At some point in time one has to realize when one is being scammed, taken advantage of, played for all its worth. One has to wake up and smell the coffee, or better yet, look around and see the devolving environment of one's life and understand the root cause of it all.
Even given the fact that the past always looks better in many circumstances as people refer back to a dreamier time, forgetting the struggles of the past, there comes a time when one has to look realistically at all times - past, present and future. So let us take a look at the past and present and hopefully, the future of our home, Century Village. Do not forget that for many of us, CV is not a second home, a place we stay for a few days, weeks or even months. It is our home. Period. We do not have other homes to replace this one nor the money to do so, so certainly we have concerns over this Village of ours and its ostensible leadership and what it has done to CV.
Unfortunately, CV has had a history of some truly awful presidents. For every one that cared about the Village, that sought the best for it, that planned for the future, we have had two that were just awful, putting us into contracts that screwed us royal, or wasted our funds and refused to plan for our future even as they diddled around with , well, you fill that in yourself.
Certainly, one of the worst ever, and for eight years we have been suffering under this man's ever increasingly dictatorial reign, harmful reign, this David Israel. Even if I were to be generous and allow him and his minions to claim that he wanted to do good for the Village, that certainly disappeared quickly. More and more the administration's role in the life of the Village was expanded into areas where they did not belong and was allowed to wither and die in areas where it should have been vigorous and proactive.
Saddled with an awful Millennium Agreement, this administration did nothing to ameliorate it at all and in act, allowed WPRF and the Levys to roll right over us, spending our funds freely with barely any control over their spending, so we paid for items, big and small, that we should not have, we accepted their attorney's words for it even as David Israel continued to use a lawyer whose sell by date had long ago passed and expired. We wasted funds on ridiculous items, from allowing the gorging of the volunteers within the UCO building to ever increase their "snacks" and specialty drinks they so desperately needed or on projects that sucked so badly they turned into our own swamp!
While the administration under George Lowenstein and treasurer Dorothy Tetro managed to save money for years to pay for new roads and walkways, and maintained the Village, when term limits came into play - remember that limit! - David Israel, Ed Black, Bob Marshall et al managed to blow all those millions of dollars and more, bringing us to the very brink of bankruptcy and gifted us with the worst road job ever, immediately beginning to disintegrate, to crack, to crumble and to develop large and dangerous cracks and raised portions of our walkways. It was only thru the brilliant work of Tetro that we managed to stay out of pauper's court!!!
And over the years it became worse and worse. New equipment for the Clubhouses which were capital improvements were deemed repairs and so dig they must into our pockets. Useless and unnecessary murals were paid for. Ridiculous redos and more redos of the shrubbery by the Clubhouse cost thousands and there appears to be a constant repaving and reassigning of spots there along with accompanying work.
Contracts expired and what we got instead of calm negotiating, investigation and research was an almost hysterical hype every time. "The best contract ever" was what we heard over and over again. So we were screwed on transportation, royally screwed on security and of course, not allowing, purposely not allowing time for the delegates to read and internalize these contracts, was a favorite tactic of David et al. Time and again we had to renegotiate, resubmit proposals and every time pay more.
We were subjected to a high pitched ridiculous but dangerous push for DSL, a company that would have installed towers in our Village, all over the place, and for what? Well, they would receive millions of dollars for an unworkable system and David would receive what exactly? Pleasure at screwing us again. Glee as he pulled the wool over our eyes again, at least those people he fooled or governed with a leading leash. And more? DSL and their Wi fi proposal was actually dead at birth, just check with Boca CV, but that made no never mind to David Israel for he wanted it and like all babies, he threw monumental tantrums but nevertheless, through the hard work of a group of people, he was defeated.
But never let it be said that he ever gives up on his selfish and greedy plans. We have two years left with Comcast and yet for years already he has been pushing this Atlantic broadband, a company with little history other than bad service records with its customers - and go check that out online. There was a feeble attempt at an even more feeble excuse saying there were two companies with that name. Sorry, but that is not allowed and when one registers with the state, one needs to have an original name, one that is unique to it. So, yet another attempt to put one over on us - again!
Lanny writes of having a bird in the hand so choose Atlantic. Weird reasoning that, for a bird in the hand is Comcast which is here, which has the biggest footprint ever in the internet cable world, which has served us well and has increasingly improved services. In addition, quite a number of us are very much satisfied with Comcast in all its various permutations and do not wish to change nor is it in David's purview to do this. Internet is NOT a utility and even the government is pushing that point.
In addition, one has to think into the future and see how that whole world is changing and rapidly. Why are we to pay for Atlantic to expand? Let them pay their own bills. Why are we to accept that if not ready and they will most probably NOT be ready, they will "lease' the necessities from other companies. Really? Just read the papers and see how well that is doing as companies are going to court to avoid having to lease their wires to other competition. Why are we being urged to take an untried entity into our Village and for ten years!!! Why is David pushing them so hard? WHY?
It is for the associations to meet and discuss. It is for the delegates to vote as the association wishes, not as they wish, but this system of ours sucks, major, and the delegates, a great many of them, particularly the leashed ones, the ones who get a thrill over being part of the "power", who get jobs in UCO and can boast of a little fiefdom under the rule of you know who, these delegates vote their own wishes!!
We have a UCO which refuses to adapt and change, to respond to the wishes and needs of the residents. We have a UCO run by a mad dictator, one who suffers from alleged mental and emotional ills, one who has singlehandedly, well, with the help of his buds, destroyed much of us and our future what with no money set aside for the needs we have and will have and WITH NO WORK DONE ON POST MILLENNIUM!!!
People, the time has come. No, let me correct that - the time has long ago come - wherein we have to fix this problem and stop worrying about what he wants. For Pete's sake, just get Hulu or
Roku and get whatever the hell you want. 300 channels, really? How many do you actually watch? And many of these channels are repeats of others. So please, think and evaluate carefully. Our monies are at stake. Our future is at stake.
Infrastructure. The Reflection Bay threat to us. Have you seen that housing project down Okeechobee? Looks like a project straight from New York. Well, that will be what Reflection Bay will look like and yet what does David do? He sits on his thumb or heeds Waldman or what? I see no action on the part of UCO at all.
Time to wake up. Time to get this man out of office and please, do not forget his egregious lies as he tells us that Kelly is on his way out of the Village, Bull!!!! Ed Black was even at a meeting instigated by Kelly and provided some advice to him. Is David going into the motel business as well?
Ask hard questions. Think hard on the answers. Check for the truth, an ever decreasing commodity here within the Village UCO and in our country at large. Think - for your future depends on it.
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Friday, April 28, 2017
Just finished watching the finale of Grimm, an excellent six season show. The finale had a desperate situation getting worse and then was the worst until a sudden turnabout showed another possibility. And I found myself wishing that perhaps we should be living in a Grimm world, would be the better off for it.
I do not understand why people are not standing outside screaming or pulling their hair out or overwhelming the phone lines as they demand that their representatives in Washington finally come to their senses, particularly the Republicans. They have gone beyond the pale in their blind insistence on cutting taxes and repealing health care. The latest outrage is a single page bullet filled proposal on "tax reform" which reforms it alright - right into the hands of the wealthiest, trillions of dollars right into their greedy, filthy hands and leaves the rest of us standing in the dirt, trying to figure out where and when things went so wrong that we find ourselves living in an American dictatorship for the wealthiest even as the rest of us are squeezed to death, literally, as there will be no money nor provisions for our needs so there ya go - the best tax reform ever ! Just kill off the sick and needy and there is more for the top! And I just cannot wait for some moron out there who voted for Trump to say, "Well, see, he is doing tax reform, just what he promised!" And please, do not forget the trillions, literally trillions, that will be added to the debt - this coming from a man who said he would get rid of the debt!
So this man, this dangerous amoral moron, this dangerous character who actually belongs in prison at the very least for being a sexual predator, never mind the additional crimes of violating the Emoluments Act and his conflicts of interest and ethics as he engages in nepotism to the extreme and in violating every single line one can think of. In fact, just found a 'silver lining' in his dangerous behavior! Perhaps we will not have to worry about the whole tax and healthcare mess because as he states, "There is a chance that we could end up having a major, major conflict with North Korea," in an interview at the Oval Office. And China evidently agrees with the assessment. There ya go! No more worries as we descend into a nuclear winter and then why there comes another silver lining - perhaps then he will recognize that there is indeed climate change!
This man who now states in that interview that he thought the job would be easier and he loved his former life - well, let him resign and go back to it before he brings the roof down on all our heads.
Yesterday I wrote I was tired of all this, of the petty dictators in our lives and the ruination they have brought about. They have sucked the very breath of hope for the future right out of the air. They have indulged in every action that will lead to a more burdensome role for the middle and lower classes and have left the American dream in tatters as they chase down the immigrants and throw them out like so much garbage.
So yes, I think I would prefer to live in the world of Grimm for as bad as it was, as strong as the evil became, as struggling as the Grimms and their allies were, they did manage to finally, at the last moment, turn the tide. But I am very much afraid that there will be no tide turning for us if this man and his henchmen and the clueless and worse, the evil and greedy, over there in Washington, the Republican Party which has forgotten its roots and its purposes, forgotten that they are to serve the People! and not themselves, if they all continue in place. Trump needs to go and all those who support him over there in DC need to go with him. At the very least we need to flood those phones and pour into the streets to make our point, to point our the desperateness and immediacy of the situation. If we do not , well, pick up the cookie and read the fortune. It ain't good!
I do not understand why people are not standing outside screaming or pulling their hair out or overwhelming the phone lines as they demand that their representatives in Washington finally come to their senses, particularly the Republicans. They have gone beyond the pale in their blind insistence on cutting taxes and repealing health care. The latest outrage is a single page bullet filled proposal on "tax reform" which reforms it alright - right into the hands of the wealthiest, trillions of dollars right into their greedy, filthy hands and leaves the rest of us standing in the dirt, trying to figure out where and when things went so wrong that we find ourselves living in an American dictatorship for the wealthiest even as the rest of us are squeezed to death, literally, as there will be no money nor provisions for our needs so there ya go - the best tax reform ever ! Just kill off the sick and needy and there is more for the top! And I just cannot wait for some moron out there who voted for Trump to say, "Well, see, he is doing tax reform, just what he promised!" And please, do not forget the trillions, literally trillions, that will be added to the debt - this coming from a man who said he would get rid of the debt!
So this man, this dangerous amoral moron, this dangerous character who actually belongs in prison at the very least for being a sexual predator, never mind the additional crimes of violating the Emoluments Act and his conflicts of interest and ethics as he engages in nepotism to the extreme and in violating every single line one can think of. In fact, just found a 'silver lining' in his dangerous behavior! Perhaps we will not have to worry about the whole tax and healthcare mess because as he states, "There is a chance that we could end up having a major, major conflict with North Korea," in an interview at the Oval Office. And China evidently agrees with the assessment. There ya go! No more worries as we descend into a nuclear winter and then why there comes another silver lining - perhaps then he will recognize that there is indeed climate change!
This man who now states in that interview that he thought the job would be easier and he loved his former life - well, let him resign and go back to it before he brings the roof down on all our heads.
Yesterday I wrote I was tired of all this, of the petty dictators in our lives and the ruination they have brought about. They have sucked the very breath of hope for the future right out of the air. They have indulged in every action that will lead to a more burdensome role for the middle and lower classes and have left the American dream in tatters as they chase down the immigrants and throw them out like so much garbage.
So yes, I think I would prefer to live in the world of Grimm for as bad as it was, as strong as the evil became, as struggling as the Grimms and their allies were, they did manage to finally, at the last moment, turn the tide. But I am very much afraid that there will be no tide turning for us if this man and his henchmen and the clueless and worse, the evil and greedy, over there in Washington, the Republican Party which has forgotten its roots and its purposes, forgotten that they are to serve the People! and not themselves, if they all continue in place. Trump needs to go and all those who support him over there in DC need to go with him. At the very least we need to flood those phones and pour into the streets to make our point, to point our the desperateness and immediacy of the situation. If we do not , well, pick up the cookie and read the fortune. It ain't good!
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Please join our community Nextdoor Century Village. Share recommendations, ask advice, report suspicious activities to alert your neighbors, find common interests and form long lasting friendships.
Simply click on the link below and follow the instructions.
...and let me be the first to welcome you to the Nextdoor Century Village Neighborhood.
In addition, read the posting just below and see the link and information to the meeting on Saturday for the Indivsibles, a non partisan group dedicated to keeping our rights and our safety in mind and in the minds of Washington and Tallahassee.
Simply click on the link below and follow the instructions.
...and let me be the first to welcome you to the Nextdoor Century Village Neighborhood.
In addition, read the posting just below and see the link and information to the meeting on Saturday for the Indivsibles, a non partisan group dedicated to keeping our rights and our safety in mind and in the minds of Washington and Tallahassee.
