when people do not wake up, when people are still digging holes in the sand with their heads. What, me worry? Yes, when the clamor of anti Jewish feelings and actions, of attempts, and many successful, to cut off Israelis and Jews from positions, from organizations are so plentiful, rife with the stink of hatred. What, me worry? Oh yes, oh yes and especially when there are Israelis and Jews, misguided, hopelessly naïve, blind, to the fact that they are cooperating in the campaign against them and do not realize that yes, they too should worry for they too will be swept up in that wave of hate and bloodlust. Yesterday someone put a yellow star!!!!! the symbol of the Holocaust, on people with the JUDE off and "Moslem" inserted, so that people can understand???? the meaning of "other". Really? When they are the majority of the population of the world? When they are the ones committing murder and mayhem, spilling blood and even killing their own because they pray in a slightly different manner like Sunni and Shiite or vs the Yazidis and of course, kill the Bahai and the Christians in Arab lands for how dare they worship anyone other than Allah and Mohammed, forgetting that Allah is just another name for G-d, a G-d that belongs to all of us in our own manner of choosing. No one has a monopolistic hold on G-d.
The point is made. The answer is, "Yes, I worry - and so should you." And check below for the latest rising count as two more Israelis are wounded and two die. Worry? Yes, indeed.
And sadly I have to report another attack with there more seriously wounded.
Today, I am afraid that the answer to the title question is, "Yes, you had better worry for the world is a dangerous place." Yesterday I had the wonderful opportunity to spend lots of time with various people from my previous life - students, parents and classmates. Lots of laughter, lots of shock at what happened to some people, pride in families and achievements and lots of uncertainty.
At first, hesitantly, someone would venture the opinion that he/she was truly worried for the first time about survival, the survival of a people, not just themselves. And we all confessed that we had the same thoughts and were worried for the world of our children, grandchildren and even great grandchildren. Beyond that we could not think.
So Angela Merkel is accepting millions of people alien to the prevalent culture. Now do not get me wrong; I have my own demons with regard to Germany, but what is happening there is national suicide. It is impossible for the countries of Europe to accept the transfer of countries into other countries en masse, with a huge clash of values, behavior and thinking. When classes have to be held to teach new immigrants that a woman is not to be grabbed if she is alone, or wearing clothing that does not enshroud her, well, then there is something wrong and when I viewed a newsclip of Shariah police, in semi uniform, patrolling the late nite streets of Wuppertal, Germany, then yes, I worry. And no, I do not disagree with a rescue of true and pure refugees but I am not sure that applies here as many are migrants, rather than refugees, and are looking for better economic situations, like jobs. Well, if that is the case, then there is a process for that.
And what else? Well, when the head of the UN tells Israel it "breeds" terror, when the victims are blamed for their deaths and for the shooting of their attackers, when the few incidents of Jewish extremism are equated with the worldwide acts of murderous and large scale terrorist acts of Moslem extremists, when the outcry of Israelis and Jews around the world are loud and clear in their disapproval of these extremists, when the billions of Moslems around the world are silent - well, what else is there to do but worry?
And the piece de resistance for the worry situation is that old canard of dual loyalty hung around the collective necks of the Jewish people. The smell, the rank odor, of America in the '30's, the era of signs of NO JEWS OR DOGS ALLOWED, the covenants against selling to Jews, the disregard of Jewish heroism by soldiers, denied their Medal of Honor because they were Jewish, that rank and nasty odor now is beginning to permeate the world and our own home country and even place of living.
The sad thing is that Jewish people go along with the resurgent PC feeling and action of anti - Semitism, and make no mistake, anti Zionism and anti Israel statements and rallies are a crock of human excrement. It is all anti Jewish and that is seen in the attacks against them all over the world. And right here in CV we have a Jew who regrets that he ever was born one, who sics governmental authorities upon a synagogue so as to get rid of these bothersome fleas and to progress in his efforts to maintain a fascistic regime in the Village. And why not, for the State Department of the USA, a known festering ground of anti Semites for lo these many a years - from unknowns, to Breckinridge Long to Dulles to everyday people to the Arabists that populated it - and till today when Jewish people are suddenly being accused of "dual loyalty" - to Israel and the United States and therefore are intrinsically untrustworthy - the State Department fosters these very feelings. What next? Out of all governmental jobs, university jobs - which, by the way, are getting harder and harder and the applicants are being told to hide their Jewishness!
