It is like wandering around in a totally befogged world, not knowing, not able, to discern the exit, to distinguish its outline in the heavy mist. Plans are made, laws are invoked, yet nothing happens as one seems to negate the other. Progress is stalled, even retreats, and the people are caught in the middle, hapless dolls with uncaring people working the strings of control.
Evidently there is great concern re the independence of an individual. Certainly, his/her rights, are to be respected. However, a strange thing happens. It appears that rights are defined differently among the various issues. Each individual is apparently allowed to own as many guns and rifles and to abrogate that right in the name of sanity and safety apparently violates the rights of others. Obviously, we should not mind if we sacrifice people in the name of that right! Even rules of sanity, restricting ownership of guns among the violent, criminal and mentally ill are anathema. Personal rights! All the way, to the bitter end. Despite yet another school shooting. Despite another workplace shooting. Despite it all.
And yet here is a puzzling facet on the issue of rights. Seemingly, women are not entitled to the same level of individual liberties and rights. Certainly, women are too feeble in mind and body to be able, allowed, capable, to make decisions regarding their own bodies. Certainly, they cannot decide on abortions. Certainly, they should not have access to paid for contraception. Certainly, men should make their lives most difficult. Abortion is called the most destabilizing factor of society by Pence. More single parent families. Looser sex. And all sorts of nasty things. Single parent, poor families are only increased if abortion is denied, and so sad as society's safety net has been shrinking. More hungry kids. More homeless. More sick and damaged adults and children. More unwanted children foisted upon unwilling parents. Not a good picture, is it? As if sex outside of the standard formats never took place prior to abortions. As if abortions never took place, disregarding the horrific deaths due to improper, unsanitary abortions. Of course, none of that matters as the father never had to pay a price for any of it, simply walking away. The rights of the individual, so sacred - but not for women. So hypocritical.
A national emergency in the nation, in the world. A crisis which would better be served via mandatory vaccination, eliminating the horrific numbers of the ill, the dying and the lonely, hard deaths. The financial cost. The cost to people working with the dying. But nope! False information is dispersed re the vaccine, people refuse to take it and endanger the lives of others. Evidently in this case, the rights of the individual take precedence over the common, most sensible path for the good of the many.
Nor should the presumed right of an individual take precedence over the safety of the nation, the means to prevent any and all attempts to overthrow the legitimate government of the country. And yet that is the argument being presented by the lawyers for Trump, that he could boldly plan to negate the election he lost simply because he could- or so he and others thought, traitors one and all. His rights do not, never ever, take precedence over the sitting President and the safety of this nation, its integrity.
If we are to tread safely and confidently into the future, we must, absolutely must, decide on where individual rights conflict with the rights of society, its safety and continuity. If we do not, well, we will lose all rights, both as individual and as a healthy, properly functioning society.
And yet gain, a decision we must make, enforce, for it is upon us. It is said that we get the leaders we deserve, the society we desire and doesn't that say a whole bunch.
he only clear way at present to defeat it. But apparently, the rights ofthe individual count for more in this casem rather thanthe common good.