It is tiring, tiring indeed, trying to follow the twisted mind of a disturbed man, particularly one who has a great deal of power. One gets up in the morning and wonders " what else has this nut done overnight?" Is the world in one piece? Have the Republicans and Democrats declared real war? Have more Americans beaten each other up or threatened them? Have more of us continued to lose our collective minds.
One day I would like to get up and see two things on line. One would be that Trump has been declared incompetent according to the 25th Amendment and removed from office and then read a conciliatory speech by Pence declaring that he would now try to mend the wounds of a severely damaged country and its population. Would not that be great!!
The other thing I would like to see is an email stating that David Israel has decided to resign, acknowledging the fact that he is disliked intensely, incapable of doing the job and apologizes for all the wrong and damage he has done to the Village and its future. Now wouldn't that be great!!!
But, like most dreams, the wishes expressed within them, are fragile and difficult to come by. So in these cases I think we are stuck until nature or some brilliant person comes along and solves these issues or the world wakes up and disposes of the political trash it has allowed to grow and amass over the years. Put these tired and incompetent people out to pasture, give them some toys to play with, a title and a room to play in and then leave them alone. Ahhh, if only, if only.
All these shenanigans make one question the aims and reasoning behind some of their deeds. We see with Trump how his new ridiculous tax plan will benefit him and his companies. He does not need a medical deduction and to hell with any who do. Should have gone into business or found a rich family to be born into!!! David Israel needs to go away as well, contemplate his navel in other places and not the back room office of UCO. All the while questions keep arising why does he insist on this Atlantic company? He did this before with another company, a most incompetent company, before the Village stopped that in its tracks and now we have the same obsessive interest in this Canadian company of little experience. One wonders why he does not read the paper and instead of saying that they will rent the fibers needed from others, that other companies are not playing nice nice and sharing. Just pick up any business section and read all about it so what is the deal here? People wonder, they certainly do.
And in the meanwhile, the roads continue to devolve, the lakes are filling once more with algae, there was a huge lie about Sheffield as there seems to be no plan by Kelly to sell out and in fact, it seems that Ed Black has joined forces with the powers of the dark and is enabling Kelly to keep his control and violate the laws of the condominium! Lovely!! I would like to hear an explanation from Ed Black as to what exactly he was doing there and then an explanation from David Israel as to why he lied and lied again!!!
So wouldn't it be nice to wake up one morning and the world would be at peace, no threats with nukes, no weird dudes in very strange haircuts, no nasty dudes in power way past their sell by date and true public servants in office. Methinks that will be somewhere over the Rainbow, not here.
A bit later o I will post information as to how to join NextDoor Neighbors and become part of a sharing community, non partisan, non political, just people helping each other. Nice, isn't that.And here is info about Saturday.
One day I would like to get up and see two things on line. One would be that Trump has been declared incompetent according to the 25th Amendment and removed from office and then read a conciliatory speech by Pence declaring that he would now try to mend the wounds of a severely damaged country and its population. Would not that be great!!
The other thing I would like to see is an email stating that David Israel has decided to resign, acknowledging the fact that he is disliked intensely, incapable of doing the job and apologizes for all the wrong and damage he has done to the Village and its future. Now wouldn't that be great!!!
But, like most dreams, the wishes expressed within them, are fragile and difficult to come by. So in these cases I think we are stuck until nature or some brilliant person comes along and solves these issues or the world wakes up and disposes of the political trash it has allowed to grow and amass over the years. Put these tired and incompetent people out to pasture, give them some toys to play with, a title and a room to play in and then leave them alone. Ahhh, if only, if only.
All these shenanigans make one question the aims and reasoning behind some of their deeds. We see with Trump how his new ridiculous tax plan will benefit him and his companies. He does not need a medical deduction and to hell with any who do. Should have gone into business or found a rich family to be born into!!! David Israel needs to go away as well, contemplate his navel in other places and not the back room office of UCO. All the while questions keep arising why does he insist on this Atlantic company? He did this before with another company, a most incompetent company, before the Village stopped that in its tracks and now we have the same obsessive interest in this Canadian company of little experience. One wonders why he does not read the paper and instead of saying that they will rent the fibers needed from others, that other companies are not playing nice nice and sharing. Just pick up any business section and read all about it so what is the deal here? People wonder, they certainly do.
And in the meanwhile, the roads continue to devolve, the lakes are filling once more with algae, there was a huge lie about Sheffield as there seems to be no plan by Kelly to sell out and in fact, it seems that Ed Black has joined forces with the powers of the dark and is enabling Kelly to keep his control and violate the laws of the condominium! Lovely!! I would like to hear an explanation from Ed Black as to what exactly he was doing there and then an explanation from David Israel as to why he lied and lied again!!!
So wouldn't it be nice to wake up one morning and the world would be at peace, no threats with nukes, no weird dudes in very strange haircuts, no nasty dudes in power way past their sell by date and true public servants in office. Methinks that will be somewhere over the Rainbow, not here.
A bit later o I will post information as to how to join NextDoor Neighbors and become part of a sharing community, non partisan, non political, just people helping each other. Nice, isn't that.And here is info about Saturday.
Sat, Apr 29, 12:00 PM | |
Bowery Palm Beach
550 S Rosemary Ave, West Palm Beach, FL 33401, United States
| |
Friend, I'm hosting an event, Palm Beach Indivisibles General Meeting, on April 29, 2017 at 12:00 PM in West Palm Beach, FL. The next General Meeting will be busy and fun AND it's at The Bowery Live in City Place! We're breaking out the new committees, rolling up our sleeves and getting to work. You asked what you can do to help #Resist and we've got you covered. Here's a sneak peak of the Teams. Issues + Calls To Action: Help us get the message out in a BIG way because our voices matter! Events: Help us plan and manage meetings, parties, rallies and other cool events! Member of Congress (MOCs) District Teams: Join a district team and get involved. Yes, you'll be up close and involved with our political leaders! Can you come? Click here to RSVP: Read more | |
Posted by Giovanna Pasquarelli from Century Village |
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
No, not thinking of the army song but of the harmful nonsense that we keep getting gifted by our esteemed president. Almost 100 days, the same 100 days that he disparages on the one hand but yet parades on the other with planned celebrations, websites and constant boasting about how productive he has been. And he is correct - if one counts the destruction of much that made our country special, of the destruction of the environment, of the ruination of our future, of the threat to the health of people and their access to care, and of threats to our very existence in his moronic threats and lack of diplomacy. He has introduced hatred and prejudice into the open and has split our nation into two pieces with there being almost a war between these two pieces.
And this gifting has not stopped overnight. We find that the Republicans - and OMG but Lincoln must be rolling violently in his grave as he sees what has become of his Republican party - why they have decided that they are exempt from the rules of health coverage and here is what they have done. "The new Republican amendment, introduced Tuesday night, would allow states to waive out of Obamacare’s ban on pre-existing conditions. This means that insurers could once again, under certain circumstances, charge sick people higher premiums than healthy people."
But wait - there's more. Never let it be said that the Republican party of today is shy about its needs and wants. They are screw the people and to hell with them while they guard themselves, Party over country. Here is what they have done with this proposed new Obamacare destroying plan.
"Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-N.J.) who authored this amendment confirmed this was the case: members of Congress and their staff would get the guarantee of keeping this Obamacare regulations.".
Yes, dear readers, this is what we have become, a country where one class, one special group of people feel they have the right to override all that would be bothersome to them even as they apply these rules to others.
So perhaps they have given us another present. Why yes they have. The moron's tax plan is due out today - cannot wait! - and here is what seems to have leaked out. Corporate taxes down to 15%, family run businesses and how odd it is that the Trump business falls into this category - down to 15% as well, and standard deductions to rise to $15,000 a person. Now you might be saying hooray for that last one, but people, where will we get the money to run the country, to fund the government expenses, to pay for the infrastructure that is so desperately needed? And please do not say that why the people and the corporations will spend all this money and create jobs. This has been tried before AND IT DOES NOT WORK!! This is yet another stupidity of an ignorant man and his Fat Cat Cabinet. Speaking of that Cabinet, yesterday, while protesting outside Rubio's office, one of the protesters had a sign which read "Ikea has better cabinets" and how true, how sadly true.
So while we keep moving that clock closer to midnight and the president rants about our neighbors, both Mexico and Canada and throws monkey wrenches into our relationships with them, as he places our country more and more in the category of dictator ruled countries, especially when that dictator is mentally ill, emotionally disturbed and lacking of any and all wisdom and care for others, while all that happens what are we going to do about this? Well, come and join those who have decided to resist and protest, to protect our country and what it means, to defend those who cannot defend themselves, to remain true to our founding principles and to put this man and his most annoying family back where they belong.
So Ivanka gets booed over in Europe when she declaims how her father supports families and women. Uh huh. So much for honesty. And the right wing, the far right wing, gains strength based on encouragement that even the USA has elected a populist, a nativist of extreme proportions and views and the world trembles on its axis. Close calls with Iranian ships, threats between North Korea and us and what a vision it makes of the weirdos calling back and forth but it is not so funny when one remembers the nuclear option thrown into the mix.
So the gifts keep rolling along, but remember when our parents told us to not be greedy and do not ask for too many gifts? I do. Well, perhaps we need to share that bit of folk wisdom with the Trump administration and the oh so caring Republican party. To their health I guess is the toast and sadly so.
Here is a suggestion
And this gifting has not stopped overnight. We find that the Republicans - and OMG but Lincoln must be rolling violently in his grave as he sees what has become of his Republican party - why they have decided that they are exempt from the rules of health coverage and here is what they have done. "The new Republican amendment, introduced Tuesday night, would allow states to waive out of Obamacare’s ban on pre-existing conditions. This means that insurers could once again, under certain circumstances, charge sick people higher premiums than healthy people."
But wait - there's more. Never let it be said that the Republican party of today is shy about its needs and wants. They are screw the people and to hell with them while they guard themselves, Party over country. Here is what they have done with this proposed new Obamacare destroying plan.
"Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-N.J.) who authored this amendment confirmed this was the case: members of Congress and their staff would get the guarantee of keeping this Obamacare regulations.".
Yes, dear readers, this is what we have become, a country where one class, one special group of people feel they have the right to override all that would be bothersome to them even as they apply these rules to others.
So perhaps they have given us another present. Why yes they have. The moron's tax plan is due out today - cannot wait! - and here is what seems to have leaked out. Corporate taxes down to 15%, family run businesses and how odd it is that the Trump business falls into this category - down to 15% as well, and standard deductions to rise to $15,000 a person. Now you might be saying hooray for that last one, but people, where will we get the money to run the country, to fund the government expenses, to pay for the infrastructure that is so desperately needed? And please do not say that why the people and the corporations will spend all this money and create jobs. This has been tried before AND IT DOES NOT WORK!! This is yet another stupidity of an ignorant man and his Fat Cat Cabinet. Speaking of that Cabinet, yesterday, while protesting outside Rubio's office, one of the protesters had a sign which read "Ikea has better cabinets" and how true, how sadly true.
So while we keep moving that clock closer to midnight and the president rants about our neighbors, both Mexico and Canada and throws monkey wrenches into our relationships with them, as he places our country more and more in the category of dictator ruled countries, especially when that dictator is mentally ill, emotionally disturbed and lacking of any and all wisdom and care for others, while all that happens what are we going to do about this? Well, come and join those who have decided to resist and protest, to protect our country and what it means, to defend those who cannot defend themselves, to remain true to our founding principles and to put this man and his most annoying family back where they belong.
So Ivanka gets booed over in Europe when she declaims how her father supports families and women. Uh huh. So much for honesty. And the right wing, the far right wing, gains strength based on encouragement that even the USA has elected a populist, a nativist of extreme proportions and views and the world trembles on its axis. Close calls with Iranian ships, threats between North Korea and us and what a vision it makes of the weirdos calling back and forth but it is not so funny when one remembers the nuclear option thrown into the mix.
So the gifts keep rolling along, but remember when our parents told us to not be greedy and do not ask for too many gifts? I do. Well, perhaps we need to share that bit of folk wisdom with the Trump administration and the oh so caring Republican party. To their health I guess is the toast and sadly so.
Here is a suggestion

Tuesday, April 25, 2017
May 24, 2017 @ 9:30-11:30am
Century Village Craft Room
Breakfast will be provided!
Seating is Limited - RSVPs required!
Please call 561.231.0640
Jennifer may also be reached at:
Jennifer M. Cunha, Esq.
601 Heritage Dr., Ste 424 · Jupiter, FL · 33458
There is something within the heart, soul and mind of a dictator or would be dictator that appears to be universal for them. It is the apparent thinking, a magical kind of thinking just right for the emotional age of these people, that convinces them that they are immune to the vagaries of fate for they will make their own. They consider themselves immune to all rules and principles and make their own rules for their own 'bubbles' as they go it alone yet somehow the rules and the bubbles all seem alike.
