Yes, good things do indeed come to those who wait - and wait - and wait - and wait until they thought it would never be. A scofflaw of enormous malignant influence and position was getting away with it all. He was, it seems, actually above the law, no matter who thought elsewise. Breaking the law, scoffing at the power of the law - above the law - he thought -BUT (to borrow his inane and insane use of capitals) he has been charged. Well, Hallelujah and Amen!
About time. Long time coming - highly overdue. This man, this creature who uses devices and ridiculous choreography to supplement his appearances and their effects, a la descents on a golden escalator, who compares himself to angels, well, he has met the road to his long delayed and oh so deserved comeuppance. It has been a long and winding road as the song goes, but we have reached that long delayed point. Hopefully, Bragg's bold move will inspire others to bring their charges to the fore and beat this man with the proverbial hammer of the law.
To see that man in a perp walk, clad in an ill fitting orange jumpsuit, followed by a long chain of linked aiders and abettors - from Pence to Meadows to Hawley and Jordan to the insane and just plain stupid feminine duo of Greene and Boebert to the very poorly brain endowed GOP members who lost their minds , their independence, along the way, ever nearing perdition, always selling their country down the river and using and discarding people like used tissues and there would we find Giuliani and fellow throwaways from the Trump office.
Blatant treason became the theme song of the GOP, crazed statements dropped out of their crooked mouths as if pearls from swine, and followed Trump as automatons, incapable of forming an independent rational and correct, fact based thought and supposition. AT LAST!! A long and winding one, to paraphrase the song - but there it is, highlighted by the sun, open to widespread publication.
Proof of the pudding against this man who induced and coerced others into joining his treasonous campaign trail, who adored him as he genuflected before the malignant dictators of North Korea, China and Russia. Finally, a growing light at the end of a long stretch of bumpy, lumpy potholed road. Well deserved and earned ruination before the nation which he had tried so hard to destroy, shredding the virtues and ties of patriotism, friendship, families, and reliance upon the truth.
Vitriolic words, tongue spewing verbal poison, inciting violence and bigotry, this man packaged himself and his followers in a most ugly, poorly wrapped package which nearly brought this nation and the world to their knees, never to rise again. However, more, much more is needed before we can reassure ourselves that we have purged this garbage from our systems, and are, have, in fact and deed returning this nation to the better road paved not with useless good intentions but rather with good deeds and accomplishments.
And along the way, we free up funds, spending them on research, for cures, for programs which better the nation. One day, hopefully soon, there will be an announcement of a great and definitely working technique, a protocol to defeat cancer. The little golden children, like my Yitzy will run through the park again, argue whether one was safe at base or not, about the latest comic book and the newest styles for spring. About anything and everything other than the nausea and despair of chemo and radiation, of a life disrupted so massively that until one is living it, is impossible to truly understand. Whoopi wears a shirt which states that hopes and prayers are not the answer to gun violence, but rather policy and change, and she is correct. However, in Yitzy's situation, hope, prayers, along with advanced ideas and procedures do work together, for the good, for the positive, for room for hope to grow, for the strength of prayers to reach the ears of the Lord, urging him to remember all the little ones here on earth, suffering from the crass and selfish stupidities and misthinking of adults. So -
Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah
May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu.
May he be granted a timely and complete healing.
May Hashem hear all our voices raised in prayer.
Amen. Amen.