When a dentist who wished to offer services to a Defense Department dental center was denied that right because he had relatives living in Israel and thus his loyalty was questioned, well, that should make all stand up and feel those antennaes rise up and quiver and shake. Are we going to question all Italians? Germans? Sudanese and Somalis? All Malaysians? All hyphenated American citizens?
And will the USA soon start to abandon and cull out the athletes who wish to participate in national and international events if they are Jewish? It is happening all over the world. Malaysia just barred Israel from displaying its flag at the windsurfing meet and certainly no anthem of theirs will be played should they win, a likely event. Soccer, other Arab countries and other voices are rising in a strident manner - there was even a rally in Sweden where the chants were, "Kill the Jews" but what to expect in a country where the Foreign Minister is a dyed in the wool Nazi, a vehement Jew hating Israel baiting person.
What, me worry? Oh yes I do, a lot, with real reason behind it. What, me worry? Oh yes, when people do not wake up, when people are still digging holes in the sand with their heads. What, me worry? Yes, when the clamor of anti Jewish feelings and actions, of attempts, and many successful, to cut off Israelis and Jews from positions, from organizations are so plentiful, rife with the stink of hatred. What, me worry? Oh yes, oh yes and especially when there are Israelis and Jews, misguided, hopelessly naïve, blind, to the fact that they are cooperating in the campaign against them and do not realize that yes, they too should worry for they too will be swept up in that wave of hate and bloodlust. Yesterday someone put a yellow star!!!!! the symbol of the Holocaust, on people with the JUDE off and "Moslem" inserted, so that people can understand???? the meaning of "other". Really? When they are the majority of the population of the world? When they are the ones committing murder and mayhem, spilling blood and even killing their own because they pray in a slightly different manner like Sunni and Shiite or vs the Yazidis and of course, kill the Bahai and the Christians in Arab lands for how dare they worship anyone other than Allah and Mohammed, forgetting that Allah is just another name for G-d, a G-d that belongs to all of us in our own manner of choosing. No one has a monopolistic hold on G-d.
The point is made. The answer is, "Yes, I worry - and so should you." And check below for the latest rising count as two more Israelis are wounded and two die. Worry? Yes, indeed.
And sadly I have to report another attack with there more seriously wounded.
And finally, I have been keeping count of the results of the terror attacks in Israel -And in the ongoing viciousness in Israel, where Israel is being blamed for killing the attacker - as we did in California - here are the latest statistics and please remember that attacks are being thwarted every day, multiple times a day.
Total in Israel for October, November, December: 26 dead, 258 wounded, too many to count in shock. From the elderly to the young, Jew and even Palestinians are being killed in these attacks, stabbed, hacked, axed, shot, rammed by cars, walking in the streets of Israel, going about their business. And the attacks continue and we wait, knowing that more are to come even as the world blames the Israelis, the victims. Were we not there before? Has the world learned anything from its past? And the count rises and our babies are being killed but does anyone hear a word about that? Dead silence.
And do not forget the14 more, not from Israel, not living in any "settlement' in Israel, just Jews going about their business, daring to go to synagogue - and for their actions - 14 members of the Jewish community of Bonneuil-sur-Marne are poisoned by a toxin applied to the keypad lock of the synagogue.
Total in Israel for October, November, December: 26 dead, 258 wounded, too many to count in shock. From the elderly to the young, Jew and even Palestinians are being killed in these attacks, stabbed, hacked, axed, shot, rammed by cars, walking in the streets of Israel, going about their business. And the attacks continue and we wait, knowing that more are to come even as the world blames the Israelis, the victims. Were we not there before? Has the world learned anything from its past? And the count rises and our babies are being killed but does anyone hear a word about that? Dead silence.
And do not forget the14 more, not from Israel, not living in any "settlement' in Israel, just Jews going about their business, daring to go to synagogue - and for their actions - 14 members of the Jewish community of Bonneuil-sur-Marne are poisoned by a toxin applied to the keypad lock of the synagogue.
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Grace Macklin
"If the sign was not illegal then code enforcement would not reply. If it is illegal then it should be removed. The synagogue is a house of prayer or it is supposed to be."