They ensconce themselves in a hideaway of choice, be it Hitler's series of preferred hideaways or Putin's palace or David Israel's back office. There it is that they are to be found for the most part, hiding from people and society ad living in that perennial aforementioned bubble. Thus they are out of touch with the people and thus are enormously surprised and affronted at the thought that the people do not like them nor want them as a leader. It is just such a dictator that has brought about the destruction of his own country, being Assad and Syria, and I wonder if he ever thinks that should he be victorious just exactly what will he be the ruler of? It will be a land that is rubble and a people that have vanished. And in fact, what will be the Village that David Israel will rule over? One that is bankrupt, with faulty infrastructure, with no remnant of democracy and an overwhelming financial hole and yet, he too calls himself the worthy president for life. I wonder whether these traits and beliefs they all have are inborn or learned or polished by the environment. It makes no difference for the evil they do and the evil they leave behind them are still there and just that - evil.
And please do not forget the would be dictator we have here in our country - Donald Trump, he of the orange hair and the overinflated ego and the weird faces and pouts. Of late he has been ranting and raving about his Wall, that wall which appears to be the one thing that we need to 'protect us' from the whole drug business. Do not believe me. Just go ask him and just check Twitter for his nonsensical statements. He has had a wonderful, just so wonderful first 100 days in which he has destroyed the future of us all. He has insured the pollution of our streams and waterways, the dumping of toxic materials and the ruination of our landscapes. He has pulled the safety rules for all of us, including the workers whom he claims to advocate for. And as for the 'swamp' - well, it is doing just fine as he brings in all the Fat Cats and as the lobbyists grow ever more powerful, ever more vocal and ever more greedy and grasping of money. In fact, the entire government of the United States has become a shill for the Trump family and a source of income for their businesses. In fact, the State Department waxed eloquent over Mar A Lago, Ivanka has become the go to girl for Angela Merkel who boasts about how smart that is and the two boys - well, they just love tramping around the globe as they bank on the name and the money of the taxpayers to keep them safe!!
Yesterday, Trump made what appears to be a wonderful declaration about the Holocaust and yet, Sebastian Gorka, Trump's counter-terrorism adviser, and an open member and supporter of a neo Nazi far right Hungarian group, wore a medal from the Nazi linked group Vitezi Rend, making them "proud" and changed his name to include a v. to show his loyalty and faith in them and their beliefs. This is what one means when we say put your money where your mouth is. What he says is garbage if the actions belie those very words and so they do!!!
This man is going to get us enmeshed in perhaps what will truly be the war to end all wars as it destroys the world, as the North Koreans, also led by a weird dude with a weird hairdo and a narcissistic personality, stages the largest artillery drill it has ever done - all this as a response to Trump's braggadocio and dangerous trigger finger. He says he is going to have the entire Senate over to the WH - a play date? - to tell them of North Korea and the situation. What the hell is he doing? There is not even a room large enough to hold this in and yet be secure. The Capitol is meant for that. But once again, he marches on to his own tune all to our detriment.
If your thoughts have turned to the money issues, well, forget about budgets. Even should the two parties work out a temporary deal, he will not sign it unless someone sits on him and forces him to do so! Nope, for he is intent on that damn Wall and its funding and on sending all the "bad hombres" away. Such a deed was witnessed right here in the Lake Worth area as ICE swooped down on some poor guy who was on a phone , grabbed him, threw him against a wall, cuffed him, trashed his phone and off they went but not before the border policeman was asked why he is doing this and his response was that he was just doing his job. uh huh. Anyone hear the Horst Wessel song or the tramp of brown and black shirted people? Anyone hear the rules of law and order change into the rules of ORDER!!
Nothing matters to these dictators and would be dictators other than improving their own power ratings, forcing their desires on the people and to hell with all and everything and everyone else. It matters not if it is a small would be one such as David Israel or to a powerful one such as Putin or to temporary and harmful warlords and other presidents for life such as are to be found in Africa to the detriment of the people of Africa and do not forget the devolving countries of South America and the harm that their own dictators have done to them, destroying prosperous countries, killing their own citizens but the dictator - doing just fine, thank you!
People, action is needed. Go to Rubio's office this morning.
Tue, Apr 25, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
They ensconce themselves in a hideaway of choice, be it Hitler's series of preferred hideaways or Putin's palace or David Israel's back office. There it is that they are to be found for the most part, hiding from people and society ad living in that perennial aforementioned bubble. Thus they are out of touch with the people and thus are enormously surprised and affronted at the thought that the people do not like them nor want them as a leader. It is just such a dictator that has brought about the destruction of his own country, being Assad and Syria, and I wonder if he ever thinks that should he be victorious just exactly what will he be the ruler of? It will be a land that is rubble and a people that have vanished. And in fact, what will be the Village that David Israel will rule over? One that is bankrupt, with faulty infrastructure, with no remnant of democracy and an overwhelming financial hole and yet, he too calls himself the worthy president for life. I wonder whether these traits and beliefs they all have are inborn or learned or polished by the environment. It makes no difference for the evil they do and the evil they leave behind them are still there and just that - evil.
And please do not forget the would be dictator we have here in our country - Donald Trump, he of the orange hair and the overinflated ego and the weird faces and pouts. Of late he has been ranting and raving about his Wall, that wall which appears to be the one thing that we need to 'protect us' from the whole drug business. Do not believe me. Just go ask him and just check Twitter for his nonsensical statements. He has had a wonderful, just so wonderful first 100 days in which he has destroyed the future of us all. He has insured the pollution of our streams and waterways, the dumping of toxic materials and the ruination of our landscapes. He has pulled the safety rules for all of us, including the workers whom he claims to advocate for. And as for the 'swamp' - well, it is doing just fine as he brings in all the Fat Cats and as the lobbyists grow ever more powerful, ever more vocal and ever more greedy and grasping of money. In fact, the entire government of the United States has become a shill for the Trump family and a source of income for their businesses. In fact, the State Department waxed eloquent over Mar A Lago, Ivanka has become the go to girl for Angela Merkel who boasts about how smart that is and the two boys - well, they just love tramping around the globe as they bank on the name and the money of the taxpayers to keep them safe!!
Yesterday, Trump made what appears to be a wonderful declaration about the Holocaust and yet, Sebastian Gorka, Trump's counter-terrorism adviser, and an open member and supporter of a neo Nazi far right Hungarian group, wore a medal from the Nazi linked group Vitezi Rend, making them "proud" and changed his name to include a v. to show his loyalty and faith in them and their beliefs. This is what one means when we say put your money where your mouth is. What he says is garbage if the actions belie those very words and so they do!!!
This man is going to get us enmeshed in perhaps what will truly be the war to end all wars as it destroys the world, as the North Koreans, also led by a weird dude with a weird hairdo and a narcissistic personality, stages the largest artillery drill it has ever done - all this as a response to Trump's braggadocio and dangerous trigger finger. He says he is going to have the entire Senate over to the WH - a play date? - to tell them of North Korea and the situation. What the hell is he doing? There is not even a room large enough to hold this in and yet be secure. The Capitol is meant for that. But once again, he marches on to his own tune all to our detriment.
If your thoughts have turned to the money issues, well, forget about budgets. Even should the two parties work out a temporary deal, he will not sign it unless someone sits on him and forces him to do so! Nope, for he is intent on that damn Wall and its funding and on sending all the "bad hombres" away. Such a deed was witnessed right here in the Lake Worth area as ICE swooped down on some poor guy who was on a phone , grabbed him, threw him against a wall, cuffed him, trashed his phone and off they went but not before the border policeman was asked why he is doing this and his response was that he was just doing his job. uh huh. Anyone hear the Horst Wessel song or the tramp of brown and black shirted people? Anyone hear the rules of law and order change into the rules of ORDER!!
Nothing matters to these dictators and would be dictators other than improving their own power ratings, forcing their desires on the people and to hell with all and everything and everyone else. It matters not if it is a small would be one such as David Israel or to a powerful one such as Putin or to temporary and harmful warlords and other presidents for life such as are to be found in Africa to the detriment of the people of Africa and do not forget the devolving countries of South America and the harm that their own dictators have done to them, destroying prosperous countries, killing their own citizens but the dictator - doing just fine, thank you!
People, action is needed. Go to Rubio's office this morning.
Tue, Apr 25, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
4580 PGA Blvd
4580 PGA Blvd, Unit 201, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418
Bring your signs and your voices and demand to be heard. We deserve a Town Hall, we demand to be recognized and respected as his constituency. Join a great group of folks fighting for our basic freedoms and liberties. Write letters and call the representatives and have them know they will be voted out unless they serve the people and not themselves Send postcards, protest. Speak out. Do something!!
Monday, April 24, 2017
So sings Matisyahu in his hit song and so do we say with a longing tone and a deep breath, knowing what history and mankind have wrought, what seems never to die, especially when economies stutter and tremble and the world roils in unhappiness. People look for scapegoats for their woes and we wonder when will that one day ever arrive.
I open this post today with the words of a Holocaust survivor, a man whose words I heard yesterday on the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day, 2017. As the ceremony opened at Yad Vashem in Israel, and as the marchers in Europe waited for the next day to march from Auschwitz to Birkenau, in remembrance and in triumph, I sat and listened to these words from a 96 year old survivor who lives amongst us.
"Auschwitz is the darkest place in the world. It is the territory of the devil. There he succeeded in using his power to make millions of people suffer. He murdered them, burned their bodies, and left their ashes there to be trampled by others."
We entered Auschwitz while on a pilgrimage to Eastern Europe to learn more and see for our own eyes the places where my people had lived for centuries, where our families had lived and even flourished, and we walked the place, both Auschwitz proper and the deadly rows at Birkenau, trod upon the bones and ashes around the destroyed crematoria for there is no avoiding them. We, too, walked down those train tracks, entered the gates underneath Arbeit Macht Frei, gazed with horror at the size of the camps, and wondered how was it possible to do this? How did Germany expect to get away with this? And why did so many of the population in the countries under Nazi control acquiesce to this, watch as their neighbors were slaughtered, as they were marched through the streets to their deaths, as they heard the shots at Baba Yar, as the government opened local centers for clothing, shoes, furniture, household goods and clearly marked these centers as "relocation centers" where the goods of those same murdered Jews were up for such a bargain price!!!
And yet today we read of the increase of anti Semitic events here in our own country. We read of the violence extending to our children, be they in university or just walking home from elementary and high school. It seems the hate never dies and we are so careless, all of us, both Jew and non Jew alike, as we allow this to flourish once more. But even as Marine Le Pen advances to the runoff on May 7, in France, the political parties of France across the spectrum from right to left are urging unity to defeat her and her words of hate. Would that it indeed be so. But even if she is defeated, will the hate and the undercurrents be destroyed? No, for we are lacking, it seems in understanding the dark sides of ourselves, of our human nature, and until we do so, there will forever hang over us these palls and clouds of hate and murder and forever we will hear the cries of mothers bereft of their children, of the millions of children slaughtered, at the aged grandparents going to a death they did not deserve and at the anguish writ upon the faces of the sons and fathers and brothers who could not protect their families even as they are murdered.
Some people forget or try to forget. Some people would like to see these days repeat themselves. I can tell you personally that a walk in Auschwitz will return a different person for the place is overwhelming, both physically and emotionally and one is undone after walking this camp of horror.
So today, give over a minute or two of your time if that is all you can find - remember those whom mankind destroyed. Remember all those dead piled up, denied the last rites of funerals of honor. And see on line as the triumphant youth groups walk through these gates today, wrapped in the flag of Israel, as the remaining representatives of aged survivors, their children and grandchildren walk through these gates again. Hear the tears and see the tears and feel with your heart.
I close with the words of the speaker I heard yesterday.
"Auschwitz is the holist place on earth. It is the place where Heaven opened its gates in order to greet millions of holy souls. Only their ashes remained behind to be scattered by the winds, so we could breathe them in and become as one with the past. We must try to feel and imagine in our very bones as if we were there ourselves."
I open this post today with the words of a Holocaust survivor, a man whose words I heard yesterday on the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day, 2017. As the ceremony opened at Yad Vashem in Israel, and as the marchers in Europe waited for the next day to march from Auschwitz to Birkenau, in remembrance and in triumph, I sat and listened to these words from a 96 year old survivor who lives amongst us.
"Auschwitz is the darkest place in the world. It is the territory of the devil. There he succeeded in using his power to make millions of people suffer. He murdered them, burned their bodies, and left their ashes there to be trampled by others."
We entered Auschwitz while on a pilgrimage to Eastern Europe to learn more and see for our own eyes the places where my people had lived for centuries, where our families had lived and even flourished, and we walked the place, both Auschwitz proper and the deadly rows at Birkenau, trod upon the bones and ashes around the destroyed crematoria for there is no avoiding them. We, too, walked down those train tracks, entered the gates underneath Arbeit Macht Frei, gazed with horror at the size of the camps, and wondered how was it possible to do this? How did Germany expect to get away with this? And why did so many of the population in the countries under Nazi control acquiesce to this, watch as their neighbors were slaughtered, as they were marched through the streets to their deaths, as they heard the shots at Baba Yar, as the government opened local centers for clothing, shoes, furniture, household goods and clearly marked these centers as "relocation centers" where the goods of those same murdered Jews were up for such a bargain price!!!
And yet today we read of the increase of anti Semitic events here in our own country. We read of the violence extending to our children, be they in university or just walking home from elementary and high school. It seems the hate never dies and we are so careless, all of us, both Jew and non Jew alike, as we allow this to flourish once more. But even as Marine Le Pen advances to the runoff on May 7, in France, the political parties of France across the spectrum from right to left are urging unity to defeat her and her words of hate. Would that it indeed be so. But even if she is defeated, will the hate and the undercurrents be destroyed? No, for we are lacking, it seems in understanding the dark sides of ourselves, of our human nature, and until we do so, there will forever hang over us these palls and clouds of hate and murder and forever we will hear the cries of mothers bereft of their children, of the millions of children slaughtered, at the aged grandparents going to a death they did not deserve and at the anguish writ upon the faces of the sons and fathers and brothers who could not protect their families even as they are murdered.
Some people forget or try to forget. Some people would like to see these days repeat themselves. I can tell you personally that a walk in Auschwitz will return a different person for the place is overwhelming, both physically and emotionally and one is undone after walking this camp of horror.
So today, give over a minute or two of your time if that is all you can find - remember those whom mankind destroyed. Remember all those dead piled up, denied the last rites of funerals of honor. And see on line as the triumphant youth groups walk through these gates today, wrapped in the flag of Israel, as the remaining representatives of aged survivors, their children and grandchildren walk through these gates again. Hear the tears and see the tears and feel with your heart.
I close with the words of the speaker I heard yesterday.
"Auschwitz is the holist place on earth. It is the place where Heaven opened its gates in order to greet millions of holy souls. Only their ashes remained behind to be scattered by the winds, so we could breathe them in and become as one with the past. We must try to feel and imagine in our very bones as if we were there ourselves."
Sunday, April 23, 2017
Every morning I get up and check on line. Are we still here? Are we at war? What other stupidity has the moron done? What have his henchmen stated again that makes no sense? How have we advanced the fortunes of the Trump family?
Yesterday we were so informed that Trump cares oh so much about the natural beauty of America. Guess that is why he has rescinded almost all of the regulations instituted in recent years that were meant to protect that environment, to keep our waterways and amazing natural landscapes as pristine as we could make them. Well, of course, because there is no environmental crisis is there? It is all faked and the crazy storms, the excess amount of icebergs this month, the rising waters, the communities in Alaska that are being overtaken by the ocean, the island nations trying to find new homes for their people,the floods in Miami for heaven's sake! All this does not exist and the warming of the planet - must be a lot of people leaving their ovens on all day!! But Trump is going to save it all - by destroying it! Figure that logic.
As we look thru the almost 100 days of Trump, the period of time which is supposed to be a honeymoon period and a time for productivity, we see the opposite. His approval ratings keep sinking, his promises are shown to be the most hypocritical ever and people are truly worried. The countries of the world, allies or foes, do not know how to react to him and that is dangerous folks for if not sure, they too will have fingers on buttons that should not be pushed. Today we have North Korea threatening to bomb, to nuke, the aircraft carrier steaming their way - after going the wrong way - and just follow what that means and do not put it past this weirdo in North Korea not to do it. He is as impulsive and non thinking as our own president, G-d help us.
Our 'swamp' seems to be thriving there in DC as Trump imports more and more former lobbyists, Wall Street honchos, industrialists and family. Nepotism is praised by the Trump sons and why not? They are doing quite well by it along with Ivanka and Jared. As for the other members - Tiffany, Barron, Melania - who was that again? If you cannot produce the green you are unworthy!!
Sessions designates Hawaii as an island out there in the Pacific, guess not worth anything and now he accuses Escondido of non cooperation with ICE and meanwhile they are one of the most cooperative, but threatened they are. Is there anything this administration can get correct? Are they all suffering from one form of dementia or another and cannot pull up facts and figures that make sense? And Sean Hannity is all perturbed that it has been revealed that he often talks with administration members. So? If he does then he is just another one of the fools, the benighted, who think that we have anything to gain from this Trump and company. Yet he is all a twitter - pants pulled down? Ashamed of what he is doing? Afraid to end up like O'Reilly? Either have the courage of one's convictions and actions or do not do them!! And if one does and one is caught out - well, man up and step up.
So in the 100 days we have accomplished demolition of our country and what it stands for, what it has accomplished over its existence, the progressive steps it has taken. We have reverted to prejudice, to dark moments, to explosive anxiety and hatred. We have single handedly set back the course of the planet in a major way and it is a question if we can ever regain and advance once more. We have a demented man who tweets in his bathrobe, incompetent aides and advisers, ethics conflicted administration people, a family openly profiting from their father's position and they crow about it! And where the hell are his taxes? Just about the best or rather most consistent record of performance has been the consistent steps of doing the opposite of what he said and/or promised, including cancelling that which would stop the inversion process wherein companies actually join foreign companies and thus no more US taxes. Hmmm. Thought that was to be a no - no. Guess again, I guess!!
And the sad thing is that while we do have some administrators around the country who are opposed to this, who have the courage and the decency and the ethics and honesty to speak up and out and against all this, we do have others who follow the Trump way - and guess where one is sitting right now within our own Village borders. Got it? Uh huh. Dictatorship is catching.
Life sucks at times, does it not. Well, there is a new organization about neighbors so why not join that and if interested just drop a line via the comments section and I will send info to you. Or come Tuesday to Rubio's office at 9 and protest his nonsense and his part in all this. Check a prior post for the address or send me a line. Join in and join up. Speak out. Demand justice and rights and liberty along with compassion and ethics. It is the only shot we have.
Yesterday we were so informed that Trump cares oh so much about the natural beauty of America. Guess that is why he has rescinded almost all of the regulations instituted in recent years that were meant to protect that environment, to keep our waterways and amazing natural landscapes as pristine as we could make them. Well, of course, because there is no environmental crisis is there? It is all faked and the crazy storms, the excess amount of icebergs this month, the rising waters, the communities in Alaska that are being overtaken by the ocean, the island nations trying to find new homes for their people,the floods in Miami for heaven's sake! All this does not exist and the warming of the planet - must be a lot of people leaving their ovens on all day!! But Trump is going to save it all - by destroying it! Figure that logic.
As we look thru the almost 100 days of Trump, the period of time which is supposed to be a honeymoon period and a time for productivity, we see the opposite. His approval ratings keep sinking, his promises are shown to be the most hypocritical ever and people are truly worried. The countries of the world, allies or foes, do not know how to react to him and that is dangerous folks for if not sure, they too will have fingers on buttons that should not be pushed. Today we have North Korea threatening to bomb, to nuke, the aircraft carrier steaming their way - after going the wrong way - and just follow what that means and do not put it past this weirdo in North Korea not to do it. He is as impulsive and non thinking as our own president, G-d help us.
Our 'swamp' seems to be thriving there in DC as Trump imports more and more former lobbyists, Wall Street honchos, industrialists and family. Nepotism is praised by the Trump sons and why not? They are doing quite well by it along with Ivanka and Jared. As for the other members - Tiffany, Barron, Melania - who was that again? If you cannot produce the green you are unworthy!!
Sessions designates Hawaii as an island out there in the Pacific, guess not worth anything and now he accuses Escondido of non cooperation with ICE and meanwhile they are one of the most cooperative, but threatened they are. Is there anything this administration can get correct? Are they all suffering from one form of dementia or another and cannot pull up facts and figures that make sense? And Sean Hannity is all perturbed that it has been revealed that he often talks with administration members. So? If he does then he is just another one of the fools, the benighted, who think that we have anything to gain from this Trump and company. Yet he is all a twitter - pants pulled down? Ashamed of what he is doing? Afraid to end up like O'Reilly? Either have the courage of one's convictions and actions or do not do them!! And if one does and one is caught out - well, man up and step up.
So in the 100 days we have accomplished demolition of our country and what it stands for, what it has accomplished over its existence, the progressive steps it has taken. We have reverted to prejudice, to dark moments, to explosive anxiety and hatred. We have single handedly set back the course of the planet in a major way and it is a question if we can ever regain and advance once more. We have a demented man who tweets in his bathrobe, incompetent aides and advisers, ethics conflicted administration people, a family openly profiting from their father's position and they crow about it! And where the hell are his taxes? Just about the best or rather most consistent record of performance has been the consistent steps of doing the opposite of what he said and/or promised, including cancelling that which would stop the inversion process wherein companies actually join foreign companies and thus no more US taxes. Hmmm. Thought that was to be a no - no. Guess again, I guess!!
And the sad thing is that while we do have some administrators around the country who are opposed to this, who have the courage and the decency and the ethics and honesty to speak up and out and against all this, we do have others who follow the Trump way - and guess where one is sitting right now within our own Village borders. Got it? Uh huh. Dictatorship is catching.
Life sucks at times, does it not. Well, there is a new organization about neighbors so why not join that and if interested just drop a line via the comments section and I will send info to you. Or come Tuesday to Rubio's office at 9 and protest his nonsense and his part in all this. Check a prior post for the address or send me a line. Join in and join up. Speak out. Demand justice and rights and liberty along with compassion and ethics. It is the only shot we have.
Friday, April 21, 2017
Remember that? The slogan of a generation and the beginning of questioning of authority and what it does. So we need to ask it again. Worry? you betcha!! In fact, if we do not worry now, we will not have to worry later for there will be no later! Not for us and not for the world.
This guy is out of control. Obviously he never paid attention to football history and the famous story of the guy who ran the other way and scored a touchdown for the other guys for here we are with an "armada' going the other way from the direction in which they supposedly had been ordered to. So whether Trump is a typical male who never asks directions or he is incompetent or he has lost control over the military or any combination of the above is up for grabs. In any case, this is dangerous.
We are engaged in a battle of words and threats that are on the brink of warfare, playing chicken with nuclear weapons. The man is mad, just mad! And he is at it with another madman, the weird dude from North Korea who delights in getting up and killing a few people just to start the day off and his blood rolling. The Chinese, seeing their puppet state under duress, have put their armed forces on alert and in fact, I believe they themselves do not know what to do, what the next step is in this unholy mess that these two idiots have led us to. And as for Russia, I bet they too are confused what with their puppet now going off key and making threats to them instead of making nice-nice as he was supposed to do and now they are flying their jets too close to Alaska, perhaps planning to take it back! Who the hell knows just what is flying these days!
Then we have the dangerous fool Sessions telling off a judge from Hawaii over his ruling which does not quite please him, telling him that sitting on an island in the Pacific is not a quality control evidently for making judicial rulings that overrule Trump's immigration decisions. Well, Sessions old boy, hate to break the news to you, but for 58 years the islands of Hawaii have been a state, equal to any other state of the country and just because we stole it from the Hawaiians for business reasons does not undo the facts, does it?
So let's see what else we should not be worrying about. Well, yesterday I had to see a doctor quickly due to a bit of a complication, and why golly gee, who should I see but a lovely PA who oh dear, oh dear, oh dearie me, has Indian background. Should I have checked to see if she were an - gasp- immigrant or should I believe that since she spoke English as an American, native born, with no accent, I would be 'safe'? The whole thing is so damn stupid and so damn dangerous for the emphasis that is being put on this. We are a nation of immigrants, like it or not, one's prejudice or not, one's thinking that the gates should have been closed after his ancestor immigrated, we are what we are and thank goodness for that!
So, back at the ranch, we have a military that now does what it wants as they take Trump's words quite literally and make their own decisions, violating the very principle of our founders that the military is subject to civilian control here in this country. When military takes precedence we have the situation seen all around the world and that is not good, most definitely not.
But wait! How could I have reached this point without pointing out the most incompetent press secretary ever - Sean Spicer? One almost has to feel sorry for the guy so clueless is he and so afflicted with tiny brain syndrome. But we probably should not be worrying for Sarah Palin has come to the White House along with two music stars so Trump is a happy camper, more celebrities - of a sort anyway - and life is good here in these states of ours. Perhaps she has some scintillating insights how to deal with Russia.