So speaks the next fool in line, Gracie Girl. First of all, it did not matter legal or not. The point is that it was OUTSIDE CV and thus David had no business sticking his miserable nose in. It is just that he is so paranoid and so fascistic that he cannot help himself and then he caused a whole lotta trouble to the synagogue which had no idea of any rules contravened and had had other posters on the fence for another candidate and yard sales and other projects with no issue whatsoever. Only when bigmouth David stuck his paranoid two cents in - UNDER A FALSE NAME, THE COWARD - that Code Enforcement got involved. Want to go around pulling up all those illegal signs during the election. Enjoy yourself - Code Enforcement does nothing with them so best you shut up before everyone realizes how dumb and morally bankrupt you are. And finally, Gracie, a fence is not a synagogue and if you wish to hear prayers - just come in but you would not know a sincere prayer to the Lord if it hit you in the head!
Just crawl back into your moral hole and stop bothering everyone with your nonsense.
Bet you are surprised, thinking that I would first send letters to your henchmen. Not to worry, those letters will be sent but I had a few questions just for you.
After seeing last night's show at the Kravis, Broadway on Ice, I keep hearing songs in my head. One that runs through is "Is a Puzzlement!" Apropos, is it not, since a supposed real king sings it - not a make believe one like you. In any case, I like the title.
It is indeed a puzzle as to why you would do what you did. Are you really that nasty? Are you really that desperate? Are you really so blind inside your own head that you thought you would get away with it? Are you that morally off so that you would use a fake name to report this sign - and use the name of Peyton!!!! One of the nicest men on earth and who would never do anything like this? Indeed, you owe him a public apology.
But if you were so proud of it, though it took the fact that we outed you and several days before you fessed up, but if you were so proud, why use a fake name in the first place and why not trumpet it all over your site. Why? Because you really know that you crossed one of those infamous red lines that people are always shouting about. This all puzzles me. Oh, not that you are nasty or completely lacking in any moral backbone or that you are running scared or think you can get away with anything, especially with idiots like Petey Boy and the silent morally bankrupt and cowardly people standing behind you in UCO. We all know that.They sell their souls for a position but you? Do you think anyone will accept you anymore as a decent and caring person?
The word is out about you and your own actions spread the word. Does "hoist by his own petard" ring a bell there for ya'? Or how about another song, "Just you wait, "enry "iggins, just you wait".
Wait, David, things are definitely going to come your way and you will not like it, whenever it comes. Why not just try to be graceful and cede the fact that you are done, that you are not fit anymore to have any position in UCO, that there is much wrong with your thinking and for sure, your moral hope chest is empty.
So, open letter here, David Israel. Fess up that you made a serious mistake, that you were wrong, that it was indeed the wrong thing to do, never mind stupid, that you are having some aging issues and feel it better that you go before you are dumped, before your name is totally ruined. As Pharaoh finally said, "GO!"
Any response? Ha! Fat chance of that!
And sadly I have to report another attack with there more seriously wounded.
Bet you are surprised, thinking that I would first send letters to your henchmen. Not to worry, those letters will be sent but I had a few questions just for you.
After seeing last night's show at the Kravis, Broadway on Ice, I keep hearing songs in my head. One that runs through is "Is a Puzzlement!" Apropos, is it not, since a supposed real king sings it - not a make believe one like you. In any case, I like the title.
It is indeed a puzzle as to why you would do what you did. Are you really that nasty? Are you really that desperate? Are you really so blind inside your own head that you thought you would get away with it? Are you that morally off so that you would use a fake name to report this sign - and use the name of Peyton!!!! One of the nicest men on earth and who would never do anything like this? Indeed, you owe him a public apology.
But if you were so proud of it, though it took the fact that we outed you and several days before you fessed up, but if you were so proud, why use a fake name in the first place and why not trumpet it all over your site. Why? Because you really know that you crossed one of those infamous red lines that people are always shouting about. This all puzzles me. Oh, not that you are nasty or completely lacking in any moral backbone or that you are running scared or think you can get away with anything, especially with idiots like Petey Boy and the silent morally bankrupt and cowardly people standing behind you in UCO. We all know that.They sell their souls for a position but you? Do you think anyone will accept you anymore as a decent and caring person?
The word is out about you and your own actions spread the word. Does "hoist by his own petard" ring a bell there for ya'? Or how about another song, "Just you wait, "enry "iggins, just you wait".
Wait, David, things are definitely going to come your way and you will not like it, whenever it comes. Why not just try to be graceful and cede the fact that you are done, that you are not fit anymore to have any position in UCO, that there is much wrong with your thinking and for sure, your moral hope chest is empty.
So, open letter here, David Israel. Fess up that you made a serious mistake, that you were wrong, that it was indeed the wrong thing to do, never mind stupid, that you are having some aging issues and feel it better that you go before you are dumped, before your name is totally ruined. As Pharaoh finally said, "GO!"