In the meanwhile, we are awaiting answers to more questions than a three year old can devise. Why is the national security person in charge of investigating Trump and Russian connections suddenly quitting? And for that matter, why is Chaffetz quitting for a vague reason - not that he will be missed, assuredly not! And where the hell is Kellyanne Conway? Anybody seen her lately? Is she lost in some underground WH dungeon or has she been assigned to the Aleutian islands? Has Pope Francis agreed to meet Trump or is this another figment of imagination? In fact, has the Disney creation, Figment, escaped from Epcot and gone to live in the White House? That is as likely an explanation as any in this upside down world of ours.
Trump is being sued now for his rulings and orders that are under the authority of the Congressional Review which means to tamper with our future - should we have one - so just add that to the list of suits. The Feds are investigating Fox for their whole dealing with the O'Reilly issue and the settlements, Trump is now back on his rant about trade deals, destroying healthcare here in the country and at least he is remembering to ignore and disrespect Melania. He is not deserting his misogynistic pals. Whew! I was worried there for a second. And while we are on the topic of Melania, why did she have to bump the idiot twice to remind him that when the national anthem is played, one stands with hand over heart and not grinning like a fool. So this dude who already has treasonous possibilities now shows them in public? Not a good thing, dude, not at all.
What? Me worry? You better believe it! Don't know about you, but I have no particular interest in turning into a shadow on a wall or dying of radiation sickness because we were all idiots and allowed the chief one to become our leader. Oy, and a double oy on that. So yes, worry. Please do - and then act and help us all as we try to get this guy gone from office for incompetence, treason, insanity, whatever works!
Here is first step.
On April 25th at 9-11 am there is a scheduled protest at Senator Marco Rubio's office in Palm Beach Gardens.
This guy is out of control. Obviously he never paid attention to football history and the famous story of the guy who ran the other way and scored a touchdown for the other guys for here we are with an "armada' going the other way from the direction in which they supposedly had been ordered to. So whether Trump is a typical male who never asks directions or he is incompetent or he has lost control over the military or any combination of the above is up for grabs. In any case, this is dangerous.
We are engaged in a battle of words and threats that are on the brink of warfare, playing chicken with nuclear weapons. The man is mad, just mad! And he is at it with another madman, the weird dude from North Korea who delights in getting up and killing a few people just to start the day off and his blood rolling. The Chinese, seeing their puppet state under duress, have put their armed forces on alert and in fact, I believe they themselves do not know what to do, what the next step is in this unholy mess that these two idiots have led us to. And as for Russia, I bet they too are confused what with their puppet now going off key and making threats to them instead of making nice-nice as he was supposed to do and now they are flying their jets too close to Alaska, perhaps planning to take it back! Who the hell knows just what is flying these days!
Then we have the dangerous fool Sessions telling off a judge from Hawaii over his ruling which does not quite please him, telling him that sitting on an island in the Pacific is not a quality control evidently for making judicial rulings that overrule Trump's immigration decisions. Well, Sessions old boy, hate to break the news to you, but for 58 years the islands of Hawaii have been a state, equal to any other state of the country and just because we stole it from the Hawaiians for business reasons does not undo the facts, does it?
So let's see what else we should not be worrying about. Well, yesterday I had to see a doctor quickly due to a bit of a complication, and why golly gee, who should I see but a lovely PA who oh dear, oh dear, oh dearie me, has Indian background. Should I have checked to see if she were an - gasp- immigrant or should I believe that since she spoke English as an American, native born, with no accent, I would be 'safe'? The whole thing is so damn stupid and so damn dangerous for the emphasis that is being put on this. We are a nation of immigrants, like it or not, one's prejudice or not, one's thinking that the gates should have been closed after his ancestor immigrated, we are what we are and thank goodness for that!
So, back at the ranch, we have a military that now does what it wants as they take Trump's words quite literally and make their own decisions, violating the very principle of our founders that the military is subject to civilian control here in this country. When military takes precedence we have the situation seen all around the world and that is not good, most definitely not.
But wait! How could I have reached this point without pointing out the most incompetent press secretary ever - Sean Spicer? One almost has to feel sorry for the guy so clueless is he and so afflicted with tiny brain syndrome. But we probably should not be worrying for Sarah Palin has come to the White House along with two music stars so Trump is a happy camper, more celebrities - of a sort anyway - and life is good here in these states of ours. Perhaps she has some scintillating insights how to deal with Russia.
In the meanwhile, we are awaiting answers to more questions than a three year old can devise. Why is the national security person in charge of investigating Trump and Russian connections suddenly quitting? And for that matter, why is Chaffetz quitting for a vague reason - not that he will be missed, assuredly not! And where the hell is Kellyanne Conway? Anybody seen her lately? Is she lost in some underground WH dungeon or has she been assigned to the Aleutian islands? Has Pope Francis agreed to meet Trump or is this another figment of imagination? In fact, has the Disney creation, Figment, escaped from Epcot and gone to live in the White House? That is as likely an explanation as any in this upside down world of ours.
Trump is being sued now for his rulings and orders that are under the authority of the Congressional Review which means to tamper with our future - should we have one - so just add that to the list of suits. The Feds are investigating Fox for their whole dealing with the O'Reilly issue and the settlements, Trump is now back on his rant about trade deals, destroying healthcare here in the country and at least he is remembering to ignore and disrespect Melania. He is not deserting his misogynistic pals. Whew! I was worried there for a second. And while we are on the topic of Melania, why did she have to bump the idiot twice to remind him that when the national anthem is played, one stands with hand over heart and not grinning like a fool. So this dude who already has treasonous possibilities now shows them in public? Not a good thing, dude, not at all.
What? Me worry? You better believe it! Don't know about you, but I have no particular interest in turning into a shadow on a wall or dying of radiation sickness because we were all idiots and allowed the chief one to become our leader. Oy, and a double oy on that. So yes, worry. Please do - and then act and help us all as we try to get this guy gone from office for incompetence, treason, insanity, whatever works!
Here is first step.
On April 25th at 9-11 am there is a scheduled protest at Senator Marco Rubio's office in Palm Beach Gardens.
I will be heading over there around 8:15 so I can grab a coffee and scone at the cafe nextdoor to his office. It would be great if some of you could join in.
If anyone is interested, or thinks you may know someone who would be, please let me know.
His office is in PGA Commons:
4580 PGA Boulevard #201
Thursday, April 20, 2017
There are times when one looks around and despairs. When will things change? When will the good and the right be on top once more? When will the selfish and the corrupt get their deserved "desserts" and when will the repercussions fall upon those who deserve it? But do not despair, for the time does roll around. The wheel of time is relentless and no one is immune to it.
Take a look around at the greatest - meaning the most powerful - dictators of history. They, too, thought themselves impervious to the wheel of time, but they found out otherwise. Go all the way back in history. Pharaoh thought he was the ultimate ruler, the ultimate despot but that invisible G-d of the Israelites showed him otherwise. Julius Caesar thought he was in there for life - yup, right until death struck and not naturally either. And skip right thru the eons of history to modern times.
The most powerful dictators in modern time - Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Duvalier - all names that have gone and their import in real life is no more. They have no control over the people of their countries any longer for they and/or their beliefs have been discarded. So too will be the fates of the tinpot dictators of Africa and Central and South America for they cannot stop the natural process and progress of history. The wheel grinds on and over it all.
But all these dictators have things in common. There are major defects in their personalities; their souls are warped and twisted and their values way off. Their hearts are stone cold and they are ruled at one and the same time by their damaged self esteem and their huge overblown egos. Their insecurities make them harsh and unthinking and uncaring for the needs of others, be the others those of a small town such as CV right here in West Palm or the larger population of a country or even their world wide aspirations. They are all the same, only differ in the size of their stages and the scope of their ambitions.
While reading a most interesting book over the holidays, The Women in the Castle, and I heartily recommend it, there were descriptions of Hitler, not physical, but mental, emotional, ambition, and so on and well, blow me down, but it could have been talking about any dictator or would be dictator and that includes our own dear David Israel. The defects in soul, the obvious ambitions, the ability to just run over people who get in his way, the inability to hear of the needs of others, the development of a small coterie of yeasayers, of people who have sold their souls for the bit of reflected "glory' and power - it is all the same thing. While the scope of influence is different, the path and the behavior and the whole descriptive package is right there and can be pasted one over the other without distinction or difference.
All dictators change the laws. They work within the system to gain power and then use the weaknesses of the system to retain power and then take the final step of changing the laws to permanently keep that power. All the while they do not see the antagonism building, the harm they have caused and continue to cause. They do not see the opposition grow, the resisters grow in strength and do not remember that the wheel of time doth grindeth on and they are squarely in its path. So, David Israel, the tinpot dictator of CVWPB, who is trying to cement his position as official dictator for life here in the Village as he goes about changing the by laws for his benefit, all the better to lock out the residents, as he co-opts the delegates and makes the delegate assembly a joke, a sad and pathetic joke, - remember the Bible and its warning to a dictator there. "Mene mene tekale oopharseen" - "numbered, numbered, weighed and divided" - be it in Babylon or here, the handwriting is on the wall - read it and weep is the inference. And so it happened there and so too will it happen here in the Village. There is no time limit for it. So enjoy what you can now. Enjoy being the minor bully that you so gladly embrace as your personality. Keep shoving your desires and wants down the throats of the people - but the handwriting is on the wall. It is there for all dictators and you fit so seamlessly into that category and classification. So you do not like when I write of you. You scream about it on your blog and even in meetings. There is no room for me at the inn, so to speak - your words, your needs - but there is plenty of room for me right here on line and yes, David Israel, people do read me. I do not think it is the 200 million you accused me of having as my audience - that is your ego talking, your ego and your guilt - but yes, I am read, here in the Village, here in the state and the country and yes, dear boy, even overseas.
And as far as you are concerned, I will follow in the path of the wheel, perhaps even guiding it a tad if I may so presume, and so will I be for any and all dictators, as a group or as a single unit. We have a potential dictator right here in the country and I fear his plans as well for all he cares about is his business and no, not even his family, except as how they serve his needs. So yes, for Ivanka, but Tiffany? Who the hell is she? And for his wife, Melania, well, she can keep on walking behind him for all he cares. He, too, is building his small coterie of loyalists, but it seems to keep falling apart and as far as I am concerned, he is not only uncaring of others, uncaring of the fate of his country except as it relates to himself and his economic and psychological needs, but he is dangerous and possible treasonous as well. He is certainly a misogynist and perhaps the fate of all the ones who lately have been outed and sent into "exile" should send a message. No one is immune to the effects and changes of time. No one is immune to the relentless path of the wheel of time. Its passage affects us all and in the long run it will help the little guys and will serve the offenders their just desserts. And till that time we will continue to speak up, resist, protest and write, and demonstrate. Nothing will or can stop the momentum - not here in the Village and not here in the country. And it will be done, hopefully, without violence, though I fear there is a violent streak already out there in the country, so strong are the feelings, the emotions, the cause. People do not like oppression and people demand the truth. And so does the wheel of time.
Take a look around at the greatest - meaning the most powerful - dictators of history. They, too, thought themselves impervious to the wheel of time, but they found out otherwise. Go all the way back in history. Pharaoh thought he was the ultimate ruler, the ultimate despot but that invisible G-d of the Israelites showed him otherwise. Julius Caesar thought he was in there for life - yup, right until death struck and not naturally either. And skip right thru the eons of history to modern times.
The most powerful dictators in modern time - Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Duvalier - all names that have gone and their import in real life is no more. They have no control over the people of their countries any longer for they and/or their beliefs have been discarded. So too will be the fates of the tinpot dictators of Africa and Central and South America for they cannot stop the natural process and progress of history. The wheel grinds on and over it all.
But all these dictators have things in common. There are major defects in their personalities; their souls are warped and twisted and their values way off. Their hearts are stone cold and they are ruled at one and the same time by their damaged self esteem and their huge overblown egos. Their insecurities make them harsh and unthinking and uncaring for the needs of others, be the others those of a small town such as CV right here in West Palm or the larger population of a country or even their world wide aspirations. They are all the same, only differ in the size of their stages and the scope of their ambitions.
While reading a most interesting book over the holidays, The Women in the Castle, and I heartily recommend it, there were descriptions of Hitler, not physical, but mental, emotional, ambition, and so on and well, blow me down, but it could have been talking about any dictator or would be dictator and that includes our own dear David Israel. The defects in soul, the obvious ambitions, the ability to just run over people who get in his way, the inability to hear of the needs of others, the development of a small coterie of yeasayers, of people who have sold their souls for the bit of reflected "glory' and power - it is all the same thing. While the scope of influence is different, the path and the behavior and the whole descriptive package is right there and can be pasted one over the other without distinction or difference.
All dictators change the laws. They work within the system to gain power and then use the weaknesses of the system to retain power and then take the final step of changing the laws to permanently keep that power. All the while they do not see the antagonism building, the harm they have caused and continue to cause. They do not see the opposition grow, the resisters grow in strength and do not remember that the wheel of time doth grindeth on and they are squarely in its path. So, David Israel, the tinpot dictator of CVWPB, who is trying to cement his position as official dictator for life here in the Village as he goes about changing the by laws for his benefit, all the better to lock out the residents, as he co-opts the delegates and makes the delegate assembly a joke, a sad and pathetic joke, - remember the Bible and its warning to a dictator there. "Mene mene tekale oopharseen" - "numbered, numbered, weighed and divided" - be it in Babylon or here, the handwriting is on the wall - read it and weep is the inference. And so it happened there and so too will it happen here in the Village. There is no time limit for it. So enjoy what you can now. Enjoy being the minor bully that you so gladly embrace as your personality. Keep shoving your desires and wants down the throats of the people - but the handwriting is on the wall. It is there for all dictators and you fit so seamlessly into that category and classification. So you do not like when I write of you. You scream about it on your blog and even in meetings. There is no room for me at the inn, so to speak - your words, your needs - but there is plenty of room for me right here on line and yes, David Israel, people do read me. I do not think it is the 200 million you accused me of having as my audience - that is your ego talking, your ego and your guilt - but yes, I am read, here in the Village, here in the state and the country and yes, dear boy, even overseas.
And as far as you are concerned, I will follow in the path of the wheel, perhaps even guiding it a tad if I may so presume, and so will I be for any and all dictators, as a group or as a single unit. We have a potential dictator right here in the country and I fear his plans as well for all he cares about is his business and no, not even his family, except as how they serve his needs. So yes, for Ivanka, but Tiffany? Who the hell is she? And for his wife, Melania, well, she can keep on walking behind him for all he cares. He, too, is building his small coterie of loyalists, but it seems to keep falling apart and as far as I am concerned, he is not only uncaring of others, uncaring of the fate of his country except as it relates to himself and his economic and psychological needs, but he is dangerous and possible treasonous as well. He is certainly a misogynist and perhaps the fate of all the ones who lately have been outed and sent into "exile" should send a message. No one is immune to the effects and changes of time. No one is immune to the relentless path of the wheel of time. Its passage affects us all and in the long run it will help the little guys and will serve the offenders their just desserts. And till that time we will continue to speak up, resist, protest and write, and demonstrate. Nothing will or can stop the momentum - not here in the Village and not here in the country. And it will be done, hopefully, without violence, though I fear there is a violent streak already out there in the country, so strong are the feelings, the emotions, the cause. People do not like oppression and people demand the truth. And so does the wheel of time.
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Five years ago today I received a phone call with awful news. My mom had died - with a smile on her face as she "saw" my dad and called out his name. Happy for her, that she was with her Natie again, I ached for myself, for the gigantic hole left in my heart and life.
Who else but a mother understands one's feelings? Who else but a mother will worry about your very least ache even as she suffers a larger one of her own? Who else is there to accept your phone call whenever you make it, always happy to hear from you, to talk with you, to send love down the phone line?
Who will laugh with me as we recount the times she chased me around the dining room table with a belt - and never caught me! Who will laugh with me as we recount the time I was punished - innocent of course - and had to miss my favorite show, Brave Eagle? And with whom will I share the memories of how the bed would be made afresh every day with blanket turned down when I did not feel well? Who fought with the doctors when they missed diagnosing me with encephalitis and insisted they check again? Who else but a mother does this, always with love, always with care?
So five years have gone and the ache is still as sharp, still as painful, even though we look back and joke about her love of chocolate, her spoonerisms, her devotion to her beloved husband, and all that we remember.
Even in her last years when she lived with my daughter she never lost her verve, her love of life - but always with a note of longing for her missing half, and became the Tata of the neighborhood. She loved all and they loved her and crowded the pews of the funeral home.
So my Nellie, I still miss you, still love you and your grandchildren love to hear stories about you and tell their own. You are still a part of our lives, an integral part of our hearts and always will be. I love you, Mommy till the end of time.
Who else but a mother understands one's feelings? Who else but a mother will worry about your very least ache even as she suffers a larger one of her own? Who else is there to accept your phone call whenever you make it, always happy to hear from you, to talk with you, to send love down the phone line?
Who will laugh with me as we recount the times she chased me around the dining room table with a belt - and never caught me! Who will laugh with me as we recount the time I was punished - innocent of course - and had to miss my favorite show, Brave Eagle? And with whom will I share the memories of how the bed would be made afresh every day with blanket turned down when I did not feel well? Who fought with the doctors when they missed diagnosing me with encephalitis and insisted they check again? Who else but a mother does this, always with love, always with care?
So five years have gone and the ache is still as sharp, still as painful, even though we look back and joke about her love of chocolate, her spoonerisms, her devotion to her beloved husband, and all that we remember.
Even in her last years when she lived with my daughter she never lost her verve, her love of life - but always with a note of longing for her missing half, and became the Tata of the neighborhood. She loved all and they loved her and crowded the pews of the funeral home.
So my Nellie, I still miss you, still love you and your grandchildren love to hear stories about you and tell their own. You are still a part of our lives, an integral part of our hearts and always will be. I love you, Mommy till the end of time.
Sunday, April 16, 2017
Once again there was magic in the air. Hollywood Studios was full of laughing families, many little kids and the magic was evident in the singalong of Frozen and the story presented. Every parent and every child knew every word and when Let It Go was to be sung there was a full throated audience participation, particularly among the women. What it expressed is far more important than its place in a Disney film and yet, it was the best place for it at the time.
But going home the magic began to disappear as the news was on and Trump idiocy took foremost spot of the news. He is trying to out tough the toughies, North Korea, and we are left hanging. He continues to refuse, with great indignation, to reveal his taxes for after all - the election is over and yet he cannot seem to leave it behind as he keeps referring back to it and to his opponent who has moved on and yet he remains stagnant except for his harmful plans.
One of those sinister plans is the lack of broadband privacy. He who whines about being wiretapped is going to allow all sorts of private information out there for business to grab up - and that is your information, your private information, your banking, your interests, your contacts, and anything else done on line. and yet we here in CV have another reason to be afraid of this plan of his.
We live in a village where the head of its administration is trying to ram thru broadband of his liking and foist it upon the Village. We have broadband and we are doing well. I wonder if the supposed nastiness of Comcast has come about due to the nastiness and miserable attitude of David et al.Where is it written that they will provide for us if they do not reach our Village and wire it up by the end of the present contract. Oh yes, David says they say they will but where is it in writing? Why is he so hot to trot with Atlantic Broadband? Why does he not explain to the residents how he will do extra to preserve their privacy?
And why are we rushing into voting. The May DA is always poorly attended as we have run out of seasonal attendance so once again a small minority of the Village population will vote for the rest of it. Not right and not fair; this is a big expense for people and they deserve to have a say in it. We already have a huge increase for next year in our payments and dues so what are we doing adding more on to people?
The hand of David is all there. Suddenly, Lanny Howe, who has great difficulty putting together comments on the blog, suddenly this same Lanny who admits he was not a techie expert, starts sounding just like David Israel. Gee, wonder who is writing all his material? Not a hard guess, my friends, not at all.
It is a dark time indeed when it appears that all the governments and administrations that we have are suddenly all opposed to what is good and right for the people. It seems that no one cares for the people, only for their own wishes, their own power and their own overgrown egos.
So the magic of fun and love, of goodness and yes, perhaps naivete, seems to dissipate, and nastiness grows apace. Trump is insane, pure and simply that, David Israel is a megalomaniac with many character defects, Waldman could care less about our quality of life as he plans to dig up the former golf course and choke us with poisons from his golf course and the commissioners and committees go right along. Sniff, sniff. Anyone smell a rat?
So yes, the magic is still here, but the darkness encroaches. It is up to us to chase that darkness and demand that things be done in the right and moral manner. If we do not then who will? If we do not, all is lost and we will not be aware of that until too late as it is chipped away, a bit at a time.
My next post will be sometime Wednesday, after the holiday. Again, please take the time to read what you might have missed. See ya Wednesday back in the Village. And as for my overseas readers, look around at your governments and think and evaluate. Marine Le Pen on the way to victory? Dear G-d!! Are we inviting terrorists into our midst as we vote without thinking? Look around. Look carefully. What I write of here in the States is not unique to it. Only perhaps the degree of buffoonery of Trump but I am sure you have bad leaders as well in some areas. Nothing is unique in our world. Nothing.
But going home the magic began to disappear as the news was on and Trump idiocy took foremost spot of the news. He is trying to out tough the toughies, North Korea, and we are left hanging. He continues to refuse, with great indignation, to reveal his taxes for after all - the election is over and yet he cannot seem to leave it behind as he keeps referring back to it and to his opponent who has moved on and yet he remains stagnant except for his harmful plans.
One of those sinister plans is the lack of broadband privacy. He who whines about being wiretapped is going to allow all sorts of private information out there for business to grab up - and that is your information, your private information, your banking, your interests, your contacts, and anything else done on line. and yet we here in CV have another reason to be afraid of this plan of his.
We live in a village where the head of its administration is trying to ram thru broadband of his liking and foist it upon the Village. We have broadband and we are doing well. I wonder if the supposed nastiness of Comcast has come about due to the nastiness and miserable attitude of David et al.Where is it written that they will provide for us if they do not reach our Village and wire it up by the end of the present contract. Oh yes, David says they say they will but where is it in writing? Why is he so hot to trot with Atlantic Broadband? Why does he not explain to the residents how he will do extra to preserve their privacy?
And why are we rushing into voting. The May DA is always poorly attended as we have run out of seasonal attendance so once again a small minority of the Village population will vote for the rest of it. Not right and not fair; this is a big expense for people and they deserve to have a say in it. We already have a huge increase for next year in our payments and dues so what are we doing adding more on to people?
The hand of David is all there. Suddenly, Lanny Howe, who has great difficulty putting together comments on the blog, suddenly this same Lanny who admits he was not a techie expert, starts sounding just like David Israel. Gee, wonder who is writing all his material? Not a hard guess, my friends, not at all.
It is a dark time indeed when it appears that all the governments and administrations that we have are suddenly all opposed to what is good and right for the people. It seems that no one cares for the people, only for their own wishes, their own power and their own overgrown egos.
So the magic of fun and love, of goodness and yes, perhaps naivete, seems to dissipate, and nastiness grows apace. Trump is insane, pure and simply that, David Israel is a megalomaniac with many character defects, Waldman could care less about our quality of life as he plans to dig up the former golf course and choke us with poisons from his golf course and the commissioners and committees go right along. Sniff, sniff. Anyone smell a rat?
So yes, the magic is still here, but the darkness encroaches. It is up to us to chase that darkness and demand that things be done in the right and moral manner. If we do not then who will? If we do not, all is lost and we will not be aware of that until too late as it is chipped away, a bit at a time.
My next post will be sometime Wednesday, after the holiday. Again, please take the time to read what you might have missed. See ya Wednesday back in the Village. And as for my overseas readers, look around at your governments and think and evaluate. Marine Le Pen on the way to victory? Dear G-d!! Are we inviting terrorists into our midst as we vote without thinking? Look around. Look carefully. What I write of here in the States is not unique to it. Only perhaps the degree of buffoonery of Trump but I am sure you have bad leaders as well in some areas. Nothing is unique in our world. Nothing.
Well, look on the bright side, for at least every Sunday morning I can open up the latest skit from SNL and have a good laugh, but then what? From the beginning I have predicted dire things to happen, including war in the streets, particularly as people see no hope as the safety net is dismantled and the hatred grows. The hope lessens and when that happens, beware.
Yesterday we had a battle in the street with hundreds of people battling each other. Americans all, fighting, throwing things at each other, screaming and why? Because this man and what he represents has brought despair to us, to the point of feeling that if we try to last through a four year term with this maniac then we will be lost. And the news that this major moron, this buffoon, has a $16 million dollar campaign fund going for 2020, well, that is certainly not a cherry on top! It is the bomb, the fuse, that sets people off. And of course the fact that hundreds of thousands of dollar of those funds are going to Trump businesses makes one nauseous. To the extreme!
He and his claim they are making life better for Americans, particularly the blue collar ones, you know the ones who will suffer from his actions, so let's check on his accomplishments so far.
----cancel the Clean Power Plan so forget the regulations re clean air, no coal, etc. Buy a mask!!
----Waters of the US Rule - just forget clean water, so just get big pots to boil it and let's go back to bathing once a week! Will save you money, right!!
----Stream Protection - so what if we will have waters that are black and tainted with the waste of coal mines? Business will benefit, so there!
----Blacklisting Rule - forget about cleaning up the act of companies as they will no longer have to report federal violations when bidding on more federal contracts. Yup, must keep big business happy!
---- Gun Limits for Mentally Ill - mustn't touch Second Amendment - no matter how many people are killed by these guns and their mentally ill owners!!