Any response? Ha! Fat chance of that!
And sadly I have to report another attack with there more seriously wounded.
And finally, I have been keeping count of the results of the terror attacks in Israel -And in the ongoing viciousness in Israel, where Israel is being blamed for killing the attacker - as we did in California - here are the latest statistics and please remember that attacks are being thwarted every day, multiple times a day.
Total in Israel for October, November, December: 24 dead, 255 wounded, too many to count in shock. From the elderly to the young, Jew and even Palestinians are being killed in these attacks, stabbed, hacked, axed, shot, rammed by cars, walking in the streets of Israel, going about their business. And the attacks continue and we wait, knowing that more are to come even as the world blames the Israelis, the victims. Were we not there before? Has the world learned anything from its past? And the count rises and our babies are being killed but does anyone hear a word about that? Dead silence.
And do not forget the14 more, not from Israel, not living in any "settlement' in Israel, just Jews going about their business, daring to go to synagogue - and for their actions - 14 members of the Jewish community of Bonneuil-sur-Marne are poisoned by a toxin applied to the keypad lock of the synagogue.
Total in Israel for October, November, December: 24 dead, 255 wounded, too many to count in shock. From the elderly to the young, Jew and even Palestinians are being killed in these attacks, stabbed, hacked, axed, shot, rammed by cars, walking in the streets of Israel, going about their business. And the attacks continue and we wait, knowing that more are to come even as the world blames the Israelis, the victims. Were we not there before? Has the world learned anything from its past? And the count rises and our babies are being killed but does anyone hear a word about that? Dead silence.
And do not forget the14 more, not from Israel, not living in any "settlement' in Israel, just Jews going about their business, daring to go to synagogue - and for their actions - 14 members of the Jewish community of Bonneuil-sur-Marne are poisoned by a toxin applied to the keypad lock of the synagogue.
Dear Barbara,
Though you are in North Carolina, I believe, you are aware of the situation here in CV, I am sure. I am waiting to hear your response to David's actions. Are you with him in this deed and his motivations and pride in it , thus ceding your moral values or are you opposed and with the courage and moral strength to speak up. The choice is yours, and the consequences as well.
David Israel once called you a whore, an awful thing to say, something he is always doing - insulting people even as they work for the Village in UCO - but the question remains here - have you sold your soul for a VP position in UCO? If you have, then when it is time for another run, people will remember this and vote accordingly - as is their right. Are you on the side of the angels or the devil - and there can be no equivocating here in this matter. Oppression, despicable behavior, or democracy and fair play. The choice is yours and we all await the response.
Esther and all concerned residents
Though you are in North Carolina, I believe, you are aware of the situation here in CV, I am sure. I am waiting to hear your response to David's actions. Are you with him in this deed and his motivations and pride in it , thus ceding your moral values or are you opposed and with the courage and moral strength to speak up. The choice is yours, and the consequences as well.
David Israel once called you a whore, an awful thing to say, something he is always doing - insulting people even as they work for the Village in UCO - but the question remains here - have you sold your soul for a VP position in UCO? If you have, then when it is time for another run, people will remember this and vote accordingly - as is their right. Are you on the side of the angels or the devil - and there can be no equivocating here in this matter. Oppression, despicable behavior, or democracy and fair play. The choice is yours and we all await the response.
Esther and all concerned residents
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Dear Dom,
I am sure you are aware of what David Israel has done with regard to the sign on the fence at the synagogue and the consequences to the synagogue as a result of his actions. He calls all opposition to him "pollution", introducing shivers down my spine as this brings back the demonization and dehumanizing of the Jews before shipping them over to death.
So where are you in this matter? There is no being neutral. Either you stand up for morality or you stand for moral bankruptcy. Is this the leader you support and if you do, are you a leader that we want to hold office as well.
Not so patiently awaiting your answer,
Esther and the moral residents of the Village
I am sure you are aware of what David Israel has done with regard to the sign on the fence at the synagogue and the consequences to the synagogue as a result of his actions. He calls all opposition to him "pollution", introducing shivers down my spine as this brings back the demonization and dehumanizing of the Jews before shipping them over to death.
So where are you in this matter? There is no being neutral. Either you stand up for morality or you stand for moral bankruptcy. Is this the leader you support and if you do, are you a leader that we want to hold office as well.
Not so patiently awaiting your answer,
Esther and the moral residents of the Village
Well, world, particularly CVWPB, rest uneasy in your bed tonite and every nite until we get rid of this dude. He and others of his ilk around the world are truly demented in their thinking, way beyond confused and well into the paranoid dictator mode, he who knows all, who decides all. You do know, Superdick, uh, Superdave, that G-d is the one who knows all - not you. Put that in your "religiously" concerned head and think about it.
David Israel has now elevated himself, if we can use that term, to the ranks of the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Nasrallah, the Sharia and Modesty Committees, or shall we more honestly say roving gangs of many Moslem extremist countries. He has decided that he knows best, knows what constitutes sacrilegious behavior and what rights ANY religious institution has. Wrong, so wrong. In so many ways.
The Jewish people have long had problems living under dictators, except perhaps for those enlightened ones such as Napoleon who believed in giving equal rights to all. Therefore, they know how important democracy is and are always at the forefront of any democratic movement. Their religious leaders have marched at Selma and pretty much any civil rights historical moments. They rallied for the rights of Soviet Jewry, supported the rescue of the Jews from Yemen and from Ethiopia and any other country where they were in danger. They know the importance of democracy for them and indeed, for the rest of humanity. They send help to countries with natural disasters, the first and best hospitals up and serving.Therefore, Superdick, uh Superdave, when democracy is being squelched thru the maniacal machinations of a paranoid loser they will be quick to do what they can for those who are oppressed and their rights taken away under this dictator and his regime.
Hence, we arrive at the situation right here in good old CV where there appears to be a constant dying of democracy, so much so that elections are basically fraudulent, as no public forum is available for opposition unless they themselves find something, somehow, an almost impossible task, and for sure no publicity of any kind is allowed. This is the way in which Superdick, uh Superdave manages to keep his office. That and threats and tantrums and the latest of all - elevating himself into the chief arbiter of what is holy and permissible and what is not. Well, guess again, Superdick - awww, you know who I mean. When the synagogue saw the repression and denial of equal rights across the street, with many of its members coming from that community, it knew it had to step up to the plate and allow the sign of the opponent to be placed on the fence of the synagogue. It was the right thing to do.
Well, along came Jones, here, who unilaterally decided he knows what is religious or not, he who denies his Jewish heritage - and not to worry about that, Superdick, others will remember it for you, - he who is anti religious, a self hating Jew, that person decided that he cannot tolerate the sign on the fence and it eats at him. He must get it down or what? Die? Well, that is a thought! So what to do, he thinks and this pathetic creature who sits long into the nite, all alone in UCO, read thru the minutiae of the Palm Beach County rules and found something about signs. So off he went down this path and lo and behold, he perceived a bonus. The sign of the synagogue, up for 16 years, with Code Enforcement going by every day, was suddenly deemed out of code and needs to be fixed or get a variance. Did that make you feel good, Superdick? Not to worry, we will take care of it and other issues that Superdick sicced upon us. We Jews are used to being picked on, but there are righteous people here who have volunteered help and funds if necessary, so we will handle it and in all our prayers we will certainly pray with you in mind, Superdick, uh Superdave. Not to worry. Sleep tight. And do not worry about us. Code enforcement people were kind and generous and righteous and are working with us - a hell of a lot better than you are.
So places for signs will be found. Possibilities for forums and publicity will and are being found. You can go ahead and plan your retirement, lonely though it will be. You can contemplate your navel to pass the time while your computer is booting up and while you clean out your belly lint, try to clean out your hateful and hate filled mind. Difficult, I know, but such is life. And please, take along your moral coward sycophants who have not the decency or the courage or the will to speak out against what you did. Hmmmm. Snipe signs about that? All along the roadways outside the Village? Hmmm, what a picture and can you guess some of the things they might say? But don't worry your nasty head about it. You sleep tight and we will take care of it all and make our own plans. Oh, and don't let the bedbugs bite.
The difference in the outlook is easily seen in two comments, one left by David's blog and the other by Gary's. Peter Cruise, that nasty creature who loves to send nasty comments to others who disagree with him, says to David about this whole incident - "Good work Dave." No comment necessary. On the other hand, a resident states on Gary's blog -
David Israel has now elevated himself, if we can use that term, to the ranks of the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Nasrallah, the Sharia and Modesty Committees, or shall we more honestly say roving gangs of many Moslem extremist countries. He has decided that he knows best, knows what constitutes sacrilegious behavior and what rights ANY religious institution has. Wrong, so wrong. In so many ways.