----Limits on drug testing for Benefits - just a wonderful way of trying to take away the safety net from those who are already down. Gee, wonder if they do drug testing on the executives of the businesses who bid for billion dollar contracts from the feds? Hmmm...
----Broadband Privacy - so why are you afraid? Just do not plan any crimes and better keep your money in a sack around your waist and forget on line banking! What do you have to hide anyway?
----Overtime Rule - why would you think working more hours and not getting paid for it is unfair? Just be happy you have a job and that those "bad hombres" have not taken it from you!
In any case, it seems we will be redefining what it means to be an American and then why, we can eliminate so many people that our country will be as pure as the driven snow - but then again, think of that snow after three days of city life and especially when all the clean air regulations are totally revoked. Face masks anyone? Bet Trump already has a factory geared up to sell Trump Masks with a bonus of a picture of him and his stupid grin. Or pout. Take your choice. Speak with an accent - uh oh! Better get going or better yet, just shut up.
Are you a liberal, a humanist, a concerned citizen, a member of a minority - well, have you checked out the countries of the world? Several of them need repopulating so perhaps refugees will be welcome, at least when their wars are over and we stop spending almost $2 million dollars per terrorist killed - if that many were actually killed in the first place! Since we began announcing enemy body counts in the Vietnam War I have never understood why we count with glee the numbers of people killed. The mere fact that we are at war means that hatred has won the day and we have all lost the war! No matter who wins the battles.
So please, do not give me the line again of that we have to give him a chance. More chances and he will destroy us or perhaps it will be the nuke from North Korea or Putin will have a bad day as his best bro turns even more on him and tries to deny how much he helped him in the election. Ungrateful cad!!
In all seriousness, we have to act, we have to impeach, recall, stand firm, be in the streets and fight for our rights or else all is lost. And change the Electoral College and hopefully the blue collar workers and anyone with a brain start realizing how much damage we have done to ourselves. The alternative is not really a good one.
Yesterday we had a battle in the street with hundreds of people battling each other. Americans all, fighting, throwing things at each other, screaming and why? Because this man and what he represents has brought despair to us, to the point of feeling that if we try to last through a four year term with this maniac then we will be lost. And the news that this major moron, this buffoon, has a $16 million dollar campaign fund going for 2020, well, that is certainly not a cherry on top! It is the bomb, the fuse, that sets people off. And of course the fact that hundreds of thousands of dollar of those funds are going to Trump businesses makes one nauseous. To the extreme!
He and his claim they are making life better for Americans, particularly the blue collar ones, you know the ones who will suffer from his actions, so let's check on his accomplishments so far.
----cancel the Clean Power Plan so forget the regulations re clean air, no coal, etc. Buy a mask!!
----Waters of the US Rule - just forget clean water, so just get big pots to boil it and let's go back to bathing once a week! Will save you money, right!!
----Stream Protection - so what if we will have waters that are black and tainted with the waste of coal mines? Business will benefit, so there!
----Blacklisting Rule - forget about cleaning up the act of companies as they will no longer have to report federal violations when bidding on more federal contracts. Yup, must keep big business happy!
---- Gun Limits for Mentally Ill - mustn't touch Second Amendment - no matter how many people are killed by these guns and their mentally ill owners!!
----Limits on drug testing for Benefits - just a wonderful way of trying to take away the safety net from those who are already down. Gee, wonder if they do drug testing on the executives of the businesses who bid for billion dollar contracts from the feds? Hmmm...
----Broadband Privacy - so why are you afraid? Just do not plan any crimes and better keep your money in a sack around your waist and forget on line banking! What do you have to hide anyway?
----Overtime Rule - why would you think working more hours and not getting paid for it is unfair? Just be happy you have a job and that those "bad hombres" have not taken it from you!
In any case, it seems we will be redefining what it means to be an American and then why, we can eliminate so many people that our country will be as pure as the driven snow - but then again, think of that snow after three days of city life and especially when all the clean air regulations are totally revoked. Face masks anyone? Bet Trump already has a factory geared up to sell Trump Masks with a bonus of a picture of him and his stupid grin. Or pout. Take your choice. Speak with an accent - uh oh! Better get going or better yet, just shut up.
Are you a liberal, a humanist, a concerned citizen, a member of a minority - well, have you checked out the countries of the world? Several of them need repopulating so perhaps refugees will be welcome, at least when their wars are over and we stop spending almost $2 million dollars per terrorist killed - if that many were actually killed in the first place! Since we began announcing enemy body counts in the Vietnam War I have never understood why we count with glee the numbers of people killed. The mere fact that we are at war means that hatred has won the day and we have all lost the war! No matter who wins the battles.
So please, do not give me the line again of that we have to give him a chance. More chances and he will destroy us or perhaps it will be the nuke from North Korea or Putin will have a bad day as his best bro turns even more on him and tries to deny how much he helped him in the election. Ungrateful cad!!
In all seriousness, we have to act, we have to impeach, recall, stand firm, be in the streets and fight for our rights or else all is lost. And change the Electoral College and hopefully the blue collar workers and anyone with a brain start realizing how much damage we have done to ourselves. The alternative is not really a good one.
Friday, April 14, 2017
We live in a crazy world where we have elective and nominative figures who are not worth a dime, and worse than that, who harm us. We have supposed leaders who do moronic things and back it up with idiotic statements and denials. We are afraid of climate change, of job searches, of the future and yet we must remember one thing. There is still good in this world.
There is still the good feel of a hearty laugh. There is the good feeling when a child gives you a hug and when the little one goes to hold your hand. There is a good feeling when a book is finished and a feeling of satisfaction is there. There is good in music, in poetry, in an operatic aria and in watching the countryside pass by during a drive to nowhere.
And there is still magic in Disney. From the time when my youngest was four and we had our first visit there, we have returned again and again for the feeling of magic. There is excitement when a new ride or attraction opens. There is magic when someone flies thru the air and the fireworks are set off. There is magic in the new show in Animal Kingdom and there is magic in seeing all sorts of people and families walk by, chattering, planning and simply enjoying themselves. One cannot be in a bad mood there unless you are three and overstimulated!!
The thinking and design that go into these attractions greatly impress us. Tours behind the scenes are one way of learning and knowing people who work there is also a good way. It is also the only place where a huge dude will easily walk around with a Goofy hat on and a Mickey Mouse shirt. It is the only place where families vie to design the best family reunion shirt ever and it is fun seeing how many we can spot - and even the ones for our family reunion there.
There is much that is wrong with this world and it is very easy to find oneself overwhelmed by all that is wrong, but remember that there is still magic. Believe in it. Believe in the good laugh and the love of others. As Tinkerbelle pleaded - believing is making it happen. Our belief in magic will make the world a better place as we remove the trash within it, those who would deny us the feelings it engenders, the love it creates and the togetherness it brings about.
In a world where the boys are playing whose is bigger, be it body parts, mouths or bombs, the fright is there, the danger is there. A bunch of bullies playing chicken. We hear Russia has a bigger bomb and then what? Do we go nuclear?
I'll tell you what. We watch shows like the Running Lights and see the world as it should be - one entity, one being, for the earth lives with us and dies along with us as well. The beauty of the lights, the beauty of the water and the projections of animals in action, if projections they were, that is what it is all about and the sooner we realize that, the sooner we realize that we are wasting the magic G-d gave us, the sooner we will be better. I do not care about the 'mother' or the 'father' of bombs. I care about magic in my life and in the lives of others. Why can we not share all the magic together instead of the hate? Why?
There is still the good feel of a hearty laugh. There is the good feeling when a child gives you a hug and when the little one goes to hold your hand. There is a good feeling when a book is finished and a feeling of satisfaction is there. There is good in music, in poetry, in an operatic aria and in watching the countryside pass by during a drive to nowhere.
And there is still magic in Disney. From the time when my youngest was four and we had our first visit there, we have returned again and again for the feeling of magic. There is excitement when a new ride or attraction opens. There is magic when someone flies thru the air and the fireworks are set off. There is magic in the new show in Animal Kingdom and there is magic in seeing all sorts of people and families walk by, chattering, planning and simply enjoying themselves. One cannot be in a bad mood there unless you are three and overstimulated!!
The thinking and design that go into these attractions greatly impress us. Tours behind the scenes are one way of learning and knowing people who work there is also a good way. It is also the only place where a huge dude will easily walk around with a Goofy hat on and a Mickey Mouse shirt. It is the only place where families vie to design the best family reunion shirt ever and it is fun seeing how many we can spot - and even the ones for our family reunion there.
There is much that is wrong with this world and it is very easy to find oneself overwhelmed by all that is wrong, but remember that there is still magic. Believe in it. Believe in the good laugh and the love of others. As Tinkerbelle pleaded - believing is making it happen. Our belief in magic will make the world a better place as we remove the trash within it, those who would deny us the feelings it engenders, the love it creates and the togetherness it brings about.
In a world where the boys are playing whose is bigger, be it body parts, mouths or bombs, the fright is there, the danger is there. A bunch of bullies playing chicken. We hear Russia has a bigger bomb and then what? Do we go nuclear?
I'll tell you what. We watch shows like the Running Lights and see the world as it should be - one entity, one being, for the earth lives with us and dies along with us as well. The beauty of the lights, the beauty of the water and the projections of animals in action, if projections they were, that is what it is all about and the sooner we realize that, the sooner we realize that we are wasting the magic G-d gave us, the sooner we will be better. I do not care about the 'mother' or the 'father' of bombs. I care about magic in my life and in the lives of others. Why can we not share all the magic together instead of the hate? Why?
Thursday, April 13, 2017
Truth? It appears to be different or varying with each person. We have been introduced to "fake news", alternative reality and other ridiculous terminology all meant to deny the truth - that these were euphemisms for lies. We have people leading us, G-d help us all, who would not and do not know the truth when it rears up and slaps them in the face. So how do we know whom to trust and whom to believe.
Robert Penn Warren states in All the King's Men "For the truth is a terrible thing. You dabble your foot in it and it is nothing. But you walk a little farther and you feel it pull you like an undertow or a whirlpool."
Truth can be addictive and can be demanding. Once it is demanded we never know where it will lead us but we must follow the path for the entire truth to be revealed. Take this whole mess with the Trump administration and campaign and the ties to Russian operatives. Trump, in trying to deflect attention from what was coming out accused the Obama administration of tapping him and following him and his minions and what do you know? We now find out that one of his chief campaign aides, Carter Page, was indeed an agent for the Russians. Backfire indeed! And there is more yet to come and I believe that Trump himself is involved up to and including his miserable little neck!! So in looking for the truth we found the truth is made up of people telling major lies, but as I have stated over and over again - the truth will out. It most certainly will.
Then of course we have the truth of the stupidity and the nastiness of the members of Trump's crew. Spicer is a perfect example. Assad was worse than Hitler for according to Spicer Hitler did not use chemical weapons so gee, wonder what Zyklon B did when it was poured thru openings into gas chambers!!! And in trying to apologize for his crude and cruel remarks, he inserted his other foot right in that same mouth by saying oh, yes the Jews were taken to Holocaust centers - for what - games? - but at least Hitler did not use chemical weapons on his own people! So that makes it okay to use on not "your own people"? Is that the philosophy behind the immigration ban and the force applied to gather up all illegal immigrants, to rip apart families, to harass at border crossings? What is the truth here? Figure it out for yourself and if we are talking stupidity and cupidity keep looking at the rest of this administration and their conflicts of interests, their lack of ethics and their aversion to the truth.
Or shall we say that perhaps they do realize the truth when the Secretary of the EPA asks for more guards as they go about eliminating programs that benefit the electorate but are bad for their businesses? Hope they are so scared that they come to their senses!
So what is the truth and when are we supposed to recognize it? I do not know the precise answer, but for sure when looking around it is easy to discern falsehood if one keeps eyes open and brains working. It matters not whether it is right here in Century Village where we know that we are denied the truth by David Israel et al or the national government where Trump and truth live on opposite sides of the planet. Do we want to know the truth or do we say, as a character in Greg Iles' book said, that "Wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then." Is ignorance bliss or is it simply wishful thinking, putting the proverbial heads in the sand or just putting on shields over and around one's eyes and shutting off the brain and independent thinking or is it greed if one is benefitting from the conditions prevalent at that time? Personally, I think it comes from fear and from laziness with greed and quests for power playing major roles.
So what are we to do? We are to fight for what is true and right. We are to stand up to lies and hatred. We are to put ourselves out there and stop making excuses. "The question isn't who's going to let me; it's who's going to stop me." The only thing that can stop us is ourselves. Any other statement is merely an excuse.
What is the truth? It is the actual facts, the actual motives of people, the actual events, the actual reality! Truth is fact and not made up. Truth is what we need to strive for and truth must make its demands on us and we must hear and heed those demands.
Truth will be our savior or saving grace in this benighted administration. The representative of falsehood is Trump. Time for him to go - take a long vacation after an impeachment! Or resign, as did Nixon.Time for truth to take center stage.