The Jewish people have long had problems living under dictators, except perhaps for those enlightened ones such as Napoleon who believed in giving equal rights to all. Therefore, they know how important democracy is and are always at the forefront of any democratic movement. Their religious leaders have marched at Selma and pretty much any civil rights historical moments. They rallied for the rights of Soviet Jewry, supported the rescue of the Jews from Yemen and from Ethiopia and any other country where they were in danger. They know the importance of democracy for them and indeed, for the rest of humanity. They send help to countries with natural disasters, the first and best hospitals up and serving.Therefore, Superdick, uh Superdave, when democracy is being squelched thru the maniacal machinations of a paranoid loser they will be quick to do what they can for those who are oppressed and their rights taken away under this dictator and his regime.
Hence, we arrive at the situation right here in good old CV where there appears to be a constant dying of democracy, so much so that elections are basically fraudulent, as no public forum is available for opposition unless they themselves find something, somehow, an almost impossible task, and for sure no publicity of any kind is allowed. This is the way in which Superdick, uh Superdave manages to keep his office. That and threats and tantrums and the latest of all - elevating himself into the chief arbiter of what is holy and permissible and what is not. Well, guess again, Superdick - awww, you know who I mean. When the synagogue saw the repression and denial of equal rights across the street, with many of its members coming from that community, it knew it had to step up to the plate and allow the sign of the opponent to be placed on the fence of the synagogue. It was the right thing to do.
Well, along came Jones, here, who unilaterally decided he knows what is religious or not, he who denies his Jewish heritage - and not to worry about that, Superdick, others will remember it for you, - he who is anti religious, a self hating Jew, that person decided that he cannot tolerate the sign on the fence and it eats at him. He must get it down or what? Die? Well, that is a thought! So what to do, he thinks and this pathetic creature who sits long into the nite, all alone in UCO, read thru the minutiae of the Palm Beach County rules and found something about signs. So off he went down this path and lo and behold, he perceived a bonus. The sign of the synagogue, up for 16 years, with Code Enforcement going by every day, was suddenly deemed out of code and needs to be fixed or get a variance. Did that make you feel good, Superdick? Not to worry, we will take care of it and other issues that Superdick sicced upon us. We Jews are used to being picked on, but there are righteous people here who have volunteered help and funds if necessary, so we will handle it and in all our prayers we will certainly pray with you in mind, Superdick, uh Superdave. Not to worry. Sleep tight. And do not worry about us. Code enforcement people were kind and generous and righteous and are working with us - a hell of a lot better than you are.
So places for signs will be found. Possibilities for forums and publicity will and are being found. You can go ahead and plan your retirement, lonely though it will be. You can contemplate your navel to pass the time while your computer is booting up and while you clean out your belly lint, try to clean out your hateful and hate filled mind. Difficult, I know, but such is life. And please, take along your moral coward sycophants who have not the decency or the courage or the will to speak out against what you did. Hmmmm. Snipe signs about that? All along the roadways outside the Village? Hmmm, what a picture and can you guess some of the things they might say? But don't worry your nasty head about it. You sleep tight and we will take care of it all and make our own plans. Oh, and don't let the bedbugs bite.
The difference in the outlook is easily seen in two comments, one left by David's blog and the other by Gary's. Peter Cruise, that nasty creature who loves to send nasty comments to others who disagree with him, says to David about this whole incident - "Good work Dave." No comment necessary. On the other hand, a resident states on Gary's blog -
JoeDecember 21, 2015 at 8:44 PM
"The man is a menace, his time has come, we need to vote him out. I beg you delegates, come to your senses. David Israel is a dangerous man without morals. He will destroy century village. Get wise - get going - tell your friends how he is killing us. "
How true, so sadly true.
Monday, December 21, 2015
So the pathetic sacrilegious loser finally responded to the accurate reportings of his dastardly deed - the burning need to get rid of a sign pro Phyllis, so much so that he committed a sacrilegious act himself and brought the government down on a synagogue. Do not pretend for one second that you have a religious bone or corpuscle in your pathetic body. You, who would have a meeting on Yom Kippur. You, who has not been in a synagogue to pray in more years than a donkey could count - those donkeys being your crew, that cowardly bunch who have not spoken up to condemn your sacrilegious action.
Do not try to pretend that this is a "snipe sign". This is a regular banner for a political race and why was it there, you awful little troll? It was there because you have decided that you wish to follow the disgraceful footsteps of all the fascist dictators that have come before you - Hitler, Mussolini, Putin and the list goes on. How about Horvath or Petain and the list can go on. You are so desperate to maintain your regime that you go after a shul!!!! you nasty old man.
Write all you want, say you would do it again - keep putting that filthy foot of yours in your mouth time and time again and you will get back what you deserve and earn - contempt, vows of people who swear to get rid of you, the anger of people who have had enough of you and bring on your zombie delegates - we will have enough of the rest to beat you back. And if not - we will think of something else - a recall or whatever it takes to get you gone and out of UCO and out of our lives. You will have your computers and that is it. Your coterie of sycophants will desert you as you lose your power and instead of being a threat to others, you will furnish laughter and be a joke to the rest of the world, beginning with the Village - and then perhaps we will go on to the 200 million readers of that world wide web.
So keep on in your nasty, nasty, evil ways and you will bring yourself down. And we will all wave goodbye as you go to hell! Where you belong!
Do not try to pretend that this is a "snipe sign". This is a regular banner for a political race and why was it there, you awful little troll? It was there because you have decided that you wish to follow the disgraceful footsteps of all the fascist dictators that have come before you - Hitler, Mussolini, Putin and the list goes on. How about Horvath or Petain and the list can go on. You are so desperate to maintain your regime that you go after a shul!!!! you nasty old man.
Write all you want, say you would do it again - keep putting that filthy foot of yours in your mouth time and time again and you will get back what you deserve and earn - contempt, vows of people who swear to get rid of you, the anger of people who have had enough of you and bring on your zombie delegates - we will have enough of the rest to beat you back. And if not - we will think of something else - a recall or whatever it takes to get you gone and out of UCO and out of our lives. You will have your computers and that is it. Your coterie of sycophants will desert you as you lose your power and instead of being a threat to others, you will furnish laughter and be a joke to the rest of the world, beginning with the Village - and then perhaps we will go on to the 200 million readers of that world wide web.
So keep on in your nasty, nasty, evil ways and you will bring yourself down. And we will all wave goodbye as you go to hell! Where you belong!
"I have come to believe over and over again that what is most important to me must be spoken, made verbal and shared...."
While I disagreed often with the person who stated the above, I agree with her here. It is most important to verbalize what one feels, to speak up, out, for, against whatever it is that is important to oneself. Silence is often the coward's way out, the path chosen by those of moral bankruptcy, the path chosen by those who agree with the evil done yet are afraid to be public about it. Silence allows for no room to talk, discuss and come to an understanding; it leaves room only....for silence.
David Israel has declared an all out scorched earth policy war against those who oppose him and his policies, his actions in the Village that have led to a condition of hatred, of repression, of a surreal atmosphere of fear, of fascistic rule in a democratic country which is supposed to be an example for the world. In his declaration of war he has included institutions outside the Village, an enlargement of his megalomaniacal need for power, power and more power. He and his have threatened or intimidated area stores, banks, etc. so they will not display the CV Messenger. Thankfully, most have withstood this campaign of intimidation and have actually asked for more copies. Even as the Rag goes unread and into the garbage.
What is even worse, is that David Israel and his crew have declared war on ANY institution which displeases him and uses any and all tools he can find to further this war of his. The latest victim is the synagogue Aitz Chaim right outside the gates, across the street on Haverhill. Because it has twice allowed a banner for an opponent of his, people who were searching for a place to display their name as they were shut out of the Village, because of this, David Israel has sicced governmental entities on them though it must be said that these government officials are understanding and cooperative in working with the synagogue. Thank you.
But this is a step, no, a mile, way beyond the Pale. It is time for those of his crew who detest these actions to speak up and disavow David's actions. Never do I expect that of Ed Black nor do I expect a mea culpa from David, for he believes that always, he is right, but I certainly am disappointed in the silence of the others.
Barbara Cornish - where is your mouth now? Toni Salometo - same question. I know you can speak out and have done so before, so now? Dom Guarnagia - you know Gerry so is this a proper thing to do, to attack the synagogue where he is president, to attempt to destroy it. Fausto, Herb - where are you? Don Foster - are you silent here, you who took offense when someone spoke to you in a manner you found offensive at a meeting and took the person to task. You - where are you in this incident? Joy - now that is useless, huh? Myron Silverman - active in Anshei Sahlom - how can you be silent? Think you are immune from this hatred and strategies? You are not and should have learned from history that you are not. John Hess, will you stop grinning as you see the nastiness of this behavior of your boss - and say something! Ruth Dreiss - is this what your husband, one of the first presidents of the Village, would like and admire? And I can go on and on - Jackie Karlin - where is your mouth now? Anita, and the rest of you. Silence is not golden here, most definitely not.