Robert Penn Warren states in All the King's Men "For the truth is a terrible thing. You dabble your foot in it and it is nothing. But you walk a little farther and you feel it pull you like an undertow or a whirlpool."
Truth can be addictive and can be demanding. Once it is demanded we never know where it will lead us but we must follow the path for the entire truth to be revealed. Take this whole mess with the Trump administration and campaign and the ties to Russian operatives. Trump, in trying to deflect attention from what was coming out accused the Obama administration of tapping him and following him and his minions and what do you know? We now find out that one of his chief campaign aides, Carter Page, was indeed an agent for the Russians. Backfire indeed! And there is more yet to come and I believe that Trump himself is involved up to and including his miserable little neck!! So in looking for the truth we found the truth is made up of people telling major lies, but as I have stated over and over again - the truth will out. It most certainly will.
Then of course we have the truth of the stupidity and the nastiness of the members of Trump's crew. Spicer is a perfect example. Assad was worse than Hitler for according to Spicer Hitler did not use chemical weapons so gee, wonder what Zyklon B did when it was poured thru openings into gas chambers!!! And in trying to apologize for his crude and cruel remarks, he inserted his other foot right in that same mouth by saying oh, yes the Jews were taken to Holocaust centers - for what - games? - but at least Hitler did not use chemical weapons on his own people! So that makes it okay to use on not "your own people"? Is that the philosophy behind the immigration ban and the force applied to gather up all illegal immigrants, to rip apart families, to harass at border crossings? What is the truth here? Figure it out for yourself and if we are talking stupidity and cupidity keep looking at the rest of this administration and their conflicts of interests, their lack of ethics and their aversion to the truth.
Or shall we say that perhaps they do realize the truth when the Secretary of the EPA asks for more guards as they go about eliminating programs that benefit the electorate but are bad for their businesses? Hope they are so scared that they come to their senses!
So what is the truth and when are we supposed to recognize it? I do not know the precise answer, but for sure when looking around it is easy to discern falsehood if one keeps eyes open and brains working. It matters not whether it is right here in Century Village where we know that we are denied the truth by David Israel et al or the national government where Trump and truth live on opposite sides of the planet. Do we want to know the truth or do we say, as a character in Greg Iles' book said, that "Wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then." Is ignorance bliss or is it simply wishful thinking, putting the proverbial heads in the sand or just putting on shields over and around one's eyes and shutting off the brain and independent thinking or is it greed if one is benefitting from the conditions prevalent at that time? Personally, I think it comes from fear and from laziness with greed and quests for power playing major roles.
So what are we to do? We are to fight for what is true and right. We are to stand up to lies and hatred. We are to put ourselves out there and stop making excuses. "The question isn't who's going to let me; it's who's going to stop me." The only thing that can stop us is ourselves. Any other statement is merely an excuse.
What is the truth? It is the actual facts, the actual motives of people, the actual events, the actual reality! Truth is fact and not made up. Truth is what we need to strive for and truth must make its demands on us and we must hear and heed those demands.
Truth will be our savior or saving grace in this benighted administration. The representative of falsehood is Trump. Time for him to go - take a long vacation after an impeachment! Or resign, as did Nixon.Time for truth to take center stage.
Monday, April 10, 2017
Moses. A powerful name and a powerful image. A man who led the Israelites out of slavery into freedom, the freedom to be a nation, to be responsible for their own decisions, their own choices and that is what a leader must remember. He/She must lead by example, make the right choices, accept the consequences and accept that he is human with all that it means.
Moses had to make choices from the beginning of his life. Perhaps he even realized that there is a dichotomy in his nature as he is raised by an Egyptian princess as one mother and has a "milk" mother who nurses him and who really is his birth mother. Does he feel the two cultures pulling at him? We do not know but perhaps it did as we can infer from other events in his life.
When the young prince goes out one day he sees a sight which immediately bothers him, eats at him, and demands an immediate reaction and decision. A Hebrew slave is being beaten by an Egyptian overseer. What should he do? Should he walk by, pass it, remembering that he is a prince of the kingdom of Egypt, or should he stop and interfere with it, put an end to it.
The Bible records that "He turned this way and that". What does that mean? Did he look around to see if anyone was watching for if no one was what then? Would he walk away as no one would see that and condemn him for it or would he stop and prevent a further beating for it was on him if there was nobody else around? What to do? Decision time.
Or was the meaning of that statement that Moses looked within himself and knew he had to make a decision about himself. He needed to choose. His birth mother and his origin amongst the Hebrew slaves or his upbringing as an Egyptian prince and even if he chose that, the prince, did it not mean that he had to do something for the Bible has also said that the slave was his 'brother' - not his blood brother but a brother, a member of the tribe and for that one must intervene. Perhaps it went even further, that this brother was simply another human being and we must consider all humans our brothers, our family, and we cannot neglect or ignore that fact and what happens to them. We must act. We must make decisions, the proper ones, the ones that look away from our needs to those of others.
So wherever Moses looked there was a decision awaiting. He had to choose. Who was he and what was the right thing to do. And what was right for others was not necessarily right for him in a personal manner, but it would be right in a moral manner and that was the crux of the matter.
When he chose, he chose freedom and right over slavery and privilege and his life changed forever.
Yet even this life changing decision needed reaffirmation and when G-d spoke to him from within the burning bush, Moses answered "Who am I?" Who really is he, which Moses is he and what is he to choose for his life. He was not yet sure for the decision was so momentous that it needed more input.
In Ethics of Our Fathers it states "In a place where there is no man, strive to be a man". Some times one must be a man, an individual, a human being and not look away, no matter how easy it would be to do so. I just received an email today from an organization which discussed leadership and they stated that to be a Moses today, to be a leader today means "To open your eyes to injustice.
To realize that if no else is doing something about it, then it is up to you.
To move out of your comfort zone.
To act.
To cry out: “Let my people go.”
Any one person demanding to be a leader today must remember this. They must remember their responsibilities and obligations. They must remember that to be a leader means to be a selfless soul, forgetting one's own needs and putting that of humanity, be it a large or small group of humanity, first. Unfortunately we do not have such leaders, certainly not in the numbers we need. Look to the top - Donald Trump - and try not to cry and look locally - David Israel - and see the selfishness of one not meant to be a leader for his interests are primary rather than those needs and interests of his group of humanity.
It is too bad, for when we remember that we are humans, that we are no different from other humans, that the leader must accept that he or she too is human with all that implies, that his or her needs are not always achieved, no matter how good a leader he has become - then, and only then, will we have the leaders we need so badly. When power becomes secondary and humanity becomes primary - then we will have a person trying to be a leader in the image of Moses.
May it come quickly and in our time.
I wish all of you a Happy and Healthy Passover and a Happy Easter for those who celebrate that holiday. Enjoy your families.
I will not be posting again till Thursday due to holiday. please take the time to scroll back and read some postings that you might have missed.
Moses had to make choices from the beginning of his life. Perhaps he even realized that there is a dichotomy in his nature as he is raised by an Egyptian princess as one mother and has a "milk" mother who nurses him and who really is his birth mother. Does he feel the two cultures pulling at him? We do not know but perhaps it did as we can infer from other events in his life.
When the young prince goes out one day he sees a sight which immediately bothers him, eats at him, and demands an immediate reaction and decision. A Hebrew slave is being beaten by an Egyptian overseer. What should he do? Should he walk by, pass it, remembering that he is a prince of the kingdom of Egypt, or should he stop and interfere with it, put an end to it.
The Bible records that "He turned this way and that". What does that mean? Did he look around to see if anyone was watching for if no one was what then? Would he walk away as no one would see that and condemn him for it or would he stop and prevent a further beating for it was on him if there was nobody else around? What to do? Decision time.
Or was the meaning of that statement that Moses looked within himself and knew he had to make a decision about himself. He needed to choose. His birth mother and his origin amongst the Hebrew slaves or his upbringing as an Egyptian prince and even if he chose that, the prince, did it not mean that he had to do something for the Bible has also said that the slave was his 'brother' - not his blood brother but a brother, a member of the tribe and for that one must intervene. Perhaps it went even further, that this brother was simply another human being and we must consider all humans our brothers, our family, and we cannot neglect or ignore that fact and what happens to them. We must act. We must make decisions, the proper ones, the ones that look away from our needs to those of others.
So wherever Moses looked there was a decision awaiting. He had to choose. Who was he and what was the right thing to do. And what was right for others was not necessarily right for him in a personal manner, but it would be right in a moral manner and that was the crux of the matter.
When he chose, he chose freedom and right over slavery and privilege and his life changed forever.
Yet even this life changing decision needed reaffirmation and when G-d spoke to him from within the burning bush, Moses answered "Who am I?" Who really is he, which Moses is he and what is he to choose for his life. He was not yet sure for the decision was so momentous that it needed more input.
In Ethics of Our Fathers it states "In a place where there is no man, strive to be a man". Some times one must be a man, an individual, a human being and not look away, no matter how easy it would be to do so. I just received an email today from an organization which discussed leadership and they stated that to be a Moses today, to be a leader today means "To open your eyes to injustice.
To realize that if no else is doing something about it, then it is up to you.
To move out of your comfort zone.
To act.
To cry out: “Let my people go.”
Any one person demanding to be a leader today must remember this. They must remember their responsibilities and obligations. They must remember that to be a leader means to be a selfless soul, forgetting one's own needs and putting that of humanity, be it a large or small group of humanity, first. Unfortunately we do not have such leaders, certainly not in the numbers we need. Look to the top - Donald Trump - and try not to cry and look locally - David Israel - and see the selfishness of one not meant to be a leader for his interests are primary rather than those needs and interests of his group of humanity.
It is too bad, for when we remember that we are humans, that we are no different from other humans, that the leader must accept that he or she too is human with all that implies, that his or her needs are not always achieved, no matter how good a leader he has become - then, and only then, will we have the leaders we need so badly. When power becomes secondary and humanity becomes primary - then we will have a person trying to be a leader in the image of Moses.
May it come quickly and in our time.
I wish all of you a Happy and Healthy Passover and a Happy Easter for those who celebrate that holiday. Enjoy your families.
I will not be posting again till Thursday due to holiday. please take the time to scroll back and read some postings that you might have missed.
This was posted on Olga's blog and it is my privilege to reprint it here and I wholeheartedly support and endorse it.
Friday, March 31, 2017
Under The administration of David Israel, the UCO bylaws will be changed to keep the power in the hands of a few rather than the majority. A few examples of excessive power by the presidents are:
The following has been eliminated:
This change now means that David Israel or any President will have the power to remove anyone from any meeting for no apparent reason – simply because he may not like them.
Another example is the Board of Directors (which means YOU) will lose the power to hire all personal and third party managements, maintenance, repair, and operation on the property. Under the new bylaw change, the Board will only have the power to APPROVE, not hire.
There are many more bylaw changes being considered that will NOT benefit the residents. At this time, I would like to add my two cents and give you some of my Bylaw suggestions, which I feel will benefit the residents and maintain a balanced rule.
- One vote in UCO elections for all resident unit owners. One vote per unit.
- No President or officer shall use their personal website for any UCO business.
- Establish a UCO website for informational purpose only.
- 2 – 2-year term limits for all UCO officers and executive board members.
- No President, or officer of UCO shall sign any contract, budgeted or not over $1,000 without delegate approval.
- In the event of an emergency, a special meeting of the delegates may be called with notices in the clubhouse, website and channel 63. If a quorum is not present, the majority vote prevails.
- Officers shall not vote on more than two committees. All committees shall be limited to two votes by any officer.
- When a president violates a bylaw and is given written notice of said violation, he must correct the violation within 7 days. If a president violates three bylaws without correcting said violation, he is subject to removal of office by a majority vote of the delegate assembly.
- No resident of Century Village shall be a paid employee of UCO.
- A forum shall be held each year for all candidates running in the UCO election.
- The chair of a committee shall be the sole person authorized to remove a member of his/her committee.
- A sitting President shall not have the authority to arbitrarily remove the chair of any committee without just cause.
- The UCO Reporter, shall be available to all residents within the guidelines of a professional news organization. It shall contain an op-ed column.
14. The Century Village Blog, channel 63 and 85 shall be available to all residents within the guidelines of established rules.
15. Information submitted by various clubs shall be made available to the residents at each delegate assembly.
16. The position of ombudsman shall be restored
17. All committee meetings shall be videotaped or recorded.
18. All committee members and their votes on any issue shall be published in the UCO Reporter.
19, The bid committee shall be included in the list of UCO committees.
20. Clarify procedures for removal of officers.
21. With the exception of emergencies, a quorum must be available for any motion to be passed when presented by the executive board.
22. UCO may hold weekly staff meetings which shall be limited to the volunteer
Friday, March 31, 2017
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