Stand up and condemn your lord and master for these actions or be smeared with the same brush. Silence from supposedly good citizens is what makes evil surmount all. Is that what you wish? Is that what you believe should be running UCO and the Village? Do we have a rule here that what benefits David is over and above all? Do we have the rule of Animal Farm where all animals are equal except that pigs are more equal than others? Sorry, that does not work here. NEVER! Is this what Phyllis deserves? All of you know how much time and hard work she has given to the Village so is this what comes of it?
For those of you who are still catching up on this issue, please scroll down to the two articles that preceded this one, go to Phyllis's blog, or Gary's and read of this dastardly action, inexcusable action, of David Israel. Read it and then weep for our Village. Watch for a special edition of the CV Messenger.
"I decided it is better to scream. Silence is the real crime against humanity."
We will not be silent.
While I disagreed often with the person who stated the above, I agree with her here. It is most important to verbalize what one feels, to speak up, out, for, against whatever it is that is important to oneself. Silence is often the coward's way out, the path chosen by those of moral bankruptcy, the path chosen by those who agree with the evil done yet are afraid to be public about it. Silence allows for no room to talk, discuss and come to an understanding; it leaves room only....for silence.
David Israel has declared an all out scorched earth policy war against those who oppose him and his policies, his actions in the Village that have led to a condition of hatred, of repression, of a surreal atmosphere of fear, of fascistic rule in a democratic country which is supposed to be an example for the world. In his declaration of war he has included institutions outside the Village, an enlargement of his megalomaniacal need for power, power and more power. He and his have threatened or intimidated area stores, banks, etc. so they will not display the CV Messenger. Thankfully, most have withstood this campaign of intimidation and have actually asked for more copies. Even as the Rag goes unread and into the garbage.
What is even worse, is that David Israel and his crew have declared war on ANY institution which displeases him and uses any and all tools he can find to further this war of his. The latest victim is the synagogue Aitz Chaim right outside the gates, across the street on Haverhill. Because it has twice allowed a banner for an opponent of his, people who were searching for a place to display their name as they were shut out of the Village, because of this, David Israel has sicced governmental entities on them though it must be said that these government officials are understanding and cooperative in working with the synagogue. Thank you.
But this is a step, no, a mile, way beyond the Pale. It is time for those of his crew who detest these actions to speak up and disavow David's actions. Never do I expect that of Ed Black nor do I expect a mea culpa from David, for he believes that always, he is right, but I certainly am disappointed in the silence of the others.
Barbara Cornish - where is your mouth now? Toni Salometo - same question. I know you can speak out and have done so before, so now? Dom Guarnagia - you know Gerry so is this a proper thing to do, to attack the synagogue where he is president, to attempt to destroy it. Fausto, Herb - where are you? Don Foster - are you silent here, you who took offense when someone spoke to you in a manner you found offensive at a meeting and took the person to task. You - where are you in this incident? Joy - now that is useless, huh? Myron Silverman - active in Anshei Sahlom - how can you be silent? Think you are immune from this hatred and strategies? You are not and should have learned from history that you are not. John Hess, will you stop grinning as you see the nastiness of this behavior of your boss - and say something! Ruth Dreiss - is this what your husband, one of the first presidents of the Village, would like and admire? And I can go on and on - Jackie Karlin - where is your mouth now? Anita, and the rest of you. Silence is not golden here, most definitely not.
Stand up and condemn your lord and master for these actions or be smeared with the same brush. Silence from supposedly good citizens is what makes evil surmount all. Is that what you wish? Is that what you believe should be running UCO and the Village? Do we have a rule here that what benefits David is over and above all? Do we have the rule of Animal Farm where all animals are equal except that pigs are more equal than others? Sorry, that does not work here. NEVER! Is this what Phyllis deserves? All of you know how much time and hard work she has given to the Village so is this what comes of it?
For those of you who are still catching up on this issue, please scroll down to the two articles that preceded this one, go to Phyllis's blog, or Gary's and read of this dastardly action, inexcusable action, of David Israel. Read it and then weep for our Village. Watch for a special edition of the CV Messenger.
"I decided it is better to scream. Silence is the real crime against humanity."
We will not be silent.
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